48 research outputs found

    Chronic fetal hypoxia disrupts the peri-conceptual environment in next-generation adult female rats.

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    KEY POINTS: Exposure to chronic hypoxia during gestation influences long-term health and development, including reproductive capacity, across generations. If the peri-conceptual environment in the developing oviduct is affected by gestational hypoxia, then this could have implications for later fertility and the health of future generations. In the present study, we show that the oviducts of female rats exposed to chronic hypoxia in utero have reduced telomere length, decreased mitochondrial DNA biogenesis and increased oxidative stress The results of the present study show that exposure to chronic gestational hypoxia leads to accelerated ageing of the oviduct in early adulthood and they help us understand how exposure to hypoxia during development could influence reproductive health across generations. ABSTRACT: Exposure to chronic hypoxia during fetal development has important effects on immediate and long-term outcomes in offspring. Adverse impacts in adult offspring include impairment of cardiovascular function, metabolic derangement and accelerated ovarian ageing. However, it is not known whether other aspects of the female reproductive system may be similarly affected. In the present study, we examined the impact of chronic gestational hypoxia on the developing oviduct. Wistar rat dams were randomized to either normoxia (21%) or hypoxia (13%) from day 6 post-mating until delivery. Post-delivery female offspring were maintained in normoxia until 4 months of age. Oviductal gene expression was assayed at the RNA (quantitative RT-PCR) and protein (western blotting) levels. Oviductal telomere length was assayed using Southern blotting. Oviductal telomere length was reduced in the gestational hypoxia-exposed animals compared to normoxic controls (P < 0.01). This was associated with a specific post-transcriptional reduction in the KU70 subunit of DNA-pk in the gestational hypoxia-exposed group (P < 0.05). Gestational hypoxia-exposed oviducts also showed evidence of decreased mitochondrial DNA biogenesis, reduced mtDNA copy number (P < 0.05) and reduced gene expression of Tfam (P < 0.05) and Pgc1α (P < 0.05). In the hypoxia-exposed oviducts, there was upregulation of mitochondrial-specific anti-oxidant defence enzymes (MnSOD; P < 0.01). Exposure to chronic gestational hypoxia leads to accelerated ageing of the oviduct in adulthood. The oviduct plays a central role in early development as the site of gamete transport, syngamy, and early development; hence, accelerated ageing of the oviductal environment could have important implications for fertility and the health of future generations

    Neuroimaging Correlates of Suicidality in Decision-Making Circuits in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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    In depression, brain and behavioral correlates of decision-making differ between individuals with and without suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Though promising, it remains unknown if these potential biomarkers of suicidality will generalize to other high-risk clinical populations. To preliminarily assess whether brain structure or function tracked suicidality in individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), we measured resting-state functional connectivity and cortical thickness in two functional networks involved in decision-making, a ventral fronto-striatal reward network and a lateral frontal cognitive control network. Neuroimaging data and self-reported suicidality ratings, and suicide-related hospitalization data were obtained from 50 outpatients with PTSD and also from 15 healthy controls, and all were subjected to seed-based resting-state functional connectivity and cortical thickness analyses using a priori seeds from reward and cognitive control networks. First, general linear models (GLM) were used to evaluate whether ROI-to-ROI functional connectivity was predictive of self-reported suicidality after false discovery rate (FDR)-correction for multiple comparisons and covariance of age and depression symptoms. Next, regional cortical thickness statistics were included as predictors of ROI-to-ROI functional connectivity in follow-up GLMs evaluating structure-function relationships. Functional connectivity between reward regions was positively correlated with suicidality (p-FDR ≀ 0.05). Functional connectivity of the lateral pars orbitalis to anterior cingulate/paracingulate control regions also tracked suicidality (p-FDR ≀ 0.05). Furthermore, cortical thickness in anterior cingulate/paracingulate was associated with functional correlates of suicidality in the control network (p-FDR &lt; 0.05). These results provide a preliminary demonstration that biomarkers of suicidality in decision-making networks observed in depression may generalize to PTSD and highlight the promise of these circuits as transdiagnostic biomarkers of suicidality

    Precision gestational diabetes treatment: a systematic review and meta-analyses

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    Genotype-stratified treatment for monogenic insulin resistance: a systematic review

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    Real-time estimation of disease activity in emerging outbreaks using internet search information.

