38 research outputs found

    The Evaluation of Optic Nerves Using 7 Tesla 'Silent' Zero Echo Time Imaging in Patients with Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy with or without Idebenone Treatment

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the Optic Nerve is difficult due to the fine extended nature of the structure, strong local magnetic field distortions induced by anatomy, and large motion artefacts associated with eye movement. To address these problems we used a Zero Echo Time (ZTE) MRI sequence with an Adiabatic SPectral Inversion Recovery (ASPIR) fat suppression pulse which also imbues the images with Magnetisation Transfer contrast. We investigated an application of the sequence for imaging the optic nerve in subjects with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON). Of particular note is the sequence's near-silent operation, which can enhance image quality of the optic nerve by reducing the occurrence of involuntary saccades induced during Magnetic Resonance (MR) scanning

    Seguimiento de las guías españolas para el manejo del asma por el médico de atención primaria: un estudio observacional ambispectivo

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    Objetivo Evaluar el grado de seguimiento de las recomendaciones de las versiones de la Guía española para el manejo del asma (GEMA 2009 y 2015) y su repercusión en el control de la enfermedad. Material y métodos Estudio observacional y ambispectivo realizado entre septiembre del 2015 y abril del 2016, en el que participaron 314 médicos de atención primaria y 2.864 pacientes. Resultados Utilizando datos retrospectivos, 81 de los 314 médicos (25, 8% [IC del 95%, 21, 3 a 30, 9]) comunicaron seguir las recomendaciones de la GEMA 2009. Al inicio del estudio, 88 de los 314 médicos (28, 0% [IC del 95%, 23, 4 a 33, 2]) seguían las recomendaciones de la GEMA 2015. El tener un asma mal controlada (OR 0, 19, IC del 95%, 0, 13 a 0, 28) y presentar un asma persistente grave al inicio del estudio (OR 0, 20, IC del 95%, 0, 12 a 0, 34) se asociaron negativamente con tener un asma bien controlada al final del seguimiento. Por el contrario, el seguimiento de las recomendaciones de la GEMA 2015 se asoció de manera positiva con una mayor posibilidad de que el paciente tuviera un asma bien controlada al final del periodo de seguimiento (OR 1, 70, IC del 95%, 1, 40 a 2, 06). Conclusiones El escaso seguimiento de las guías clínicas para el manejo del asma constituye un problema común entre los médicos de atención primaria. Un seguimiento de estas guías se asocia con un control mejor del asma. Existe la necesidad de actuaciones que puedan mejorar el seguimiento por parte de los médicos de atención primaria de las guías para el manejo del asma. Objective: To assess the degree of compliance with the recommendations of the 2009 and 2015 versions of the Spanish guidelines for managing asthma (Guía Española para el Manejo del Asma [GEMA]) and the effect of this compliance on controlling the disease. Material and methods: We conducted an observational ambispective study between September 2015 and April 2016 in which 314 primary care physicians and 2864 patients participated. Results: Using retrospective data, we found that 81 of the 314 physicians (25.8%; 95% CI 21.3–30.9) stated that they complied with the GEMA2009 recommendations. At the start of the study, 88 of the 314 physicians (28.0%; 95% CI 23.4–33.2) complied with the GEMA2015 recommendations. Poorly controlled asthma (OR, 0.19; 95% CI 0.13–0.28) and persistent severe asthma at the start of the study (OR, 0.20; 95% CI 0.12–0.34) were negatively associated with having well-controlled asthma by the end of the follow-up. In contrast, compliance with the GEMA2015 recommendations was positively associated with a greater likelihood that the patient would have well-controlled asthma by the end of the follow-up (OR, 1.70; 95% CI 1.40–2.06). Conclusions: Low compliance with the clinical guidelines for managing asthma is a common problem among primary care physicians. Compliance with these guidelines is associated with better asthma control. Actions need to be taken to improve primary care physician compliance with the asthma management guidelines

    Variation in postoperative outcomes of patients with intracranial tumors: insights from a prospective international cohort study during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: This study assessed the international variation in surgical neuro-oncology practice and 30-day outcomes of patients who had surgery for an intracranial tumor during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: We prospectively included adults aged ≥18 years who underwent surgery for a malignant or benign intracranial tumor across 55 international hospitals from 26 countries. Each participating hospital recorded cases for 3 consecutive months from the start of the pandemic. We categorized patients’ location by World Bank income groups (high [HIC], upper-middle [UMIC], and low- and lower-middle [LLMIC]). Main outcomes were a change from routine management, SARS-CoV-2 infection, and 30-day mortality. We used a Bayesian multilevel logistic regression stratified by hospitals and adjusted for key confounders to estimate the association between income groups and mortality. Results: Among 1016 patients, the number of patients in each income group was 765 (75.3%) in HIC, 142 (14.0%) in UMIC, and 109 (10.7%) in LLMIC. The management of 200 (19.8%) patients changed from usual care, most commonly delayed surgery. Within 30 days after surgery, 14 (1.4%) patients had a COVID-19 diagnosis and 39 (3.8%) patients died. In the multivariable model, LLMIC was associated with increased mortality (odds ratio 2.83, 95% credible interval 1.37–5.74) compared to HIC. Conclusions: The first wave of the pandemic had a significant impact on surgical decision-making. While the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection within 30 days after surgery was low, there was a disparity in mortality between countries and this warrants further examination to identify any modifiable factors

