26 research outputs found

    FOXL2 is a Progesterone Target Gene in the Endometrium of Ruminants

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    Forkhead Box L2 (FOXL2) is a member of the FOXL class of transcription factors, which are essential for ovarian differentiation and function. In the endometrium, FOXL2 is also thought to be important in cattle; however, it is not clear how its expression is regulated. The maternal recognition of pregnancy signal in cattle, interferon-Tau, does not regulate FOXL2 expression. Therefore, in the present study, we examined whether the ovarian steroid hormones that orchestrate implantation regulate FOXL2 gene expression in ruminants. In sheep, we confirmed that FOXL2 mRNA and protein was expressed in the endometrium across the oestrous cycle (day 4 to day 15 post-oestrus). Similar to the bovine endometrium, ovine FOXL2 endometrial expression was low during the luteal phase of the oestrous cycle (4 to 12 days post-oestrus) and at implantation (15 days post-oestrus) while mRNA and protein expression significantly increased during the luteolytic phase (day 15 post-oestrus in cycle). In pregnant ewes, inhibition of progesterone production by trilostane during the day 5 to 16 period prevented the rise in progesterone concentrations and led to a significant increase of FOXL2 expression in caruncles compared with the control group (1.4-fold, p < 0.05). Ovariectomized ewes or cows that were supplemented with exogenous progesterone for 12 days or 6 days, respectively, had lower endometrial FOXL2 expression compared with control ovariectomized females (sheep, mRNA, 1.8-fold; protein, 2.4-fold; cattle; mRNA, 2.2-fold; p < 0.05). Exogenous oestradiol treatments for 12 days in sheep or 2 days in cattle did not affect FOXL2 endometrial expression compared with control ovariectomized females, except at the protein level in both endometrial areas in the sheep. Moreover, treating bovine endometrial explants with exogenous progesterone for 48h reduced FOXL2 expression. Using in vitro assays with COS7 cells we also demonstrated that progesterone regulates the FOXL2 promoter activity through the progesterone receptor. Collectively, our findings imply that endometrial FOXL2 is, as a direct target of progesterone, involved in early pregnancy and implantation

    Mutations involving the SRY-related gene SOX8 are associated with a spectrum of human reproductive anomalies.

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    © The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. SOX8 is an HMG-box transcription factor closely related to SRY and SOX9. Deletion of the gene encoding Sox8 in mice causes reproductive dysfunction but the role of SOX8 in humans is unknown. Here, we show that SOX8 is expressed in the somatic cells of the early developing gonad in the human and influences human sex determination. We identified two individuals with 46, XY disorders/differences in sex development (DSD) and chromosomal rearrangements encompassing the SOX8 locus and a third individual with 46, XY DSD and a missense mutation in the HMG-box of SOX8. In vitro functional assays indicate that this mutation alters the biological activity of the protein. As an emerging body of evidence suggests that DSDs and infertility can have common etiologies, we also analysed SOX8 in a cohort of infertile men (n=274) and two independent cohorts of women with primary ovarian insufficiency (POI; n=153 and n=104). SOX8 mutations were found at increased frequency in oligozoospermic men (3.5%; P < 0.05) and POI (5.06%; P=4.5×10 -5 ) as compared with fertile/normospermic control populations (0.74%). The mutant proteins identified altered SOX8 biological activity as compared with the wild-type protein. These data demonstrate that SOX8 plays an important role in human reproduction and SOX8 mutations contribute to a spectrum of phenotypes including 46, XY DSD, male infertility and 46, XX POI.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Loss of Function of the Nuclear Receptor NR2F2, Encoding COUP-TF2, Causes Testis Development and Cardiac Defects in 46,XX Children