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    Understanding the behavior of emerging disease outbreaks in, or ahead of, real-time could help healthcare officials better design interventions to mitigate impacts on affected populations. Most healthcare-based disease surveillance systems, however, have significant inherent reporting delays due to data collection, aggregation, and distribution processes. Recent work has shown that machine learning methods leveraging a combination of traditionally collected epidemiological information and novel Internet-based data sources, such as disease-related Internet search activity, can produce meaningful "nowcasts" of disease incidence ahead of healthcare-based estimates, with most successful case studies focusing on endemic and seasonal diseases such as influenza and dengue. Here, we apply similar computational methods to emerging outbreaks in geographic regions where no historical presence of the disease of interest has been observed. By combining limited available historical epidemiological data available with disease-related Internet search activity, we retrospectively estimate disease activity in five recent outbreaks weeks ahead of traditional surveillance methods. We find that the proposed computational methods frequently provide useful real-time incidence estimates that can help fill temporal data gaps resulting from surveillance reporting delays. However, the proposed methods are limited by issues of sample bias and skew in search query volumes, perhaps as a result of media coverage

    Chronic gestational hypoxia accelerates ovarian aging and lowers ovarian reserve in next-generation adult rats.

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    Chronic fetal hypoxia is a common complication observed in human pregnancy, impacting pregnancies across global contexts. Exposure to chronic intrauterine hypoxia has major short- and long-term consequences for offspring health. However, the impact of chronic gestational hypoxia on female reproductive system development is unknown. We aimed to understand the impact of exposure to chronic fetal hypoxia on the developing female reproductive system. Wistar rat dams underwent normoxia (21%) or hypoxia (13%) during pregnancy. Postnatally, all female offspring were maintained in normoxic conditions into early adulthood. Female rats exposed to chronic gestational hypoxia (13%) during their intrauterine development had decreased ovarian primordial follicular reserve compared to controls (P < 0.05). Adult females who had been exposed to chronic fetal hypoxia had significantly reduced somatic ovarian telomere length (P < 0.05) and reduced ovarian protein expression of KU70, a critical component of the DNA-activated protein kinase repair complex (P < 0.01). Gene expression of NADPH oxidase 2-mediated oxidative stress markers was increased (P < 0.05). Exposure to chronic hypoxia during fetal development leads to accelerated aging of the somatic ovary and decreased ovarian reserve in adulthood. Ovarian aging is highly sensitive to gestational hypoxia, with implications for future fertility in next-generation offspring of high-risk pregnancies.-Aiken, C. E., Tarry-Adkins, J. L., Spiroski, A.-M., Nuzzo, A. M., Ashmore, T. J., Rolfo, A., Sutherland, M. J., Camm, E. J., Giussani, D. A., Ozanne, S. E. Chronic gestational hypoxia accelerates ovarian aging and lowers ovarian reserve in next-generation adult rats.CEA was supported by a grant from the Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust (ACT; RG94137) and by an Issac Newton Trust/Wellcome Trust ISSF/ University of Cambridge Joint Research Grant. SEO is supported by the MRC (MC_UU_12012/4). DAG is supported by The British Heart Foundation (PG/14/5/30546)

    Image1_Evaluating the effectiveness of a novel somatostatin receptor 2 antagonist, ZT-01, for hypoglycemia prevention in a rodent model of type 2 diabetes.TIF

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    Background: Elevated levels of somatostatin blunt glucagon counterregulation during hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes (T1D) and this can be improved using somatostatin receptor 2 (SSTR2) antagonists. Hypoglycemia also occurs in late-stage type 2 diabetes (T2D), particularly when insulin therapy is initiated, but the utility of SSTR2 antagonists in ameliorating hypoglycemia in this disease state is unknown. We examined the efficacy of a single-dose of SSTR2 antagonists in a rodent model of T2D.Methods: High-fat fed (HFF), low dose streptozotocin (STZ, 35 mg/kg)-induced T2D and HFF only, nondiabetic (controls-no STZ) rats were treated with the SSTR2 antagonists ZT-01/PRL-2903 or vehicle (n = 9–11/group) 60 min before an insulin tolerance test (ITT; 2–12 U/kg insulin aspart) or an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT; 2 g/kg glucose via oral gavage) on separate days.Results: This rodent model of T2D is characterized by higher baseline glucose and HbA1c levels relative to HFF controls. T2D rats also had lower c-peptide levels at baseline and a blunted glucagon counterregulatory response to hypoglycemia when subjected to the ITT. SSTR2 antagonists increased the glucagon response and reduced incidence of hypoglycemia, which was more pronounced with ZT-01 than PRL-2903. ZT-01 treatment in the T2D rats increased glucagon levels above the control response within 60 min of dosing, and values remained elevated during the ITT (glucagon Cmax: 156 ± 50 vs. 77 ± 46 pg/mL, p Conclusion: Treatment with SSTR2 antagonists increases glucagon responses in a rat model of T2D and results in less hypoglycemia exposure. Future studies are required to determine the best dosing periods for chronic SSTR2 antagonism treatment in T2D.</p