1,068 research outputs found

    Status of terrestrial weeds that exist and disperse at irrigation channels of aydin plain and management of phragmites Australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. (common reed)

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    Bu çalışmada Aydın Ovası sulama kanalları kenarında bulunan yabancı ot türleri ile bunlardan en sık rastlanılanların tohumlarının suda canlı kalma süreleri ve suyla taşınmaları incelenmiştir. Ayrıca sulama suyunun filtrelenmesinin yabancı otlanma açısından etkileri araştırılmış, sulama kanalları dibinde biriken tortuda bulunan yabancı ot türleri belirlenmiş ve P. australis mücadelesinde glyphosate'ın bitkinin farklı gelişme dönemlerindeki etkisi tespit edilmiştir. Nisan ve Eylül 2012'de yürütülen surveylerde 120 farklı yabancı ot türü belirlenmiştir. Türden türe değişmekle birlikte bazı yabancı ot tohumlarının 12 ay sonunda dahi suda canlılıklarını devam ettirebildikleri görülmüştür. Sulama suyunun filtrelenmesinin yabancı otlanma açısından etkilerinin değerlendirildiği çalışmanın ilk yıl sonuçlarına göre 18 mesh (941 µ) ve üzeri elek kullanımının yabancı ot tohumlarını engellemek açısından yeterli olacağı belirlenmiştir. Toplam 66 dm3 tortuda her iki yılda da toplam 15.000'in üzerinde tohum kaydedilmiştir. Tortuda bulunan yabancı otların lokal vejetasyonla benzerlikler gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Suyla taşınması incelenen yabancı ot tohumlarının çoğunun suyla taşınabildiği ve daha çok yüzey suyunda bulunduğu görülmüştür. Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.'nin ileriki yıllarda sulama kanalları kenarında en sık rastlanan yabancı otlardan biri olabileceği kanısına varılmıştır. Kamış mücadelesinde bitki 30-60 cm boyda iken yapılan glyphosate uygulamasının en etkili uygulama zamanı olduğu belirlenmiştir.In this study, weed species at the Aydın Plain irrigation channel banks, viability and dispersal of the seeds of the most frequent ones in water were investigated. Also, effects of filtrated irrigation water on weed emergence, weed species in the sediment and effects of glyphosate on different growth stages of Phragmites australis (common reed) were studied. In surveys that were conducted in April and September 2012, 120 different weed species were determined. Seeds of some weeds were viable even after 12 months in water, however variable results were obtained based on weed species. According to first year results of the study to evaluate the effects of filtrated irrigation water on the weed emergence, usage of 18 mesh (941 µ) and upper screen size were found sufficient to prevent to weed seeds. In 66 dm3 sediment samples, more than 15.000 seeds were recorded in either in 2 years. The weed species in the sediment were demonstrated similarities to local vegetation. Most of the studied weed seeds were able to disperse by water. They floated usually at surface water. Sorghum halepense was supposed to be one of the most frequent weed species at irrigation channel banks in the coming years. Application of glyphosate to common reed at 30-60 cm in height were found as the most effective practice

    The Role of the Local Media in the International Relations

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    Although much has been said about the role of the local media in the international relations, only limited attention and care has been given to the importance of local media`s role in the international relations. This study investigates different authors` thoughts and writings about the roles of local media in the international relations. It is found out that the main purpose of the media is to inform, to entertein, to explore, to teach, to analyze, to enlighten and to educate society, but the media are used and controlled by leaders for their own purposes. It is further observed that media is a powerful means for states to develp their relations.This study contributes to the research in understanding the main roles of media in international relations

    The isolation, serotyping and antimicrobial susceptibility of Pasteurella multocida strains in cattle in the region of Aydin and Izmir

