8 research outputs found


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    Bireuen Regent's Decree Number 553 of 2020 designated Bireuen as a Santri City. As a Santri City, the behavior and conduct of the community is expected to reflect the objectives of this establishment, namely as a center for Islamic education, a model of Dayah education, and an Islamic reference center in Aceh. Apart from that, the aim of this determination is to make the people of Bireuen individuals who have good morals, are religious, and love science, as well as to ensure that the Bireuen region, especially Aceh in general, becomes a just and prosperous area. Apart from that, a road map for Bireuen as a Santri City in Aceh needs to be drawn up. Until now, Bireuen district does not yet have a Regional Regulation that regulates the implementation of Bireuen as a Santri City. Therefore, the urgency of qanun regarding the implementation of Bireuen as a Santri City in Bireuen district is a problem in this research. This research uses empirical legal research methods with a qualitative approach. Even though the government has issued a policy through Decree of the Regent of Bireuen Number 774 of 2021 concerning the Determination of the Study of Baksul Masail Khasanah Bireuen Santri City and Circular Letter Number 451/975/2020 concerning the Implementation of Bireuen as a Santri City, the implementation has not gone as expected. The implementation of Bireuen as a Santri City will not be optimal if only a few aspects of community life are regulated. Therefore, to achieve this goal, regulations are needed that regulate every aspect of the diverse social life of the community, so that they can become a supporting pillar in the implementation policy of Bireuen as a Santri City. With the existence of Qanun, technical and administrative needs related to this matter can be implemented optimally

    The Urgency Of Qanun Regarding The Maintenance And Supervision Of Customary Laws Of The Sea By Panglima Laot In Bireuen District

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    The authority of Panglima Laot is still generally explained in Aceh Qanun Number 10 of 2008 concerning Customary Institutions, this causes an unclear, not detailed, and not strictly or even the occurrence of legal vacuum in some disputes because there is no legislation that regulates it. Therefore, regulations and guidelines, namely Qanuns are needed at the district level regarding the implementation of customary management of coastal sea rights in areas in Bireuen district so that the rules used as benchmarks in law enforcement are clear. We know that there are no detailed codified rules regarding the authority Panglima Laot in Bireuen District so that it does not provide legal guarantees for the communit

    The Roles Of Village Apparatus In Implementing Qanun Number 3 Of 2017 In Jangka Alue, Sub-District Of Jangka, Bireuen, Aceh Province

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    The implementation of Qanun Gampong Number 3 of 2017 concerning Smoke and drugs-Free Homes is an example of a healthy and prosperous village. This study describes the role of the village apparatus and their influence on the community. The method used in this research is descriptive, socio-legal research approach with the theory of authority. The types of secondary and primary data sources were then analyzed using qualitative techniques. The study was conducted in the village of Jangka Alue, Jangka District, Bireuen Regency, Aceh. Base on the result of the research, the role of the village apparatus are to encourage and prohibit, to establishment  an anti-smoking and drug task force, to form a qanun on ureung chiek geutanyo, to give appreciation and supervision that carried out in accordance with the authority to contribute in the administration of government, community development, community empowerment and community development in accordance with orders. Constitution. Impact on society, creating a sense of security, reducing smoking. Community health and welfare have not been felt because there are no indicators as benchmarks


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    Perlindungan nasabah merupakan upaya untuk menjamin adanya kepastian hukum bagi konsumen jasa pengguna layanan mobile banking terkait dengan segala keluhan sebagai pengaduan nasabah. Pengaduan nasabah dilakukan jika ada permasalahan dari nasabah yang tidak terselesaikan dengan baik oleh pihak bank yang berpotensi terjadi perselisihan yang akan menyebabkan kerugian bagi kedua belah pihak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis empiris, dengan bahan-bahan hukum primer, sekunder maupun tersier. Pendekatan empiris melihat hukum sebagai kenyataan sosial, kultural atau das sein karena dalam penelitian ini data yang digunakan data primer yang diperoleh langsung dari lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian adalah perlindungan hukum ada dua bentuk yakni secara preventif dan represif. Upaya perlindungan hukum secara preventif dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya perselisihan hukum antara pihak bank dengan nasabah berkaitan dengan kegagalan system pada saat penggunaan mobile banking. Perlindungan hukum juga dapat dilakukan secara represif, yaitu untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan antara pihak bank dengan nasabah dengan melakukan beberapa upaya yaitu pengaduan, edukasi dan tanggung jawab mengganti kerugian. Tanggung jawab hukum bank atas kerugian nasabah merupakan bagian dari kewajiban bank untuk memberikan ganti kerugian yang dinyatakan dalam Pasal 7 Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen

    A short review of discovery and development of fish sperm cryopreservation

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    Global biodiversity, especially fish, has experienced a decline, this occurs as a result of over-exploitation, the presence of introduced fish species and climate change. This condition makes researchers look for solutions to overcome these problems by using cryopreservation techniques. The main purpose of cryopreservation is to store, maintain, and ensure the survival of genetic material, so that using cryopreservation techniques can maintain the viability and function of gamete cells both immunologically, biologically and physiologically. The success of the cryopreservation technique has made this technique widely developed in various species of living organism including fish. This article summarizes and reviews the history of the development of cryopreservation of animal species with specific focus on fish.Keywords:CryopreservationHistoryDepikEndemic specie


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    Cases of price differences, forms that are too small or difficult to see by consumers, differences in price labels and receipt prices at the checkout, price placement that does not match the goods, writing that is blurry so that it is difficult to read are usually considered less important, but this is actually very detrimental and has violated Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. If it is related to Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection in Article 4 letter (b) it is clearly stated that one of the consumer rights is the right to choose goods and services and obtain goods and services according to value and guarantee. From the results of observations made by researchers at Indomaret Matang Glumpang Dua, it was found that there are cases of differences in price tags and cashier prices, this can make consumers stuck with price tags with the price paid, our people's habits are not careful about refunds or looking back at the price list from the payment receipt , although there are no complaints from consumers regarding the price difference, this may be due to the low level of consumer accuracy or the habit of conducting traditional transactions. Errors on the price tag with the price list on the payment counter machine often occur at the Indomaret Matang Glumpangdua Minimarket, where the price listed and when paying for the difference is due to inaccurate administration, with price changes that occur too often following instructions from PT. Indomarco Prismatama will hereby cause a price difference

    The Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Role in Investigating Alleged Human Rights Violations and Grave Human Rights Violations in Aceh

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    With the signing of the Helsinki Memorandum of Agreement, the Free Aceh Movement (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka/GAM) and the Indonesian government renewed their agreement, giving rise to the Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The government of Aceh established the independent, non-underlying organization known as the Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission, whose mission is to settle conflicts inside Aceh. Article 299 of Law Number 11 of 2006 concerning the Governance of Aceh regulates the existence of the Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and Qanun Number 17 of 2013 concerning the Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission elaborates on this further. This work is done in order to make the present struggles' reality more understandable. Field research, or empirical research methods, are used to collect primary data through interviews and then use a qualitative analysis method to examine the collected data. Finding the truth and exposing instances of grave human rights violations is the Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s responsibility. The research findings show that the commission's database has shortcomings as a result of the Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission responsibility to look into human rights breaches that conflicts with the AcehTruth and Reconciliation Commission policy about the ability to compel witnesses or individuals to appear in person. The Human Rights Court, in compliance with Human Rights Court law, is the authority that has the jurisdiction to decide cases of violations of human rights. Since the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a non-legal organization and the Human Rights Court is a judicial entity, there is a discrepancy in power in this case. The Indonesian government and legal authorities should reevaluate this. In order to present a comprehensive picture of the human rights violations that took place during the Aceh war, including the location, time, patterns, and reasons behind torture occurrences, as well as to examine the causes and events that led up to them, investigation and field study are done as part of the Truth Disclosure. The objective is to formulate suggestions and insights derived from the factual conclusions of the Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission concerning the reality of torture committed throughout the conflict. Three incidences in Indonesia that President Joko Widodo identified as grave human rights abuses are recommendations from the Aceh Truth and Reconciliation Commission to the Human Rights Enforcement Team, which was established in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 17 of 2022