101 research outputs found

    Salvaging Buildings: Reclaiming a Livelihood from the Excesses of Istanbul's Mass Urbanization

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    For at least two decades, major cities in Turkey have been subjected to endless waves of urban development that has left scores of building demolitions in its wake. The construction waste produced is immense but its removal or abatement is completely ignored by the state. Who will deal with all this waste? Enter the reclaimers (çkmacs), an informal network of building salvagers, who have stepped in to create a new form of assemblage that fills this gap. Erdogan Onur Ceritoglu makes an in-depth ethnographic study of the under-the-radar livelihood of the reclaimers long-term. He also focuses on incremental architecture through the reuse of second-hand building elements

    Etude de la visualisation de code en lien avec les ontologies métier

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    La maintenance logicielle est une tâche importante du software engineering. Celle-ci représente entre 60% à 90% du coût total du logiciel. Une des tâches les plus difficiles de la maintenance est la compréhension de l’application. Des récentes études démontrent que les développeurs passent entre 60 et 80% de leur temps à comprendre le fonctionnement du logiciel avant de faire une quelconque opération de maintenance. Cette phase est nécessaire, car pour réaliser une opération de maintenance, il faut comprendre le code source et le fonctionnement de celui-ci. Il existe actuellement plusieurs manières d’analyses de code, dynamiques et statiques liées au reverse engineering qui permettent de fournir des visualisations du logiciel. En revanche, celles-ci ne permettent pas de faire la liaison entre l’ontologie métier et le code source du logiciel, par conséquent, la tâche de localiser le code source associé à l’ontologie métier revient au développeur. En effet, la liaison entre l’ontologie métier et le code source permet de comprendre le logiciel en localisant les différents concepts métiers implémentés dans le code source. Le but de mon travail consiste à explorer les techniques existantes de visualisations de code associées aux ontologies métiers, afin d’identifier un modèle prometteur et à implémenter un prototype

    Tadilat: Remodel

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    This thesis is about work constructed with a reading of standardization and consumerism within architecture and design in domestic environment. It starts with how modernity takes over everyday life through architecture, design and art. Referring to Merzbau by Kurt Schwitters as an artistic rupture to modernism, various patterns of architectural waste used in the context of art are being explored. After a brief historical prologue, it focused on art work which are the revalue of refusal found architectural elements of the home environment. Moving on from this theoretical frame work, first primary tryout called Kapılar (Doors) and subsequently the major work called Evci is discussed looking for answers to some questions: Can an art project be sustainable also in its context? Can the audience be included to participate in the production of art or actually be a part of that piece of art? In the light of these explorations the possibilities of a future project based on constructional junkyards are going to be mentioned

    Deep Learning Based Detection on RIS Assisted RSM and RSSK Techniques

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    The reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) is considered a crucial technology for the future of wireless communication. Recently, there has been significant interest in combining RIS with spatial modulation (SM) or space shift keying (SSK) to achieve a balance between spectral and energy efficiency. In this paper, we have investigated the use of deep learning techniques for detection in RIS-aided received SM (RSM)/received-SSK (RSSK) systems over Weibull fading channels, specifically by extending the RIS-aided SM/SSK system to a specific case of the conventional SM system. By employing the concept of neural networks, the study focuses on model-driven deep learning detection namely block deep neural networks (B-DNN) for RIS-aided SM systems and compares its performance against maximum likelihood (ML) and greedy detectors. Finally, it has been demonstrated by Monte Carlo simulation that while B-DNN achieved a bit error rate (BER) performance close to that of ML, it gave better results than the Greedy detector.Comment: Accepted to be published in GlobeComm 2023 Worksho

    Intratympanic Steroid Treatment in Méniére Disease

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    Méniére disease (MD) is characterized by vertigo attacks, hearing loss, tinnitus, and aural fullness. Although the exact treatment of MD is lacking, several treatment options including conservative, medical, and surgical aim to control symptoms. Recently, an increasingly used treatment method called intratympanic steroid (ITS) treatment is applied to patients suffering from MD. In which step the ITS takes part for MD treatment protocol is not certain. But common wisdom is that ITS can be used in patients with intractable MD to conservative and medical treatment before applying intratympanic gentamicin and surgical treatments

    The impact of concurrent HPV infections on the presentation of high grade cervical intraepithelial lesions

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    Objectives: We investigate how concurrent high-risk (hr) HPV (human papillomavirus) genotypes affect CIN2-3 risk and evaluate the relationship of different genotype combinations with cervical epithelial lesions. Material and methods: This study included HPV positive patients between the ages of 30 and 60 who underwent liquid-based cervical smears and HPV screening through community-based, cervical cancer screening programs between June 2015 and June 2017. The impact of the increase in hrHPV types was calculated by estimating how it changed the odds ratio of CIN2-3 risk. Results: The rate of multiple concurrent HPV infections was 48.7% in the CIN2-3 group and 58.4% in the CIN1 group. Among patients in the CIN2-3 and CIN1 groups, the most common HPV coinfection was respectively HPV 16+31 and HPV 16+51. The HPV 51 ratio in CIN1 patients was 28.9% and the HPV 51 ratio in the CIN2-3 patient was 6.6%. With every increase in the number of hrHPV infection types, the frequency of CIN2-3 decreased [OR: 0.72, 95% CI: 0.54-0.95]. For all hrHPV combinations, the addition of HPV 16 was associated with a higher risk of CIN2-3. Conclusions: An increase in number of hrHPV types is associated with lower CIN2-3 risk. Further cohort studies with larger samples are needed to clarify this relationship. The available evidence suggests that HPV 16 genotype plays an important role in patients with high-grade cervical lesions and has a negative impact on the cervix in concurrent multiple HPV infections