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    Bu çalısmada, Pasteurella multocida izolasyonu amacıyla kullanılan toplam 570 adet sıgır intratrcheal svabının 350 adedi İzmir ilinde, 220 adedi ise Aydın ilinde bulunan mezbahalardan temin edildi. Arastırmada kullanılan 570 adet örnegin 28 (%4,9)'inden P. multocida izolasyon ve identifikasyonu yapıldı. İzmir ilinden alınan 350 örnekten 18 adet (% 5,14) ve Aydın ilinden alınan 220 örnekten 10 adet (% 4,54) P. multocida izolasyon ve identifikasyonu yapılmıstır. Yapılan çalısmada 28 adet saha susunun 15 (% 53,6) adedi tip B, 10 (% 35,7) adedi tip A ve 1 (% 3,5) adedi de tip D olarak tespit edildi. İzolatlardan 2 (% 7,2) adedi ise tiplendirilememistir. P. multocida suslarının % 93,0 flourphenicole'e, % 61,0 enrofloxacine'e, % 54,0 oxytetracycline'e duyarlı oldugu bulundu. P. multocida suslarının tümünün erytromycine ve sulphamethaxsazole ? trimethoprim'e % 82,0, gentamycine'e % 64,0 ve amoxycilline clavulanic acid'e ise % 61,0 oranlarında dirençli oldugu tespit edilmistir. In this study, a total of 570 intratracheal swabs were examined for the Pasteurella multocida isolation that were taken 350 of from zmir region slaughterhouse and were taken 220 of from Aydın region slaughterhouse. P. multocida was identified from 28 (4,9%) of 570 intratracheal swabs that were examined in this study. Pasteurella multocida was identified from 18 (5,14%) of 350 in zmir region and 10 (4,54) of 220 in Aydın region. In the study, a total of 28 field Pasteurella multocida strains were serotyped as ; 15 (53,6 %) type B, 10 (35,7%) type A and 1 (3,5%) type D, respectively. Of 2 Pasteurella multocida strains were untypeable. The Pasteurella multocida strains were found to be susceptible to Flourphenicol (93,0 %), Enrofloxacine (61,0 %), Oxytetracycline (54,0 %) and were found to be resistant to Erythromycine (82,0 %), Sulphamethaxsazole-Trimethoprim (82,0 %), Gentamycine (64,0 %) and Amoxycilline-Clavulanic acid (61,0 %)


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    It is well known that there is a strong historical link between Turkey and the Balkans for centuries. Ottoman past of Turkey has created political and social constructions in the region for many perspectives which are geographical, economic, and social. From the disintegration of Yugoslavia to nowadays, it can easily say that these aspects accumulated at one common value which is named EU membership process. Because of all states in the region declared their prospects of EU membership and some of them reached their aim. With the disintegration of Yugoslavia, all the balances in the Balkans were altered. After many wars and miserable events, Balkans passed a new era with the interest of EU membership process. As Balkans, Turkey aims to be member of EU for gaining more democratic values. Turkey supported NATO, US, and EU policies since 1990 and part took in the peace-making and peace-keeping operations by sending troops into the region. From the point of western oriented view, Turkey has ready for security issues. After long times, the Turkish policy on the Balkans is different from the past decade. This time is not only with military force, but as the most dynamically growing economy of the region. The European Union can offer accession perspectives that are still very attractive for the Balkan countries and beside this, Turkey’s possibilities is also to be attractive for the region. In the light of information mentioned upper, I aim to analyze the Turkey’s foreign policy towards Balkans in the concept of EU membership process in my paper. I will mainly aim that compare Turkey’s capabilities and EU’s policies in the region. In the last decade Turkey started to define itself as a pivotal regional state. Firstly, I will describe Turkish political priorities from the perspective of pivotal state and then, I will claim that Turkey’s geographical position and its dynamic economy give her a distinguished position in the future of the Balkans. From the perspective of EU accession process, it will be opportunity for both parts in the Balkans. Actually, if the relations between the European Union and Turkey develop, it will be beneficial for the all parts in the region

    The The Influence of Construction Site Internships in Architecture Education; A Study on Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory

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    This study examines the impact of internships and the influence of construction site manager (CSM) as a role model on students\u27 educational and career paths, employing Kolb\u27s experiential learning theory as a theoretical framework. To address the research objectives, a questionnaire was conducted on 93 architecture students, focusing on four key research questions: (1) Does the internship experience affect students\u27 perception of CSMs? (2) Does it influence their career goals related to CSM positions? (3) Does the internship experience alter the career aspirations of intern students regarding the career as a construction site manager? and (4) Do students perceive CSMs as role models after completing their internships? The findings show how internships significantly affect students, improving their comprehension of the CSM role, influencing their aspirations for their careers, and offering life-changing experiences. It is anticipated that these findings will significantly advance the field of architecture education and have applications in curriculum development, internship program design and execution, and career counseling services, especially in underdeveloped or developing countries

    DNA Databases for Criminal Justice System: A Pathway towards Utopian or Dystopian Future?

