32 research outputs found
Strategie ricostruttive della zona d'appoggio del piede nei traumi dell'arto inferiore
La copertura delle perdite di sostanza del piede, in particolare della zona d’appoggio, tallone e avampiede, ha sempre rappresentato un grosso problema per il chirurgo ricostruttore. Le particolarità anatomiche e funzionali di queste regioni spiegano l’enorme numero di tecniche utilizzate e le divergenze d’opinione relative alla ricostruzione delle regioni anatomiche portanti. Lo sviluppo della microchirurgia, l’avvento dei lembi liberi negli anni ’70, nonché la descrizione di numerosi lembi loco-regionali muscolo-cutanei o a flusso retrogrado, hanno considerevolmente migliorato la prognosi delle perdite di sostanza del piede. Infine la piu’ recente descrizione di lembi, sia liberi che locali, basati sui vasi perforanti hanno ulteriormente contribuito al trattamento di queste lesioni, riducendo al minimo le sequele legate al sito donatore. Attualmente il chirurgo plastico dispone dunque di molteplici soluzioni per la copertura delle perdite di sostanza di questa regione. L’obiettivo di questo studio è quello di analizzare i mezzi di copertura della zona d’appoggio del piede utilizzati in un periodo di 20 anni, di precisare l’evoluzione nel tempo dei mezzi utilizzati, al fine di meglio definire le indicazioni chirurgich
Strategie ricostruttive della zona d'appoggio del piede nei traumi dell'arto inferiore
La copertura delle perdite di sostanza del piede, in particolare della zona d’appoggio, tallone e avampiede, ha sempre rappresentato un grosso problema per il chirurgo ricostruttore. Le particolarità anatomiche e funzionali di queste regioni spiegano l’enorme numero di tecniche utilizzate e le divergenze d’opinione relative alla ricostruzione delle regioni anatomiche portanti. Lo sviluppo della microchirurgia, l’avvento dei lembi liberi negli anni ’70, nonché la descrizione di numerosi lembi loco-regionali muscolo-cutanei o a flusso retrogrado, hanno considerevolmente migliorato la prognosi delle perdite di sostanza del piede. Infine la piu’ recente descrizione di lembi, sia liberi che locali, basati sui vasi perforanti hanno ulteriormente contribuito al trattamento di queste lesioni, riducendo al minimo le sequele legate al sito donatore. Attualmente il chirurgo plastico dispone dunque di molteplici soluzioni per la copertura delle perdite di sostanza di questa regione. L’obiettivo di questo studio è quello di analizzare i mezzi di copertura della zona d’appoggio del piede utilizzati in un periodo di 20 anni, di precisare l’evoluzione nel tempo dei mezzi utilizzati, al fine di meglio definire le indicazioni chirurgich
Safe and Effective Augmentation Mastopexy with Tumescent Local Anesthesia: A Decade of Experience
Background: Tumescent local anesthesia (TLA) is widely used in esthetic surgery due to its ability to reduce complications, eliminate the need for general anesthesia, provide effective pain control, and shorten hospitalization times. Methods: This study evaluates the use of TLA in 80 patients who underwent augmentation mastopexy between 2010 and 2022. A tumescent solution containing 500 mg lidocaine, 672 mg sodium bicarbonate, and 1 mg epinephrine in 1000 mL of saline was infiltrated, with an average of 300 mL per breast. The surgical technique involved creating a subpectoral pocket for textured round implants (250–400 cc), followed by careful hemostasis. Results: No patients required conversion to general anesthesia, and there were no signs of toxicity or major complications. Minor complications included wound dehiscence (6.2%), hematoma (2.5%), and capsular contracture (2.5%). Pain management satisfaction at 3 months post-surgery was rated as “outstanding” by 12.5% of patients, “excellent” by 67.5%, and “good” by 20%. The longest follow-up was 6 years, with no implant ruptures except one (1.2%). Conclusions: While the study did not include a control group or statistical analysis, the findings suggest that TLA is a safe and effective alternative to general anesthesia for augmentation mastopexy, providing excellent pain control and a low rate of complications. © 2024 by the authors
Surgical management of the glomus tumors of the fingers: a single center experience
Introduction: Glomus tumors are rare neoplasms arising from the subcutaneous glomus apparatus. They account for 1 – 5% of the soft tissue tumors of the upper extremity, occurring in most cases in the nail bed. The typical clinical presentation includes paroxysmal pain and hypersensitivity to cold which limit the use of the affected hand causing practical, professional and often emotional discomfort for the patient.
