34 research outputs found

    Individual-subject Functional Localization Increases Univariate Activation but Not Multivariate Pattern Discriminability in the "Multiple-demand" Frontoparietal Network.

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    The frontoparietal "multiple-demand" (MD) control network plays a key role in goal-directed behavior. Recent developments of multivoxel pattern analysis (MVPA) for fMRI data allow for more fine-grained investigations into the functionality and properties of brain systems. In particular, MVPA in the MD network was used to gain better understanding of control processes such as attentional effects, adaptive coding, and representation of multiple taskrelevant features, but overall low decoding levels have limited its use for this network. A common practice of applying MVPA is by investigating pattern discriminability within a ROI using a template mask, thus ensuring that the same brain areas are studied in all participants. This approach offers high sensitivity but does not take into account differences between individuals in the spatial organization of brain regions. An alternative approach uses independent localizer data for each subject to select the most responsive voxels and define individual ROIs within the boundaries of a group template. Such an approach allows for a refined and targeted localization based on the unique pattern of activity of individual subjects while ensuring that functionally similar brain regions are studied for all subjects. In the current study, we tested whether using individual ROIs leads to changes in decodability of task-related neural representations as well as univariate activity across the MD network compared with when using a group template. We used three localizer tasks to separately define subject-specific ROIs: spatial working memory, verbal working memory, and a Stroop task. We then systematically assessed univariate and multivariate results in a separate rule-based criterion task. All the localizer tasks robustly recruited the MD network and evoked highly reliable activity patterns in individual subjects. Consistent with previous studies, we found a clear benefit of the subject-specific ROIs for univariate results from the criterion task, with increased activity in the individual ROIs based on the localizers' data, compared with the activity observed when using the group template. In contrast, there was no benefit of the subject-specific ROIs for the multivariate results in the form of increased discriminability, as well as no cost of reduced discriminability. Both univariate and multivariate results were similar in the subject-specific ROIs defined by each of the three localizers. Our results provide important empirical evidence for researchers in the field of cognitive control for the use of individual ROIs in the frontoparietal network for both univariate and multivariate analysis of fMRI data and serve as another step toward standardization and increased comparability across studies.This work was funded by a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellowship (United Kingdom) to Yaara Erez (DH130100). Sneha Shashidhara was supported by a scholarship from the Gates Cambridge Trust, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Floortje Spronkers was supported by an Erasmus+ Traineeship grant and a Stichting A.S.C. Academy grant

    An Integrated Neural Framework for Dynamic and Static Face Processing.

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    Faces convey rich information including identity, gender and expression. Current neural models of face processing suggest a dissociation between the processing of invariant facial aspects such as identity and gender, that engage the fusiform face area (FFA) and the processing of changeable aspects, such as expression and eye gaze, that engage the posterior superior temporal sulcus face area (pSTS-FA). Recent studies report a second dissociation within this network such that the pSTS-FA, but not the FFA, shows much stronger response to dynamic than static faces. The aim of the current study was to test a unified model that accounts for these two functional characteristics of the neural face network. In an fMRI experiment, we presented static and dynamic faces while subjects judged an invariant (gender) or a changeable facial aspect (expression). We found that the pSTS-FA was more engaged in processing dynamic than static faces and changeable than invariant aspects, whereas the OFA and FFA showed similar response across all four conditions. These findings support an integrated neural model of face processing in which the ventral areas extract form information from both invariant and changeable facial aspects whereas the dorsal face areas are sensitive to dynamic and changeable facial aspects

    Intraoperative mapping of executive function using electrocorticography for patients with low-grade gliomas

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    Background Intraoperative functional mapping with direct electrical stimulation during awake surgery for patients with diffuse low-grade glioma has been used in recent years to optimize the balance between surgical resection and quality of life following surgery. Mapping of executive functions is particularly challenging because of their complex nature, with only a handful of reports published so far. Here, we propose the recording of neural activity directly from the surface of the brain using electrocorticography to map executive functions and demonstrate its feasibility and potential utility. Methods To track a neural signature of executive function, we recorded neural activity using electrocorticography during awake surgery from the frontal cortex of three patients judged to have an appearance of diffuse low-grade glioma. Based on existing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) evidence from healthy participants for the recruitment of areas associated with executive function with increased task demands, we employed a task difficulty manipulation in two counting tasks performed intraoperatively. Following surgery, the data were extracted and analyzed offline to identify increases in broadband high-gamma power with increased task difficulty, equivalent to fMRI findings, as a signature of activity related to executive function. Results All three patients performed the tasks well. Data were recorded from five electrode strips, resulting in data from 15 channels overall. Eleven out of the 15 channels (73.3%) showed significant increases in high-gamma power with increased task difficulty, 26.6% of the channels (4/15) showed no change in power, and none of the channels showed power decrease. High-gamma power increases with increased task difficulty were more likely in areas that are within the canonical frontoparietal network template. Conclusions These results are the first step toward developing electrocorticography as a tool for mapping of executive function complementarily to direct electrical stimulation to guide resection. Further studies are required to establish this approach for clinical use

