43 research outputs found

    Epileptic seizure prediction based on multiresolution convolutional neural networks

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    Epilepsy withholds patients’ control of their body or consciousness and puts them at risk in the course of their daily life. This article pursues the development of a smart neurocomputational technology to alert epileptic patients wearing EEG sensors of an impending seizure. An innovative approach for epileptic seizure prediction has been proposed to improve prediction accuracy and reduce the false alarm rate in comparison with state-of-the-art benchmarks. Maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform was used to decompose EEG signals into different frequency resolutions, and a multiresolution convolutional neural network is designed to extract discriminative features from each frequency band. The algorithm automatically generates patient-specific features to best classify preictal and interictal segments of the subject. The method can be applied to any patient case from any dataset without the need for a handcrafted feature extraction procedure. The proposed approach was tested with two popular epilepsy patient datasets. It achieved a sensitivity of 82% and a false prediction rate of 0.058 with the Children’s Hospital Boston-MIT scalp EEG dataset and a sensitivity of 85% and a false prediction rate of 0.19 with the American Epilepsy Society Seizure Prediction Challenge dataset. This technology provides a personalized solution for the patient that has improved sensitivity and specificity, yet because of the algorithm’s intrinsic ability for generalization, it emancipates from the reliance on epileptologists’ expertise to tune a wearable technological aid, which will ultimately help to deploy it broadly, including in medically underserved locations across the globe

    Virtual Partner Interaction (VPI): Exploring Novel Behaviors via Coordination Dynamics

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    Inspired by the dynamic clamp of cellular neuroscience, this paper introduces VPI—Virtual Partner Interaction—a coupled dynamical system for studying real time interaction between a human and a machine. In this proof of concept study, human subjects coordinate hand movements with a virtual partner, an avatar of a hand whose movements are driven by a computerized version of the Haken-Kelso-Bunz (HKB) equations that have been shown to govern basic forms of human coordination. As a surrogate system for human social coordination, VPI allows one to examine regions of the parameter space not typically explored during live interactions. A number of novel behaviors never previously observed are uncovered and accounted for. Having its basis in an empirically derived theory of human coordination, VPI offers a principled approach to human-machine interaction and opens up new ways to understand how humans interact with human-like machines including identification of underlying neural mechanisms

    Les conjonctions illusoires en RSVP : un paradigme pour l'Ă©tude des synchronisations neuronales ?

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    The aim of this thesis was to design an experimental protocol in order to assess the relationship between binding problem and binding by synchronization. In this perspective, we explored a psychological test : RSVP (Rapid Serial Visual Presentation). This experimental paradigm is a visual search where distractors are posited in the temporal dimension. Our experiments suggest that among the observed errors are some illusory conjunction. These illusory conjunctions sesult from a defective perceptive integration between the target and a close distractor. We conclude that RSVP is a suitable tool to confront the binding problem and binding by synchronization.Le but de cette thèse était d'élaborer un protocole expérimental dans le but d'étudier les rapports entre le liage perceptif et la synchoronisation des neurones. A cette fin, le paradigme RSVP (Rapid Serial Visual Presentation) a été exploré. Ce paradigme est une tâche d'identification visuelle, dans laquelle les distracteurs sont positionnés sur la dimension temporelle. Nos expériences suggèrent que des conjonctions illusoires figurent parmi les erreurs d'identification observées. Les conjonctions illusoires résultent d'une intégration perceptive erronée entre une cible et un distracteur temporellement proche. En conclusion de cette thèse, nous soutenons que le paradigme RSVP est un outil d'étude adéquat pour confronter le liage perceptif formulé par les Psychologues et la synchronisation des neurones formulé par les Neurophysiologistes

    More than Meets the Mind’s Eye? Preliminary Observations Hint at Heterogeneous Alpha Neuromarkers for Visual Attention

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    With their salient power distribution and privileged timescale for cognition and behavior, brainwaves within the 10 Hz band are special in human waking electroencephalography (EEG). From the inception of electroencephalographic technology, the contribution of alpha rhythm to attention is well-known: Its amplitude increases when visual attention wanes or visual input is removed. However, alpha is not alone in the 10 Hz frequency band. A number of other 10 Hz neuromarkers have function and topography clearly distinct from alpha. In small pilot studies, an activity that we named xi was found over left centroparietal scalp regions when subjects held their attention to spatially peripheral locations while maintaining their gaze centrally (“looking from the corner of the eyes”). I outline several potential functions for xi as a putative neuromarker of covert attention distinct from alpha. I review methodological aids to test and validate their functional role. They emphasize high spectral resolution, sufficient spatial resolution to provide topographical separation, and an acute attention to dynamics that caters to neuromarkers’ transiency

    Operational principles of neurocognitive networks

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    Large-scale neural networks are thought to be an essential substrate for the implementation of cognitive function by the brain. If so, then a thorough understanding of cognition is not possible without knowledge of how the large-scale neural networks of cognition (neurocognitive networks) operate. Of necessity, such understanding requires insight into structural, functional, and dynamical aspects of network operation, the intimate interweaving of which may be responsible for the intricacies of cognition. Knowledge of anatomical structure is basic to understanding how neurocognitive networks operate. Phylogenetically and ontogenetically determined patterns of synaptic connectivity form a structural network of brain areas, allowing communication between widely distributed collections of areas. The function of neurocognitive networks depends on selective activation of anatomically linked cortical and subcortical areas in a wide variety of configurations. Large-scale functional networks provide the cooperative processing which gives expression to cognitive function. The dynamics of neurocognitive network function relates to the evolving patterns of interacting brain areas that express cognitive function in real time. This article considers the proposition that a basic similarity of the structural, functional, and dynamical features of all neurocognitive networks in the brain causes them to function according to common operational principles. The formation of neural context through the coordinated mutual constraint of multiple interacting cortical areas, is considered as a guiding principle underlying all cognitive functions. Increasing knowledge of the operational principles of neurocognitive networks is likely to promote the advancement of cognitive theories, and to seed strategies for the enhancement of cognitive abilities