12 research outputs found

    Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Plant Extracts Films: Preparation, Surface Characterization and Antibacterial Studies against Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria

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    In this study, we aim to obtain biomaterials with antibacterial properties by combining poly(vinyl alcohol) with the extracts obtained from various selected plants from Romania. Natural herbal extracts of freshly picked flowers of the lavender plant (Lavandula angustifolia) and leaves of the peppermint plant (Mentha piperita), hemp plant (Cannabis sativa L.), verbena plant (Verbena officinalis) and sage plant (Salvia officinalis folium) were selected after an intensive analyzing of diverse medicinal plants often used as antibacterial and healing agents from the country flora. The plant extracts were characterized by different methods such as totals of phenols and flavonoids content and UV-is spectroscopy. The highest amounts of the total phenolic and flavonoid contents, respectively, were recorded for Salvia officinalis. Moreover, the obtained films of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) loaded with plant extracts were studied concerning the surface properties and their antibacterial or cytotoxicity activity. The Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared analysis described the successfully incorporation of each plant extract in the poly(vinyl alcohol) matrix, while the profilometry demonstrated the enhanced surface properties. The results showed that the plant extracts conferred significant antibacterial effects to films toward Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli and are not toxic against fibroblastic cells from the rabbit

    Chitosan Membranes Containing Plant Extracts: Preparation, Characterization and Antimicrobial Properties

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    The main strategy of this study was to combine the traditional perspective of using medicinal extracts with polymeric scaffolds manufactured by an engineering approach to fabricate a potential dressing product with antimicrobial properties. Thus, chitosan-based membranes containing S. officinalis and H. perforatum extracts were developed and their suitability as novel dressing materials was investigated. The morphology of the chitosan-based films was assessed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the chemical structure characterization was performed via Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The addition of the plant extracts increased the sorption capacity of the studied fluids, mainly at the membrane with S. officinalis extract. The membranes with 4% chitosan embedded with both plant extracts maintained their integrity after being immersed for 14 days in incubation media, especially in PBS. The antibacterial activities were determined by the modified Kirby–Bauer disk diffusion method for Gram-positive (S. aureus ATCC 25923, MRSA ATCC 43300) and Gram-negative (E. coli ATCC 25922, P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853) microorganisms. The antibacterial property was enhanced by incorporating the plant extracts into chitosan films. The outcome of the study reveals that the obtained chitosan-based membranes are promising candidates to be used as a wound dressing due to their good physico-chemical and antimicrobial properties

    Tunable Properties via Composition Modulations of Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Xanthan Gum/Oxalic Acid Hydrogels

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    The design of hydrogel networks with tuned properties is essential for new innovative biomedical materials. Herein, poly(vinyl alcohol) and xanthan gum were used to develop hydrogels by the freeze/thaw cycles method in the presence of oxalic acid as a crosslinker. The structure and morphology of the obtained hydrogels were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and swelling behavior. The SEM analysis revealed that the surface morphology was mostly affected by the blending ratio between the two components, namely, poly(vinyl alcohol) and xanthan gum. From the swelling study, it was observed that the presence of oxalic acid influenced the hydrophilicity of blends. The hydrogels based on poly(vinyl alcohol) without xanthan gum led to structures with a smaller pore diameter, a lower swelling degree in pH 7.4 buffer solution, and a higher elastic modulus. The antimicrobial activity of the prepared hydrogels was tested and the results showed that the hydrogels conferred antibacterial activity against Gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus 25923 ATCC) and Gram negative bacteria (Escherichia coli 25922 ATCC)

