2,012 research outputs found

    Towards a Vector Field Based Approach to the Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD)

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    [EN] A novel algorithm called the Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) is widely used by the engineering community to compute the solution of high dimensional problems. However, it is well-known that the bottleneck of its practical implementation focuses on the computation of the so-called best rank-one approximation. Motivated by this fact, we are going to discuss some of the geometrical aspects of the best rank-one approximation procedure. More precisely, our main result is to construct explicitly a vector field over a low-dimensional vector space and to prove that we can identify its stationary points with the critical points of the best rank-one optimization problem. To obtain this result, we endow the set of tensors with fixed rank-one with an explicit geometric structureThis research was funded by the GVA/2019/124 grant from Generalitat Valenciana and by the RTI2018-093521-B-C32 grant from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades. DocumentFalco, A.; Hilario Pérez, L.; Montés Sánchez, N.; Mora Aguilar, MC.; Nadal, E. (2021). Towards a Vector Field Based Approach to the Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD). Mathematics. 9(1):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9010034S1149

    Fortalecimiento de la Competencia en el Manejo de Información (CMI) a través de un ambiente de aprendizaje mixto en estudiantes de los colegios distritales El Salitre y Juan Lozano y Lozano en Bogotá - Colombia

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    209 Páginas.​​La presente investigación pone de manifiesto las dificultades que los estudiantes de ciclo II, III y V presentan en el desarrollo de la Competencia del Manejo de la Información (CMI). Por ello se trazó como objetivo principal fortalecer dicha competencia en los estudiantes de los ciclos II y III del colegio El Salitre y del ciclo V del colegio Juan Lozano y Lozano ubicados en la Localidad de Suba, a través de un Ambiente de Aprendizaje Mixto (AAM), basado en el modelo Gavilán. El documento corresponde a un estudio de investigación-acción. Los estudiantes fueron participantes activos en el proceso de implementación de los AAM apoyados por las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) y los datos se recopilaron a través de técnicas como la observación de clase e instrumentos como cuestionarios y entrevistas; adicionalmente se soportó en recursos como la plataforma virtual que permitió la participación en foros y algunos documentos elaborados grupalmente. El análisis de datos se realizó mediante categorías surgidas de la teoría y el software QDA Miner. Entre los principales hallazgos se tiene que los estudiantes manifestaron la superación de dificultades con el desarrollo de la CMI, al abordar los cuatro pasos claves del modelo Gavilán

    Planeamiento estratégico de la industria de las bebidas alcohólicas destiladas en Colombia

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    La principal característica de la industria de bebidas alcohólicas destiladas en Colombia es que está compuesta en su gran mayoría por empresas de propiedad de los departamentos, dichas empresas controlan más del 85% del mercado, participación que han logrado gracias a las restricciones que sobre la producción y comercialización se han impuesto bajo el amparo del monopolio rentístico creado por la Constitución Política desde hace más de 100 años; sin embargo, a pesar del monopolio, la industria ha mantenido altos niveles de competencia entre cada uno de sus actores, lo que ha dado como resultado la consolidación de algunos productores, y casi la desaparición de otros. Desde el año 1991 y en particular durante la última década, el mercado anteriormente dominado 100% por las empresas estatales, comenzó a ser atacado por otra variedad de productos destilados importados, que paulatinamente han ganado participación. El ingreso de los destilados importados, el aumento del consumo de bebidas vínicas, así como el consumo de cervezas, son retos cada vez mayores para la industria de bebidas alcohólicas destiladas, cuyas estrategias se deben encaminar a lograr el aumento de su participación en el mercado de la bebidas alcohólicas en general, así como el desarrollo de nuevos mercados externos. Colombia ha entrado en una etapa en la cual se vienen negociando diferentes tratados de libre comercio, sin contar con los que ya están firmados y en ejecución, en donde a pesar de que se establecieron unas salvaguardas para la industria, estás no son mayores a 10 años, plazo que tiene la industria para implementar las estrategias necesarias para la consolidación y expansión de la misma, y de esta forma poder estar preparada ante estas nuevas circunstancias del mercado. Este plan estratégico plantea unos objetivos de largo plazo que buscan el fortalecimiento de la industria mediante el mejoramiento de las políticas financieras, de los procesos productivos, del desarrollo de nuevos mercados y de la expansión de los mercados existentes, del desarrollo de nuevos productos y nichos, así como la adopción de una filosofía de responsabilidad social por parte del sector. A partir de estos objetivos se plantean unas estrategias específicas, las cuales con la debida implementación y seguimiento por parte de los actores, y con el compromiso y el apoyo continuo por parte de la Asociación de Industrias Licoreras (ACIL), conducirán a la Industria de Bebidas Alcohólicas Destiladas a obtener una posición más solida en el mercado nacional, y una participación importante en los mercados mundiales, que aseguraran la existencia y rentabilidad del sector.The main feature of alcoholic beverage distilled in Colombia industry is that it is composed mostly by businesses owned departments, these companies control more than 85% of the market, participation that have been achieved thanks to the restrictions on the production and marketing have been imposed under the aegis of the ranking monopoly created by the Constitution since more than 100 years; however, in spite of the monopoly, the industry has maintained high levels of competition between each of his actors, what has resulted the consolidation of some producers, and almost the disappearance of others. Since 1991 and in particular during the last decade, market dominated 100% State owned enterprises, previously began to be attacked by another variety of imported distilled products, which have gradually gained participation. The income of imported spirits, the increase in drinking wine, as well as the consumption of beer, are challenges distilled ever increasing for the alcoholic beverage industry, whose strategies must be routed to the increase of its participation in the market for spirits in general, as well as the development of new markets. Colombia has entered a stage in which various free trade agreements, are negotiating without those who are already signed and in execution, in where while were established some safeguards for the industry, these are no older than 10 years, are term that has the industry to implement the necessary strategies for the consolidation and expansion of the Industry, and thus to be prepared under these new circumstances in the market. This strategic present some long-term goals that look forward to seeking to strengthen the industry by improving the financial policies of the production processes, development of new markets and the expansion of existing markets, the development of new products and niches, as well as the adoption of a philosophy of social responsibility by the sector. From these objectives arise about specific strategies, which with the due implementation and follow-up by the actors, and with the commitment and continuous support by liquor Industries Association (ACIL), will lead to the distilled alcoholic beverage industry to get a stronger position in the domestic market, and a major role in global markets to ensure the existence and profitability of the sector.Tesi