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    Emerging evidence from murine studies suggests that mammalian sex determination is the outcome of an imbalance between mutually antagonistic male and female regulatory networks that canalize development down one pathway while actively repressing the other. However, in contrast to testis formation, the gene regulatory pathways governing mammalian ovary development have remained elusive. We performed exome or Sanger sequencing on 79 46,XX SRY-negative individuals with either unexplained virilization or with testicular/ovotesticular disorders/differences of sex development (TDSD/OTDSD). We identified heterozygous frameshift mutations in NR2F2, encoding COUP-TF2, in three children. One carried a c.103_109delGGCGCCC (p.Gly35Argfs( *)75) mutation, while two others carried a c.97_103delCCGCCCG (p.Pro33Alafs( *)77) mutation. In two of three children the mutation was de novo. All three children presented with congenital heart disease (CHD), one child with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), and two children with blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES). The three children had androgen production, virilization of external genitalia, and biochemical or histological evidence of testicular tissue. We demonstrate a highly significant association between the NR2F2 loss-of-function mutations and this syndromic form of DSD (p = 2.44 x 10(-8)). We show that COUP-TF2 is highly abundant in a FOXL2-negative stromal cell population of the fetal human ovary. In contrast to the mouse, these data establish COUP-TF2 as a human "pro-ovary" and "anti-testis" sex-determining factor in female gonads. Furthermore, the data presented here provide additional evidence of the emerging importance of nuclear receptors in establishing human ovarian identity and indicate that nuclear receptors may have divergent functions in mouse and human biology

    FOXL2 : Un régulateur de la physiologie endométriale ? PremiÚres conclusions chez les ruminants

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    Soutenance de la thĂšse en AnglaisImplantation is characterized by the first permanent cellular interactions between the endometrium, lining the uterus, and the conceptus (embryonic disk and extra-embryonic tissues) and appears to be one of the most important checkpoints of successful pregnancy. Regarding ruminant species, and more specifically dairy cows, half of pregnancies abort during the pre-implantation period due to early embryonic death and uterine defects. In the last decade, exploratory approaches have been developed to study endometrial genes expression under the influence of oestrous cycle, early pregnancy, and ovarian steroid hormones in order to identify systematically crucial endometrial genes for conceptus growth and survival leading to a successful implantation in ruminant specifically. A microarray analyse made at the laboratory based on endometrial samples collected from cyclic and pregnant cows at 20 days post-oestrous, corresponding respectively to the follicular phase and the implantation initiation. Several members of the transcription factor families appeared to be differentially expressed in this study including FOXL2, a member of the Forkhead box L sub-class originally considered as a key gene for ovarian differentiation. My PhD thesis focused on the implication of FOXL2 gene in endometrial physiology. FOXL2 gene had been demonstrated to be expressed and regulated during the oestrous cycle and early pregnancy in ruminant endometrium. Moreover, progesterone was identified as a master regulator of FOXL2 endometrial expression in both cattle and sheep whereas estrogens have no impact. Based on candidate genes approach, over-expression of FOXL2 gene induces