64 research outputs found

    Des outils en appui aux gestionnaires des inondations : méthodes d'évaluation économiques et implication des habitants. Application à la gestion des inondations sur la basse vallée de l'Orb

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    National audienceSession 7 Outils: re-questionner l'évaluation. Ce document rassemble trois articles: 1. Des outils en appui aux gestionnaires des inondations : méthodes d'évaluation économiques et moyens d'implication des habitants 2. Comment évaluer les effets de la modélisation participative dans l'émergence d'une gouvernance territoriale ? 3. Démarches participatives et asymétries de pouvoir : éliciter et interroger les positionnement

    Dynamic management of water transfer between two interconnected river basins

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    Identifiant HAL : hal-01006695This paper analyzes the dynamic interaction between two regions with interconnected river basins. Precipitation is higher in one river-basin while water productivity is higher in the other. Water transfer increases productivity in the recipient basin, but may cause environmental damage in the donor basin. The recipient faces a trade-off between paying the price of the water transfer, or investing in alternative water supplies to achieve a higher usable water capacity. We analyze the design of this transfer using a dynamic modeling approach, which relies on non-cooperative game theory, and compare solutions with different information structure (Nash open-loop, Nash feedback, Stackelberg) with the social optimum. We first assume that the equilibrium between supply and demand determines the optimal transfer price and amount. We show that, contrary to the static case, in a realistic dynamic setting in which the recipient uses a feedback information structure the social optimum will not emerge as the equilibrium solution. We then study different leadership situations in the water market and observe that the transfer amount decreases towards a long-run value lower than the transfer under perfect competition, which in turn lays below the social optimum. In consequence, the water in the donor's river-basin river converges to a better quality in the presence of market power. Finally, we numerically compare our results to the Tagus-Segura water transfer described in Ballestero (2004). Welfare gains are compared for the different scenarios. We show that in all dynamic settings, the long-run transfer amount is lower than in Ballestero's static model. Further, we show that the long-run price settles at a lower level than in Ballestero's model, but is still higher than the average cost-based price determined by the Spanish government

    Une analyse coût-bénéfice spatialisée de la protection contre des inondations. Application de la méthode des dommages évités à la basse vallée de l'Orb

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    Cet article étudie la pertinence d'une analyse coût-bénéfice (ACB) basée sur la méthode des dommages évités pour évaluer des politiques de prévention des inondations. S'appuyant sur un cas d'étude dans la vallée de l'Orb (Hérault), il détaille les étapes de l'approche, notamment la modélisation des enjeux et le calcul des dommages moyens annuels. Il propose différentes formes de résultats : valeur actuelle nette, carte des dommages potentiels et carte des bénéfices attendus des projets, et montre comment ces résultats peuvent contribuer à la définition de stratégies de gestion des inondations, par exemple en déterminant les crues de projet. La discussion porte sur la transférabilité de la méthode, sur ses limites et les perspectives de développement. / This article explores the relevance of implementing a Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of flood prevention policies via the Damage Avoided approach. Based on a case study in the Orb catchment (Hérault), the article reminds the different steps of the approach, in particular the modelization of assets in floodplains and the calculus of mean annual damages. The article proposes different ways to present the results : the net present value, a map of potential damage and a map of expected benefits, and shows how these results can contribute to the definition of flood management strategies, for example by the choice of design-floods. The discussion deals with the transferability of the method, its limits and perspectives for further developments

    Plasmapheresis reverses all side-effects of a cisplatin overdose – a case report and treatment recommendation

