95 research outputs found

    Case report: Malnutrition and undernutrition as cause of mortality in farmed reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.)

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    Chronic diarrhoea evolved during the third year of farming in a group of six reindeer farmed in central Sweden. The first death occurred in July, and despite offering supplemental feed, the deaths continued. Within 9 months five animals (83%) were dead. The necropsy findings indicated emaciation in all cases. The initially adequate clover vegetation in the paddock had been depleted over the years, leading to malnutrition and undernutrition of reindeer in the summer season

    Wild boar behaviour during live-trap capture in a corral-style trap: implications for animal welfare

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    Background Wildlife traps are used in many countries without evaluation of their effect on animal welfare. Trap-capture of wild animals should minimise negative effects on animal welfare, irrespective of whether the animals are trapped for hunting, research, or management purposes. Live-trap capture of wild boar (Sus scrofa) followed by killing inside the trap by gunshot is a recently introduced but disputed hunting method in Sweden. Approval of trap constructions is based on gross necropsy findings of 20 trapped and shot wild boars. For improved animal welfare evaluation, our aim was to study wild boar behaviour during live-trapping in a 16 m(2) square corral-style trap. Behavioural assessments were conducted after filming 12 capture events of in total 38 wild boars (five adults, 20 subadults, 13 piglets). Selected behavioural traits were compared with pathological changes (trap-related lesions) found at necropsy of the 20 subadults, to determine if these variables were useful proxies of capture-induced stress in wild boar. Results The wild boars spent less time resting in the evening than in the night and morning. Using Friedman's ANOVA, there was an overall difference in the time spent foraging. However, we only found a difference between the evening and morning in the Wilcoxon matched pairs test after the Sequential Bonferroni correction, where the wild boars spent more time foraging in the evening than in the morning. Single captured individuals showed more escape behaviours and reacted more strongly to external stimuli than individuals captured in a group. It was more common for animals to charge against the mesh walls of the trap upon human approach compared to upon initial capture when the trap door closed. Trap-related pathological findings due to trauma were documented in 13 of the 20 subadults that were necropsied. Behavioural alterations indicative of capture-induced stress (e.g. charging into the trap walls) were documented in trapped wild boars with no or minor physical injuries (e.g. skin abrasions, subcutaneous haemorrhage). Conclusions Behavioural assessment provided valuable information for determination of capture-induced stress in wild boar when evaluating live-trapping in a corral-style trap, whereas pathological evaluation through necropsy did not fully reflect the animal welfare aspects of live-trapping. We emphasize the inclusion of species-specific behavioural data assessment for evaluation of capture-related stress during live-trapping and for testing of new trap constructions before approval

    Measurement of catestatin and vasostatin in wild boar Sus scrofa captured in a corral trap

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    Objective Our aim was to analyse the chromogranin A-derived peptides vasostatin and catestatin in serum from wild boar (Sus scrofa) captured in a corral trap. Acute capture-related stress quickly leads to a release of adrenalin and noradrenalin, but these hormones have a short half-life in blood and are difficult to measure. Chromogranin A (CgA), a glycoprotein which is co-released with noradrenalin and adrenalin, is relatively stable in circulation and the CgA-derived peptides catestatin and vasostatin have been measured in domestic species, but not yet in wildlife. Results Vasostatin and catestatin could be measured and the median (range) serum concentrations were 0.91 (0.54–2.86) and 0.65 (0.35–2.62) nmol/L, respectively. We conclude that the CgA-derived peptides vasostatin and catestatin can be measured in wild boar serum and may thus be useful as biomarkers of psychophysical stress

    Sarcoptic mange in the Scandinavian wolf Canis lupus population

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    Background: Sarcoptic mange, a parasitic disease caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei, is regularly reported on wolves Canis lupus in Scandinavia. We describe the distribution and transmission of this parasite within the small but recovering wolf population by analysing 269 necropsy reports and performing a serological survey on 198 serum samples collected from free-ranging wolves between 1998 and 2013. Results: The serological survey among 145 individual captured Scandinavian wolves (53 recaptures) shows a consistent presence of antibodies against sarcoptic mange. Seropositivity among all captured wolves was 10.1 % (CI. 6.4 %–15.1 %). Sarcoptic mange-related mortality reported at necropsy was 5.6 % and due to secondary causes, predominantly starvation. In the southern range of the population, seroprevalence was higher, consistent with higher red fox densities. Female wolves had a lower probability of being seropositive than males, but for both sexes the probability increased with pack size. Recaptured individuals changing from seropositive to seronegative suggest recovery from sarcoptic mange. The lack of seropositive pups (8–10 months, N = 56) and the occurrence of seropositive and seronegative individuals in the same pack indicates interspecific transmission of S. scabiei into this wolf population. Conclusions: We consider sarcoptic mange to have little effect on the recovery of the Scandinavian wolf population. Heterogenic infection patterns on the pack level in combination with the importance of individualbased factors (sex, pack size) and the north–south gradient for seroprevalence suggests low probability of wolf-to-wolf transmission of S. scabiei in Scandinavia