a regulation of eleven putative FOXL2 target genes in primary endometrial stromal and glandular epithelial cells. In particular, PTGS2 which is a positive regulator gene for uterine receptivity was shown to be inhibited whereas SCARA5 and RSAD2 expressions that were involved in immune response were shown to be stimulated as well as DLX5 expression was differentially regulated between stromal and glandular epithelial cells. Collectively, FOXL2 endometrial expression is strongly linked to the uterine receptivity process prior to the implantation and modulates the expression of essential endometrial genes. Further investigations will be required to investigate whether FOXL2 is the gatekeeper of female reproduction in the vertebrate species.L’implantation est caractĂ©risĂ©e par les premiers contacts cellulaires permanents entre l’endomĂštre, tapissant l’utĂ©rus, et le conceptus (disque embryonnaire et tissus extra-embryonnaires). Cette Ă©tape se trouve ĂȘtre l’un des plus importants points de contrĂŽle de la gestation nĂ©cessitant un dialogue finement rĂ©gulĂ© entre ces deux entitĂ©s. Concernant les ruminants, un dĂ©clin de la fertilitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© observĂ© notamment chez les vaches laitiĂšres hautes productrices. La moitiĂ© des gestations s’arrĂȘte pendant la pĂ©riode prĂ©-implantatoire due Ă  des mortalitĂ©s embryonnaires prĂ©coces ainsi qu’à des dĂ©fauts utĂ©rins. Depuis 10 ans, des analyses exploratoires ont Ă©tĂ© mises en place dans le but d’étudier les profils d’expression de gĂšnes endomĂ©triaux sous l’influence du cycle oestral, de la gestation prĂ©coce ou encore des stĂ©roĂŻdes ovariens comme la progestĂ©rone et les oestrogĂšnes. Ces Ă©tudes sont essentielles pour l’identification des gĂšnes endomĂ©triaux clĂ©s pour la survie et la croissance du conceptus avant l’implantation. Notre laboratoire a rĂ©alisĂ© une analyse transcriptomique Ă  partir d’échantillons endomĂ©triaux collectĂ©s sur des vaches cycliques et gestantes au 20 Ăšme jour post-oestrus correspondant respectivement Ă  la phase folliculaire et au premier jour d’implantation. Plusieurs familles de facteurs de transcription apparaissent diffĂ©rentiellement exprimĂ©es dans cette Ă©tude, notamment FOXL2, un membre de la famille des Forkhead Box transcription factor considĂ©rĂ© comme le gĂšne clĂ© de la diffĂ©renciation ovarienne. Ce travail de thĂšse s’est intĂ©ressĂ© Ă  l’implication de FOXL2 dans la physiologie endomĂ©triale. FOXL2 est exprimĂ© et rĂ©gulĂ© pendant le cycle oestral et la gestation prĂ©coce dans l’endomĂštre de ruminants. De plus, la progestĂ©rone a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e comme le rĂ©gulateur majeur de l’expression endomĂ©triale de FOXL2 chez la vache et la brebis alors que l’effet des estrogĂšnes n’a pas Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ©. A partir d’une approche gĂšnes candidats, la surexpression de FOXL2 induit la rĂ©gulation diffĂ©rentielle de onze gĂšnes potentiellement cibles de FOXL2 dans des cultures primaires endomĂ©triales de cellules stromales et Ă©pithĂ©liales glandulaires. En particulier, PTGS2 qui est un gĂšne impliquĂ© dans la rĂ©ceptivitĂ© utĂ©rine apparait inhibĂ© par FOXL2 alors que SCARA5 et RSAD2, tout deux impliquĂ©s dans la rĂ©ponse immunitaire sont stimulĂ©s. Enfin, DLX5 apparait diffĂ©rentiellement rĂ©gulĂ© entre les cellules stromales et Ă©pithĂ©liales glandulaires sous l’impact d’une surexpression de FOXL2. Pour conclure, l’expression endomĂ©triale de FOXL2 est fortement liĂ©e au processus de rĂ©ceptivitĂ© utĂ©rine qui se dĂ©roule avant l’implantation et peut moduler l’expression de gĂšnes endomĂ©triaux essentiels. De nouvelles analyses sont nĂ©cessaires pour dĂ©terminer si FOXL2 est le gardien de la physiologie reproductive femelle

