27 research outputs found

    Application of Photo-Electrochemically Generated Hydrogen with Fuel Cell Based Micro-Combined Heat and Power: A Dynamic System Modelling Study

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    Photo-electrochemical (PEC) hydrogen generation is a promising technology and alternative to photovoltaic (PV)-electrolyser combined systems. Since there are no commercially available PEC cells and very limited field trials, a computer simulation was used to assess the efficacy of the approach for different domestic applications. Three mathematical models were used to obtain a view on how PEC generated hydrogen is able to cover demands for a representative dwelling. The analysed home was grid-connected and used a fuel cell based micro-CHP (micro-combined heat and power) system. Case studies were carried out that considered four different photo-electrode technologies to capture a range of current and possible future device efficiencies. The aim for this paper was to evaluate the system performance such as efficiency, fuel consumption and CO2 reduction capability. At the device unit level, the focus was on photo-electrode technological aspects, such as the effect of band-gap energy represented by different photo-materials on productivity of hydrogen and its uncertainty caused by the incident photon-to-current conversion efficiency (IPCE), which is highly electrode preparation specific. The presented dynamic model allows analysis of the performance of a renewable energy source integrated household with variable loads, which will aid system design and decision-making. Document type: Articl

    Recording Fort Lytton. A digital and historical documentation

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    Between 2013 and 2016, Fort Lytton, a colonial military bastion in Brisbane (Australia), was digitally documented by 3D laser technology thanks to a collaboration between CSIRO, the University of Queensland’s School of Architecture and the Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Service. The results of this collaboration are a series of virtual models and digital scan data, or pointclouds, photographs and documents. Includes a booklet that aims to provide a historical context for the better interpretation of the produced material

    Molecular modelling of the GIR1 branching ribozyme gives new insight into evolution of structurally related ribozymes

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    Twin-ribozyme introns contain a branching ribozyme (GIR1) followed by a homing endonuclease (HE) encoding sequence embedded in a peripheral domain of a group I splicing ribozyme (GIR2). GIR1 catalyses the formation of a lariat with 3 nt in the loop, which caps the HE mRNA. GIR1 is structurally related to group I ribozymes raising the question about how two closely related ribozymes can carry out very different reactions. Modelling of GIR1 based on new biochemical and mutational data shows an extended substrate domain containing a GoU pair distinct from the nucleophilic residue that dock onto a catalytic core showing a different topology from that of group I ribozymes. The differences include a core J8/7 region that has been reduced and is complemented by residues from the pre-lariat fold. These findings provide the basis for an evolutionary mechanism that accounts for the change from group I splicing ribozyme to the branching GIR1 architecture. Such an evolutionary mechanism can be applied to other large RNAs such as the ribonuclease P

    The Role of Calcineurin/NFAT in SFRP2 Induced Angiogenesis—A Rationale for Breast Cancer Treatment with the Calcineurin Inhibitor Tacrolimus

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    Tacrolimus (FK506) is an immunosuppressive drug that binds to the immunophilin FKBPB12. The FK506-FKBP12 complex associates with calcineurin and inhibits its phosphatase activity, resulting in inhibition of nuclear translocation of nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT). There is increasing data supporting a critical role of NFAT in mediating angiogenic responses stimulated by both vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and a novel angiogenesis factor, secreted frizzled-related protein 2 (SFRP2). Since both VEGF and SFRP2 are expressed in breast carcinomas, we hypothesized that tacrolimus would inhibit breast carcinoma growth. Using IHC (IHC) with antibodies to FKBP12 on breast carcinomas we found that FKBP12 localizes to breast tumor vasculature. Treatment of MMTV-neu transgenic mice with tacrolimus (3 mg/kg i.p. daily) (n = 19) resulted in a 73% reduction in the growth rate for tacrolimus treated mice compared to control (n = 15), p = 0.003; which was associated with an 82% reduction in tumor microvascular density (p<0.001) by IHC. Tacrolimus (1 µM) inhibited SFRP2 induced endothelial tube formation by 71% (p = 0.005) and inhibited VEGF induced endothelial tube formation by 67% (p = 0.004). To show that NFATc3 is required for SFRP2 stimulated angiogenesis, NFATc3 was silenced with shRNA in endothelial cells. Sham transfected cells responded to SFRP2 stimulation in a tube formation assay with an increase in the number of branch points (p<0.003), however, cells transfected with shRNA to NFATc3 showed no increase in tube formation in response to SFRP2. This demonstrates that NFATc3 is required for SFRP2 induced tube formation, and tacrolimus inhibits angiogenesis in vitro and breast carcinoma growth in vivo. This provides a rationale for examining the therapeutic potential of tacrolimus at inhibiting breast carcinoma growth in humans

    Computer-Aided Systems and Communities: Mechanisms for Organizational Learning in Distributed Environments

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    This paper examines the role of computer-aided systems (CAS) for enhancing organizational learning in distributed environments. The basic research questions are: how do features of CAS enhance organizational learning, and how does organizational context influence the role of CAS in organizational learning? The theoretical framework focuses on the decision to contribute and adopt knowledge in distributed environments. Specifically, we investigate the intersections between the features of CAS and inhibitors to contributing or adopting knowledge, in the light of different organizational context variables. Two cases of information environments for knowledge sharing are examined: a formal electronic library system and an informal community that uses a variety of communication technologies. The cases are used to illustrate how the intersection between CAS features and the decisions to adopt and contribute enhance or inhibit knowledge sharing.</p