    High prevalence and genetic diversity of Treponema paraluisleporidarum isolates in European lagomorphs

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    The bacterium Treponema paraluisleporidarum causes syphilis in lagomorphs. In a set of 1,095 samples from four species—European brown hare, mountain hare, Corsican hare, and European rabbit—we tested for infection and genotyped the strains that infect wild lagomorphs. Samples originate from Sweden, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Italy. The phylogenetic analyses of two informative gene targets (tp0488 and tp0548) showed high genetic diversity among the lagomorph-infecting treponemes. More specifically, we found a high number of nucleotide variants and various short repeat units in the tp0548 locus that have not been described for human syphilis and primate yaws causing Treponema pallidum. While the functional aspect of these short repeat units remains subject to ongoing investigations, it likely enables the pathogen to better survive in its lagomorph host. Our data did not support any geographic clustering, which is equally reflected in the host population genetics as shown by mitochondrial genome data corresponding to the sampled lagomorph populations. This is unexpected and in contrast with what has been shown for nonhuman primate infection with T. pallidum. In the future, the combination of multi-locus sequence typing and whole genome data from modern and ancient samples from a wide geographic range and multiple lagomorph species will contribute to a better understanding of the epidemiology and evolutionary path of lagomorph-infecting treponemes. In conclusion, our current study demonstrates widespread infection and a high genetic variation of the syphilis-causing pathogen in a higher number of positively PCR-tested European lagomorphs (n = 302/1,095)

    Automated Hydroponic system

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    This report includes research into how to automate a small scale system for hydroponics. Hydroponics is a growing technique which features a soil-less environment were the plants roots are exposed to a nutrient-enriched water solution. The research focused mainly on how to regulate the pH and the level of nutrient in the water solvent and finding a system to automate that process. In the research fully grown basil plants were used as test specimens, with the plants roots submerged in a water solvent. The water solvent had sensors that were connected to a micro controller making it possible to monitor the presence of nutrients and pH in the solvent. If the micro controller deemed that the pH and/or the nutrient level was too high or too low, the micro controller would adjust the solvent by activating pumps adding pH down buffer solution and/or nutrient solution to the solvent. The research proved that a way to automate a small scale hydroponics system is by building a computerized system consisting of: • Micro controller. • pH sensor. •EC sensor (to measure nutrient level in solvent). • Temperature sensor. • Fluid pumps connected to pH- and nutrient reservoirsI denna rapport följer en forskning om hur ett system för hydroponics kan automatiseras. Hydroponics är en odlingsteknik som utesluter nyttjandet av jord. Istället får plantorna näring och vatten via en näringsrik vattenlösning som dess rötter är i kontakt med. Forskningen fokuserade huvudsakligen på hur man reglerar pH och nivån av näringsämnen i en vattenlösning och skapa ett system för att automatisera denna processen. I undersökningen användes fullvuxna basilikaväxter som prover med plantornas rötter nedsänkta i en vattenlösning. Vattenlösningen hade sensorer som var anslutna till en mikrostyrenhet som gjorde det möjligt att övervaka nivån av näringsämnen och pH i vattenlösningen.  Om mikrokontrollen ansåg att pH- och/eller nivån av näringsämnen var felaktig så skulle mikrostyrenheten justera vattenlösningen. Detta skedde genom att mikrostyrenheten aktiverade vätskepumpar som tilsatte pH-buffer och/eller näringslösning. Forskningen visade att ett sätt att automatisera ett hydroponicsystem är att bygga ett datoriserat system som består utav: mikrostyrenhet. pH mätare. EC mätare (används för att mäta näringsnivån i vattenlösningen). Temperaturmätare. Vätskepumpar anslutna till behållare inehållandes pH- och näringslösning
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