15 research outputs found

    Radioktivt cesium (Cs-137) i vildsvin (Sus scrofa) från Tjernobyldrabbade områden i Sverige

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    In April 1986 an accident occurred at the nuclear power station in Chernobyl. Radionuclides were spread all over Europe including Sweden. Today there are still measurable concentrations of 137Cs in the different ecosystems in the contaminated parts of Sweden. The wild boar is the second most popular game in Sweden and today the Swedish population consumes more wild boar meat than ever. As the wild boar population increases the wild boars are moving further north towards the contaminated areas, which creates an interest to study the state of 137Cs in wild boars in these areas. Muscle samples from wild boars collected during 2010-2013 were analyzed based on 137Cs content. Information about age, gender, weight, where and when the wild boars were killed and in some cases if it was killed at a feeding location was collected for each individual. The aggregated transfer factor for the wild boar meat was also calculated. The results only provide an overview of how the 137Cs content relates to the wild boar population in the investigated areas, because the samples are scattered in terms of where the wild boars were killed and during different seasons. The results demonstrate a difference between the genders where the sows have a significant higher average concentration of 137Cs. Out of 72 samples, 14 samples were above the threshold 1500 Bq/kg which is the marketed value for game in Sweden. The average concentration of 137Cs measured in wild boars was 789 Bq/kg and the 137Cs concentration varied between 1-4860 Bq/kg. The aggregated transfer factor (Tag) varied between 0.0004 – 0.492 m2/kg. The result of Tag showed that the proportion of 137Cs per square meters soil that is transferred to every kilo wild boar is lower the higher the concentration is in the soil.I april 1986 skedde en olycka vid kärnkraftverket i Tjernobyl. Olyckan resulterade i att en stor mängd radionuklider frigjordes och spreds med hjälp av vinden över Europa. I Sverige deponerades radionukliderna över mark och växtlighet och kontaminerade olika ekosystem. Av de radionuklider som deponerades över vissa delar av Sverige finns det fortfarande relativt höga halter kvar av 137Cs i skogarnas ekosystem som via kontaminerade växter ger förhöjda halter i vilt och det köttet vi äter. Vildsvin är idag det vilt som jagas mest näst efter älgen och vi äter allt mer vildsvinskött. I samband med att vildsvinen sprider sig norrut mot de Tjernobylkontaminerade områdena har det skapat ett intresse för att undersöka hur tillståndet av 137Cs är i vildsvin i dessa områden. I denna studie analyserades muskelprover från vildsvin, som bland annat skickats in från jägare och livsmedelsverket, med avseende på halten 137Cs mellan 2010 och våren 2013. Ytterligare information för varje djur har varit skattad ålder, kön, vikt, var och när den är skjuten och i vissa fall om den är skjuten på åtelplats. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka tillståndet av radioaktivt cesium i vildsvin, undersöka om det finns skillnader mellan kön och ålder samt beräkna hur mycket av det 137Cs som finns i marken som överförs till vildsvinsköttet. På grund av att proverna är så spridda vart vildsvinen är skjutna och under olika årstider, ger resultaten endast en överblick hur halten 137Cs förhåller sig i vildsvinspopulationen i de undersökta områdena. Resultaten visar att halten 137Cs skiljer sig mellan könen där suggor visar en signifikant högre medelhalt. Av alla 72 framläggsprover var det 14 prover som låg över gränsvärdet som är 1500 Bq/kg, vilket gäller för salufört vilt i Sverige. Medelhalten för dessa 72 framläggsprover uppmättes till 789 Bq/kg och 137Cs-koncentrationen varierade från under 5 till närmare 5000 Bq/kg. Den aggregerade transferfaktorn (Tag) varierade mellan 0,0004 – 0,492 m2/kg och resultatet av Tag visade att andelen 137Cs per kvadratmeter mark som förs över till varje kilo vildsvin är lägre ju högre halten av 137Cs är i marken

    Könsskillnader i sjukskrivning, läkemedelsförskrivning och läkemedelsuttag vid depression