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    Abstract:  DNA evidence has increasingly become a widespread instrument in solving crime as well as crime prevention. As such, creation of DNA databases or expanding the existing ones have been on the rise in the world. On the one side, storing DNA profiles serves as a pivotal tool in crime solving, but on the other, privacy based on genome concerns occur. DNA databases appears as an example of biotechnology today and in the future that are argued in a spectrum ranging from utopia to dystopia. This methodical approach, of course, is nothing new or novel for a DNA database-related study. This study, however, aims to analyse the matter from the standpoint of criminal law and to discuss whether the modus operandi of criminal procedure on the use of DNA databases paves the way towards utopian or dystopian vision for future. As such, after introducing theme and indicating scope of the study (I), it provides an overview regarding the involvement of DNA as evidence and respectively database in criminal justice system in the world (II).  Whether databases established for criminal justice system serve for dystopian

    The effects of typical and atypical antipsychotics on the electrical activity of the brain in a rat model

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    Objective: Antipsychotic drugs are known to have strongeffect on the bioelectric activity in the brain. However,some studies addressing the changes on electroencephalography(EEG) caused by typical and atypical antipsychoticdrugs are conflicting. We aimed to compare the effectsof typical and atypical antipsychotics on the electricalactivity in the brain via EEG recordings in a rat model.Methods: Thirty-two Sprague Dawley adult male ratswere used in the study. The rats were divided into fivegroups, randomly (n=7, for each group). The first groupwas used as control group and administered 1 ml/kg salineintraperitoneally (IP). Haloperidol (1 mg/kg) (group 2),chlorpromazine (5 mg/kg) (group 3), olanzapine (1 mg/kg)(group 4), ziprasidone (1 mg/ kg) (group 5) were injectedIP for five consecutive days. Then, EEG recordings ofeach group were taken for 30 minutes.Results: The percentages of delta and theta waves inhaloperidol, chlorpromazine, olanzapine and ziprasidonegroups were found to have a highly significant differencecompared with the saline administration group (p<0.001).The theta waves in the olanzapine and ziprasidonegroups were increased compared with haloperidol andchlorpromazine groups (p<0.05).Conclusion: The typical and atypical antipsychotic drugsmay be risk factor for EEG abnormalities. This studyshows that antipsychotic drugs should be used with caution.J Clin Exp Invest 2013; 4 (3): 279-284Key words: Haloperidol, chlorpromazine, olanzapine,ziprasidone, EEG, ra

    Competitive importance performance analysis (CIPA): An illustration from thermal tourism destinations

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    This paper introduces a syntheses of traditional Importance-Performance Analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process under the name of Competitive Importance-Performance Analysis (CIPA), to empower managers to make better decisions in creating competitive advantage. A questionnaire of a Turkish thermal tourism destination is utilized to illustrate the execution of the proposed approach. The results of the current case study illustrate the practicability and supplementary insights of specifying the priorities of attributes through the proposed approach for gaining competitive advantage. The results suggested that, from the expert’s perspective, plentiful natural hot springs, sound local transportation network, availability of sufficient accommodation, hygiene standards for hot springs spa equipment, public interest in health-leisure activities are important factors shaping the competitiveness of thermal tourism destinations. Therefore, thermal tourism destinations in Turkey might focus more on these attributes to gain competitive advantage. Moreover, increase in visitors seeking for health-oriented leisure time is increasing and hence the future of Turkish thermal tourism seems encouraging. Hence, the adapted undertakings will be required by augmenting the core thermal tourism product to reach the competitors

    Bacterial Tick-Borne Diseases of Livestock Animals

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    Bacterial tick-borne diseases (BTBDs) are very significant in practical one health medicine. In contrast to the restrictions related to diagnostic and clinical application, the control and prevention of bacterial tick-borne diseases are difficult because they require the disruption of a complicated transmission chain, involving vertebrate hosts and ticks, which interact in a constantly changing environment. Q fever, rickettsiosis, borreliosis, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis and tularemia are BTBDs, which are discussed in this chapter. Epidemiology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and prevention subtopics are planning to be prepared under main topics. This chapter presents a brief background of key livestock BTBDs and ticks and reviews the general aspects of BTBDs to identify topics in knowledge and understanding of these diseases, propose areas for future research and draw attention to the need for improved tools for the diagnosis and control of BTBDs