    Differences of vegetation structure and diversity of a forest in an altitudinal gradient of the Sierra La Laguna Biosphere Reserve, Mexico

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    Abstract Background: The Sierra La Laguna Biosphere Reserve is located which is considered an “island of vegetation” within an arid environment. Considering that this protected natural area has an altitudinal gradient that ranges from 500 to 2,100 meters above sea level. Hypothesis: Higher altitudinal gradient decreases abundance, basal area and diversity of plant species. Studied species and data description: The data analyzed in this study included the structural variables of abundance (N ha-1), basal area (m2 ha-1) and diversity (alfa and beta) of arborous species in areas with different elevations. Study site and dates: This study was carried out in four localities of the tropical deciduous forest and broadleaved forest. In the spring of 2016. Methods: Five circular sampling plots of 500 m2 for arborous vegetation and 1m2 for herbaceous vegetation were established in every vegetation community, resulting in 20 sampling plots. Results: Sixteen families, 22 genera and 22 vascular plant species were recorded. The most diverse family was Fabacea with four species followed by Cactaceae with three species. The abundance, dominance and diversity of vegetation species did not show any decrease (or increase) tendency of values as the altitudinal gradient augmented. Conclusions: The hypothesis is rejected because abundance, dominance and diversity of vegetation species do not show any decrease or increase tendency as the altitudinal gradient augmented. The vegetation communities showed a high similarity in the composition of species. Key words: Altitudinal gradient, Baja California, diversity, species richness, vegetation structure. Resumen Antecedentes: La Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra la Laguna se encuentra en lo que es considerado una “isla de vegetación” dentro de un ambiente árido. Considerando que esta área natural protegida tiene un rango altitudinal que va desde los 500 a 2,100 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Hipótesis: A mayor gradiente altitudinal disminuye la abundancia, área basal y diversidad de las especies vegetales. Especies de estudio y descripción de datos: La información analizada en este estudio incluyó las variables estructurales de abundancia (N ha-1), el área basal (m2 ha-1) y diversidad (alfa y beta) de especies arbóreas en áreas con diferentes elevaciones. Sitio de estudio y año de estudio: Este estudio fue realizado en cuatro comunidades de selva baja caducifolia y bosque de latifoliadas. En la primavera de 2016. Métodos: Cinco parcelas circulares de 500 m2 para vegetación arbórea y 1m2 para vegetacion herbácea fueron establecidas en cada comunidad vegetal, resultado en 20 parcelas de muestreo. Resultados: Dieciséis familias, 22 géneros y 22 especies de plantas vasculares fueron registradas. La familia más diversa fue Fabacea con cuatro especies, seguido de Cactaceae con tres especies. La abundancia, dominancia y diversidad de especies vegetales no mostró una tendencia decreciente (o incremento) conforme el gradiente altitudinal aumentó. Conclusiones: La hipótesis fue rechazada debido a que la abundancia, dominancia y diversidad de especies vegetales no mostró ninguna tendencia decreciente (o incremento) en los valores conforme el gradiente altitudinal aumenta. Las comunidades vegetales mostraron una alta similitud en la composición de especies. Palabras clave: Baja California, diversidad, estructura vegetal, gradiente altitudinal, riqueza de especies