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    Enligt svensk lag ska inga omotiverade könsskillnader finnas i hälso- och sjukvården vad gäller omhändertagande, vård och behandling. Vid tillståndet depression förekommer könsskillnader, bland annat avseende sjukskrivning och läkemedelsbehandling, trots att behandlingsriktlinjer och rekommendationer är könsneutrala. Resultat presenteras från två studier som undersökt om kvinnor och män med depression handläggs på likartat vis. I studiegrupperna var depression mer vanligt förkommande hos kvinnor. Män hade något högre sannolikhet att få farmakologisk antidepressiv behandling och något lägre sannolikhet att bli sjukskrivna. Könsskillnaderna var inte stora och resultaten är förenliga med att kvinnor och män med depression i stort handläggs och behandlas likvärdigt.

    <i>Ets96B</i> regulates starvation resistance.

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    <p>(A) We tested the effect of <i>Ets96B</i>-knockdown in flies using the starvation survival assay. 5–7 day old control and <i>Ets96B</i> knockdown males (GAL4 driver crossed to either <i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi1</i></sup> or <i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi2</i></sup>) were placed in a vial containing 1% agarose and maintained at 25°C. DAMS was used to monitor activity. (n = 30–60 flies per genotype, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test for multiple comparisons) (B) To examine how starvation affects the expression level of <i>Ets96B</i>, RNA was extracted from normal fed flies, as well as after 24 and 48 h of starvation. (C) To examine how nutritional state affects the expression levels of <i>Ets96B</i>, RNA was extracted under different nutritional states. Flies fed ad lib were set as 100%, represented by 1 on the graphs (B, C: n = 10 replicates, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test for multiple comparisons) (D, E) Triglyceride levels were determined in male flies at 0, 12 and 24 hours of starvation. The (D) <i>elav-Gal4</i> driver was used to express Ets96B RNAi (<i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi1</i></sup> or <i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi2</i></sup><i>)</i> throughout development (UAS-<i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi1</i></sup> and UAS-<i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi2</i></sup>) and (E) the <i>elav-GAL4</i>,<i>tub-GAL80</i><sup><i>ts</i></sup> driver was used to knockdown <i>Ets96B</i> (<i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi1</i></sup> or <i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi2</i></sup><i>)</i> in adult males. (D, E: n = 30 males per treatment, assay was repeated at least 10 times for each genotype, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test for multiple comparisons). In all graphs significance levels are indicated: *, <i>P</i><0.05; **, <i>P</i><0.01; ***, <i>P</i> <0.005. Error bars = SEM.</p

    The <i>Drosophila ETV5</i> Homologue <i>Ets96B</i>: Molecular Link between Obesity and Bipolar Disorder - Fig 1

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    <p><b>Comparison of <i>Drosophila</i> Ets96B with mammalian PEA3-family members</b> (A) The evolutionary relationship was inferred using the Maximum-likelihood method. The optimal tree with the sum of branch length = 3.794 is shown. The percentage of replicate trees in which the associated taxa clustered together in the bootstrap test (5000 replicates) are shown next to the branches. The tree is drawn to scale, with branch lengths in the same units as those of the evolutionary distances used to infer the phylogenetic tree. (B) The protein sequences were aligned and edited using CLC Sequence Viewer 6. Colors correspond to amino acid conservation (black = conserved, blue = no conservation). The predicted ETS DNA binding domain is indicated by a dark blue underlining of amino acids near C-terminus. Human sumoylation sites are indicated by black underlining; predicted <i>Drosophila</i> sumoylation site is indicated by light blue underlining.</p

    <i>Ets96B</i> knockdown during development induces a heightened startle-response.