    Modélisation du procédé d'élaboration de fibres de chitosane

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    Chitosan is a natural polymer obtained by deacetylation of chitin. This polysaccharide is well known for its exceptional biological properties: it is biocompatible and bio absorbable. Chitosan fibers can be used in surgery.The objective of this thesis is to study the physicochemical phenomena involved, to develop a process model, to optimize the filtering process in the laboratory.After a review of the literature in the first chapter, the experimental techniques for obtaining, purifying and characterizing chitosan are described in the second chapter. A study of the structure of the chitosan obtained is presented. This is one of the original results of this work.The principle of the coagulation method in solution, it is essential to determine in what condition it, and what is the determining parameter. Previous studies have shown that this is the diffusion coefficient of soda in the medium. One effect, measurements were made, in different geometries. This study constitutes the work presented in Chapter Three.In chapter four is presented a technique consisting in following by means of a microscope the advance of the coagulation front. This technique makes it possible to determine the diffusion coefficient.The last chapter consisted of developing fibers using a small scale plant existing in laboratory (IMP Lyon 1). The final element of this work consists of modelling the process, calculating the inside and outside diameters of the fibers obtained and comparing the result of the modelling with the experimental resultsLe chitosane est un polymère naturel obtenu par deacétylation de la chitine. Ce polysaccharide est bien connu pour ses propriétés biologiques exceptionnelles : il est biocompatible et biorésorbable. Les fibres de chitosane peuvent être utilisées en chirurgie. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier les phénomènes physico-chimiques mis en jeu, de développer un modèle du procédé, afin d'optimiser le procédé de filage mis au point au laboratoire.Après une revue de la littérature dans le premier chapitre, les techniques expérimentales d'obtention, de purification, et de caractérisation du chitosane sont décrits dans le deuxième chapitre. Une étude de la structure du chitosane obtenu est présentée. C'est l'un des résultats originaux de ce travail.Le principe du procédé étant par coagulation en solution, il est essentiel de déterminer dans quelle condition celle-ci s'effectue, et quel est le paramètre déterminant. Les études précédentes ont montré que celui-ci est le coefficient de diffusion de la soude dans le milieu. A cet effet, des mesures ont été effectuées, dans des géométries différentes. Cette étude constitue le travail présenté dans le chapitre trois.Dans le chapitre quatre est présentée une technique consistant à suivre au moyen d'un microscope l'avancée du front de coagulation. Cette technique a permis de déterminer précisément le coefficient de diffusion.Le dernier chapitre a consisté à élaborer des fibres au moyen d'un banc que possède le laboratoire (IMP Lyon 1). L'étape ultime de ce travail a été de modéliser le procédé, de prévoir les diamètres intérieur et extérieur des fibres obtenues, et de comparer le résultat de la modélisation aux résultats expérimentau

    Kinetics of chitosan coagulation from aqueous solutions

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    Kinetics of chitosan coagulation from aqueous solutions

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    Effects of Blue-Light Laser Irradiation on the Enzymatic Activities and Sporulation of <i>Trichoderma atroviride</i> Grown on Rice Husks

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    Light is known to impact various aspects of Trichoderma, with possible implications for industrial and agricultural applications. In this study, we investigated the irradiation of Trichoderma atroviride with blue light using a laser source system. We determined the cellulase and protease activities and the effects of UV–Vis absorption of the filtrated culture on conidia formation, dimension, and behavior, and on the apparent chlamydospore abundance, as a function of irradiation duration, dose of irradiation, and moment of irradiation. We show that the effects on the enzymatic activities range from positive to neutral to negative. Compared with previous studies, our stimulation with light does not show a drastic negative effect on the cellulase (CMC-ase) activity, but it seems to delay the maximum activity over time. The effects on the proteases are partially in agreement with the only previous study reported for the light effects on protease activity. The number of conidia is increased upon irradiation, representing an expected behavior, and we show for the first time to the best of our knowledge that the conidia dimensions and chlamydospore number also increase. Our data also suggest that the highest dose resulted in the conidia clustering around the liquid–air interface, suggesting an increased hydrophobic character

    Electrospun Polyvinyl Alcohol Loaded with Phytotherapeutic Agents for Wound Healing Applications

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    In this paper, hydroalcoholic solutions of Thymus vulgaris, Salvia officinalis folium, and Hyperici herba were used in combination with poly (vinyl alcohol) with the aim of developing novel poly (vinyl alcohol)-based nanofiber mats loaded with phytotherapeutic agents via the electrospinning technique. The chemical structure and morphology of the polymeric nanofibers were investigated using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The addition of Thymus vulgaris, Salvia officinalis folium, and Hyperici herba extracts to the pure polyvinyl alcohol fibers led to changes in the morphology of the fibers and a reduction in the fibers&rsquo; diameter, from 0.1798 &micro;m in the case of pure polyvinyl alcohol to 0.1672, 0.1425, and 0.1369 &micro;m in the case of polyvinyl alcohol loaded with Thymus vulgaris, Salvia officinalis folium, and Hyperici herba, respectively. The adapted Folin&ndash;Ciocalteu (FC) method, which was used to determine the total phenolic contents, revealed that the samples of PVA&ndash;Hyperici herba and PVA&ndash;Thymus vulgaris had the highest phenol contents, at 13.25 &mu;gGAE/mL and 12.66 &mu;gGAE/mL, respectively. Dynamic water vapor measurements were used in order to investigate the moisture sorption and desorption behavior of the developed electrospun materials. The antimicrobial behavior of these products was also evaluated. Disk diffusion assay studies with Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus were conducted on the developed nanofibers in order to quantify their phytotherapeutic potential