    Brain tumour microstructure is associated with post-surgical cognition

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    Brain tumour microstructure is potentially predictive of changes following treatment to cognitive functions subserved by the functional networks in which they are embedded. To test this hypothesis, intra-tumoural microstructure was quantified from diffusion-weighted MRI to identify which tumour subregions (if any) had a greater impact on participants’ cognitive recovery after surgical resection. Additionally, we studied the role of tumour microstructure in the functional interaction between the tumour and the rest of the brain. Sixteen patients (22–56 years, 7 females) with brain tumours located in or near speech-eloquent areas of the brain were included in the analyses. Two different approaches were adopted for tumour segmentation from a multishell diffusion MRI acquisition: the first used a two-dimensional four group partition of feature space, whilst the second used data-driven clustering with Gaussian mixture modelling. For each approach, we assessed the capability of tumour microstructure to predict participants’ cognitive outcomes after surgery and the strength of association between the BOLD signal of individual tumour subregions and the global BOLD signal. With both methodologies, the volumes of partially overlapped subregions within the tumour significantly predicted cognitive decline in verbal skills after surgery. We also found that these particular subregions were among those that showed greater functional interaction with the unaffected cortex. Our results indicate that tumour microstructure measured by MRI multishell diffusion is associated with cognitive recovery after surgery.</p

    BOLD Coupling between Lesioned and Healthy Brain Is Associated with Glioma Patients’ Recovery

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Perioperative Imaging and Mapping Methods in Glioma Patients.[Simple Summary] Glioma, a type of brain tumour, affects not only the function of immediately adjacent brain tissue but also that in more distant areas, potentially impacting cognitive function after its surgical removal. Here, 17 patients with glioma had brain scans and tests of cognitive function during treatment and recovery. We investigated the effects of glioma on the brain, and what happens during recovery, using the brain’s “global signal” detected with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We found that the signal from gliomas was synchronised with the global signal in all patients and that this synchronisation was associated with the recovery of cognition after surgery. Specifically, patients with a greater reduction in glioma–global signal synchronisation following surgery were more likely to have a larger number of newly acquired cognitive difficulties. Together, these results suggest that the interaction between gliomas and the brain can predict how patients recover their cognitive abilities, which is important for their quality of life.[Abstract] Predicting functional outcomes after surgery and early adjuvant treatment is difficult due to the complex, extended, interlocking brain networks that underpin cognition. The aim of this study was to test glioma functional interactions with the rest of the brain, thereby identifying the risk factors of cognitive recovery or deterioration. Seventeen patients with diffuse non-enhancing glioma (aged 22–56 years) were longitudinally MRI scanned and cognitively assessed before and after surgery and during a 12-month recovery period (55 MRI scans in total after exclusions). We initially found, and then replicated in an independent dataset, that the spatial correlation pattern between regional and global BOLD signals (also known as global signal topography) was associated with tumour occurrence. We then estimated the coupling between the BOLD signal from within the tumour and the signal extracted from different brain tissues. We observed that the normative global signal topography is reorganised in glioma patients during the recovery period. Moreover, we found that the BOLD signal within the tumour and lesioned brain was coupled with the global signal and that this coupling was associated with cognitive recovery. Nevertheless, patients did not show any apparent disruption of functional connectivity within canonical functional networks. Understanding how tumour infiltration and coupling are related to patients’ recovery represents a major step forward in prognostic development.This research was supported by the Guarantors of Brain, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre, The Brain Tumour Charity and the EMERGIA Junta de Andalucia program. Y.E. is funded by a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellowship (DHF130100). JMG is funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España)/FEDER under the RTI2018-098913-B100 project, by the Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo (Junta de Andalucía) and FEDER under CV20-45250, A-TIC-080-UGR18, B-TIC-586-UGR20 and P20-00525 projects. MA was funded by a Cambridge Trust—Yousef Jameel Scholarship. This research was also supported by the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre (BRC-1215-20014). SJP (NIHR Career Development Fellowship, CDF-2018-11-ST2-003) is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) for this research project

    Bold coupling between lesioned and healthy brain is associated with glioma patients’ recovery

