68 research outputs found

    Assessment of reliability in isokinetic testing among adolescent basketball players

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    Background. The reproducibility of day-to-day testing of isokinetic concentric and eccentric muscular actions among adolescent basketball players aged 14 to 16 years and relationships of mean within-subject variation in two isokinetic testing sessions with chronological age, biological maturation (estimated age at peak height velocity), training experience, body size, lower-body morphology, and initial strength performance were evaluated. Material and Methods. The sample included 27 basketball players who completed replicate test sessions of 5 repetitions of reciprocal concentric and eccentric knee extensions and flexions at 60 degrees s(-1). A randomly selected subsample of 8 players completed a third testing session to confirm reliability estimates. Results. Coefficients of variation (CV) between sessions 1 and 2 ranged from 8.1% to 17.4%, and intraclass coefficients (ICCs) ranged from 0.72 to 0.89. For sessions 1 and 3, CVs ranged from 3.9% to 6.0%, and ICCs ranged from 0.95 to 0.99. The initial level of strength of eccentric knee flexion (r=-0.43) and eccentric knee extension (r=-0.42) were correlated (P<0.05) with eccentric knee extension within-variation between two sessions. Training experience (r=-0.37, P<0.05) and initial values of concentric knee flexion (r=-0.62, P<0.01) were correlated with concentric knee flexion within-subject differences. Within-subject variation of eccentric knee extension was correlated (P<0.05) with chronologic age (r=0.41), estimated age at peak height velocity (r=-0.38), body size (r=0.41 to 0.47), and leg volume (r=0.39). Conclusions. Familiarization sessions may improve the reliability of concentric and eccentric knee isokinetic strength testing at 60 s(-1) in adolescent basketball players. Age, maturity status, and training experience of young athletes should be considered when testing knee isokinetic strength at 60 degrees s(-1)

    Physical fitness diagnosis in schoolchildren of high socioeconomic status: evaluation for health criterion reference

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    Regular practice of systematized physical activities in childhood and adolescence may strongly favor the development or maintenance of suitable levels of physical fitness, decreasing hence the risk of incidence of several chronic-degenerative dysfunctions in early ages. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the body adiposity as well as the motor performance in high socio-economical status children, according to an evaluation for health criterion reference. Therefore, 511 students (274 boys and 237 girls), age between 7-10 years were submitted to anthropometrical measurements of body weight, height and skinfolds thickness (tricipital and subscapular) as well as the following motor tests: sitting and reaching (SR); modified abdominal (ABD) and 9 minute-run/walk (9MIN). The data were analyzed according to the cutting points suggested by the Physical Best (1988). Concerning body adiposity; a higher number of students were verified above (33% of boys and 15% of girls, P 0.05) reached the adopted cutting points. When analyzed together, it was observed that only 15% of the boys and 21% of the girls (P > 0.05) presented satisfactory results in the three motor tests used. The high prevalence of children who were above the health criteria for the body fat amount, associated with the low proportion of subjects who fulfilled the established criteria in the used motor tests group, show that the physical fitness level found in the students investigated is fairly below the expectation. The results suggest the need of developing health educational programs which stimulate more effective participation of young individuals in physical exercise and sports programs of different nature, especially at school environment where a great amount of life habits is established.A prática regular de atividades físicas sistematizadas na infância e na adolescência pode favorecer sobremaneira o desenvolvimento ou a manutenção de níveis adequados de aptidão física, reduzindo o risco de incidência de inúmeras disfunções crônico-degenerativas em idades precoces. Assim, o propósito deste estudo foi analisar a adiposidade corporal e o desempenho motor em crianças de alto nível socioeconômico, de acordo com uma avaliação referenciada por critérios de saúde. Para tanto, 511 escolares (274 meninos e 237 meninas) de sete a 10 anos, foram submetidos a medidas antropométricas de massa corporal, estatura e espessuras de dobras cutâneas (tricipital e subescapular) e aos seguintes testes motores: sentar e alcançar (SA), abdominal modificado (ABD) e corrida/caminhada de nove minutos (9MIN). As informações foram analisadas de acordo com os pontos de corte sugeridos pelo Physical Best (1988). Com relação à adiposidade corporal, verificou-se maior contingente de escolares acima (33% dos meninos e 15% das meninas, P 0,05) alcançaram os pontos de corte adotados. Quando analisados conjuntamente, constatou-se que somente 15% dos meninos e 21% das meninas (P > 0,05) apresentaram resultados satisfatórios nos três testes motores utilizados. A alta prevalência de crianças que se situaram acima do critério de saúde para quantidade de gordura corporal, associada à baixa proporção de sujeitos que atenderam aos critérios estabelecidos no conjunto dos testes motores utilizados, indica que o nível de aptidão física encontrado nos escolares investigados está bastante aquém do desejável. Os resultados sugerem a necessidade do desenvolvimento de programas de educação para a saúde que estimulem a participação mais efetiva de jovens em programas de exercícios físicos e esportes de diferentes naturezas, sobretudo no segmento escolar, no qual grande parte dos hábitos de vida são estabelecidos.7176Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Associação do nível de atividade física habitual entre pais e filhos

