152 research outputs found


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    Psoriasis is a chronic, multisystem inflammatory disease with predominantly skin and joint involvement. In Ayurveda all skin diseases are described under the umbrella of Kushtha. Ayurvedic system of medicine is giving good results in management of Psoriasis. Repeated Samshodhana (purificatory therapies) along with Samshamana (palliative therapies) is the main line of treatment if skin diseases in Ayurveda. Three assessments were taken before and after treatment on scoring of Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), Psoriasis Disability Index (PDI) and PASI score. Score of the patient was 63.3% before treatment and 13.3% after treatment and 3.3% after follow up on Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), 44.4% before treatment and 15.5% after treatment and 5.3% after follow up on Psoriasis Disability Index (PDI) and 24.5% before treatment, 5.1% after treatment and 1.2% after follow up in PASI (Psoriasis Area and Severity Index).  This case study wants to substantiate the effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatment in the management of Plaque psoriasis


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    Spondylolisthesis is described as a translation of a vertebra with respect to the vertebra below without any modification or notable lesion to the pars interarticularis. Lumbar spondylolisthesis can be considered as various conditions like Kati shoola, Kati Graha, Trika Graha, Prushta Graha, Trika Shoola, Prushta Shoola, Grudrasi in Ayurveda. The present article deals with a case of diagnosed Grade 1 lumbar spondylolisthesis of L4 over L5 and got advised for surgery. The Ayurvedic diagnosis of Kati soola was made. Management included Abhyanga, Kativasti, Kshira vasti, Virechana, Vaitarana vasti and Chincha lavana sweda along with internal medications. Chincha lavana sweda is a very simple and effective Swedana procedure to cure pain in low back, especially due to Spondylolisthesis. But it is not widely used. This case report also wants to introduce the technique to Ayurvedic practitioners who are unaware of it. Before treatment, total score on Oswestry low back pain disability questionnaire was 34 (68%) and at the time of discharge, the score was 8 (16%). On Roland-Morris low back pain and disability questionnaire, the before treatment score was 17 and at the time of discharge it was reduced to 4. That means the patient showed an improvement of 76% on Roland-Morris low back pain and disability questionnaire. The present case report substantiates effectiveness of classical Ayurvedic Management in spondylolosthesis

    Feminized Asians and Masculinized Blacks: The Construction of Gendered Races in the United States

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    This study attempts to clarify how race and gender are both socially constructed categories, and mutually constituted in ways that promote White, heterosexual, patriarchal standards of masculinity and femininity. I argue throughout this paper that Black women are deemed less marriageable due in part to the fact that they have been masculinized throughout the history of the United States. Similarly, Asian men are deemed less marriageable due in part to the fact they have been feminized throughout the history of the United States. Through my research I hope to clarify the role that certain historical events played in the dual gendering of Asians as feminine and Blacks as masculine. I will also examine more contemporary media influences such as film and music, which continue to gender and marginalize Asian and Black bodies by perpetuating old myths and stereotypes today


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    External genital warts or Condyloma Acuminata is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus subtypes 6 and 11. According to Ayurveda it can be diagnosed as Yoni Arsa. This case report presents a 51 yr old female with the complaints of per vaginal discharge, itching and appearance of progressively increasing number of lesions in the vulva for 6 months. The pathological diagnosis of the vulvar lesion specimen was Condyloma Acuminata. Patient was treated with internal administration and external application of Ayurvedic medicines. Considerable relief for the condition was noted and the follow up visits confirmed the non recurrence of the disease. Ayurvedic interventions can be considered as minimal invasive and cost effective in the management of genital warts

    Implementasi Alat Evaluasi Menggambar Busana di SMK Swasta Kelompok Pariwisata Kabupaten Sleman

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    The objectives of the study were to determine the application procedure of the evaluation instrument of fashion drawing, to analyse the consistency of the evaluation results, and to determine the communicative reporting procedure of the evaluation results in the Department of Tourism of Vocational High Schools in Sleman regency, Yogyakarta. This study was categorised into a survey study. The population of this study were teachers and students. There were 30 samples selected with purposive sampling. There were six teachers as the assessors. The data collection techniques used consistency assessment instruments by examining the index of reliability. The report of the results of Drawing Fashion Design assessment was shown in the profile of the students. The data was analysed using quantitative descriptive with percentages. The consistency of the assessment was examined using cronbach alpha analysis. While the reporting procedure was analysed descriptively based on the calculation of the final score. The results of the study were the application procedure of the evaluation instrument that is started with the preparation of the teachers to provide the assessment instruments that includes the materials, the grid, the test items and the rubric. Based on the criteria, it is in the very good category with a mean score of 56.83. The consistency of the assessment results is in a good category with a mean score of 0,800. Based on the competency profile, The mean score of the students' assessment result was 77, 3. With the minimum score of 70, it was proved that all of the samples of this study were categorised into competent in fashion drawing