14 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Anaerobic Power Tests using Cycle Ergometry and Non-motorized Treadmill Ergometry at Optimized Loads

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 16(4): 1293-1305, 2023. The purpose of this study was to compare performance markers derived from a 30-second maximal bout on a cycle ergometer (CE) and non-motorized treadmill (NMT) under optimized loads. Recreationally active participants (n = 40) volunteered for the study. Force-velocity tests on the CE and NMT were used to determine optimal resistance for peak power (PP) production. The remaining visits were randomized and counterbalanced, with a single 30-second maximal test on CE or NMT to assess PP, mean power (MP), fatigue index (FI), over the course of the 30-second test, and maximum heart rate (HRmax) and blood lactate (BLa-) taken 1-minute post. Results were that PP and MP were higher (P\u3c0.05) on CE compared to NMT for both sexes. FI did not differ among males (P=0.201) whereas females showed higher FI (P=0.002) on the CE. HRmax and BLa- were higher (P\u3c0.05) after NMT for both sexes. There was no difference for optimal braking force on NMT between males (16.65±4.49%BW) and females (14.30±3.10%BW) (P=0.061). CE optimal torque factor was higher for males (0.78±0.16 Nm/kg) compared to females (0.62±0.14 Nm/kg) (P=0.001). Overall, CE produced higher power output using optimized loads in recreationally active males and females, while NMT test resulted in a higher HRmax andBLa- concentration. These tests for anaerobic power, when performed with optimized loads, produced different results for several variables, therefore these modalities should not be considered interchangeable. Practitioners should consider which modality best mimics the activities of the person being tested when selecting a protocol

    Carbohydrate Rinse Fails to Enhance Cycling Performance or Alter Metabolic and Autonomic Recovery in Recreational Cyclists

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    The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of carbohydrate (CHO) mouth rinsing on autonomic and metabolic recovery as well as cycling performance. Ten male recreational cyclists (age = 30 ± 6 years, VO2peak = 54.5 ± 8.1 mL·kg-1·min-1) completed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover designed study. A CHO or a placebo (PLA) rinse was administered every 12.5% of a work to completion trial (75%Wmax). Heart rate variability (lnRMSSD), the respiratory exchange ratio, and plasma epinephrine, norepinephrine, insulin, glucose, free fatty acids (FFA), and lactate were measured pre- and post-exercise. The CHO rinse did not improve time to completion of the test trial (CHO: 4108 ± 307 s, PLA: 4176 ± 374 s, p = 0.545). Further, the CHO rinse did not impact autonomic recovery, as measured by lnRMSSD (p = 0.787) and epinephrine (p = 0.132). Metabolic biomarkers were also unaffected by the CHO rinse, with no differences observed in responses of FFA (p = 0.064), lactate (p = 0.302), glucose (p = 0.113) or insulin (p = 0.408). Therefore, the CHO mouth rinse does not reduce the acute sympathetic response following strenuous exercise and does not result in improvements in cycling time to completion

    Deep Sequencing of Target Linkage Assay-Identified Regions in Familial Breast Cancer: Methods, Analysis Pipeline and Troubleshooting

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    Background: The classical candidate-gene approach has failed to identify novel breast cancer susceptibility genes. Nowadays, massive parallel sequencing technology allows the development of studies unaffordable a few years ago. However, analysis protocols are not yet sufficiently developed to extract all information from the huge amount of data obtained. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this study, we performed high throughput sequencing in two regions located on chromosomes 3 and 6, recently identified by linkage studies by our group as candidate regions for harbouring breast cancer susceptibility genes. In order to enrich for the coding regions of all described genes located in both candidate regions, a hybrid-selection method on tiling microarrays was performed. Conclusions/Significance: We developed an analysis pipeline based on SOAP aligner to identify candidate variants with a high real positive confirmation rate (0.89), with which we identified eight variants considered candidates for functiona

    High definition profiling of mammalian DNA methylation by array capture and single molecule bisulfite sequencing

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    DNA methylation stabilizes developmentally programmed gene expression states. Aberrant methylation is associated with disease progression and is a common feature of cancer genomes. Presently, few methods enable quantitative, large-scale, single-base resolution mapping of DNA methylation states in desired regions of a complex mammalian genome. Here, we present an approach that combines array-based hybrid selection and massively parallel bisulfite sequencing to profile DNA methylation in genomic regions spanning hundreds of thousands of bases. This single molecule strategy enables methylation variable positions to be quantitatively examined with high sampling precision. Using bisulfite capture, we assessed methylation patterns across 324 randomly selected CpG islands (CGI) representing more than 25,000 CpG sites. A single lane of Illumina sequencing permitted methylation states to be definitively called for >90% of target sties. The accuracy of the hybrid-selection approach was verified using conventional bisulfite capillary sequencing of cloned PCR products amplified from a subset of the selected regions. This confirmed that even partially methylated states could be successfully called. A comparison of human primary and cancer cells revealed multiple differentially methylated regions. More than 25% of islands showed complex methylation patterns either with partial methylation states defining the entire CGI or with contrasting methylation states appearing in specific regional blocks within the island. We observed that transitions in methylation state often correlate with genomic landmarks, including transcriptional start sites and intron-exon junctions. Methylation, along with specific histone marks, was enriched in exonic regions, suggesting that chromatin states can foreshadow the content of mature mRNAs

    Evolutionary flux of canonical microRNAs and mirtrons in Drosophila

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    Next-generation sequencing technologies generate vast catalogs of short RNA sequences from which to mine microRNAs. However, such data must be vetted to appropriately categorize microRNA precursors and interpret their evolution. A recent study annotated hundreds of microRNAs in three Drosophila species on the basis of singleton reads of heterogeneous length(1). Our multi-million read datasets indicated that most of these were not substrates of RNAse III cleavage, and comprised many mRNA degradation fragments. We instead identified a distinct and smaller set of novel microRNAs supported by confident cloning signatures, including a high proportion of evolutionarily nascent mirtrons. Our data support a much lower rate in the emergence of lineage-specific microRNAs than previously inferred(1), with a net flux of ~1 microRNA/million years of Drosophilid evolution