    Decavanadate Salts of Cytosine and Metformin: A Combined Experimental-Theoretical Study of Potential Metallodrugs Against Diabetes and Cancer

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    Cytosine, a DNA and RNA building-block, and Metformin, the most widely prescribed drug for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus were made to react separately with ammonium or sodium metavanadates in acidic aqueous solutions to obtain two polyoxovanadate salts with a 6:1 ratio of cation-anion. Thus, compounds [HCyt]6[V10O28]·4H2O, 1 and [HMetf]6[V10O28]·6H2O, 2 (where HCyt = Cytosinium cation, [C4H6N3O]+ and HMetf = Metforminium cation, [C4H12N5]+) were obtained and characterized by elemental analysis, single crystal X-ray diffraction, vibrational spectroscopy (IR and Raman), solution 51V-NMR, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA-DTGA), as well as, theoretical methods. Both compounds crystallized in P1¯ space group with Z' = 1/2, where the anionic charge of the centrosymmetric ion [V10O28]6− is balanced by six Cytosinium and six Metforminium counterions, respectively. Compound 1 is stabilized by π-π stacking interactions coming from the aromatic rings of HCyt cations, as denoted by close contacts of 3.63 Å. On the other hand, guanidinium moieties from the non-planar HMetf in Compound 2 interact with decavanadate μ2-O atoms via N−H···O hydrogen bonds. The vibrational spectroscopic data of both IR and Raman spectra show that the dominant bands in the 1000-450 cm−1 range are due to the symmetric and asymmetric ν(V−O) vibrational modes. In solution, 51V-NMR experiments of both compounds show that polyoxovanadate species are progressively transformed into the monomeric, dimeric and tetrameric oxovanadates. The thermal stability behavior suggests a similar molecular mechanism regarding the loss of water molecules and the decomposition of the organic counterions. Yet, no changes were observed in the TGA range of 540–580°C due to the stability of the [V10O28]6− fragment. Dispersion-corrected density functional theory (DFT-D) calculations were carried out to model the compounds in aqueous phase using a polarized continuum model calculation. Optimized structures were obtained and the main non-covalent interactions were characterized. Biological activities of these compounds are also under investigation. The combination of two therapeutic agents opens up a window toward the generation of potential metalopharmaceuticals with new and exciting pharmacological properties

    RING1B contributes to Ewing sarcoma development by repressing the Na(V)1.6 sodium channel and the NF-kappa B pathway, independently of the fusion oncoprotein

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    Ewing sarcoma (ES) is an aggressive tumor defined by EWSR1 gene fusions that behave as an oncogene. Here we demonstrate that RING1B is highly expressed in primary ES tumors, and its expression is independent of the fusion oncogene. RING1B-depleted ES cells display an expression profile enriched in genes functionally involved in hematological development but RING1B depletion does not induce cellular differentiation. In ES cells, RING1B directly binds the SCN8A sodium channel promoter and its depletion results in enhanced Nav1.6 expression and function. The signaling pathway most significantly modulated by RING1B is NF-κB. RING1B depletion results in enhanced p105/p50 expression, which sensitizes ES cells to apoptosis by FGFR/SHP2/STAT3 blockade. Reduced NaV1.6 function protects ES cells from apoptotic cell death by maintaining low NF-κB levels. Our findings identify RING1B as a trait of the cell-of-origin and provide a potential targetable vulnerability.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad SAF2012-31089 and SAF2015-69762-RMEC FEDER RD12/0036/0017, PT13/0010/0056, RTC-2014- 2102-1, ISCIII Sara Borrell CD06/00001, PI12/03102, PI14/01466European FP7 Projects EuroSARC FP7- HEALTH-2011-two-stage, Project 278742 EUROSARCEuroewing FP7-HEALTH.2013.2.4.1-1, Project 60285

    Developing active chitosan-based edible film for extending the shelf life of guacamole