    FOXL2 (Un régulateur de la physiologie endométriale ? PremiÚres conclusions chez les ruminants)

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    L implantation est caractĂ©risĂ©e par les premiers contacts cellulaires permanents entre l endomĂštre, tapissant l utĂ©rus, et le conceptus (disque embryonnaire et tissus extra-embryonnaires). Cette Ă©tape se trouve ĂȘtre l un des plus importants points de contrĂŽle de la gestation nĂ©cessitant un dialogue finement rĂ©gulĂ© entre ces deux entitĂ©s. Concernant les ruminants, un dĂ©clin de la fertilitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© observĂ© notamment chez les vaches laitiĂšres hautes productrices. La moitiĂ© des gestations s arrĂȘte pendant la pĂ©riode prĂ©-implantatoire due Ă  des mortalitĂ©s embryonnaires prĂ©coces ainsi qu Ă  des dĂ©fauts utĂ©rins. Depuis 10 ans, des analyses exploratoires ont Ă©tĂ© mises en place dans le but d Ă©tudier les profils d expression de gĂšnes endomĂ©triaux sous l influence du cycle oestral, de la gestation prĂ©coce ou encore des stĂ©roĂŻdes ovariens comme la progestĂ©rone et les oestrogĂšnes. Ces Ă©tudes sont essentielles pour l identification des gĂšnes endomĂ©triaux clĂ©s pour la survie et la croissance du conceptus avant l implantation. Notre laboratoire a rĂ©alisĂ© une analyse transcriptomique Ă  partir d Ă©chantillons endomĂ©triaux collectĂ©s sur des vaches cycliques et gestantes au 20 Ăšme jour post-oestrus correspondant respectivement Ă  la phase folliculaire et au premier jour d implantation. Plusieurs familles de facteurs de transcription apparaissent diffĂ©rentiellement exprimĂ©es dans cette Ă©tude, notamment FOXL2, un membre de la famille des Forkhead Box transcription factor considĂ©rĂ© comme le gĂšne clĂ© de la diffĂ©renciation ovarienne. Ce travail de thĂšse s est intĂ©ressĂ© Ă  l implication de FOXL2 dans la physiologie endomĂ©triale. FOXL2 est exprimĂ© et rĂ©gulĂ© pendant le cycle oestral et la gestation prĂ©coce dans l endomĂštre de ruminants. De plus, la progestĂ©rone a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e comme le rĂ©gulateur majeur de l expression endomĂ©triale de FOXL2 chez la vache et la brebis alors que l effet des estrogĂšnes n a pas Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ©. A partir d une approche gĂšnes candidats, la surexpression de FOXL2 induit la rĂ©gulation diffĂ©rentielle de onze gĂšnes potentiellement cibles de FOXL2 dans des cultures primaires endomĂ©triales de cellules stromales et Ă©pithĂ©liales glandulaires. En particulier, PTGS2 qui est un gĂšne impliquĂ© dans la rĂ©ceptivitĂ© utĂ©rine apparait inhibĂ© par FOXL2 alors que SCARA5 et RSAD2, tout deux impliquĂ©s dans la rĂ©ponse immunitaire sont stimulĂ©s. Enfin, DLX5 apparait diffĂ©rentiellement rĂ©gulĂ© entre les cellules stromales et Ă©pithĂ©liales glandulaires sous l impact d une surexpression de FOXL2. Pour conclure, l expression endomĂ©triale de FOXL2 est fortement liĂ©e au processus de rĂ©ceptivitĂ© utĂ©rine qui se dĂ©roule avant l implantation et peut moduler l expression de gĂšnes endomĂ©triaux essentiels. De nouvelles analyses sont nĂ©cessaires pour dĂ©terminer si FOXL2 est le gardien de la physiologie reproductive femelle.Implantation is characterized by the first permanent cellular interactions between the endometrium, lining the uterus, and the conceptus (embryonic disk and extra-embryonic tissues) and appears to be one of the most important checkpoints of successful pregnancy. Regarding ruminant species, and more specifically dairy cows, half of pregnancies abort during the pre-implantation period due to early embryonic death and uterine defects. In the last decade, exploratory approaches have been developed to study endometrial genes expression under the influence of oestrous cycle, early pregnancy, and ovarian steroid hormones in order to identify systematically crucial endometrial genes for conceptus growth and survival leading to a successful implantation in ruminant specifically. A microarray analyse made at the laboratory based on endometrial samples collected from cyclic and pregnant cows at 20 days post-oestrous, corresponding respectively to the follicular phase and the implantation initiation. Several members of the transcription factor families appeared to be differentially expressed in this study including FOXL2, a member of the Forkhead box L sub-class originally considered as a key gene for ovarian differentiation. My PhD thesis focused on the implication of FOXL2 gene in endometrial physiology. FOXL2 gene had been demonstrated to be expressed and regulated during the oestrous cycle and early pregnancy in ruminant endometrium. Moreover, progesterone was identified as a master regulator of FOXL2 endometrial expression in both cattle and sheep whereas estrogens have no impact. Based on candidate genes approach, over-expression of FOXL2 gene induces a regulation of eleven putative FOXL2 target genes in primary endometrial stromal and glandular epithelial cells. In particular, PTGS2 which is a positive regulator gene for uterine receptivity was shown to be inhibited whereas SCARA5 and RSAD2 expressions that were involved in immune response were shown to be stimulated as well as DLX5 expression was differentially regulated between stromal and glandular epithelial cells. Collectively, FOXL2 endometrial expression is strongly linked to the uterine receptivity process prior to the implantation and modulates the expression of essential endometrial genes. Further investigations will be required to investigate whether FOXL2 is the gatekeeper of female reproduction in the vertebrate species.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. Ă©lectronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Dairy cattle reproduction is a tightly regulated genetic process: Highlights on genes, pathways, and biological processes

