114 research outputs found

    Deletion of Mir223 Exacerbates Lupus Nephritis by Targeting S1pr1 in Fas(lpr/lpr) Mice

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    Objective: The micro RNAs (miRNAs) and their target mRNAs are differentially expressed in various immune-mediated cells. Here, we investigated the role of Mir223 and sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 (S1pr1) in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus. Methods: We analyzed miRNA and mRNA profiling data of CD4+ splenic T cells derived from MRL/MpJ-Faslpr/J mice. We performed 3′ untranslated region (UTR) luciferase reporter gene assay using human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). We generated the B6-Mir223−/−Faslpr/lpr mice and the lupus phenotypes were analyzed. Results: In CD4+ splenic T cells, we identified upregulation of miR-223-3p and downregulation of the possible target, S1pr1 by RNA sequencing of MRL/MpJ-Faslpr/J mice. The transfection with miR-223-3p mimic significantly suppressed a luciferase activity in HUVEC treated with a Lentivirus vector containing 3′ UTR of S1pr1. The mRNA levels of S1pr1 were significantly decreased after miR-223-3p overexpression. In B6-Mir223−/−Faslpr/lpr mice, the proportion of CD3+ T cells, CD3+CD4-CD8− cells, B cells, plasma cells, and S1PR1+CD4+ T cells in the spleen was significantly increased compared with that in B6-Mir223+/+Faslpr/lpr mice by flow cytometry. B6-Mir223−/−Faslpr/lpr mice demonstrated the elevation of glomerular and renal vascular scores associated with enhanced intraglomerular infiltration of S1PR1+CD4+ T cells. Conclusion: Unexpectedly, the deletion of Mir223 exacerbated the lupus phenotypes associated with increased population of S1PR1+CD4+ T in spleen and the enhanced infiltration of S1PR1+CD4+ T cells in inflamed kidney tissues, suggesting compensatory role of Mir223 in the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis

    Recognition of the "team medical-care" in medical field.

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    チーム医療に対して高い関心が寄せられていることから,チーム医療として認識される具体的な事柄や各職種に対する認識,その利点や職種間の認識の違いなどを明らかにする目的で,岡山県内の病院の看護師,診療放射線技師,臨床検査技師,計652名に対してアンケート調査を行った。有効回答者数470名で,その内訳は看護師207名,診療放射線技師91名,臨床検査技師172名であった。結果はチーム医療と認識される具体的な事柄については,異業種間カンファレンスがチーム医療を促進する事柄として認識されているが,整備・実施されていないことがうかがえた。各職種に対する認識については,職種別・経験年数別にみても,医師,看護師,理学・作業療法士はチーム医療のメンバーとして認識されている割合が高かった。また,経験年数別では,10~14年の人までは統計上ややばらつきがみられるが,経験年数15年以上の人はあらゆる職種をチーム医療のメンバーであると考え,その重要性を認識していることがわかった。チーム医療の利点については,どの職種も共通して「患者中心の医療」と考えている割合が高かった。Recently, the "team medical-care" has been received increasing attention in medical field. Therefore we have to develop a clear understanding of "team medical-care". The purpose of this study is to investigate things regarded as "team medical-care" by co-medical, recognition of other category of license, the advantages of "team medical-care" and recognition against the "team medical-care" by different category of license. Total 652 nurses, clinical radiological technologists and clinical laboratory technologists who are working at 8 hospitals in Okayama prefecture were examined by using questionnaire and 470 members (72.1%) responded to it. They were nurses 207 (44.0%), clinical radiological technologists 91 (19.4%), clinical laboratory technologists 172 (36.6%). Majority of respondents recognized that the medical conference consisted of different category of license promoted the "team medical-care", and ninety percent of participants prompted more frequent medical conference. In both by category of license and years of experience, they regarded doctor, nurse, physical therapist and occupational therapist as the menber of the "team medical-care" at high rate. The respondences which have over 15 years of experience regarded all category of license as the menber of the "team medical-care", while the respondences which have less than 10 to 14 years of experience showed disperision of the recongnition. The advantages of "team medical-care" were highly perceived as "patient-centered medical care" by all category of license

    The Japanese Society of Pathology Guidelines on the handling of pathological tissue samples for genomic research: Standard operating procedures based on empirical analyses