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of edible films (EFs) on important parameters of fresh guacamole and to select the best EF for evaluating its stability and protection effect after 28 days of storage (at 4 and 20°C). EFs based on chitosan (2%), glycerol (1%), citric acid (1.5–2.5%), and lemon-onion extract (0–2%) were applied on the surface of fresh guacamole to evaluate its effect in its color and microbiological and antioxidant properties after 48 h of storage (at 4 and 20°C). Results indicated that EFs delay the total color change and increase the antioxidant capacity of guacamole, while the microbial count was less than 100 CFU/g and 10 CFU/g for mesophylls and molds plus yeasts, respectively. According to the lowest total color change (7.93–14.92) and highest antioxidant capacity (1201.22 mg Trolox/100 g), EF1 (2% chitosan, 1% glycerol, 1.5% citric acid, and 2% lemon-onion extract) was selected for its analysis during the storage. After 28 d of storage at 4 and 20°C, a slight change in the physical characteristics of the EF was observed, while microbial load and antioxidant properties remained constant. Moreover, the selected EF maintained its capacity to avoid guacamole browning, being well-accepted by consumers (I like - I like much) who did not detect the application of EF, even after 24 h of its application onto the fresh guacamole. Results presented in this study indicated that developed EF maintained the quality characteristics of guacamole, and its effect did not change after 28 d of storage

    Proyecto de emprendimiento social Reciclaje Comunitario

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    La cultura del reciclaje hoy día se ha convertido en un compromiso social de la humanidad, hace unos años parecía una cuestión de moda o para algunas empresas servía como estrategia para mejorar su imagen y destacarse de la competencia, por fortuna esa ideología tomo conciencia a partir de las catástrofes naturales con las que la tierra ha querido reclamar sus derechos, en razón a esto proporcionamos a nuestro proyecto social, todo la complejidad requerida para hacerlo lo más viable posible, evaluando desde todas las perspectivas sociales que pudiesen apoyar esta iniciativa, claro está, acompañado de un componente social adicional, el cual se adjudica a la recuperación de una determinada comunidad en condición de vulnerabilidad, quienes en su pasado reciente actuaban en detrimento social con acciones delincuenciales, pero que en la actualidad brindan un aporte significativo al planeta, ya que al estar vinculados a nuestro proyecto de reciclaje su perspectiva ante la vida y la sociedad dio un giro trascendental. Con el fin de esculpir nuestro proyecto utilizamos herramientas tecnológicas que nos permitieron acertar en la toma de decisiones, luego de planificar una serie de tareas y actividades claves para lograr atracción de todos los entornos en que se desarrolla el proyecto, salir al mercado sin tener una estrategia o un plan de negocio definidos, solo basados en la persuasión, ensayo y error solo traería fracaso en el proyecto, desperdiciando los recursos invertidos en el mismo, hay que emplear todas aquellas herramientas que minimicen las probabilidades del fracaso y el método Canvas es una de ellas ya que nos permite hacer pruebas sobre el papel de nuestra idea de negocio. Todas las actividades propuestas en nuestro modelo de negocio deben tener coherencia con la propuesta de valor, integrar a toda la comunidad en general, pues todos sin discriminación resultan ser nuestros clientes potenciales, ya que necesitamos una comunidad consiente y amigable con el medio ambiente, de igual forma nuestros aliados estratégicos, los cuales fortalecerán, re potencializando los procesos diseñados para el proyecto. Basados en una estructura organizacional fortalecida y proyecto sostenible y sustentable, se nos facilitara lograr la atención rápidamente de posibles inversionistas hacia el proyecto, iniciativa que pretende, además repercutir en todas las comunidades vulnerables, para que vean en e l reciclaje una gran oportunidad de negocio.The culture of recycling today has become a social commitment of humanity, a few years ago it seemed a matter of fashion or for some companies served as a strategy to improve their image and stand out from the competition, fortunately that ideology became aware of the natural catastrophes with which the earth has wanted to claim its rights, because of this we provide our social project, all the complexity required to make it as viable as possible, evaluating from all social perspectives that could support this initiative, of course , accompanied by an additional social component, which is awarded to the recovery of a certain community in vulnerable condition, who in their recent past acted in social detriment with criminal actions, but which currently provide a significant contribution to the planet, that being linked to our recycling project your perspective on life and society took a transcendental turn. In order to sculpt our project we use technological tools that allowed us to make the right decisions, after planning a series of tasks and key activities to attract all the environments in which the project is developed, go out to the market without having a strategy or a defined business plan, only based on persuasion, trial and error would only bring failure in the project, wasting the resources invested in it, we must use all those tools that minimize the chances of failure and the Canvas method is a of them since it allows us to test the role of our business idea. All the activities proposed in our business model must be coherent with the value proposal, integrate the whole community in general, because all without discrimination turn out to be our potential clients, since we need a conscientious and friendly community with the environment, Equally, our strategic allies will strengthen, strengthening the processes designed for the project. Based on a strengthened organizational structure and a sustainable and sustainable project, we will be able to quickly get the attention of potential investors to the project, an initiative that aims to also affect all vulnerable communities, so that they see recycling as a great business opportunity