11 research outputs found

    Aplikasi sistem kontrol navigasi mobile robot (Metode Fuzzy Logic) dan sistem kontrol gerak Arm 1 DOF (Metode ANFIS) pada mobile manipulator cerdas

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    INDONESIA: Penelitian ini membahas perancangan mobile manipulator cerdas menggunakan logika fuzzy sebagai penggerak mobile robot dan metode ANFIS sebagai penggerak arm. Mobile robot yang digunakan adalah mobil beroda, dengan jenis arm 1 DOF. Prinsip kerja mobile robot adalah bergerak menghindari halangan yang terekam oleh sensor ultrasonik, lalu data jarak ini diproses menggunakan Fuzzy sehingga menghasilkan gerak mobile robot menghindari halangan. Prinsip kerja arm adalah mengambil objek yang terletak pada koordinat x dan y yang terekam oleh kamera, lalu data ini diproses menggunakan ANFIS sehingga menghasilkan gerak servo menuju koordinat objek. Metode runge-kutta orde 4 sebagai penyelesaian dari persamaan differensial gerak mobile robot digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan lintasan gerak robot dengan memvariasikan kecepatan motor kanan dan motor kiri. Pada fuzzy, penelitian ini menggunakan 3 buah input, dimana masing-masing input memiliki 3 kategori, sehingga menghasilkan 27 logika gerak mobile robot. pengujian kevalidan logika terhadap nilai output PWM menghasilkan kevalidan yang sempurna, yaitu 100%. Arm manipulator dapat bergerak menuju koordinat objek yang telah terdeteksi oleh kamera menggunakan dua metode, yaitu ANFIS dan kinematika invers. akan tetapi, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode ANFIS lebih efektif daripada kinematika invers, dengan perbandingan hasil ANFIS dan data latih yang mendekati sempurna, yakni 99%. Interpretasi data hasil penelitian menggunakan GUI MATLAB memudahkan peneliti untuk mengamati dan menganalisis hasil. INGGRIS: This study discusses the design of intelligent mobile manipulator using fuzzy logic as a driver of mobile robot and ANFIS method as the driving arm. Mobile robot used is wheeled car, with arm type 1 DOF. The working principle of mobile robot is moving to avoid obstacles recorded by ultrasonic sensors, then the data is processed using fuzzy distance resulting in a movement of a mobile robot to avoid obstacles. The working principle is to take the arm objects located on the x and y coordinates recorded by the camera, and then the data is processed using ANFIS resulting servo motion toward the object coordinates. Runge-Kutta method 4 as a settlement order differential equations of motion of the mobile robot is used to describe the motion of the robot trajectory by varying the motor speed right and left motor speed. On fuzzy, this study uses three inputs, where each input has three categories, resulting in a 27 mobile robot motion logics. Testing the validity of the logic of the PWM output value to produce a perfect validity, that is 100%. Arm manipulator can move toward the coordinates of objects that were detected by the camera using the two methods, the ANFIS and inverse kinematics. However, the results showed that ANFIS method is more effective than the inverse kinematics, by comparison of the results of ANFIS and training data that is close to perfect, that is 99%. Interpretation of research data using GUI MATLAB of tool researchers to observe and analyze the results

    Intensity level as sustainable energy: Analysis of the conversion of energy stored on cicadas sound waves

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    In this study, the researchers measured cicadas' sound waves, considering that cicadas are mostly found in rural areas. The intensity level meter (AMTAST AMF003) was used with time variations (9:00 JST; 12:00 JST; and 15:00 JST). Measurements of air temperature differences (Krisbow Temperature Humidity Data Logger) were also carried out, and weather conditions were also considered in data collection using satellite data from Himawari, Japan. The interpretation results of intensity level's trend measured at 3:00 pm JST were decreased concerning the changes in days. Meanwhile, the measurement at 09:00 am and 12:00 pm JST did not show a decrement concerning the changes in days (31 days in total). These results show that temperature changes (towards autumn) can affect the intensity level of sound waves. In addition, slightly different intensity levels can affect large changes in acoustic power or the produced sound

    Management System of Education: Conceptual Similarity (Integration) between Japanese Learning System and Islamic Learning System in Indonesia