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Níveis insuficientes de atividade física (AF) dos pais podem aumentar a chance de seus filhos se tornarem insuficientemente ativos. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a associação da prática de atividade física habitual entre adolescentes e seus pais. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por 140 escolares de ambos os sexos, entre 11 e 17 anos de idade, selecionados intencionalmente. O nível de atividade física habitual foi obtido através do Questionário Internacional de Atividades Físicas. Para o cálculo do índice de massa corporal foi utilizada a razão da massa corporal pelo quadrado da estatura e para composição corporal foi utilizada a espessura das dobras cutâneas tricipital e subescapular. Para a normalidade dos dados foi utilizado o teste de Kolmogorov Smirnov. Os dados foram expressos em mediana e intervalo interquartil. Para a comparação entre os grupos, proporções e correlação foram utilizados os testes: U de Mann-Whitney, qui-quadrado e Spearman respectivamente. Em todas as análises foram consideradas uma significância de 5% (p&lt; 0,05). RESULTADOS: A prevalência de atividade física foi maior no sexo masculino (50,0%) do que no feminino (27,1%). Para a categoria dos pais ativos 88,3% dos filhos também foram categorizados ativos e na categoria dos pais inativos, 42,5% dos filhos também foram categorizados como inativos, observando associação entre prática de atividade física dos pais com a dos filhos (p&lt;0,05). A correlação entre o nível de atividade física entre os pais e filhos foi de 0,38 (p&lt;0,001) indicando uma fraca correlação entre essas variáveis. CONCLUSÃO: O nível de atividade física dos pais influenciou na prática de AF dos seus filhos, indicando a importância da influência do ambiente familiar na AF de crianças e adolescentes.ABSTRACT. Association of the level of habitual physical activity between parents and children.BACKGROUND: insufficient levels of physical activity (PA) of the parents can increase the chance of their children becoming insufficiently active. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the association the practice of physical activity among adolescents and their parents. METHODS: A total of 140 students of both sexes, between 11 and 17 years were intentionally selected. The physical activity was measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. To calculate the body mass index, the ratio of body mass by the square of height was used, and to estimate body composition the thickness of triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness. Data normality was not confirmed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Data were expressed as median and interquartile range. For comparison between groups, proportions and correlation tests were used: U Mann-Whitney, chi-square, and Spearman respectively. In all analyzes were considered a significance of 5% (p&lt;0.05). RESULTS: The prevalence of physical activity was higher in males (50.0%) than females (27.1%). For the category of active parents, 88.3% of the children were also active and categorized in the category of inactive parents, 42.5% of the children were also categorized as inactive, observing an association between physical activity of parents with their children (p&lt;0.05). The correlation between the level of physical activity between parents and children was 0.38 (p&lt;0.001) indicating a weak correlation between these variables. CONCLUSION: The level of physical activity of parents influenced the practice of the PA of their children, indicating the importance of the influence of family environment on the PA of children and adolescents

    Estado nutricional de escolares de sete a 10 anos de escolas públicas e privadas de Cascavel, Paraná, Brasil

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    To analyze the prevalence of malnutrition, overweight, and obesity in schoolchildren aged 7-10 years from public and private schools of Cascavel, Paraná, Brazil. Methods: Demographic information (sex, age, and type of school) and anthropometric measurements (body mass and height) were collected from 2,180 students (1,693 from public schools and 487 from private schools). The nutritional status of the children was classified according to their body mass index Z-score. Results: The prevalences of malnutrition, overweight, and obesity were 6.1%, 9.8% and 11.1%, respectively. Girls were 15.9% more likely to be malnourished than boys. As for overweight, 10-year-olds were 1.53 times more likely to be overweight than 7-year-olds. Children from private schools were 1.63 times more likely to be overweight and 2.88 times more likely to be obese than their public school peers. Conclusion: The prevalence of malnutrition and excess weight (overweight and obesity) were high, and girls were more likely to be malnourished. Ten-year-olds and children from private schools were the most affected by overweight and obesity295699708CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DO AMAZONAS - FAPEAMSem informaçãoSem informaçãoAnalisar a prevalência de desnutrição, sobrepeso e obesidade em escolares de sete a 10 anos em estudantes de escolas públicas e privadas de Cascavel, Paraná, Brasil. Métodos: Informações demográficas (sexo, idade e rede de ensino) e medidas antropométricas (massa corporal e estatura) foram obtidas de 2.180 escolares (1.693 de escolas públicas e 487 de privadas). Os valores do Escore-Z do índice de massa corporal foram adotados para a determinação do estado nutricional. Resultados: As taxas de prevalência de desnutrição, sobrepeso e obesidade foram na ordem de 6,1%, 9,8% e 11,1%, respectivamente. As meninas apresentaram mais chances (15,9 vezes) para o desenvolvimento de desnutrição do que os meninos. Por outro lado, crianças de 10 anos apresentaram mais chances (1,53 vezes) para desenvolverem sobrepeso em relação aos seus pares de sete anos. Adicionalmente, crianças de escolas privadas apresentaram mais chances para o desenvolvimento de sobrepeso (1,63 vezes) ou obesidade (2,88 vezes), em relação aos seus respectivos pares de escolas públicas. Conclusão: As taxas de prevalência de desnutrição e excesso de peso reveladas neste estudo foram elevadas, com as meninas apresentando mais chances para tornarem-se desnutridas do que os meninos. Em contrapartida, tanto o sobrepeso quanto a obesidade foram fenômenos mais frequentemente observados aos 10 anos, em escolares de ambos os sexos e naqueles matriculados na rede privada de ensin

    Acute effect of one futsal training session in cardiac autonomic modulation of young players

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito de uma sessão de treinamento de futsal na modulação autonômica cardíaca (pré versus pós) de jovens atletas. Foram avaliados nove atletas de futsal do sexo masculino da categoria Sub 20 de um clube profissional do estado de São Paulo- Brasil (idade:18,9 ±0,9 anos, massa corporal:73,1±6,0 kg e estatura: 179,0 ±0,1 cm). A sessão de treinamento caracterizou-se como técnico/tática. A modulação autonômica cardíaca foi analisada pelos índices da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) avaliada com registro contínuo da frequência cardíaca (Polar Team2 Pro) 15 minutos antes e após a sessão de treinamento, sendo os dados posteriormente exportados para o programa Kubios (2.0) para o cálculo dos índices: MRR, RMSSD, LFlog e HFlog. A carga de treino foi avaliada pelos métodos de PSE, TRIMP e PSE da sessão (sPSE). As mudanças pré e pós foram avaliadas pelo o teste t de Student e a variação percentual (P com variação percentual foi: 10,7; 26,9; 4,2 e 11,3%, respectivamente, para os índices MRR, RMSSD, LFlog e HFlog. Variação percentual do índice LFlog apresentou correlação significativa (P sessão (r=0,694). Conclui-se que uma única sessão de treinamento de futsal foi capaz de gerar mudanças significativas na modulação autonômica cardíaca de jovens jogadores de futsal, com uma variação de 4,2% a 26,9%. Essa variação esta positivamente correlacionada com a carga de treino. Essas informações podem auxiliar a comissão técnica no planejamento das sessões de treino, no monitorando das cargas de treinamento.The objectives of this study was to evaluate the effect of a session of futsal training on cardiac autonomic modulation (pre vs post) in young athletes. Nine U-20 male futsal players from a professional club from Sao Paulo- Brazil (18.9&amp;plusmn;0.9 years, weight 73.1&amp;plusmn;6.0 kg and 179.0&amp;plusmn;0.1cm) participated in this study. The training session was technical/tactical. The cardiac autonomic modulation was analyzed by heart rate variability (HRV) indices evaluate with continuous heart rate (Polar Team2 Pro) 15 minutes before and after a technical/tactical training session. Data were exported posteriorly to Kubios (2.0) program for the calculation of the indices: MRR, RMSSD, LF and HF. The paired t &amp;ndash;Student test was applied to verify the pre vs post changes, besides the percentual variation (P&lt;0.05). All the indices presented significant decrease after training session and the percentual variation were: 10.7, 26.9, 4.2 and 11.3% respectively for MRR, RMSSD, LFlog and HFlog indices. The percentual of variation showed significant correlation to the session TRIMP session (r=0,694). May be concluded that one training session was able to generate significant changes in cardiac autonomic modulation in young futsal players with variation ranging to 4.2% to 26.9%. These variations are correlated positively to the training load. Therefore, these findings may help the coaches in planning the training session, monitoring the training loads

