2,300 research outputs found

    New memory-based hybrid model for middle-term water demand forecasting in irrigated areas

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    The energy demand and their associated costs in pressurized irrigation networks together with water scarcity are currently causing serious challenges for irrigation district’s (ID) managers. Additionally, most of the new water distribution networks in IDs have been designed to be operated on-demand complexing ID managers the daily decision-making process. The knowledge of the water demand several days in advance would facilitate the management of the system and would help to optimize the water use and energy costs. For an efficient management and optimization of the water-energy nexus in IDs, longer term forecasting models are needed. In this work, a new hybrid model (called LSTMHybrid) combining Fuzzy Logic (FL), Genetic Algorithm (GA), LSTM encoder-decoder and dense or full connected neural networks (DNN) for the one-week forecasting of irrigation water demand at ID scale has been developed. LSTMHybrid was developed in Python and applied to a real ID. The optimal input variables for LSTMHydrid were mean temperature (°C), reference evapotranspiration (mm), solar radiation (MJ m−2) and irrigation water demand of the ID (m3) from 1 to 7 days prior to the first day of prediction. The optimal LSTMHybrid model selected consisted of 50 LSTM cells in the encoder submodel, 409 LSTM cells in the decoder submodel and three hidden layers in the DNN submodel with 31, 96 and 128 neurons in each hidden layer, respectively. Thus, LSTMHybrid had a total of 1.5 million parameters, obtaining a representativeness higher than 94 % and an accuracy around of 20 %

    Role of Na+ transporters HKT1;1 and HKT1;2 in tomato salt tolerance. I. Function loss of cheesmaniae alleles in roots and aerial parts

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    We wish to thank Elena Sanchez Romero (EEZ-CSIC) for her technical assistance, the Scientific Instrumentation Service at EEZ-CSIC, Granada, for their ICP-OES mineral analysis and Michael O'Shea for proofreading the manuscript. The study was funded by grant AGL201782452-C2-1R (A.B.) and grant AGL2017-82452-C2-2R (M.J.A.), both from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion/Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and FEDER "Una manera de hacer Europa", as well as grant ACCESP2018 (J.A.T.) from the University of Granada. J.E. was supported by a JAE Intro-CSIC grant, JAEINT_19_00566.We analyzed the physiological impact of function loss on cheesmaniae alleles at the HKT1;1 and HKT1;2 loci in the roots and aerial parts of tomato plants in order to determine the relative contributions of each locus in the different tissues to plant Na+/K+ homeostasis and subsequently to tomato salt tolerance. We generated different reciprocal rootstock/scion combinations with non-silenced, single RNAi-silenced lines for ScHKT1;1 and ScHKT1;2, as well as a silenced line at both loci from a near isogenic line (NIL14), homozygous for the Solanum cheesmaniae haplotype containing both HKT1 loci and subjected to salinity under natural greenhouse conditions. Our results show that salt treatment reduced vegetative growth and altered the Na+/K+ ratio in leaves and flowers; negatively affecting fruit production, particularly in graft combinations containing single silenced ScHKT1;2- and double silenced ScHKT1;1/ScHKT1;2 lines when used as scion. We concluded that the removal of Na+ from the xylem by ScHKT1;2 in the aerial part of the plant can have an even greater impact than that on Na+ homeostasis at the root level under saline conditions. Also, ScHKT1;1 function loss in rootstock greatly reduced the Na+/K+ ratio in leaf and flower tissues, minimized yield loss under salinity. Our results suggest that, in addition to xylem Na+ unloading, ScHKT1;2 could also be involved in Na+ uploading into the phloem, thus promoting Na+ recirculation from aerial parts to the roots. This recirculation of Na+ to the roots through the phloem could be further favoured by ScHKT1;1 silencing at these roots.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion/Agencia Estatal de Investigacion AGL2017-82452-C2-1R AGL2017-82452-C2-2RFEDER "Una manera de hacer Europa" MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033University of Granada ACCESP2018JAE Intro-CSIC grant JAEINT_19_0056

    REUTIVAR: Model for Precision Fertigation Scheduling for Olive Orchards Using Reclaimed Water

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    Olive orchard is the most representative and iconic crop in Andalusia (Southern Spain). It is also considered one of the major economic activities of this region. However, due to its extensive growing area, olive orchard is also the most water-demanding crop in the Guadalquivir River Basin. In addition, its fertilization is commonly imprecise, which causes over-fertilization, especially nitrogen. This leads to pollution problems in both soil and water, threating the environment and the system sustainability. This concern is further exacerbated by the use of reclaimed water to irrigate since water is already a nutrient carrier. In this work, a model which determines the real-time irrigation and fertilization scheduling for olive orchard, applying treated wastewater, has been developed. The precision fertigation model considers weather information, both historical and forecast data, soil characteristics, hydraulic characteristics of the system, water allocation, tree nutrient status, and irrigation water quality. As a result, daily information about irrigation time and fertilizer quantity, considering the most susceptible crop stage, is provided. The proposed model showed that by using treated wastewater, additional fertilization was not required, leading to significant environmental benefits but also benefits in the total farm financial costs