    Respiratory quotient estimations as additional prognostic tools in early septic shock

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    Central venous-to-arterial carbon dioxide difference (PcvaCO2), and its correction by the arterial-to-venous oxygen content difference (PcvaCO2/CavO2) have been proposed as additional tools to evaluate tissue hypoxia. Since the relationship between pressure and content of CO2 (CCO2) might be affected by several factors, some authors advocate for the use of CcvaCO2/CavO2. The aim of the present study was to explore the factors that might intervene in the difference between PcvaCO2/CavO2 and CcvaCO2/CavO2, and to analyze their association with mortality. Observational study in a 30-bed mixed ICU. Fifty-two septic shock patients within the first 24 h of ICU admission were studied. After restoration of mean arterial pressure, hemodynamic and metabolic parameters were evaluated. A total of 110 sets of measurements were performed. Simultaneous PcvaCO2/CavO2 and CcvaCO2/CavO2 values were correlated, but agreement analysis showed a significant proportional bias. The difference between PcvaCO2/CavO2 and CcvaCO2/CavO2 was independently associated with pH, ScvO2, baseline CcvaCO2/CavO2 and hemoglobin. A stepwise regression analysis showed that pH was the single best predictor for the magnitude of such difference, with very limited effect of other variables. At inclusion, variables associated with ICU-mortality were lactate, pH, PcvaCO2/CavO2, and the difference between PcvaCO2/CavO2 and CcvaCO2/CavO2. Initial ScvO2, PcvaCO2, CcvaCO2/CavO2, and cardiac index were not different in survivors and non-survivors. In a population of early septic shock patients, simultaneous values of PcvaCO2/CavO2 and CcvaCO2/CavO2 were not equivalent, and the main determinant of the magnitude of the difference between these two parameters was pH. The PcvaCO2/CavO2 ratio was associated with ICU mortality, whereas CcvaCO2/CavO2 was not.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Valor predictivo de la clasificación de Knosp en el grado de resección quirúrgica de los macroadenomas invasivos: esstudio prospectivo de una serie de 23 casos

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    Objetivos. Analizar y valorar el grado de resección y las complicaciones de la cirugía transesfenoidal en una serie de 23 casos de macroadenomas con invasión del seno cavernoso evaluados mediante la clasificación de Knosp. Material, métodos y resultados. Estudio prospectivo de 22 pacientes (23 operaciones) intervenidos en nuestro centro entre Mayo del 2002 y Diciembre del 2004 de macroadenomas hipofisarios con diferentes grados de invasión del seno cavernoso según la clasificación de Knosp15. Entre las variables del estudio se incluyeron los grados de invasión y de resección postoperatoria con un seguimiento radiológico medio a largo plazo de 15 meses. Nuestra serie consta de 15 varones y 7 mujeres, con una edad media de 48 años (27 - 75 años). Todos ellos presentaban macroadenomas con afectación de uno o ambos senos cavernosos. De acuerdo con la clasifi- cación de Knosp 4 pacientes fueron grado 1, 2 grado 2, 1 grado 3 y 16 grado 4. En 20 casos se utilizó una vía transesfenoidal clásica y en tres casos se hizo un abordaje transesfenoidal endoscópico. Según la RMN postoperatoria los grados de resección fueron: completo o total en todos los pacientes con grados 1 y 2 y en sólo 2 pacientes con grado 4; subtotal (>80%) en 1 paciente con grado 3 y en 6 pacientes con grado 4 y parcial (<80%) en 7 pacientes con grado 4 de Knosp. Se compararon los grados de resección versus los grados de invasión mediante el Test exacto de Fisher y las diferencias no fueron estadísticamente significativas (p=0.12). Discusión y conclusiones. Si bien únicamente la clasificación radiológica de Knosp por si sola no puede predecir el comportamiento biológico del tumor o si la pared medial del seno cavernoso está infiltrada o desplazada, en nuestra serie los tumores de grado 4 han sido los que han presentado un peor resultado de acuerdo al grado de resección. En los tumores que invaden el seno cavernoso, incluso en los casos en que la carótida está englobada es posible realizar resecciones completas con una morbimortalidad aceptable