Materials and Methods: Four patients with finger glomus tumor were treated in our institution in the last 30 years. Three patients had a right hand tumor (1st, 3rd and 4th finger) and one patient a left hand tumor (2nd finger). Three tumors were placed in the nail bed and one in the finger tip. In all cases duplex ultrasonography was employed preoperatively and during surgery to ensure complete resection of the tumor. All patients underwent surgical excision of the tumor with local block anesthesia.
Results: Intense point pain and hypersensitivity to cold was observed in all cases (100%). Two out of 4 patients (50%) presented an irradiation of the pain at the ipsilateral arm and shoulder. Surgical procedure was performed successfully in all cases, with total excision of the tumor and no intraoperative or postoperative complications. No recurrences occurred.
Conclusions: Diagnosis of glomus tumors of the fingers is generally easy when manifested with the classical clinical picture and duplex ultrasonography is employed. Complete surgical excision is curative, providing immediate relief of symptoms and improvement of eventual professional or psychological discomfort
Multimodality approach to malignant pleural mesothelioma: a case report
Introduction: We report a case of diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma (DMPM) in a 68 years old male patient who was admitted for right sited pleural effusion. The patient was treated by multimodality approach consisting in surgical treatment with Extrapleural Pleuropneumonectomy followed by chemotherapy with Cisplatin and Pemetrexed. He had a disease free period of one year and survived for 31 months.
Case report: The patient was admitted to our Institute for a right sited pleural effusion diagnosed on chest X ray. Anamnesis revealed professional asbestos exposure and the patient presented dyspnea, dry cough, right sited chest pain, low fever and loss of weight.
As thoracentesis and CT scan did not reveal pathological findings except of the effusion, we performed videothoracoscopy. Several grey nodular lesions involving the costal, diaphragmatic and mediastinic parietal pleural sheets were found. Histological examination of the specimens extracted revealed the presence of epithelial malignant pleural mesothelioma with sarcomatoid areas. Further examinations staged the lesion as Butchart I. Extrapleural pleuropneumonectomy was performed followed by a chemiotherapic treatment with Cisplatin and Pemetrexed. The patient underwent a follow up program with CT scan every four months. The disease free period was of about one year and the patient died after 31 months from diagnosis for septic complications related to chronic effusion.
Discussion: Single treatments do not demonstrate an acceptable efficacy on the treatment of DMPM. Multimodality therapy provides good survival improvement and acceptable quality of life for the patients
Randomized prospective study on the efficacy of a new revitalizing filler composed of hyaluronic acid (Wipeline).
The aim of the study was to test the efficacy of a new revitalizing filler (Wipeline) formed by a buffer physiological solution of hyaluronic acid (HA).
A prospective study was performed on 100 patients (aging between 40 and 70 years), with clear signs of premature facial aging. Patients were randomly assigned to two groups, one treated with a HA concentration of 1.6%, the other with a concentration of 2% in the tested product. The treatment protocol consisted of three sessions with a four weeks intervals between them. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and digital photos were used to evaluate results after 1, 3, 6 and 12 months from treatment end.
An improvement of turgidity, elasticity and luminosity of the skin and a reduction of folds and wrinkles of the treated areas were observed in both groups. The higher concentrated solution of HA had a more prolonged effect and a greater filling effect. Products were well tolerated and no adverse reactions observed.