    Reducing the energy demand in irrigation water supply systems. Experiences from southern Europe

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    In recent years, many modernization processes have been undertaken in irrigation districts with a view to improving water use efficiency. In southern Spain, many irrigation districts have either been modernized or are currently being upgraded. However, as part of the modernization process some unexpected side effects have been observed. This paper analyzes the relative advantages and limitations of modernization based on field data collected in a typical Andalusian irrigation district. Although the amount of water diverted for irrigation to farms has been considerably reduced, consumptive use has increased. The costs for operation and system maintenance have dramatically risen (400%), as the energy for pumping water is much higher now compared to the gravity fed systems used previously. Then a regional analysis of the relationship between energy requirements and irrigation water applied in ten irrigation districts, in Southern Spain, has been carried out. Results show that 1000 kWh ha–1 is the energy required to apply an average depth of 2590 m3 ha-1. Finally, energy saving options are identified and discussed

    An Update on Effort Estimation in Agile Software Development: A Systematic Literature Review

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    [EN] Software developers require effective effort estimation models to facilitate project planning. Although Usman et al. systematically reviewed and synthesized the effort estimation models and practices for Agile Software Development (ASD) in 2014, new evidence may provide new perspectives for researchers and practitioners. This article presents a systematic literature review that updates the Usman et al. study from 2014 to 2020 by analyzing the data extracted from 73 new papers. This analysis allowed us to identify six agile methods: Scrum, Xtreme Programming and four others, in all of which expert-based estimation methods continue to play an important role. This is particularly the case of Planning Poker, which is very closely related to the most frequently used size metric (story points) and the way in which software requirements are specified in ASD. There is also a remarkable trend toward studying techniques based on the intensive use of data. In this respect, although most of the data originate from single-company datasets, there is a significant increase in the use of cross-company data. With regard to cost factors, we applied the thematic analysis method. The use of team and project factors appears to be more frequent than the consideration of more technical factors, in accordance with agile principles. Finally, although accuracy is still a challenge, we identified that improvements have been made. On the one hand, an increasing number of papers showed acceptable accuracy values, although many continued to report inadequate results. On the other, almost 29% of the papers that reported the accuracy metric used reflected aspects concerning the validation of the models and 18% reported the effect size when comparing models.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the Adapt@Cloud Project under Grant TIN2017-84550-R.Fernández-Diego, M.; Méndez, ER.; González-Ladrón-De-Guevara, F.; Abrahao Gonzales, SM.; Insfran, E. (2020). An Update on Effort Estimation in Agile Software Development: A Systematic Literature Review. IEEE Access. 8:166768-166800. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3021664S166768166800

    Optical binding-driven micropatterning and photo-sculpting with silver nanorods

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    Controlling the nano- and micropatterning of metal structures is an important requirement for various technological applications in photonics and biosensing. This work presents a method for controllably creating silver micropatterns by laser-induced photosculpting. Photosculpting is driven by plasmonic interactions between pulsed laser radiation and silver nanorods (AgNRs) in aqueous suspension; this process leads to optical binding forces transporting the AgNRs in the surroundings, while electronic thermalization results in photooxidation, melting, and ripening of the AgNRs into well-defined 3D structures. This work call these structures Airy castles due to their structural similarity with a diffraction-limited Airy disk. The photosculpted Airy castles contain emissive Ag nanoclusters, allowing for the visualization and examination of the aggregation process using luminescence microscopy. This work comprehensively examines the factors that define the photosculpting process, namely, the concentration and shape of the AgNRs, as well as the energy, power, and repetition rate of the laser. Finally, this work investigates the potential applications by measuring the metal-enhanced luminescence of a europium-based luminophore using Airy castles.MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Grant Number: CTQ2017-85658-R MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Grant Number: PID2020-114256RB-I00 European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie. Grant Number: 101007934 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. Grant Numbers: UIDB/00100/2020, 2022.04076.PTD

