496 research outputs found

    Reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung im Ökologischen Landbau: Einfluss auf Leistung und Struktur der Bodenmikroorganismengemeinschaft

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    Problemstellung/Ziele: Im Projekt ‚Ökologische Bodenbewirtschaftung’ (PÖB) der Stiftung Ökologie und Landbau, Bad DĂŒrckheim, wird seit 1995 am Standort Rommersheim, Rheinhessen, eine differenzierte Grundbodenbearbeitung mit den Varianten Pflug (P), Zweischichtenpflug (LP) und Schichtengrubber (LC) durchgefĂŒhrt. Ziel der Untersuchungen war es, vertiefende Einsichten in die Reaktion der mikrobiellen Biomasse auf die differenzierte Bodenbearbeitung unter den besonderen Bedingungen des Ökologischen Landbaus zu erhalten. Hypothesen: Eine reduzierte (LP) und konservierende (LC) Bodenbearbeitung fĂŒhrt im Vergleich zum Pflug (P) zu einer Anreicherung und Sequestrierung sowie einer qualitativen Modifikation von organischer Bodensubstanz und mikrobieller Biomasse. Die funktionelle und strukturelle DiversitĂ€t der Bodenmikroorganismen-Gemeinschaft wird hierdurch ebenfalls modifiziert. Methoden: Im FrĂŒhjahr 2001 wurden Bodenproben aus GrĂŒnbrache-Parzellen in vierfacher Wiederholung je Bodenbearbeitungsvariante differenziert nach Ober- (0-15cm) und Unterkrume (15-25cm) entnommen und hinsichtlicher der Gehalte an organischer Substanz (trockene Veraschung), mikrobieller Biomasse (CFE-C) und AktivitĂ€t (Infrarotgasanalysator) sowie der funktionellen DiversitĂ€t (community level substrate utilization profiles – BIOLOG GN2) untersucht. Die strukturelle DiversitĂ€t wurde mittels Phospholipid-FettsĂ€ure (PLFA) und Phospholipid-Etherlipide (PLEL) –Muster analysiert. ErgĂ€nzend wurde die QualitĂ€t der organischen Bodensubstanz durch eine Kaltwasser-Extraktion und der spektroskopischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Fazit: Reduzierte und konservierende Bodenbearbeitung modifiziert die Organische Bodensubstanz, die Leistung sowie die funktionelle und strukturelle DiversitĂ€t von Bodenmikroorganismen-Gemeinschaften

    Scaling theory of transport in complex networks

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    Transport is an important function in many network systems and understanding its behavior on biological, social, and technological networks is crucial for a wide range of applications. However, it is a property that is not well-understood in these systems and this is probably due to the lack of a general theoretical framework. Here, based on the finding that renormalization can be applied to bio-networks, we develop a scaling theory of transport in self-similar networks. We demonstrate the networks invariance under length scale renormalization and we show that the problem of transport can be characterized in terms of a set of critical exponents. The scaling theory allows us to determine the influence of the modular structure on transport. We also generalize our theory by presenting and verifying scaling arguments for the dependence of transport on microscopic features, such as the degree of the nodes and the distance between them. Using transport concepts such as diffusion and resistance we exploit this invariance and we are able to explain, based on the topology of the network, recent experimental results on the broad flow distribution in metabolic networks.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Memristive operation mode of a site-controlled quantum dot floating gate transistor

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    The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the European Union (FPVII (2007-2013) under Grant Agreement No. 318287 Landauer) as well as the state of Bavaria.We have realized a floating gate transistor based on a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure with site-controlled InAs quantum dots. By short-circuiting the source contact with the lateral gates and performing closed voltage sweep cycles, we observe a memristive operation mode with pinched hysteresis loops and two clearly distinguishable conductive states. The conductance depends on the quantum dot charge which can be altered in a controllable manner by the voltage value and time interval spent in the charging region. The quantum dot memristor has the potential to realize artificial synapses in a state-of-the-art opto-electronic semiconductor platform by charge localization and Coulomb coupling.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Exotic magnetism in the alkali sesquoxides Rb4O6 and Cs4O6