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    The changing times that followed the development of technology made the education system management must be updated to suit the needs and conditions of the environment. In this article, we look for information about the education system in two different countries, namely Japan and Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to find out the integration between the two countries that have different education management systems. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method. In this research also, the research method is based on the philosophy of postpositivism, using natural conditions or objects. The instrument used to find out information on the education system in each school uses 10 questions and looks for curriculum information data in general in each country. The findings in this study found that, although the management of the education systems of the two countries was slightly different, Indonesian students could compete to continue their tertiary education to developed countries. Besides, the education system in Japan does not make students from Indonesia experience difficulties

    Determining the arm's motion angle using inverse kinematics models and adaptive neuro-fuzzy interface system

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    Robotics technology is known as a great technology demand to be developed continuesly. One of the important things that need to be considered is the control of the motion of the robot. Movement predictions can be modeled in mathematical equations. Prediction based on learning logic is also very supportive of motion control systems, especially arm motion. In this study, the authors combined the two methods as the main study. The working principle of the arm is to take colored objects detected by the camera. In this study, we made arm four DOFs (Degree of Freedom), but only one DOF is controlled by ANFIS because the other three DOFs only move at two fixed angles. Two methods of determining the arm angle of motion used are inverse kinematics and ANFIS methods. The angle of motion and the position of the red object can be observed in real-time on the monitor with the interface in the MATLAB GUI. The angular output that appears in the MATLAB GUI is sent to Arduino in the form of characters, then, Arduino translates it into servo motion to the coordinates of the object detected by the camera. The results showed that the ANFIS method was more effective than the inverse kinematics model

    Survey of Elementary School Teacher Needs on Video Learning Mathematics Based on Contentextual Teaching and Learning in Pelembang City

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    This study aims to gather information about the needs of elementary school teachers in the application of effective mathematics learning. This research is part of a research entitled Development of Learning Videos Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning Approaches to Improve Student Learning Outcomes of Primary Schools in Palembang City. The method used is research and development in the form of survey data. The survey method was carried out using a questionnaire in the Google form on 39 teachers in Palembang. The results of the distribution of the questionnaire interpreted that elementary school teachers were in dire need of media, especially in the form of contextual based mathematics learning videos. The conclusion of this research is the need for the development of learning videos to facilitate teachers in teaching contextual mathematics so that it will have a good impact on learning outcomes of elementary school students.

    Islamic Education in Supply Chain System by Prioritizing Manners as a Success Factor of Millennial Generation on Socializing

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    Abstract-The progress of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 requires that learning systems in schools must be developed by considering the supply chain. Since June 2006 the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School has been developing an education system based on the supply chain strategy. In this development, the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School begins with a religious-based education or theology that prioritizes manners in supply chain. In this case, we analyzed learning success factors based on Law Auguste Comte as the objective in this study. The study aimed to investigate the relationship between anticipation ability, supply chain, ability to accommodate and integration of education system with the mediation effect of self-organizing skills. In addition, a collaboration of 3 countries was also carried out to seek integration of schools in developed countries such as Japan and Turkey as a reinforcing factor for the success of the education system for the millennial generation in socializing. The results of the study provide very strong information and compatibility in the success of student learning, attitudes, and behavior as a millennial generation in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0. The most dominant success factor in learning success based on the results of school integration in Japan, Turkey, and the TebuirengPesantren is the respect for others based on the formation of good characters, such as tolerance, respect, polite in speaking, and polite in acting. Besides, learning models such as Innovative learning are the most suitable models in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0, because at this time almost all learning is based on the Internet of Things (IoT) as a very good learning media.KemajuanScience, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) pada Era RevolusiIndustri 4.0

    The Effect of Photoconductive Mole Fraction Based on Thin Film BaxSr1-xTiO3 (x = 0.000; 0.125; 0.250; 0.375; 0.500) on Electrical Properties and Diffusivity Coefficient

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    Barium Strontium Titanate (BaxSr1-xTiO3) thin films have been fabricated for mole fraction (x= 0.000; 0.125; 0.250; 0.375; 0.500) on p-type silicon (100) substrate using Chemical Solution Deposition (CSD) method and spin coating technique. The film annealed at 850 ∘C for 8 hours with an increasing rate of 1.67 ∘C/minute. The BST thin film was characterized using an LCR meter that the film is given a different light intensity (0 lux, 4000 lux, 8000 lux). Data obtained from the LCR meter is conductance, capacitance, and impedance. Different mole fractions on Barium produce different electrical properties that show the value of electric conductivity, dielectric constant, impedance, and diffusion coefficient