    Middleware to Operate Smart Photovoltaic Irrigation Systems in Real Time

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    Climate change, water scarcity and higher energy requirements and electric tariff compromises the continuity of the irrigated agriculture. Precision agriculture (PA) or renewable energy sources which are based on communication and information technologies and a large amount of data are key to ensuring this economic activity and guaranteeing food security at the global level. Several works which are based on the use of PA and renewable energy sources have been developed in order to optimize different variables of irrigated agriculture such as irrigation scheduling. However, the large amount of technologies and sensors that these models need to be implemented are still far from being easily accessible and usable by farmers. In this way, a middleware called Real time Smart Solar Irrigation Manager (RESSIM) has been developed in this work and implemented in MATLABTM with the aim to provide to farmers a user-friendly tool for the daily making decision process of irrigation scheduling using a smart photovoltaic irrigation management module. RESSIM middleware was successfully tested in a real field during a full irrigation season of olive trees using a real smart photovoltaic irrigation system

    HKT1;1 and HKT1;2 Na+ Transporters from Solanum galapagense Play Different Roles in the Plant Na+ Distribution under Salinity

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    Salt tolerance is a target trait in plant science and tomato breeding programs. Wild tomato accessions have been often explored for this purpose. Since shoot Na+/K+ is a key component of salt tolerance, RNAi-mediated knockdown isogenic lines obtained for Solanum galapagense alleles encoding both class I Na+ transporters HKT1;1 and HKT1;2 were used to investigate the silencing effects on the Na and K contents of the xylem sap, and source and sink organs of the scion, and their contribution to salt tolerance in all 16 rootstock/scion combinations of non-silenced and silenced lines, under two salinity treatments. The results show that SgHKT1;1 is operating differently from SgHKT1;2 regarding Na circulation in the tomato vascular system under salinity. A model was built to show that using silenced SgHKT1;1 line as rootstock would improve salt tolerance and fruit quality of varieties carrying the wild type SgHKT1;2 allele. Moreover, this increasing effect on both yield and fruit soluble solids content of silencing SgHKT1;1 could explain that a low expressing HKT1;1 variant was fixed in S. lycopersicum during domestication, and the paradox of increasing agronomic salt tolerance through silencing the HKT1;1 allele from S. galapagense, a salt adapted species

    Hongos endófitos en festuca alta: del problema a las soluciones

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    Festuca alta, Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort, es una de las gramíneas perennes templadas más sembradas en Argentina, tanto en pasturas puras como en mezclas. Entre las principales cualidades agronómicas de esta especie se destacan su alta productividad, rusticidad, plasticidad y perennidad. Las plantas de festuca alta suelen estar infectadas por un hongo endófito asexual, Epichloë coenophiala, que es asintomático y solo se propaga vía semillas infectadas (transmisión vertical). Si bien el hongo les confiere ventajas adaptativas a las plantas hospedantes, también puede sintetizar metabolitos tóxicos para el ganado en pastoreo. Estos metabolitos provocan diferentes síndromes denominados, en general, festucosis, que ocasionan importantes pérdidas en la producción ganadera. En esta revisión se describen, en primer lugar, la gramínea festuca alta, el hongo endófito, su interacción y los efectos perjudiciales que originan el consumo de festuca alta infectada en los herbívoros domésticos. Posteriormente, se analizan los mecanismos que explican el avance de la incidencia de festuca alta infectada en pasturas libres de endófito y se indican algunas estrategias de manejo más comunes empleadas en los sistemas de producción ganadera para mitigar los efectos negativos del endófito sobre los animales. Se presenta información obtenida tanto a nivel local, como internacional, y se señalan áreas que presentan vacíos de información, cuyo conocimiento es necesario para mejorar el manejo productivo de esta asociación.Tall fescue, Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort, is one of the most sown perennial temperate grasses in Argentina, both in pure and mix pastures. The main agronomic qualities of this species are its high productivity, rusticity, plasticity and perennity. Tall fescue plants are usually infected by an asexual endophytic fungus, Epichloë coenophiala, which is asymptomatic and only the fungus propagates via infected seeds (vertical transmission). Although the fungus confers adaptive advantages to host plants, it can also synthesize toxic metabolites for grazing cattle. These metabolites cause severe health problems and significant losses in livestock production. In this review, it is described the grass species, the endophyte fungus, the interaction between them, and the harmful effects on domestic herbivores by consuming infected tall fescue plants of infected tall fescue in endophyte-free pastures are analyzed and some of the management strategies used to mitigate the negative effects of the endophyte on livestock production systems are indicated. Local and international information is shown, and knowledge gaps necessary to improve the productive management of this association are identified.Gerencia de Comunicación e Imagen Institucional, DG SICC, INTAFil: Petigrosso, Lucas R. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Gundel, Pedro Emilio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Colabelli, Mabel Noemí. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Fernández, O.N. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Assuero, Silvia Graciela. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentin