46 research outputs found

    Embodied fortitude: An introduction to the Finnish construct of sisu

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    In the Nordic country of Finland, a cultural construct known as sisu has been used for centuries to describe the enigmatic power that enables individuals to push through unbearable challenges. Sisu, however, lacks a direct translation and the construct has remained poorly defined and understudied. This article seeks to answer the question “What is sisu?” through the thematic analysis of two sets of qualitative data (n = 500 and n = 569) that were collected as part of a survey (N = 1,208) among a sample group of primarily Finnish respondents. The most prominent part of the conceptual core of sisu is the ability to surpass one’s preconceived limitations by accessing stored-up energy reserves. Sisu is invoked by adversity and is more about finding energy in the moment than about long-term endurance, goal-setting and achievement. Instead of being about conscious willing or mental fortitude, it implies a strength that is connected to the visceral and somatic dimension of human endurance. I propose that sisu points to a universal phenomenon of latent energy in the human system, lends it a name and contributes toward a more culturally rich conversation on the human experience of overcoming adversity across life challenges

    "Kanska fult od men det fyller en mycket viktig lucka som tidigare funntis." : Användning av och attityder till pronomenet hen in nätdiskussioner

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    Min avhandling handlar om det nya könsneutrala personliga pronomenet hen, dess användning och attityderna till det i nätdiskussioner. Jag vill ta reda på hur vanligt det är att använda hen i vanliga diskussioner på internet och hurdana tankar man har kring det samt om man har andra alternativa uttryck som kan användas i stället för han/hon. Mina forskningsfrågor samt analysen innehåller också reflektion kring huruvida pronomenet används när könet är okänt eller irrelevant eller om referenten identifierar sig som icke-binär och om informanterna har andra uttryck de tycker fungerar bättre. Jag har samlat in meddelanden från tre olika svenska diskussionsforum. De meddelanden som innehåller pronomenet hen har jag kopierat till en Word-fil för att kunna analysera kontexterna hen används i och jag har skapat en Excel-fil och med hjälp av dess funktioner har jag räknat hur vanligt det är att använda hen i forumen och hur dess användning har förändrats under åren. Jag utnyttjar också en enkät för att undersöka informanternas tankar kring hen och huruvida bakgrunden, till exempel ålder eller utbildningsnivå påverkar vilka attityder de har till pronomenet. Enkäten innehåller frågor om informanternas bakgrund, om de använder hen själv eller har sett att någon annan använder det i sitt språkbruk, om de tycker att hen är ett nyttigt uttryck, vilka andra användbara uttryck det finns och allmänna tankar de har rörande könsneutrala uttryck. Med hjälp av kvantitativ analys har jag fått reda på att hen fortfarande används ganska sällan och att pronomenet förekommer mest i de trådar som påbörjades ungefär när det godkändes i Svenska Akademiens ordlista, det vill säga 2015. Det används oftast som ett generellt uttryck när könet är irrelevant eller okänt men det har blivit vanligare att använda det också när man refererar till någon som vill att man använder det könsneutrala pronomenet. Anonymitet är också en orsak till använda hen i nätdiskussioner, speciellt om ämnet är känsligt. Enkätundersökningen visar att attityderna till hen generellt är positiva, oberoende på ålder, kön eller andra bakgrundsfaktorer. Det finns några små skillnader mellan olika grupper men de är inte betydande. I användningen finns det större skillnader mellan de informanter som arbetar och de som inte gör det eller inte berättar om sitt arbete. De som arbetar använder hen mer än de som inte gör det. Informanterna nämner också några alternativa uttryck som kan användas i stället för hen: hin, h*n, den/denne, personen och vederbörande som fungerar i vissa kontexter men den allmänna åsikten är att hen är ett bra uttryck som är ganska lätt att använda och som fungerar bra i både tal och text. Fastän pronomenet fortfarande används sällan är attityderna väldigt positiva till det

    Siveelliset naiset, siveettömät miehet : Naisasialiikkeen paheksuma kaksinaismoraali ja sille vastineeksi luodut ihanteet Koti ja yhteiskunta -lehdessä 1889 - 1893