    The efficacy of chloroquine treatment against naturally occuring Giardia duodenalis infection in lambs

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    Objective. The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy of Chloroquine (Cq), an antimalarial medicine, administered at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg, orally, during 5 consecutive days, in Sakiz and Merino lambs naturally infected with Giardia duodenalis. Materials and methods. To this extent weaned 10 weeks of aged lambs were enrolled and randomly assigned into two groups based on treatment (group C, n=18 lambs treated with Cq) and placebo (group P, n=8 untreated control animals). Diagnosis was based on detection of trophozoit and/or cysts on fecal flotation. Cyst count per gram feces (days 0, 3, 7 and 10) was analyzed among groups. Results. During the trial, regarding the efficacy of Cq on days 3., 7., and 10. There was significant (p<0.01) reduction in cyst excretion; whereas evaluation of mean geometric cyst excretion revealed 100% reduction. Conclusions. There was a very high (100%) reduction in cyst excretion in the Cq treatment group compared to the positive untreated control group on days 3, 7 and 10, resulting in a significant (p<0.001) reduction, making Cq, safety, and thus highly effective treatment option of lambs with naturally occuring giardiasis. Objetivo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la eficacia de la cloroquina, un medicamento contra la malaria, administrado a una dosis de 2.5 mg/kg, por vía oral, durante 5 días consecutivos, en Corderos Sakiz y Merino infectados naturalmente con Giardia duodenalis. Materiales y metodos. En esta medida destetados 10 semanas de edad fueron incluidos y asignados al azar en dos grupos sobre la base del tratamiento (grupo C, n = 18 corderos tratados con cloroquina) y placebo (grupo P, n = 8 animales de control no tratados). El diagnóstico se basa en la detección de trophozoit y/o quistes en la flotación fecal. Quiste recuento por gramo de heces (día 0, 3, 7 y 10) se analizó entre los grupos. Resultados. Respecto a la eficacia de la cloroquina en los días 3, 7 y 10 existió una reducción significativa (p<0.01) en la excreción de quistes; mientras que la evaluación de la media de la excreción Rev.MVZ Córdoba 21(2):5328-5335, 2016. ISSN: 0122-0268 ORIGINAL 5329 de quistes reveló una reducción del 100%. Conclusiones. Durante el estudio hubo una reducción del 100% en la excreción de quistes en el grupo de tratamiento con cloroquina en comparación con el grupo control no tratado positivo en los días 3, 7 y 10, lo que resulta en una disminución significativa (p<0.001) por lo que la cloroquina razonablemente es una opción de tratamiento por el costo, seguridad, y por lo tanto muy eficaz de corderos infectados naturalmente con giardiasis

    GPS-Based Real-Time Orbit Determination of Low Earth Orbit Satellites Using Robust Unscented Kalman Filter

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    In this research, a novel algorithm for real-time orbit determination (RTOD) is presented using the robust unscented Kalman filter (RUKF) with global positioning system (GPS) group and phase ionospheric correction (GRAPHIC) observables. To increase the reliability of the solution, a robust approach is included in the UKF to cope with the bad, invalid, or degraded measurements leading to the divergence or inaccurate output of the filter. Robustness is provided by making the filter less sensitive to faulty measurements using a scale matrix that is multiplied with the covariance matrix of the observation noises. Real data collected during a massive solar storm are used in the algorithm. For external validation, the outputs of RUKF and classical UKF are compared with the precision orbit ephemerides of the Challenging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP). The results show that RUKF slightly outperforms classical UKF and possesses the capability to be used as an efficient and reliable algorithm in case of bad observations or malfunctioning of the system. (C) 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers

    Accidents Happen: Psychological Empowerment as a Moderator of Accident Involvement and Its Outcomes

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    Research in the occupational safety realm has tended to develop and test models aimed at predicting accident involvement in the workplace, with studies treating accident involvement as the starting point and examining its outcomes being more rare. In the current study, we examine the relationship between accident involvement and a series of outcomes drawing upon a learned helplessness theory perspective. Specifically, we predicted that psychological empowerment would moderate the relationship between prior accident involvement and outcomes. We tested our hypotheses on a sample of 392 employees and their 66 supervisors working in an iron and steel manufacturing firm in Southern Turkey, using data collected from employees and their supervisors via four separate surveys. Results suggest that accident involvement was positively related to supervisor rated employee withdrawal, production deviance, and sabotage only when psychological empowerment was low. The results illustrate that workplace accidents have indirect costs in the form of higher withdrawal and maladaptive behaviors, and organizations may inoculate employees against some of these outcomes via higher psychological empowerment
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