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    Among the various alkali oxides the sesquioxides Rb4O6 and Cs4O6 are of special interest. Electronic structure calculations using the local spin-density approximation predicted that Rb4O6 should be a half-metallic ferromagnet, which was later contradicted when an experimental investigation of the temperature dependent magnetization of Rb4O6 showed a low-temperature magnetic transition and differences between zero-field-cooled (ZFC) and field-cooled (FC) measurements. Such behavior is known from spin glasses and frustrated systems. Rb4O6 and Cs4O6 comprise two different types of dioxygen anions, the hyperoxide and the peroxide anions. The nonmagnetic peroxide anions do not contain unpaired electrons while the hyperoxide anions contain unpaired electrons in antibonding pi*-orbitals. High electron localization (narrow bands) suggests that electronic correlations are of major importance in these open shell p-electron systems. Correlations and charge ordering due to the mixed valency render p-electron-based anionogenic magnetic order possible in the sesquioxides. In this work we present an experimental comparison of Rb4O6 and the related Cs4O6. The crystal structures are verified using powder x-ray diffraction. The mixed valency of both compounds is confirmed using Raman spectroscopy, and time-dependent magnetization experiments indicate that both compounds show magnetic frustration, a feature only previously known from d- and f-electron systems

    <i>In situ</i> investigation of controlled polymorphism in mechanochemistry at elevated temperature†

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    Mechanochemistry routinely provides solid forms (polymorphs) that are difficult to obtain by conventional solution-based methods, making it an exciting tool for crystal engineering. However, we are far from identifying the full scope of mechanochemical strategies available to access new and potentially useful solid forms. Using the model organic cocrystal system of nicotinamide (NA) and pimelic acid (PA), we demonstrate with variable temperature ball milling that ball milling seemingly decreases the temperature needed to induce polymorph conversion. Whereas Form I of the NA:PA cocrystal transforms into Form II at 90 °C under equilibrium conditions, the same transition occurs as low as 65 °C during ball milling: a ca 25 °C reduction of the transition temperature. Our results indicate that mechanical energy provides a powerful control parameter to access new solid forms under more readily accessible conditions. We expect this ‘thermo-mechanical’ approach for driving polymorphic transformations to become an important tool for polymorph screening and manufacturing

    Challenges and opportunities in the bottom-up mechanochemical synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles

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    Mechanochemistry is a promising alternative to solution-based protocols across the chemical sciences, enabling different types of chemistries in solvent-free and environmentally benign conditions. The use of mechanical energy to promote physical and chemical transformations has reached a high level of refinement, allowing for the design of sophisticated molecules and nanostructured materials. Among them, the synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles deserves special attention due to their catalytic applications. In this review, we discuss the recent progress on the development of mechanochemical strategies for the controlled synthesis of noble metal nanostructures. We start by covering the fundamentals of different preparation routes, namely top-down and bottom-up approaches. Next, we focus on the key examples of the mechanochemical synthesis of non-supported and supported metal nanoparticles as well as hybrid nanomaterials containing noble metals. In these examples, in addition to the principles and synthesis mechanisms, their performances in catalysis are discussed. Finally, a perspective of the field is given, where we discuss the opportunities for future work and the challenges of mechanochemical synthesis to produce well-defined noble metal nanoparticles.Peer reviewe

    Genomic analysis of dominance effects on milk production and conformation traits in Fleckvieh cattle