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    Herd fertility is a key factor for the sustainability of cattle farming. However, declining fertility has become one of the main causes of culling and replacement of cows in developed countries.Omics technologies have been successfully developed in cattle, refining our knowledge of molecular mechanisms governing cattle reproduction. However, most studies have failed to establish clear links between the genome and final phenotypes.Further studies will be needed to integrate all Omics data and develop a systems biology modeling approach to tackle this complex biological function

    The TALE homeodomain of PBX1 is involved in human primary testis‐determination

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    International audienceHuman sex-determination is a poorly understood genetic process, where gonad development depends on a cell fate decision that occurs in a somatic cell to commit to Sertoli (male) or granulosa (female) cells. A lack of testis-determination in the human results in 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis. A minority of these cases is explained by mutations in genes known to be involved in sex-determination. Here, we identified a de novo missense mutation, p.Arg235Gln in the highly conserved TALE homeodomain of the transcription factor Pre-B-Cell Leukemia Transcription Factor 1 (PBX1) in a child with 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis and radiocubital synostosis. This mutation, within the nuclear localization signal of the protein, modifies the ability of the PBX1 protein to localize to the nucleus. The mutation abolishes the physical interaction of PBX1 with two proteins known to be involved in testis-determination, CBX2 and EMX2. These results provide a mechanism whereby this mutation results specifically in the absence of testis-determination

    Impact of in-vivo produced and cloned embryos on endometrial STAT1/SOCS pathway at implantation in cattle

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    International audienceAltered embryo-maternal interactions affect placental development with a subsequent impact on foetal growth, pregnancy outcome and postnatal health. Our recent transcriptome analyses have revealed global perturba- tions of endometrial physiology in early pregnant cows carrying embryos produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). To gain new insights on molecular mechanisms taking place in the endometrium during normal and perturbed implantation, we characterized the gene expression and regulation of selected STAT/SOCS factors, a major endometrial transduction pathway for successful implantation. Expression of STAT1 and SOCS genes was analysed in the endometrium of cyclic and pregnant cows at 16 and 20 days post-oestrus (dpo). Quantitative analyses (RT-qPCR, western-blotting) showed a higher impact of the conceptus on the endometrial expression of STAT1/SOCS genes at 20 dpo of pregnancy than at 16 dpo. At 20 dpo of pregnancy compared to oestrous cycle, STAT1, SOCS1, -3, -6 mRNA levels were up-regulated (6.7-fold, p<0.001; 1.8-fold, p<0.01; 2.4-fold, p<0.05; and 3.4-fold, p<0.001 respectively) whereas SOCS2 was down-regulated (0.6-fold, p<0.05). No regulation of CISH transcript expression was observed. Interestingly, SOCS-1, -2 and -3 but not SOCS6 nor CISH appeared to be early immediate IFNT target genes in vitro and in vivo. Using immunohis- tochemistry, endometrial localisation of STAT1 and SOCS proteins showed distinct patterns of cell localization. The impact of SCNT embryos compared to in vivo produced counterparts was analysed on STAT1 and SOCS expression in endometrium collected at 20 dpo. In SCNT pregnancies, STAT1 protein level was up-regulated (1.9-fold, p<0.05).whereas SOCS3 and CISH transcript expression was down-regulated (0.2 and 0.25-fold, p<0.05).Collectively, expression of STAT1 and SOCS3 genes has appeared to be the most affected by the type of embryo and its potential of term devel- opment. Additional studies will be necessary to clarify the biological functions of STAT1 and SOCS factors in normal and perturbed endometrial physiology