603 research outputs found

    Incentives in peer-to-peer and grid networking

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    Today, most peer-to-peer networks are based on the assumptionthat the participating nodes are cooperative. Thisworks if the nodes are indifferent or ignorant about the resourcesthey offer, but limits the usability of peer-to-peernetworks to very few scenarios. It specifically excludes theirusage in any non-cooperative peer-to-peer environment, beit Grid networks or mobile ad-hoc networks. By introducingsoft incentives to offer resources to other nodes, we seean overall performance gain in traditional file-sharing networks.We also see soft incentives promoting the convergenceof peer-to-peer and Grid networks, as they increasethe predictability of the participating nodes, and thereforethe reliability of the services provided by the system as awhole. Reliability is what is required by Grid networks, butmissing in peer-to-peer networks

    On using Markov decision processes to model integration solutions for disparate resources in software ecosystems

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The software ecosystem of an enterprise is usually composed of an heterogeneous set of applications, databases, documents, spreadsheets, and so on. Such resources are involved in the enterprise’s daily activities by supporting its business processes. As a consequence of market change and the enterprise evolution, new business processes emerge and the current ones have to be evolved to tackle the new requirements. It is not a surprise that different resources may be required to collaborate in a business process. However, most of these resources were devised without taking into account their integration with the others, i.e., they represent isolated islands of data and functionality. Thus, the goal of an integration solution is to enable the collaboration of different resources without changing them or increasing their coupling. The analysis of integration solutions to predict their behaviour and find possible performance bottlenecks is an important activity that contributes to increase the quality of the delivered solutions. Software engineers usually follow an approach that requires the construction of the integration solution, the execution of the actual integration solution, and the collection of data from this execution in order to analyse and predict their behaviour. This is a costly, risky, and time-consuming approach. This paper discusses the usage of Markov models for formal modelling of integration solutions aiming at enabling the simulation of the conceptual models of integration solutions still in the design phase. By using well-established simulation techniques and tools at an early development stage, this new approach contributes to reduce cost, risk, development time and improve software quality attributes such as robustness, scalability, and maintenance

    An EAI based integration solution for science and research outcomes information management

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    Open Access articleIn this paper we present an Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) based proposal for research outcomes information management. The proposal is contextualized in terms of national and international science and research outcomes information management, corresponding supporting information systems and ecosystems. Information systems interoperability problems, approaches, technologies and tools are presented and applied to the research outcomes information management case. A business and technological perspective is provided, including the conceptual analysis and modelling, an integration solution based in a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) and the orchestration engine to execute the proposed solution. For illustrative purposes, the role and information system needs of a research unit is assumed as the representative case

    Coupled Hydromechanical Modelling of a Vertical Hydraulic Sealing System Based on the Sandwich Principle

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    For the shaft sealing of a repository for radioactive waste, a Sandwich sealing system was developed by KIT-CMM consisting of bentonite-based sealing segments (DS) and sand mixture-based equipotential segments (ES). To demonstrate the functionality of the Sandwich sealing system, various laboratory tests (MiniSandwich tests and semi-technical scale experiments) have been carried out before a large-scale experiment has been implemented in situ at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory (CH). An important coupled process in the Sandwich system is the swelling deformation of the DS while aqueous fluid penetrates into the system. Consequently, the interparticle porosity (effective porosity) of the DS decreases by swelling strain, resulting in a reduction in the permeability of the DS. Pore space of the ES also decreases slightly due to swelling stress in the adjacent DS, which also leads to a reduction in the permeability of the ES. To understand the coupled hydromechanical processes of the Sandwich sealing system, a numerical model was developed to interpret the experimental observations from the MiniSandwich tests and to parameterize different components. A linear swelling model for DS and empirical functions for the swelling deformation-induced permeability change for both DS and ES segments were introduced into the coupled model with Richards’ flow and elastic model. Sensitivity analysis with parameter variations of the most important parameters reduces the uncertainty in the system behavior

    Optimizing Traffic Lights in a Cellular Automaton Model for City Traffic

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    We study the impact of global traffic light control strategies in a recently proposed cellular automaton model for vehicular traffic in city networks. The model combines basic ideas of the Biham-Middleton-Levine model for city traffic and the Nagel-Schreckenberg model for highway traffic. The city network has a simple square lattice geometry. All streets and intersections are treated equally, i.e., there are no dominant streets. Starting from a simple synchronized strategy we show that the capacity of the network strongly depends on the cycle times of the traffic lights. Moreover we point out that the optimal time periods are determined by the geometric characteristics of the network, i.e., the distance between the intersections. In the case of synchronized traffic lights the derivation of the optimal cycle times in the network can be reduced to a simpler problem, the flow optimization of a single street with one traffic light operating as a bottleneck. In order to obtain an enhanced throughput in the model improved global strategies are tested, e.g., green wave and random switching strategies, which lead to surprising results.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Long-Term Survival of an Urban Fruit Bat Seropositive for Ebola and Lagos Bat Viruses

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    Ebolaviruses (EBOV) (family Filoviridae) cause viral hemorrhagic fevers in humans and non-human primates when they spill over from their wildlife reservoir hosts with case fatality rates of up to 90%. Fruit bats may act as reservoirs of the Filoviridae. The migratory fruit bat, Eidolon helvum, is common across sub-Saharan Africa and lives in large colonies, often situated in cities. We screened sera from 262 E. helvum using indirect fluorescent tests for antibodies against EBOV subtype Zaire. We detected a seropositive bat from Accra, Ghana, and confirmed this using western blot analysis. The bat was also seropositive for Lagos bat virus, a Lyssavirus, by virus neutralization test. The bat was fitted with a radio transmitter and was last detected in Accra 13 months after release post-sampling, demonstrating long-term survival. Antibodies to filoviruses have not been previously demonstrated in E. helvum. Radio-telemetry data demonstrates long-term survival of an individual bat following exposure to viruses of families that can be highly pathogenic to other mammal species. Because E. helvum typically lives in large urban colonies and is a source of bushmeat in some regions, further studies should determine if this species forms a reservoir for EBOV from which spillover infections into the human population may occur

    Improving the drug discovery process by using multiple classifier systems

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Machine learning methods have become an indispensable tool for utilizing large knowledge and data repositories in science and technology. In the context of the pharmaceutical domain, the amount of acquired knowledge about the design and synthesis of pharmaceutical agents and bioactive molecules (drugs) is enormous. The primary challenge for automatically discovering new drugs from molecular screening information is related to the high dimensionality of datasets, where a wide range of features is included for each candidate drug. Thus, the implementation of improved techniques to ensure an adequate manipulation and interpretation of data becomes mandatory. To mitigate this problem, our tool (called D2-MCS) can split homogeneously the dataset into several groups (the subset of features) and subsequently, determine the most suitable classifier for each group. Finally, the tool allows determining the biological activity of each molecule by a voting scheme. The application of the D2-MCS tool was tested on a standardized, high quality dataset gathered from ChEMBL and have shown outperformance of our tool when compare to well-known single classification models

    Mashups: An Approach to Overcoming the Business/IT Gap in Service-Oriented Architectures

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    For quite a long time already, great importance has been attached to the concept of Service-Oriented Architectures for future IT-architectures. However, a major challenge in implementing this concept lies in the gap between the functional department and IT department. Mashups, an architecture also based on services, try to avoid this gap by letting the user himself integrate the services. The following article analyzes similarities and differences between both architecture approaches, and explains to what extent and in which cases Mashups could complement a Service-Oriented Architecture