    A comparison between overweight cutoff points for detection of high blood pressure in adolescents

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    OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a acurácia de três pontos de corte na determinação da pressão arterial elevada em adolescentes, dada a forte relação entre o excesso de peso e valores elevados de pressão arterial. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 1.021 adolescentes de ambos os sexos, selecionados de maneira aleatória nas escolas públicas e particulares de Londrina (PR). O peso corporal foi aferido por meio de balança digital, e a estatura, por um estadi&#244;metro portátil com extensão máxima de 2 metros. A pressão arterial foi avaliada através de um aparelho automático. A capacidade do índice de massa corporal de detectar a pressão arterial elevada foi averiguada por meio da curva ROC e seus parâmetros (sensibilidade, especificidade e área sob a curva). RESULTADOS: Os pontos de corte da proposta nacional apresentaram maior acurácia (masculino: 0,636±0,038; feminino: 0,585±0,043) quando comparados aos pontos de corte das propostas internacional (masculino: 0,594±0,040; feminino: 0,570±0,044) e norte-americana (masculino: 0,612±0,039; feminino: 0,578±0,044). CONCLUSÃO: A proposta nacional foi a que apresentou melhor acurácia na indicação de valores elevados de pressão arterial.OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the accuracy of three different cutoff points for the detection of high blood pressure in adolescents, given the strong relationship between overweight and high blood pressure levels. METHODS: A total of 1,021 adolescents of both sexes were enrolled in the study, selected at random from public and private schools in Londrina, Brazil. Their body weight was measured using a digital balance, and their height with a portable stadiometer with a maximum extension of 2 meters. Arterial blood pressure was measured using an automatic apparatus. The capacity of body mass index to detect high blood pressure was gauged using ROC curves and their parameters (sensitivity, specificity, and area under the curve). RESULTS: The cutoff points proposed in a Brazilian standard exhibited greater accuracy (males: 0.636±0.038; females: 0.585±0.043) than the cutoff points proposed in an international (males: 0.594±0.040; females: 0.570±0.044) and a North-American standard (males: 0.612±0.039; females: 0.578±0.044). CONCLUSIONS: The Brazilian proposal offered greatest accuracy for indicating high blood pressure levels

    Development of cardiorespiratory fitness standards for working memory using receiver operating curves in 15-year-old adolescents

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    Background: Working memory performance is associated with better academic achievements in children and adolescents, and it is positively related to CRF. However, what level of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) discriminates higher working memory performance is not known. The purpose of this study was to identify CRF thresholds linked to working memory in adolescents. Methods: Data of 141 adolescents (53.2 % girls) were collected (14.9 years) from a cross-sectional study during the year 2019. CRF was assessed by the 20-m shuttle run test, and maximal oxygen uptake was calculated using the Mahar ' s equation. Working memory was evaluated by the Corsi blocks test and performance was classified by percentiles. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to identify CRF thresholds. Results: The ROC analysis indicated that CRF could be used to discriminate working memory in adolescents. CRF thresholds of >= 45.03 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)for boys and >= 36.63 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)for girls were found to be indicative of "normal" working memory performance. Conclusions: CRF could discriminate low and normal working memory performance in 14-16- year-old adolescents. These thresholds could allow for earlier identification and intervention of low working memory performance using CRFThe authors would like to thank the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) for the research productivity grant (ERVR) and the CoordenacAo de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) for the PhD/MSc scholarship (VMRW, DZF, MROB)

    Tendência secular dos indicadores de aptidão física relacionados à saúde em crianças

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    Introduction: The health-related physical fitness (HRPF) show an inverse association with several cardiovascular risk factors in young people, however, a few studies have investigate the changes of HRF indicators throughout a determined period. Objective: To check the secular trend of HRPF indicators in children of seven to 10 years old. Methods: were analyzed 1.136 subjects with seven to 10 years in three-time period (2002, 2005, 2010-2011). The HRPF tests were: sit-and-reach (SR), abdominal resistance (AB), 9 min walk/run test (9min) and the body adiposity by skinfold sum (?SF). The classification of the HRPF indicators were made by the Physical Best cut off point. The ANCOVA test (controlled by BMI, height, ?SF) compared the difference of the HRPF indicators amongst the three-time period. Results: The boys presented 6% of decrease in the flexibility between 2010 and 2002 period; no significance was found in the AB test; children of both sexes presented higher values in the 9min test on 2005 period. Conclusion: It was concluded that there was a negative secular trend for an HRPF, and gifts were the results in 2010 were compared as their peers (2002-2005) to an HRPF group, in both sexes, except for abdominal strength and endurance.Introdução: A aptidão física relacionada à saúde (AFRS) apresenta associação inversa com diversos fatores de risco cardiovascular em jovens, no entanto, poucos estudos têm investigado as alterações ocorridas ao longo de um determinado período nesses indicadores em crianças. Objetivo: Analisar a tendência secular de indicadores da AFRS em crianças de sete a 10 anos de idade. Método: A amostra foi composta de 1.136 sujeitos com idade sete a 10 anos avaliados em três períodos do tempo (2002, 2005, 2010-11). Os testes de AFRS incluíram o teste de sentar-e- alcançar (SA), resistência abdominal (ABDO), corrida/caminhada de 9 min (9min) e para a adiposidade corporal utilizou-se o somatório de dobras cutâneas (?DC). A classificação desses indicadores foi realizada através dos pontos de corte da Physical Best. O teste de ANCOVA (controlado pelo índice de massa corporal (IMC), estatura, ?DC) comparou a diferença nos indicadores de AFRS entre os três períodos do tempo. Resultados: Meninos apresentaram um declínio da flexibilidade de 6% entre os anos de 2010 e 2002; não ocorreram alterações significativas para teste de ABDO; crianças de ambos os sexos apresentaram maiores valores para o teste de 9 min no ano de 2005. Conclusão: Ocorreu tendência secular negativa para a AFRS, sendo que os indivíduos estudados em 2010 apresentaram resultados inferiores comparados aos seus pares (2002-2005) para a AFRS, em ambos os sexos, com exceção para força e resistência abdominal

    Prevalence of overweight and obesity in schoolchildren of high socioeconomic level in Londrina, Paraná, Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To verify the prevalence of overweight and obesity in 7 to 10 year old schoolchildren of both sexes and high socioeconomic level. METHODS: Five hundred and eleven schoolchildren (274 boys and 237 girls) were submitted to anthropometrical measurements of body mass, stature and subscapular and triceps skin-fold thickness. Body mass indexes >85th percentile and 95th percentile were adopted as indicators of obesity. The socioeconomic level was established based on information obtained from a questionnaire, considering the degree of education of the parents and the familiar consumables. RESULTS: The total prevalence for overweight was 19.7% for the boys and 17.3% for the girls, with no significant differences amongst ages and sexes (p>0.05). On the other hand, the prevalence for obesity in the boys and girls was 17.5% and 9.3%, respectively, with significant differences between the sexes at 9 years (p0,05). Por outro lado, a prevalência de obesidade em meninos e meninas foi de 17,5% e 9,3%, respectivamente, com diferenças significantes entre os sexos aos nove (p<0,01) e dez anos (p<0,05), bem como no conjunto de todas as idades (p<0,01). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados indicam taxas de prevalência de sobrepeso (~19%) e de obesidade (~14%) bastante superiores à média da população brasileira na faixa etária entre os sete e dez anos. Portanto, diferentemente do observado em países desenvolvidos, o alto nível socioeconômico parece afetar negativamente a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade, aumentando os riscos para o desenvolvimento de disfunções metabólicas em idades precoces.70971

    Motives for sports practice in young soccer and volleyball athletes

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    The reasons why athletes, especially young people, seek to adhere to sports practice has aroused the interest of research. The aim of this study was to identify the reasons for the sports practice of young soccer and volleyball athletes according to gender, age, family economic class, practice time and level of competitiveness. 188 athletes, 56 volleyball athletes and 132 soccer players aged 10-16 participated in the study. The reasons for the sport were identified through the Participation Motivation Questionnaire (PMQ). The data were analyzed through Covariance Analysis. The results indicated that, in general, the most important reason for sports practice was “Technical Competence” (4.51±0.54), followed by factors of intermediate importance: “Competition” (4.30±0.73), “Group Activity” (4.29±0.71) and “Physical Fitness” (4.25±0.64). Low-income families (C) attributed greater importance to the motivation factors related to “Social Recognition” and “Group Activity”. Athletes with lower practice time conceded less relevance to “Group Activity” and “Affiliation”, while those with a national competitive level demonstrated greater importance to all motivation factors, with the exception of “Competition.” Young athletes have been motivated to practice sports, especially for reasons related to self-realization, improvement of technical skills and overcoming challenges. Differences were also identified between family economic class groups, practice time and competitive level in the motivation factors for sports practice