The efficacy of Wipeline has been clinically supported. This revitalizing filler succeeded in increasing skin elasticity and tone by dermal hydration. The procedure is simple and little invasive. It represents a good treatment option to restore vitality and turgidity of skin presenting the signs of aging
I Carcinomi in situ della mammella: inquadramento clinico ed attualitĂ
INTRODUCTION: Lobular and ductal carcinomas in situ of the breast (LCIS and DCIS) origin from the ductal-lobular unit of mammary gland, but they are characterized for different morphologic patterns and evolution. In 1980 they represent 1.4% of diagnosis in breast biopsy, less of 5% of carcinomas of the breast. Actually in 7.5% of breast biopsy an in situ carcinoma is recognized (approximating 40% of breast cancers). Our purpose is to evaluate the different available strategies in the clinic management of DCIS and LCIS and, in case of surgical treatment, which reconstructive approach obtains satisfactory breast conformation.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study enclose 125 patients: 40 of them presented LCIS (32%) and 85 DCIS (68%). In 40 patients (32%) underposed to mastectomy was performed a reconstruction in cooperation with aesthetic surgeons. 35 of 40 women with LCIS are included in a follow-up programme, 5 of them had a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction. RESULTS: No recurrences were observed in patients affected by LCIS. Six patients underposed to wide excision for DCIS developed local recurrence, treated by mastectomy. No recurrences were observed in patients treated initially with mastectomy. Some complications correlated to reconstruction were detected. CONCLUSIONS: One of most controversial sights in breast pathology is the understanding of biological meaning of CLIS: in facts CDIS can be considered a pre-invasive cancer, CLIS is reasonably considerable only a risk indicator for developing breast cancer but it isn’t a pre-neoplastic lesion. Very important is the reconstruction of the breast to improve the quality life of patients
Trattamento chirurgico del paziente con gozzo tiroideo immerso
Il gozzo è una delle patologie che più frequentemente
colpiscono la tiroide. Mentre il termine gozzo è universalmente
accettato, non altrettanto accade per il termine
“immerso” in quanto non esiste univocità sul livello che
la tiroide tumefatta deve raggiungere all’interno del torace
per poter essere considerata “immersa”. La tendenza
dei gozzi immersi di ingrandirsi e di comprimere strutture
anatomiche adiacenti e la possibilitĂ di trasformazione
maligna, hanno imposto l’asportazione chirurgica
come trattamento di scelta. Presentiamo in questo lavoro,
partendo dalla nostra esperienza, una revisione della
letteratura sul management chirurgico del gozzo tiroideo
Le Sequele funzionali dopo chirurgia del retto basso
INTRODUCTION: The treatment of colorectal cancer has changed radically in the last decades. Due to the great advances it is now often possible to subject patients to oncological radical treatments without applying to highly aggressive surgery, such as the Miles abdomino perineal resection, which requires a definitive colostomy. So nowadays we more and more apply to anterior resection of the rectum. Some recent studies about quality of life in patients who underwent anterior resection of the rectum focalized their attention on postoperative functional sequels. In particular incontinence, constipation, obstructed defecation and urgency are some of the symptoms which define the anterior resection syndrome, which can be efficiently treated by electrostimulation and biofeedback. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective study on 61 patients who underwent between 2002 and 2007 anterior resection of the rectum with total mesorectal excision for adenocarcinoma, has shown symptoms of anterior resection syndrome in 14 patients. Succeeding treatment with sphincter electrostimulation and biofeedback has shown improvement in all patients and complete resolution of the anterior resection syndrome in 10 patients who showed a great compliance and a steady improvement on quality of life. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Rehabilitative treatment with electrostimulation and biofeedback can sensibly reduce symptoms of anterior resection syndrome. An accurate manometric functional assessment is necessary before starting treatment with electrostimulation and biofeedback