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    Genome research using appropriately collected pathological tissue samples is expected to yield breakthroughs in the development of biomarkers and identification of therapeutic targets for diseases such as cancers. In this connection, the Japanese Society of Pathology (JSP) has developed “The JSP Guidelines on the Handling of Pathological Tissue Samples for Genomic Research” based on an abundance of data from empirical analyses of tissue samples collected and stored under various conditions. Tissue samples should be collected from appropriate sites within surgically resected specimens, without disturbing the features on which pathological diagnosis is based, while avoiding bleeding or necrotic foci. They should be collected as soon as possible after resection: at the latest within about 3 h of storage at 4°C. Preferably, snap‐frozen samples should be stored in liquid nitrogen (about −180°C) until use. When intending to use genomic DNA extracted from formalin‐fixed paraffin‐embedded tissue, 10% neutral buffered formalin should be used. Insufficient fixation and overfixation must both be avoided. We hope that pathologists, clinicians, clinical laboratory technicians and biobank operators will come to master the handling of pathological tissue samples based on the standard operating procedures in these Guidelines to yield results that will assist in the realization of genomic medicine

    CD146 is a potential immunotarget for neuroblastoma

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    Neuroblastoma, the most common extracranial solid tumor of childhood, is thought to arise from neural crest-derived immature cells. The prognosis of patients with high-risk or recurrent/refractory neuroblastoma remains quite poor despite intensive multimodality therapy; therefore, novel therapeutic interventions are required. We examined the expression of a cell adhesion molecule CD146 (melanoma cell adhesion molecule [MCAM]) by neuroblastoma cell lines and in clinical samples and investigated the anti-tumor effects of CD146-targeting treatment for neuroblastoma cells both in vitro and in vivo. CD146 is expressed by 4 cell lines and by most of primary tumors at any stage. Short hairpin RNA-mediated knockdown of CD146, or treatment with an anti-CD146 polyclonal antibody, effectively inhibited growth of neuroblastoma cells both in vitro and in vivo, principally due to increased apoptosis via the focal adhesion kinase and/or nuclear factor-kappa B signaling pathway. Furthermore, the anti-CD146 polyclonal antibody markedly inhibited tumor growth in immunodeficient mice inoculated with primary neuroblastoma cells. In conclusion, CD146 represents a promising therapeutic target for neuroblastoma

    Adherent Monomer-Misfolded SOD1

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    Background: Multiple cellular functions are compromised in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In familial ALS (FALS) with Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) mutations, the mechanisms by which the mutation in SOD1 leads to such a wide range of abnormalities remains elusive. Methodology/Principal Findings: To investigate underlying cellular conditions caused by the SOD1 mutation, we explored mutant SOD1-interacting proteins in the spinal cord of symptomatic transgenic mice expressing a mutant SOD1, SOD1 Leu126delTT with a FLAG sequence (DF mice). This gene product is structurally unable to form a functional homodimer. Tissues were obtained from both DF mice and disease-free mice expressing wild-type with FLAG SOD1 (WF mice). Both FLAG-tagged SOD1 and cross-linking proteins were enriched and subjected to a shotgun proteomic analysis. We identified 34 proteins (or protein subunits) in DF preparations, while in WF preparations, interactions were detected with only 4 proteins. Conclusions/Significance: These results indicate that disease-causing mutant SOD1 likely leads to inadequate proteinprotein interactions. This could be an early and crucial process in the pathogenesis of FALS

    Susceptibility of muridae cell lines to ecotropic murine leukemia virus and the cationic amino acid transporter 1 viral receptor sequences: implications for evolution of the viral receptor

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    Ecotropic murine leukemia viruses (Eco-MLVs) infect mouse and rat, but not other mammalian cells, and gain access for infection through binding the cationic amino acid transporter 1 (CAT1). Glycosylation of the rat and hamster CAT1s inhibits Eco-MLV infection, and treatment of rat and hamster cells with a glycosylation inhibitor, tunicamycin, enhances Eco-MLV infection. Although the mouse CAT1 is also glycosylated, it does not inhibit Eco-MLV infection. Comparison of amino acid sequences between the rat and mouse CAT1s shows amino acid insertions in the rat protein near the Eco-MLV-binding motif. In addition to the insertion present in the rat CAT1, the hamster CAT1 has additional amino acid insertions. In contrast, tunicamycin treatment of mink and human cells does not elevate the infection, because their CAT1s do not have the Eco-MLV-binding motif. To define the evolutionary pathway of the Eco-MLV receptor, we analyzed CAT1 sequences and susceptibility to Eco-MLV infection of other several murinae animals, including the southern vole (Microtus rossiaemeridionalis), large Japanese field mouse (Apodemus speciosus), and Eurasian harvest mouse ( Micromys minutus). Eco-MLV infection was enhanced by tunicamycin in these cells, and their CAT1 sequences have the insertions like the hamster CAT1. Phylogenetic analysis of mammalian CAT1s suggested that the ancestral CAT1 does not have the Eco-MLV-binding motif, like the human CAT1, and the mouse CAT1 is thought to be generated by the amino acid deletions in the third extracellular loop of CAT1