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    Predicting functional outcomes after surgery and early adjuvant treatment is difficult due to the complex, extended, interlocking brain networks that underpin cognition. The aim of this study was to test glioma functional interactions with the rest of the brain, thereby identifying the risk factors of cognitive recovery or deterioration. Seventeen patients with diffuse non-enhancing glioma (aged 22–56 years) were longitudinally MRI scanned and cognitively assessed before and after surgery and during a 12-month recovery period (55 MRI scans in total after exclusions). We initially found, and then replicated in an independent dataset, that the spatial correlation pattern between regional and global BOLD signals (also known as global signal topography) was associated with tumour occurrence. We then estimated the coupling between the BOLD signal from within the tumour and the signal extracted from different brain tissues. We observed that the normative global signal topography is reorganised in glioma patients during the recovery period. Moreover, we found that the BOLD signal within the tumour and lesioned brain was coupled with the global signal and that this coupling was associated with cognitive recovery. Nevertheless, patients did not show any apparent disruption of functional connectivity within canonical functional networks. Understanding how tumour infiltration and coupling are related to patients’ recovery represents a major step forward in prognostic development.</p

    The “Narratives” fMRI dataset for evaluating models of naturalistic language comprehension

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    The “Narratives” collection aggregates a variety of functional MRI datasets collected while human subjects listened to naturalistic spoken stories. The current release includes 345 subjects, 891 functional scans, and 27 diverse stories of varying duration totaling ~4.6 hours of unique stimuli (~43,000 words). This data collection is well-suited for naturalistic neuroimaging analysis, and is intended to serve as a benchmark for models of language and narrative comprehension. We provide standardized MRI data accompanied by rich metadata, preprocessed versions of the data ready for immediate use, and the spoken story stimuli with time-stamped phoneme- and word-level transcripts. All code and data are publicly available with full provenance in keeping with current best practices in transparent and reproducible neuroimaging

    Dispersed Activity during Passive Movement in the Globus Pallidus of the 1-Methyl-4-Phenyl-1,2,3,6-Tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-Treated Primate

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    Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder manifesting in debilitating motor symptoms. This disorder is characterized by abnormal activity throughout the cortico-basal ganglia loop at both the single neuron and network levels. Previous neurophysiological studies have suggested that the encoding of movement in the parkinsonian state involves correlated activity and synchronized firing patterns. In this study, we used multi-electrode recordings to directly explore the activity of neurons from the globus pallidus of parkinsonian primates during passive limb movements and to determine the extent to which they interact and synchronize. The vast majority (80/103) of the recorded pallidal neurons responded to periodic flexion-extension movements of the elbow. The response pattern was sinusoidal-like and the timing of the peak response of the neurons was uniformly distributed around the movement cycle. The interaction between the neuronal activities was analyzed for 123 simultaneously recorded pairs of neurons. Movement-based signal correlation values were diverse and their mean was not significantly different from zero, demonstrating that the neurons were not activated synchronously in response to movement. Additionally, the difference in the peak responses phase of pairs of neurons was uniformly distributed, showing their independent firing relative to the movement cycle. Our results indicate that despite the widely distributed activity in the globus pallidus of the parkinsonian primate, movement encoding is dispersed and independent rather than correlated and synchronized, thus contradicting current views that posit synchronous activation during Parkinson's disease

    Intraoperative mapping of executive function using electrocorticography for patients with low-grade gliomas

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    Funder: National Institute for Health Research; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000272; Grant(s): Clinician Scientist Award 35 (ref: NIHR/CS/009/011)Abstract: Background: Intraoperative functional mapping with direct electrical stimulation during awake surgery for patients with diffuse low-grade glioma has been used in recent years to optimize the balance between surgical resection and quality of life following surgery. Mapping of executive functions is particularly challenging because of their complex nature, with only a handful of reports published so far. Here, we propose the recording of neural activity directly from the surface of the brain using electrocorticography to map executive functions and demonstrate its feasibility and potential utility. Methods: To track a neural signature of executive function, we recorded neural activity using electrocorticography during awake surgery from the frontal cortex of three patients judged to have an appearance of diffuse low-grade glioma. Based on existing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) evidence from healthy participants for the recruitment of areas associated with executive function with increased task demands, we employed a task difficulty manipulation in two counting tasks performed intraoperatively. Following surgery, the data were extracted and analyzed offline to identify increases in broadband high-gamma power with increased task difficulty, equivalent to fMRI findings, as a signature of activity related to executive function. Results: All three patients performed the tasks well. Data were recorded from five electrode strips, resulting in data from 15 channels overall. Eleven out of the 15 channels (73.3%) showed significant increases in high-gamma power with increased task difficulty, 26.6% of the channels (4/15) showed no change in power, and none of the channels showed power decrease. High-gamma power increases with increased task difficulty were more likely in areas that are within the canonical frontoparietal network template. Conclusions: These results are the first step toward developing electrocorticography as a tool for mapping of executive function complementarily to direct electrical stimulation to guide resection. Further studies are required to establish this approach for clinical use