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    BACKGROUND: Cisplatin is widely used as an antineoplastic agent since it is effective against a broad spectrum of different tumours. Nevertheless, it has several potential side effects affecting different organ systems and an overdose may lead to life-threatening complications and even death. CASE PRESENTATION: We report on a 46-year old woman with non-small cell lung cancer who accidentally received 225 mg/m(2 )of cisplatin, which was threefold the dose as scheduled, within a 3-day period. Two days later, the patient presented with hearing loss, severe nausea and vomiting, acute renal failure as well as elevated liver enzymes. In addition, she developed a severe myelodepression. After plasmapheresis on two consecutive days and vigorous supportive treatment, the toxicity-related symptoms improved and the patient recovered without any sequelae. CONCLUSION: To date, no general accepted guidelines for the treatment of cisplatin overdoses are available. Along with the experience from other published cases, our report shows that plasmapheresis is capable of lowering cisplatin plasma and serum levels efficiently. Therefore, plasma exchange performed as soon as possible can ameliorate all side effects of a cisplatin overdose and be a potential tool for clinicians for treatment. However, additional intensive supportive treatment-modalities are necessary to control all occurring side effects

    Induction of Selective Blood-Tumor Barrier Permeability and Macromolecular Transport by a Biostable Kinin B1 Receptor Agonist in a Glioma Rat Model

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    Treatment of malignant glioma with chemotherapy is limited mostly because of delivery impediment related to the blood-brain tumor barrier (BTB). B1 receptors (B1R), inducible prototypical G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) can regulate permeability of vessels including possibly that of brain tumors. Here, we determine the extent of BTB permeability induced by the natural and synthetic peptide B1R agonists, LysdesArg9BK (LDBK) and SarLys[dPhe8]desArg9BK (NG29), in syngeneic F98 glioma-implanted Fischer rats. Ten days after tumor inoculation, we detected the presence of B1R on tumor cells and associated vasculature. NG29 infusion increased brain distribution volume and uptake profiles of paramagnetic probes (Magnevist and Gadomer) at tumoral sites (T1-weighted imaging). These effects were blocked by B1R antagonist and non-selective cyclooxygenase inhibitors, but not by B2R antagonist and non-selective nitric oxide synthase inhibitors. Consistent with MRI data, systemic co-administration of NG29 improved brain tumor delivery of Carboplatin chemotherapy (ICP-Mass spectrometry). We also detected elevated B1R expression in clinical samples of high-grade glioma. Our results documented a novel GPCR-signaling mechanism for promoting transient BTB disruption, involving activation of B1R and ensuing production of COX metabolites. They also underlined the potential value of synthetic biostable B1R agonists as selective BTB modulators for local delivery of different sized-therapeutics at (peri)tumoral sites

    SCAview: an Intuitive Visual Approach to the Integrative Analysis of Clinical Data in Spinocerebellar Ataxias

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    With SCAview, we present a prompt and comprehensive tool that enables scientists to browse large datasets of the most common spinocerebellar ataxias intuitively and without technical effort. Basic concept is a visualization of data, with a graphical handling and filtering to select and define subgroups and their comparison. Several plot types to visualize all data points resulting from the selected attributes are provided. The underlying synthetic cohort is based on clinical data from five different European and US longitudinal multicenter cohorts in spinocerebellar ataxia type 1, 2, 3, and 6 (SCA1, 2, 3, and 6) comprising > 1400 patients with overall > 5500 visits. First, we developed a common data model to integrate the clinical, demographic, and characterizing data of each source cohort. Second, the available datasets from each cohort were mapped onto the data model. Third, we created a synthetic cohort based on the cleaned dataset. With SCAview, we demonstrate the feasibility of mapping cohort data from different sources onto a common data model. The resulting browser-based visualization tool with a thoroughly graphical handling of the data offers researchers the unique possibility to visualize relationships and distributions of clinical data, to define subgroups and to further investigate them without any technical effort. Access to SCAview can be requested via the Ataxia Global Initiative and is free of charge

    Avis d'expertise sur l'analyse coût-bénéfice du Programme d'Actions pour la Prévention des Inondations (PAPI) des Côtiers des Maures

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    Cet avis porte sur la méthodologie de la mise en œuvre de l’analyse coût-bénéfice du PAPI des Côtiers des Maures

    Avis d'expertise sur l'analyse coût-bénéfice du programme d'actions pour la prévention des inondations du PAPI Lez-Mosson

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    Cet avis porte sur la méthodologie de la mise en oeuvre de l'analyse coût-bénéfice du PAPI Lez-Mosson
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