140 research outputs found


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    The adult skeleton is continuously renewed by the bone remodeling process, which is carried out by coupled and balanced activities, localized in time and space, via cellular groupings known as basic multicellular units (BMUs). In cortical bone, a BMU is depicted as a cutting cone of osteoclasts in the front resorbing bone, followed by a reversal phase, and then a closing cone lined by osteoblasts behind forming new bone. Any imbalance in this sequence of events can lead to bone diseases such as osteoporosis. Although it is well known that many factors affect BMU activity and contribute to osteoporosis, little is known about BMU dynamic spatio-temporal regulation. The rate of BMU progression, their longitudinal erosion rate (LER) is a key example of where knowledge is lacking. LER has only been inferred by 2D (histological) double-labeling techniques based on remodeling in a steady state where the cutting cone advance is equal to that of the closing cone. If these spatio-temporal relationships are valid and constant, increasing the bone formation rate, as observed with recombinant parathyroid hormone (PTH), an anabolic treatment for osteoporosis, would concomitantly elevate LER. The present study utilizes a new methodology to explore whether the increased cortical remodeling activity induced by PTH, including accelerated bone formation, leads to an elevated LER. BMU progression was manipulated via different dosing regimens: PTH and PTH withdrawal (PTHW). It was hypothesized that LER would be higher during active dosing. After 14 days of PTH dosing, rabbit distal right tibiae were imaged in vivo by synchrotron-based phase-contrast micro-CT. For the following 14 days, the PTH group received the same treatment while the PTHW group was administered saline. At 28 days, the rabbits were then euthanized, and the tibiae were imaged ex vivo by micro-CT. The in vivo and ex vivo right limb data sets were then registered, and LER was measured as the distance traversed by BMU cutting cones divided by 14 days. A total of 638 BMUs were assessed. Counter to the hypothesis, LER was lower in the PTH (34.61 µm/day) compared with the PTHW (39.37 µm/day; p < 0.01) group. Slower BMU progression suggests that PTH has an important role in enhancing coupling both by increasing bone formation and slowing the advance of bone resorption within BMUs. This novel insight into BMU dynamics indicates that further investigation into LER modulation is warranted, with potential implications for combatting remodeling-related disease, improving treatment, and potentially reducing drug side effects

    Introduction of art in psychotherapy: clinical and hospital approaches

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    This article brings up the artistic activity as a therapeutic practice for patients from oncology area. The theme is discussed through a bibliographic revision considering tree different focus. In the first one we refer to the understanding of Art as a subjective and symbolic expression and to the use of artistic resources during Psychotherapy. Secondly, we consider the Analytical Psychology position in relation to the imagery language. Last, we consider the application of Art Therapy in the assistance of oncology area patients. This issue has been undervalued in Brazilian scientific publications in spite of the growing practice of Art Therapy at Medical Centers in our country as a psychodynamic diagnosis or therapeutic resource. This field needs a better theoretical basis, mainly in the specific cultural and institutional Brazilian context.Este artigo visa discutir a introdução da expressão artística em contextos terapêuticos, procurando focalizar também o desenvolvimento da arteterapia com pacientes oncológicos. O tema foi discutido através de revisão bibliográfica, considerando-se diferentes enfoques teóricos. Primeiramente, nos referimos à compreensão da arte como expressão subjetiva e à utilização de recursos artísticos no diagnóstico e na intervenção terapêutica. Em seguida, contextualizamos o tema, considerando também o ponto de vista da psicologia analítica junguiana com relação à linguagem imagética e à sua aplicação na psicoterapia. Por último, abordamos a arteterapia na assistência aos pacientes com câncer, destacando o enfoque hospitalar. Esse assunto tem sido pouco abordado na literatura científica em publicações nacionais, apesar da importante expansão nos grandes serviços de saúde. Trata-se de um campo que ainda requer maior fundamentação teórica, principalmente no contexto institucional e na adequação à realidade brasileira.37538

    Simulation–Optimization Modeling: A Survey and Potential Application in Reservoir Systems Operation

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    This paper presents a survey of simulation and optimization modeling approaches used in reservoir systems operation problems. Optimization methods have been proved of much importance when used with simulation modeling and the two approaches when combined give the best results. The main objective of this review article is to discuss simulation, optimization and combined simulation– optimization modeling approach and to provide an overview of their applications reported in literature. In addition to classical optimization techniques, application and scope of computational intelligence techniques, such as, evolutionary computa- tions, fuzzy set theory and artificial neural networks, in reservoir system operation studies are reviewed. Conclusions and suggestive remarks based on this survey are outlined, which could be helpful for future research and for system managers to decide appropriate methodology for application to their systems

    Soils of Tropical Dry Forest and with Different Crops Presenting Ascospores of Monosporascus cannonballus

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    The vine decline caused by Monosporascus cannonballus is a limiting factor in different crops in several countries. The objective of this study was to quantify the M. cannonballus ascospores in soils covered with tropical dry forest and areas cultivated with pineapple, cotton, coconut, corn, mango, melon, papaya, sorghum and watermelon. Five areas were sampled in tropical dry forest and every crop. The M. cannonballus ascospores were extracted using the flotation method of sucrose. Ascospores of M. cannonballus were detected in all soil samples from Rio Grande do Norte and Ceará states, including tropical dry forest. There were significant differences among the ascospores densities of M. cannonballus, which varied from 0.55 to 2.21 ascospores g-1 soil. The lower densities were found in areas with cotton, coconut, mango, pineapple, and melon within the first and fifth years of cultivation, in addition to uncultivated areas of tropical dry forest. The highest ascospores density was found in papaya areas. Up to date, there is no study to prove that this crop is considered host of this phytopathogen. Cultivated areas with cucurbitaceous with more years of cultivation presented higher densities of M. cannonballus ascospores in soils from Brazilian semiarid. However, there is no direct relationship between M. cannonballus population density in the soil and the susceptibility of the host being cultivated in the soil at the time of sampling

    Síndrome de Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria

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    Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome is a disease characterized by premature aging in children, due to a mutation in the Lamina type A, gene involved in cellular mitosis. In the present work, with the aim of spreading the knowledge of this disease, the processes involved in its development, the scientific advances, and the scope of new therapeutic treatments were summarized. The review was carried out by consulting articles in Spanish and English using the Pubmed and Google Academic search engines. The updating of health personnel on congenital genetic diseases is of vital importance to improve their detection, care and management. El Síndrome de Progeria de Hutchinson- Gilford es una enfermedad que se caracteriza por el envejecimiento prematuro en niños, debido a una mutación en el gen de Lámina tipo A involucrado en la mitosis celular. En el presente trabajo, con el objetivo de dar difusión al conocimiento de esta enfermedad, se señalan los procesos involucrados en su desarrollo, así como los avances científicos y el alcance de nuevas ventanas terapéuticas.  La revisión se realizó consultando artículos en español e inglés empleando los motores de búsqueda Pubmed y Google Académico. La actualización del personal de salud sobre las enfermedades genéticas congénitas es de vital importancia para mejorar su detección, atención y manejo.A Síndrome de Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria é uma doença caracterizada pelo envelhecimento prematuro em crianças, devido a uma mutação no gene lamina tipo A envolvido na mitose celular. No presente trabalho, com o objetivo de divulgar o conhecimento desta doença, são indicados os processos envolvidos no seu desenvolvimento, bem como os avanços científicos e o âmbito de novas janelas terapêuticas. A análise foi realizada através da consulta de artigos em espanhol e inglês utilizando os motores de busca pubmed e Google Scholar. A atualização do pessoal de saúde sobre doenças genéticas congénitas é de importância vital para melhorar a sua deteção, cuidados e gestão.

    Cisplatin resistance can be curtailed by blunting Bnip3-mediated mitochondrial autophagy

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    Cisplatin (CDDP) is commonly used to treat a multitude of tumors including sarcomas, ovarian and cervical cancers. Despite recent investigations allowed to improve chemotherapy effectiveness, the molecular mechanisms underlying the development of CDDP resistance remain a major goal in cancer research. Here, we show that mitochondrial morphology and autophagy are altered in different CDDP resistant cancer cell lines. In CDDP resistant osteosarcoma and ovarian carcinoma, mitochondria are fragmented and closely juxtaposed to the endoplasmic reticulum; rates of mitophagy are also increased. Specifically, levels of the mitophagy receptor BNIP3 are higher both in resistant cells and in ovarian cancer patient samples resistant to platinum-based treatments. Genetic BNIP3 silencing or pharmacological inhibition of autophagosome formation re-sensitizes these cells to CDDP. Our study identifies inhibition of BNIP3-driven mitophagy as a potential therapeutic strategy to counteract CDDP resistance in ovarian carcinoma and osteosarcoma

    Micro-CT based finite element models of cancellous bone predict accurately displacement once the boundary condition is well replicated: A validation study

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    Non-destructive 3D micro-computed tomography (microCT) based finite element (microFE) models are used to estimate bone mechanical properties at tissue level. However, their validation remains challenging. Recent improvements in the quantification of displacements in bone tissue biopsies subjected to staged compression, using refined Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) techniques, now provide a full field displacement information accurate enough to be used for microFE validation. In this study, three specimens (two humans and one bovine) were tested with two different experimental set-ups, and the resulting data processed with the same DVC algorithm. The resulting displacement vector field was compared to that predicted by microFE models solved with three different boundary conditions (BC): nominal force resultant, nominal displacement resultant, distributed displacement. The first two conditions were obtained directly from the measurements provided by the experimental jigs, whereas in the third case the displacement field measured by the DVC in the top and bottom layer of the specimen was applied. Results show excellent relationship between the numerical predictions (x) and the experiments (y) when using BC derived from the DVC measurements (UX: y=1.07x-0.002, RMSE: 0.001 mm; UY: y=1.03x-0.001, RMSE: 0.001 mm; UZ: y=x+0.0002, RMSE: 0.001 mm for bovine specimen), whereas only poor correlation was found using BCs according to experiment setups. In conclusion, microFE models were found to predict accurately the vectorial displacement field using interpolated displacement boundary condition from DVC measurement

    Cross-cultural adaptation of the EMIC Stigma Scale for people with leprosy in Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE Describe the process of cross-cultural adaptation of the “Explanatory Model Interview Catalog – Stigma Scale” for people affected by leprosy in Brazil. METHODS After being authorized by the author of the scale to use it in the national context, we initiated the five steps process of cross-cultural adaptation: (1) translation, (2) synthesis meeting, (3) back-translation, (4) committee of experts and (5) pre-test. The internal consistency of the scale was evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. RESULTS The 15 items of the scale’s original version were translated into Brazilian Portuguese. The adapted scale showed evidence of a good understanding of its content, attested both by experts and members of the target population. Its internal consistency was 0.64. CONCLUSIONS The adapted instrument shows satisfactory internal consistency. It may be useful in future studies that intend to provide broad situational analysis that supports solid public health programs with a focus on effective stigma reduction. In a later study, the construct’s validity, criterion, and reproducibility will be evaluated.OBJETIVO Descrever o processo de adaptação transcultural da “Explanatory Model Interview Catalogue – Stigma Scale” para pessoas afetadas por hanseníase no Brasil. MÉTODOS Após a autorização do autor da escala para seu uso no contexto nacional, deu-se início aos cinco passos do processo de adaptação transcultural: (1) tradução, (2) reunião de síntese, (3) retrotradução, (4) comitê de peritos e (5) pré-teste. A consistência interna da escala foi avaliada utilizando o coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. RESULTADOS Os 15 itens da versão original da escala foram traduzidos para a língua portuguesa do Brasil. A escala adaptada apresentou evidência de boa compreensão de seu conteúdo, atestada tanto por peritos como por membros da população alvo. Sua consistência interna foi de 0,64. CONCLUSÕES O instrumento adaptado apresenta consistência interna satisfatória. Pode ser útil em estudos futuros que intencionem viabilizar ampla análise situacional que sustente programas sólidos de saúde pública com enfoque na efetiva redução de estigma. Em estudo ulterior será avaliada a validade de constructo, critério e reprodutibilidade

    Acinetobacter baumannii isolados em amostras de pacientes pediátricos internados em um hospital especializado em doenças infectocontagiosas / Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from samples of pediatric patients admitted to a hospital specializing in infectious diseases

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    Justificativa: O Acinetobacter baumanniitem acometido pacientes imunossuprimidos e pediátricos e está associado a surtos de infecções nosocomiais / hospitalares e por esse motivo deve haver investigação constante e por tais razões o objetivo deste é mostrar os resultados retrospectivos da ocorrência desse patógeno resultados em culturas de pacientes internados em um hospital especializado em doenças infectocontagiosas. Metodologia: pesquisa retrospectiva, descritiva, realizada a partir da coleta de dados de variáveis existentes nas planilhas de notificação de infecção relacionada à assistência à saúde-IRAS existentes no banco de dados da Comissão de Controle de Infecção Hospitalar-CCIH de um hospital referência em infectologia não Amazonas. Resultados: foram notificadas, por meio de culturas e antibiogramas, 4 casos de alterações nosocomial / hospitalar relacionadas a assistência a saude porAcinetobacter baumannii em pacientes internados nas enfermarias e UTI's da instituição de saúde destes, 75% eram de pacientes do gênero masculino sendo 3 pediátrico, e 75% eram provocados do trato respiratório em pacientes sob condições mecânicas e 25% doenças primarias da sanguínea. Tambem evidenciou-se que 26% eram cepas com alta resistência às beta-lactamases (enzima por bactérias que podem inibir a ação das penicilinas). Conclusão: Sabendo-se que o Acinetobacter baurmanii tem ganhado resistencia, vê-se como forma mais eficaz de quebra de cadeia de transmissão, ainda, prevenção por meio da adesão a higienização das mãos