2,326 research outputs found

    High-Resolution Near-Field Raman Microscopy of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    We present near-field Raman spectroscopy and imaging of single isolated single-walled carbon nanotubes with a spatial resolution of ≈25  nm. The near-field origin of the image contrast is confirmed by the measured dependence of the Raman scattering signal on tip-sample distance and the unique polarization properties. The method is used to study local variations in the Raman spectrum along a single single-walled carbon nanotube

    Observed dependence of characteristics of liquid-pool fires on swirl magnitude

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    One dozen vertically oriented thin rectangular vanes, 62 cm tall and 15.2 cm wide, were placed 27 cm from the center of heptane and ethanol pool fires in continuously fed, floor-flush pans 3.2 cm and 5.1 cm in diameter in the laboratory. The vanes were all oriented at the same fixed angles from the radial direction, for 9 different angles, ranging from 0 degrees to 85 degrees, thereby imparting 9 different levels of circulation to the air entrained by each pool fire. The different swirl levels were observed to engender dramatically different pool-fire structures. Moderate swirl suppresses the global puffing instability, replacing it by a global helical instability that generates a tall fire whirl, the height of which increases with increasing circulation. Except for the largest heptane pool, higher swirl levels produced vortex breakdown, resulting in the emergence of a bubble-like recirculation region with a ring vortex encircling the axis. Measured burning rates increase with increasing swirl levels as a consequence of the associated increasing inflow velocities reducing the thickness of the boundary layer within which combustion occurs right above the liquid surface, eventually forming detached edge flames in the boundary layer that move closer to the axis as the circulation is increased. Still higher circulation reduces the burning rate by decreasing the surface area of the liquid covered by the flame, thereby reducing the height of the fire whirl. Even higher circulation causes edge-flame detachment, resulting in formation of the blue whirl identified in recent literature, often meandering over the surface of the liquid in the present experiments. This sequence of events is documented herein

    Transient Vision Loss Associated with Prefilled Aflibercept Syringes: A Case Series and Analysis of Injection Force

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    Purpose To describe cases of significant vision loss after intravitreal aflibercept administration using prefilled syringes (PFS) and to study the relationships among syringe design, injection speed, and injection force. Design Retrospective case series and experimental study. Participants Twelve patients who received intravitreal aflibercept via PFS. Methods All retina specialists (n = 13) at Oregon Health & Science University and the Veterans Affairs Portland Medical Center were queried in December 2020 to report episodes of significant vision loss after aflibercept PFS use. Chart review was completed for all affected patients. Using a commercially available force measuring system, injection force was measured for aflibercept PFS, ranibizumab PFS, and a tuberculin syringe at various injection speeds. Main Outcome Measures Number of significant vision loss episodes after aflibercept PFS use and average injection force (Newtons) at various injection speeds across different syringes. Results Ten specialists (76.9%) reported a perceived increase in vision loss after injection with aflibercept PFS. Sixteen events of light perception or worse vision were reported immediate after aflibercept PFS use. Chart review was available for 12 of these events. The indication for aflibercept was exudative age-related macular degeneration (n = 8), diabetic macular edema (n = 3), and central serous chorioretinopathy (n = 1). The median age of affected patients was 71 years (range, 49–94 years). Two patients were being treated for glaucoma (n = 1) or ocular hypertension (n = 1); 1 patient was a glaucoma suspect. Anterior chamber paracentesis was performed in 4 patients to normalize intraocular pressure (IOP) promptly. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that higher injection speeds were associated with higher injection forces for all syringe types. Injection forces were consistently greater with aflibercept PFS than with the ranibizumab PFS or tuberculin syringe (P \u3c 0.0001). Conclusions Retina specialists at our institutions have noted numerous cases of severe transient vision loss with aflibercept PFS use. The average injection force may be greater with the aflibercept PFS when compared with other intravitreal anti–vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) options. Additional clinical studies are needed to understand better how syringe design and fluid dynamics may contribute to vision loss after injection

    Field programmable gate array based reconfigurable scanning probe/optical microscope