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    <p>(A, B) Startle-response test demonstrating <i>Ets96B</i> knockdown males have a hyperactive startle-response. (A) <i>Ets96B</i> knocked down throughout development using UAS-<i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi1</i></sup> or UAS-<i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi2</i></sup> crossed to the pan-neuronal driver <i>elav-GAL4</i> (B) <i>Ets96B</i> knocked down only in adults using UAS-<i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi1</i></sup> crossed to the pan-neuronal driver and temperature sensitive allele of the GAL4 inhibitor GAL80 <i>elav-GAL4</i>, <i>tub-Gal80</i><sup><i>ts</i></sup>. (A, B: n = 50 males per strain; ** P<0.01 compared with controls, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test for multiple comparisons). (C) The DAMS system was used to monitor locomotion for the first four hours flies were placed in the system. (D) The DAMS system was used to monitor locomotion prior to and after light stimulation. (E) The DAMS system was used to monitor locomotion prior to and after sound stimulation (65–70 dB). Only <i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi1</i></sup> was used for this assay. (C-E: n = 30–60 males per strain; * P < 0.05, ** P<0.01, *** P < 0.005 compared with controls, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test for multiple comparisons) In all graphs error bars = SEM.</p

    Human ER molecular chaperon SNPs associated with body mass index and bipolar disorder.

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    <p>(A) Summary figure of SNP association results from Genome Central [<a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1006104#pgen.1006104.ref039" target="_blank">39</a>] for <i>PDIA3</i>, <i>PDIA6</i> and <i>HYOU1</i> linkage to body mass index (BMI), Weight-hip ratio and bipolar disorder. Horizontal axis lists significant SNPs and genes. The red line represents P = 0.05 nominal significance level; above the line represents significant results. (B) Linkage disequilibrium between SNPs in PDIA6. Boxes = exons, lines between boxes = introns, The LD between SNPs in the CEU population is expressed as R<sup>2</sup> and displayed as a color code below the plot. (C) Linkage disequilibrium between SNPs in HYOU1. Boxes = exons, lines between boxes = introns, The LD between SNPs in the CEU population is expressed as R<sup>2</sup> and displayed as a colour code below the plot.</p

    <i>Ets96B</i> required in dopaminergic neurons.

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    <p>(A-C) <i>Ets96B</i> was knocked down throughout development (<i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi1</i></sup> or <i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi2</i></sup>) specifically in dopaminergic neurons using the <i>ple-GAL4</i> driver and the transcript level of genes (A) <i>ple</i>, (B) <i>Vmat</i> and (C) <i>DAT</i> was measured. RNA was collected from the heads of 5- to 7-day-old males for each genotype. qPCR was repeated at least 7 times for each transcript. (n = 25 males per treatment; * P<0.05, *** P<0.005 compared with controls, one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test for multiple comparisons) (D) <i>Ets96B</i> was knocked down throughout development (<i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi1</i></sup> or <i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi2</i></sup>) specifically in dopaminergic neurons using the <i>ple-GAL4</i> driver. 5–7 day old control and <i>Ets96B</i> knockdown males were placed in a vial containing 1% agarose and maintained at 25°C, DAMS was used to monitor activity. (n = 30–60 flies per genotype, ** = P < 0.01, one-way ANOVA was used to determine significance with Tukey’s post hoc test for multiple comparisons). (E) The DAMS system was used to monitor locomotion prior to and after light stimulation. Only <i>Ets96B</i><sup><i>RNAi1</i></sup> was used for this assay. (n = 30 males per strain; * P<0.05, *** P<0.005 compared with controls, Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric ANOVA was used to determine significance). In all graphs error bars = SEM.</p

    Human <i>ETV5</i> SNPs associated with body mass index and bipolar disorder.

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    <p>(A) Localization of relevant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the ETV5 gene. SNP names according to NCBI dbSNP. The GWAS central database was used to link ETV5 associated SNPS to BMI. Interestingly, three SNPs were also associated with bipolar disorder (blue SNPs). The three bipolar-linked SNPs all localize around exons 6 and 7, which is also the location of the long, noncoding RNA (lncRNA) ETV5-AS1. Snap Proxy was then used to determine Pair-linked disequilibrium in various populations. (B) Linkage disequilibrium between SNPs in ETV5. Black boxes = exons, thick black lines between boxes = introns, red points = SNPs associated with BMI in GWAS, blue points = SNPs associated with bipolar disorder in GWAS. The LD between SNPs in the CEU population is expressed as R<sup>2</sup> and displayed as a color code below the plot.</p