4,655 research outputs found

    A picture of the Yang-Mills deconfinement transition and its lattice verification

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    In the framework of the center vortex picture of confinement, the nature of the deconfining phase transition is studied. Using recently developed techniques which allow to associate a center vortex configuration with any given lattice gauge configuration, it is demonstrated that the confining phase is a phase in which vortices percolate, whereas the deconfined phase is a phase in which vortices cease to percolate if one considers an appropriate slice of space-time.Comment: 9 pages, 3 ps figures included via epsfig; invited talk presented by M. Engelhardt at the Eleventh International Light-Cone Workshop on "New directions in Quantum Chromodynamics", Kyungju, Korea, 21.-25.6.99, to appear in the proceeding

    One-dimensional classical adjoint SU(2) Coulomb Gas

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    The equation of state of a one-dimensional classical nonrelativistic Coulomb gas of particles in the adjoint representation of SU(2) is given. The problem is solved both with and without sources in the fundamental representation at either end of the system. The gas exhibits confining properties at low densities and temperatures and deconfinement in the limit of high densities and temperatures. However, there is no phase transition to a regime where the string tension vanishes identically; true deconfinement only happens for infinite densities and temperatures. In the low density, low temperature limit, a new type of collective behavior is observed.Comment: 6 pages, 1 postscript figur

    On the spectrum of QCD(1+1) with large numbers of flavours N_F and colours N_C near N_F/N_C = 0

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    QCD(1+1) in the limit of a large number of flavours N_F and a large number of colours N_C is examined in the small N_F/N_C regime. Using perturbation theory in N_F/N_C, stringent results for the leading behaviour of the spectrum departing from N_F/N_C = 0 are obtained. These results provide benchmarks in the light of which previous truncated treatments of QCD(1+1) at large N_F and N_C are critically reconsidered.Comment: 6 revtex page

    Magnetic Monopoles, Center Vortices, Confinement and Topology of Gauge Fields

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    The vortex picture of confinement is studied. The deconfinement phase transition is explained as a transition from a phase in which vortices percolate to a phase of small vortices. Lattice results are presented in support of this scenario. Furthermore the topological properties of magnetic monopoles and center vortices arising, respectively, in Abelian and center gauges are studied in continuum Yang-Mills-theory. For this purpose the continuum analog of the maximum center gauge is constructed.Comment: talk given by H. Reinhardt on the Int. Workshop ``Hadrons 1999'', Coimbra, 10.-15. Sept. 199

    Energy Density of Vortices in the Schroedinger Picture

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    The one-loop energy density of an infinitely thin static magnetic vortex in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory is evaluated using the Schroedinger picture. Both the gluonic fluctuations as well as the quarks in the vortex background are included. The energy density of the magnetic vortex is discussed as a function of the magnetic flux. The center vortices correspond to local minima in the effective potential. These minima are degenerated with the perturbative vacuum if the fermions are ignored. Inclusion of fermions lifts this degeneracy, raising the vortex energy above the energy of the perturbative vacuum.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    Center vortices of Yang-Mills theory at finite temperatures

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    Recent lattice calculations performed at zero temperature and in the maximal center gauge indicate that quark confinement can be understood in this gauge as due to fluctuations in the number of magnetic vortices piercing a given Wilson loop. This development has led to a revival of the vortex condensation theory of confinement. For a SU(2) gauge group, we show that also at finite temperatures, center vortices are the relevant collective infrared degrees of freedom determining the long-range static quark potential; in particular, their dynamics reflect the transition to the deconfining phase.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, numerics completely overhauled w.r.t. original version, physical conclusions unchange

    Quantum gauge fixing and vortex dominance

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    We introduce quantum gauge fixing (QGF) as a new class of gauge fixings. While the maximal center gauge might not show vortex dominance, the confining properties of the vortices observed in past lattice calculations are argued to have been obtained in a gauge more akin to QGF than to the strict maximal center gauge.Comment: talk presented at LATTICE99(confinement), Pisa, Italy, 3 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX using espcrc2.st

    Writhe of center vortices and topological charge -- an explicit example

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    The manner in which continuum center vortices generate topological charge density is elucidated using an explicit example. The example vortex world-surface contains one lone self-intersection point, which contributes a quantum 1/2 to the topological charge. On the other hand, the surface in question is orientable and thus must carry global topological charge zero due to general arguments. Therefore, there must be another contribution, coming from vortex writhe. The latter is known for the lattice analogue of the example vortex considered, where it is quite intuitive. For the vortex in the continuum, including the limit of an infinitely thin vortex, a careful analysis is performed and it is shown how the contribution to the topological charge induced by writhe is distributed over the vortex surface.Comment: 33 latex pages, 10 figures incorporating 14 ps files. Furthermore, the time evolution of the vortex line discussed in this work can be viewed as a gif movie, available for download by following the PostScript link below -- watch for the cute feature at the self-intersection poin

    Vortex critical behavior at the de-confinement phase transition

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    The de-confinement phase transition in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory is revisited in the vortex picture. Defining the world sheets of the confining vortices by maximal center projection, the percolation properties of the vortex lines in the hypercube consisting of the time axis and two spatial axis are studied. Using the percolation cumulant, the temperature for the percolation transition is seen to be in good agreement with the critical temperature of the thermal transition. The finite size scaling function for the cumulant is obtained. The critical index of the finite size scaling function is consistent with the index of the 3D Ising model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 PS figures, using revtex4, paragraph and refs added, typo correcte

    Center vortex properties in the Laplace center gauge of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory

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    Resorting to the the Laplace center gauge (LCG) and to the Maximal-center gauge (MCG), respectively, confining vortices are defined by center projection in either case. Vortex properties are investigated in the continuum limit of SU(2) lattice gauge theory. The vortex (area) density and the density of vortex crossing points are investigated. In the case of MCG, both densities are physical quantities in the continuum limit. By contrast, in the LCG the piercing as well as the crossing points lie dense in the continuum limit. In both cases, an approximate treatment by means of a weakly interacting vortex gas is not appropriate.Comment: reference added, submitted to Phys. Lett.
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