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    The increasing popularity of nanometrology and nanospectroscopy has pushed researchers to develop complex new analytical systems. This paper describes the development of a platform on which to build a microscopy tool that will allow for flexibility of customization to suit research needs. The novelty of the described system lies in its versatility of capabilities. So far, one version of this microscope has allowed for successful near-field and far-field fluorescence imaging with single molecule detection sensitivity. This system is easily adapted for reflection, polarization (Kerr magneto-optical (MO)), Raman, super-resolution techniques, and other novel scanning probe imaging and spectroscopic designs. While collecting a variety of forms of optical images, the system can simultaneously monitor topographic information of a sample with an integrated tuning fork based shear force system. The instrument has the ability to image at room temperature and atmospheric pressure or under liquid. The core of the design is a field programmable gate array (FPGA) data acquisition card and a single, low cost computer to control the microscope with analog control circuitry using off-the-shelf available components. A detailed description of electronics, mechanical requirements, and software algorithms as well as examples of some different forms of the microscope developed so far are discussed

    Enzyme-powered hollow mesoporous Janus nanomotors

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    The development of synthetic nanomotors for technological applications in particular for life science and nanomedicine is a key focus of current basic research. However, it has been challenging to make active nanosystems based on biocompatible materials consuming nontoxic fuels for providing self-propulsion. Here, we fabricate self-propelled Janus nanomotors based on hollow mesoporous silica nanoparticles (HMSNPs), which are powered by biocatalytic reactions of three different enzymes: catalase, urease, and glucose oxidase (GOx). The active motion is characterized by a mean-square displacement (MSD) analysis of optical video recordings and confirmed by dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements. We found that the apparent diffusion coefficient was enhanced by up to 83%. In addition, using optical tweezers, we directly measured a holding force of 64 ± 16 fN, which was necessary to counteract the effective self-propulsion force generated by a single nanomotor. The successful demonstration of biocompatible enzyme-powered active nanomotors using biologically benign fuels has a great potential for future biomedical applications

    Self-perceived weather sensitivity and joint pain in older people with osteoarthritis in six European countries: Results from the European Project on OSteoArthritis (EPOSA)

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    People with osteoarthritis (OA) frequently report that their joint pain is influenced by weather conditions. This study aimed to examine whether there are differences in perceived joint pain between older people with OA who reported to be weather-sensitive versus those who did not in six European countries with different climates and to identify characteristics of older persons with OA that are most predictive of perceived weather sensitivity. Methods Baseline data from the European Project on OSteoArthritis (EPOSA) were used. ACR classification criteria were used to determine OA. Participants with OA were asked about their perception of weather as influencing their pain. Using a two-week follow-up pain calendar, average self-reported joint pain was assessed (range: 0 (no pain)-10 (greatest pain intensity)). Linear regression analyses, logistic regression analyses and an independent t-test were used. Analyses were adjusted for several confounders. Results The majority of participants with OA (67.2%) perceived the weather as affecting their pain. Weather-sensitive participants reported more pain than non-weather-sensitive participants (M = 4.1, SD = 2.4 versus M = 3.1, SD = 2.4; p < 0.001). After adjusting for several confounding factors, the association between self-perceived weather sensitivity and joint pain remained present (B = 0.37, p = 0.03). Logistic regression analyses revealed that women and more anxious people were more likely to report weather sensitivity. Older people with OA from Southern Europe were more likely to indicate themselves as weather-sensitive persons than those from Northern Europe. Conclusions Weather (in)stability may have a greater impact on joint structures and pain perception in people from Southern Europe. The results emphasize the importance of considering weather sensitivity in daily life of older people with OA and may help to identify weather-sensitive older people with OA.The Indicators for Monitoring COPD and Asthma - Activity and Function in the Elderly in Ulm study (IMCA - ActiFE) is supported by the European Union (No.: 2005121) and the Ministry of Science, Baden-Württemberg. The Italian cohort study is part of the National Research Council Project on Aging (PNR). The Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) is financially supported by the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports. The Peñagrande study was partially supported by the National Fund for Health Research (Fondo de Investigaciones en Salud) of Spain (project numbers FIS PI 05/1898; FIS RETICEF RD06/0013/1013 and FIS PS09/02143). The Swedish Twin Registry is supported in part by the Swedish Ministry of Higher Education. The Hertfordshire Cohort Study was supported by the Medical Research Council, UK

    Efectos del cambio climático sobre estados tempranos de Quercus ariifolia (Fagaceae), un encino endémico de bosques estacionalmente secos de México

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    Background and Aims: Tree recruitment in seasonally dry forests occurs during the rainy season. However, higher temperatures and reduced rainfalls are expected in these ecosystems because of climate change. These changes could induce drought conditions during the rainy season and affect tree recruitment. Plants subjected to thermal or water stress often display morphological and physiological shifts addressed to prioritize their survival. If recently emerged tree seedlings display these responses, this could improve their development during the rainy season and increase their survival chances. Our aim was to test whether recently emerged oak seedlings display these responses.Methods: We performed a field experiment with Quercus ariifolia, an oak species endemic to seasonally dry forests of central Mexico. At the beginning of the rainy season (September 2016), we sowed acorns of this species in control plots under the current climate and plots in which climate change was simulated by increasing temperature and reducing rainfall (CCS plots). Seedling emergence and survival were monitored every seven days during the rainy season (until January 2017). At the end of the experiment, we measured several functional traits on surviving seedlings and compared them between controls and CCS plots.Key results: Higher temperature and lower rainfall generated water shortage conditions in CCS plots. This did not affect emergence of seedlings but reduced their survival. Seedlings that survived in CCS plots displayed shifts in their functional traits, which matched with those of plants subjected to thermal and water stress.Conclusions: Our results suggest that climate change can increase the extinction risk of Q. ariifolia in seasonally dry forest of Mexico by reducing the survival of its offspring. Nevertheless, the results also suggest that seedlings developed under climate change conditions can display functional shifts that could confer them tolerance to increased drought.Antecedentes y Objetivos: El reclutamiento de árboles en bosques estacionalmente secos ocurre en la temporada de lluvias. Sin embargo, en estos ecosistemas se esperan mayores temperaturas y menores precipitaciones debido al cambio climático. Estos cambios pueden inducir condiciones de sequía durante la temporada de lluvias y afectar el reclutamiento. Las plantas sometidas a estrés térmico e hídrico usualmente muestran cambios morfológicos y fisiológicos dirigidos a priorizar su supervivencia. Si plántulas recientemente emergidas muestran estas respuestas, esto pudiera mejorar su desarrollo durante la temporada de lluvias y aumentar sus posibilidades de supervivencia. Nuestro objetivo fue establecer si plántulas de encino recién emergidas muestran estas respuestas.Métodos: Realizamos un experimento de campo con Quercus ariifolia, un encino endémico de bosques estacionalmente secos del centro de México. Al comienzo de la temporada de lluvias (septiembre 2016) sembramos bellotas de esta especie en parcelas control bajo el clima actual, y parcelas donde aumentamos la temperatura y redujimos la precipitación (parcelas CCS). La emergencia y la supervivencia de plántulas se registró cada siete días durante la temporada de lluvias (hasta enero 2017). Al final del experimento, medimos varios rasgos funcionales en las plántulas sobrevivientes y los comparamos entre controles y parcelas CCS.Resultados clave: La mayor temperatura y la menor precipitación generaron condiciones de sequía en las parcelas CCS. Esto no afectó la emergencia de plántulas, pero redujo su supervivencia. Las plántulas sobrevivientes en las parcelas CCS mostraron cambios en sus rasgos funcionales, que coincidían con los observados en plantas sometidas a estrés térmico y/o hídrico.Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados sugieren que el cambio climático puede aumentar el riesgo de extinción de Q. ariifolia en bosques estacionalmente secos de México al reducir la supervivencia de plántulas. Sin embargo, los resultados también sugieren que las plántulas desarrolladas en condiciones de cambio climático pueden mostrar alteraciones funcionales que pudieran conferirles tolerancia al aumento de la sequía

    Effects of external nutrient sources and extreme weather events on the nutrient budget of a Southern European coastal lagoon