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    Background Estimates of dominance variance in dairy cattle based on pedigree data vary considerably across traits and amount to up to 50% of the total genetic variance for conformation traits and up to 43% for milk production traits. Using bovine SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) genotypes, dominance variance can be estimated both at the marker level and at the animal level using genomic dominance effect relationship matrices. Yield deviations of high-density genotyped Fleckvieh cows were used to assess cross-validation accuracy of genomic predictions with additive and dominance models. The potential use of dominance variance in planned matings was also investigated. Results Variance components of nine milk production and conformation traits were estimated with additive and dominance models using yield deviations of 1996 Fleckvieh cows and ranged from 3.3% to 50.5% of the total genetic variance. REML and Gibbs sampling estimates showed good concordance. Although standard errors of estimates of dominance variance were rather large, estimates of dominance variance for milk, fat and protein yields, somatic cell score and milkability were significantly different from 0. Cross-validation accuracy of predicted breeding values was higher with genomic models than with the pedigree model. Inclusion of dominance effects did not increase the accuracy of the predicted breeding and total genetic values. Additive and dominance SNP effects for milk yield and protein yield were estimated with a BLUP (best linear unbiased prediction) model and used to calculate expectations of breeding values and total genetic values for putative offspring. Selection on total genetic value instead of breeding value would result in a larger expected total genetic superiority in progeny, i.e. 14.8% for milk yield and 27.8% for protein yield and reduce the expected additive genetic gain only by 4.5% for milk yield and 2.6% for protein yield. Conclusions Estimated dominance variance was substantial for most of the analyzed traits. Due to small dominance effect relationships between cows, predictions of individual dominance deviations were very inaccurate and including dominance in the model did not improve prediction accuracy in the cross-validation study. Exploitation of dominance variance in assortative matings was promising and did not appear to severely compromise additive genetic gain

    Nanocrystalline and stacking-disordered ÎČ-cristobalite AlPO4: the now deciphered main constituent of a municipal sewage sludge ash from a full-scale incineration facility

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    This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.For the first time evidence is provided that a nanocrystalline and stacking-disordered, chemically stabilized ÎČ-cristobalite form of AlPO4 occurs in a sewage sludge ash (SSA). This proof is based on a combined X-ray powder diffraction and X-ray fluorescence investigation of an SSA produced at a large-scale fluidized bed incineration facility serving a catching area with a population of 2 million. The structural and chemical characterization was carried out on ‘as received’ SSA samples as well as on solid residues remaining after leaching this SSA in sodium hydroxide solution. Thus, it was ascertained that the observed nanocrystalline and stacking-disordered cristobalite-like component belongs to the aluminum phosphate component of this SSA, rather than to its silicon dioxide component. In addition, a direct proof is presented that the chemically stabilized ÎČ-cristobalite form of AlPO4 does crystallize from X-ray amorphous precursors under conditions that mimic the huge heating rate and short retention time (just seconds at T ≈ 850°C), typical for fluidized bed incinerators.Peer Reviewe

    Kohlenstoffsequestrierung beim Anbau alternativer Energiepflanzen

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    Die landwirtschaftliche Biomasseproduktion zur energetischen Nutzung hat in den letzten Jahren deutlich an Bedeutung gewonnen. Neben Mais als dem dominierenden Substrat werden vermehrt alternative, mehrjĂ€hrige Energiepflanzen wie die Durchwachsene Silphie oder Szarvasigras angebaut. Einige Studien bspw. mit Miscanthus haben bereits gezeigt, dass der Anbau von mehrjĂ€hrigen Energiepflanzen zu einem Anstieg der organischen Bodensubstanz fĂŒhren kann. Ziel der Arbeit war es, verschiedene Energiepflanzen bezĂŒglich deren Einflusses auf Gesamtkohlenstoffgehalte und partikulĂ€ren Fraktionen (fPOM, oPOM), sowie deren mikrobielle Parameter und EnzymaktivitĂ€ten zu bewerten und vergleichen. Wir konnten zeigen, dass sich die Gehalte an organischer Bodensubstanz, verglichen mit Mais, unter den mehrjĂ€hrigen Energiepflanzen positiv entwickelt haben. Insbesondere der Anteil an stabilen Kohlenstofffraktionen nahm zu. Weiterhin waren die BestĂ€nde alternativer Energiepflanzen verglichen mit Mais durch höhere mikrobielle AktivitĂ€t und EnzymaktivitĂ€ten gekennzeichnet