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    The seasonal and annual nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and carbon (C) budgets of the mesotidal Ria Formosa lagoon, southern Portugal, were estimated to reveal the main inputs and outputs, the seasonal patterns, and how they may influence the ecological functioning of the system. The effects of extreme weather events such as long-lasting strong winds causing upwelling and strong rainfall were assessed. External nutrient inputs were quantified; ocean exchange was assessed in 24-h sampling campaigns, and final calculations were made using a hydrodynamic model of the lagoon. Rain and stream inputs were the main freshwater sources to the lagoon. However, wastewater treatment plant and groundwater discharges dominated nutrient input, together accounting for 98, 96, and 88 % of total C, N, and P input, respectively. Organic matter and nutrients were continuously exported to the ocean. This pattern was reversed following extreme events, such as strong winds in early summer that caused upwelling and after a period of heavy rainfall in late autumn. A principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that ammonium and organic N and C exchange were positively associated with temperature as opposed to pH and nitrate. These variables reflected mostly the benthic lagoon metabolism, whereas particulate P exchange was correlated to Chl a, indicating that this was more related to phytoplankton dynamics. The increase of stochastic events, as expected in climate change scenarios, may have strong effects on the ecological functioning of coastal lagoons, altering the C and nutrient budgets.Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) [POCI/MAR/58427/2004, PPCDT/MAR/58427/2004]; Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT

    A nonsynonymous mutation in PLCG2 reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease, dementia with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal dementia, and increases the likelihood of longevity

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    The genetic variant rs72824905-G (minor allele) in the PLCG2 gene was previously associated with a reduced Alzheimer's disease risk (AD). The role of PLCG2 in immune system signaling suggests it may also protect against other neurodegenerative diseases and possibly associates with longevity. We studied the effect of the rs72824905-G on seven neurodegenerative diseases and longevity, using 53,627 patients, 3,516 long-lived individuals and 149,290 study-matched controls. We replicated the association of rs72824905-G with reduced AD risk and we found an association with reduced risk of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). We did not find evidence for an effect on Parkinson's disease (PD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS) risks, despite adequate sample sizes. Conversely, the rs72824905-G allele was associated with increased likelihood of longevity. By-proxy analyses in the UK Biobank supported the associations with both dementia and longevity. Concluding, rs72824905-G has a protective effect against multiple neurodegenerative diseases indicating shared aspects of disease etiology. Our findings merit studying the PLC?2 pathway as drug-target

    Drones y el orden legal internacional. Tecnología, estrategia y largas cadenas de acción

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    The main thesis of this article is that the increasing recourse to the use of unmanned aerial systems in asymmetric warfare and the beginning routinization of U.S. drone operations represent part of an evolutionary change in the spatial ordering of global politics -- Using a heuristic framework based on actor-network theory, it is argued that practices of panoptic observation and selective airstrikes, being in need of legal justification, contribute to a reterritorialization of asymmetric conflicts -- Under a new normative spatial regime, a legal condition of state immaturity is constructed, which establishes a zone of conditional sovereignty subject to transnational aerial policing -- At the same time, this process is neither a deterministic result of the new technology nor a deliberate effect of policies to which drones are merely neutral instruments -- Rather, military technology and political decisions both form part of a long chain of action which has evolved under the specific circumstances of recent military interventionsEste artículo propone que la creciente utilización de sistemas aéreos no tripulados y la rutinización de sus operaciones en guerras asimétricas representan parte de un cambio evolutivo en el ordenamiento espacial de la política global -- Utilizando un marco heurístico basado en la teoría del actor-red, se argumenta que las prácticas de observación panóptica y ataques aéreos selectivos, carentes aún de justificación legal, contribuyen a una reterritorialización de los conflictos asimétricos -- En virtud de un nuevo régimen normativo espacial, se construye una condición legal de inmadurez estatal que facilita el establecimiento de una zona de soberanía condicionada, sometida a la vigilancia aérea transnacional -- Al mismo tiempo, esté proceso no es resultado predeterminado de la nueva tecnología, ni efecto deliberado de decisiones políticas para las que los drones son solo instrumentos neutros -- Antes que ello, la tecnología militar y las decisiones políticas forman parte importante de una larga cadena de acción que se ha desarrollado en las circunstancias específicas de intervenciones militares más reciente