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    Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan suomalaista naisasialiikettä 1800-luvun lopulla ja sen pyrkimyksiä uudistaa yhteiskunnan sukupuolimoraali. Naisasialiikkeessä vastustettiin aikakaudella vallinnutta kaksinaismoraalia, joka vaati naisilta virallisen sukupuolimoraalin noudattamista eli pidättäytymistä avioliiton ulkopuolisista suhteista, mutta salli ne miehille. Naisasialiike alkoi vaatia naisilta ja miehiltä yhtä ja samaa sukupuolimoraalia. Tätä työtä, jota naisasialiikkeessä tehtiin sukupuolimoraalin uudistamiseksi, kutsutaan moraalireformiksi. Tutkimuksessa moraalireformia tarkastellaan ensimmäisen suomalaisen naisasiayhdistyksen, Suomen Naisyhdistyksen, näkökulmasta. Lähteenä on yhdistyksen pääjulkaisu Koti ja yhteiskunta ja sen viisi ensimmäistä ilmestymisvuotta 1889 1893. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat lehdessä ilmestyneet noin sata sukupuolimoraalin uudistamista koskevaa artikkelia eli siveellisyystekstiä. Siveellisyys oli termi, joka 1800-luvun lopussa viittasi seksuaalisuuteen liittyviin aiheisiin. Sukupuolimoraalin uudistamista käsitellyttä keskustelua nimitettiin siveellisyyskysymykseksi. Siveellisyyden ihanne tarkoitti naisasianaisilla seksuaalista pidättäytyvyyttä. Tutkimuksessa käsitellään siveellisyystekstien lähtökohtia, nais- ja mieskuvaa ja toimintaa, jota moraalireformi synnytti. Koti ja yhteiskunnan lähtökohta oli, että kansakunta oli ajautumassa epäsiveellisyytensä takia rappioon, joka vältettiin vain, mikäli kansa omaksui siveellisen, kristillisen, sukupuolimoraalin. Sukupuolimoraalin uudistajina ja moraalireformin moottoreina toimivat naiset itse. Ajatus yhteisestä naiseudesta yhdisti naisia yli luokkarajojen, mutta käytännössä lehden maailmankuva oli hierarkkinen. Valta suuntautui yläluokan naisilta alaluokan naisille. Koti ja yhteiskunnan siveellisyysteksteissä pyrittiin eroon kaksinaismoraalin kyllästämistä vanhoista nais- ja mieskuvista, joiden mukaan ihmiset elivät. Vanhassa naiskuvassa nainen oli olemassa miellyttääkseen miehiä, mutta lehden muotoilema uusi naisihanne perustui itsenäisyyteen ja siveellisyyteen. Vanha mieskuva salli miehille vapaamman seksuaalisen käyttäytymisen. Miehet olivat lehden mukaan epäsiveellisiä viettelijöitä, jotka tekivät naisista epäsiveellisyyteen langenneita naisia. Lehden muotoilemassa uudessa miesihanteessa miesten tuli harjoittaa itsehillintää ja muuttua moraaliltaan naisten kaltaisiksi eli siveellisiksi. Koti ja yhteiskunnan moraalireformi synnytti monenlaista toimintaa. Naisten tuli tukea miehiään ja toimia heidän esikuvinaan miesten siveellistämisprojektissa. Epäsiveellisille, langenneille naisille perustettiin turvakoteja ja heille tarjottiin uusi alku siveellisempään elämään ja köyhille naisille, jotka olivat vaarassa langeta, yläluokan naiset järjestivät siveellisiä vapaa-ajanviettotapoja. Keskeisintä moraalireformin toimintaa oli lasten kasvattaminen uusien nais- ja miesihanteiden noudattamiseen. Käytännön tavoitteena oli naisen ja miehen tasa-arvoinen ja siveellinen rakkauteen perustuva avioliitto. Moraalireformi oli naisten keino hallita miehiä

    Spatial coherence of interplanetary coronal mass ejection sheaths at 1 AU

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    The longitudinal spatial coherence near 1 AU of the magnetic field in sheath regions driven by interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) is studied by investigating ACE and Wind spacecraft measurements of 29 sheaths. During 2000-2002 Wind performed prograde orbits, and the non-radial spacecraft separation varied from 0.001 to 0.012 AU between the studied events. We compare the measurements by computing the Pearson correlation coefficients for the magnetic field magnitude and components and estimate the magnetic field coherence by evaluating the scale lengths that give the extrapolated distance of zero correlation between the measurements. The correlation is also separately examined for low- and high-pass filtered data. We discover magnetic fields in ICME sheaths have scale lengths that are larger than those reported in the solar wind but that, in general, are smaller than the ones of the ICME ejecta. Our results imply that magnetic fields in the sheath are more coherently structured and well correlated compared to the solar wind. The largest sheath coherence is reported in the GSE y-direction that has the scale length of 0.149 AU while the lengths for B-x, B-z, and vertical bar B vertical bar vary between 0.024 and 0.035 AU. The same sheath magnitude ordering of scale lengths also apply for the low-pass filtered magnetic field data. We discuss field line draping and the alignment of preexisting discontinuities by the shock passage giving reasoning for the observed results.Peer reviewe

    Maternal Hypertensive Pregnancy Disorders and Mental and Behavioral Disorders in the Offspring : a Review

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    Purpose of Review We review here recent original research and meta-analytic evidence on the associations of maternal hypertensive pregnancy disorders and mental and behavioral disorders in the offspring. Recent Findings Seven meta-analyses and 11 of 16 original research studies published since 2015 showed significant associations between maternal hypertensive pregnancy disorders and offspring mental and behavioral disorders. Evidence was most consistent in meta-analyses and high-quality cohort studies. The associations, independent of familial confounding, were observed on different mental and behavioral disorders in childhood and schizophrenia in adulthood. Preterm birth and small-for-gestational age birth emerged as possible moderators and mediators of the associations. Cross-sectional and case-control studies yielded inconsistent findings, but had lower methodological quality. Summary Accumulating evidence from methodologically sound studies shows that maternal hypertensive pregnancy disorders are associated with an increased risk of mental and behavioral disorders in the offspring in childhood. More studies on adult mental disorders are needed.Peer reviewe

    When Psychological Contract Is Violated : Revisiting the Rejection-Disidentification Model of Immigrant Integration

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    In this study, we investigated how perceived ethnic discrimination is related to attitudes towards the national majority group and willingness to confront injustice to promote the social standing of a minority group. We examined this relationship via two mediating factors; national (dis)identification from and out-group (dis)trust of the national majority group. The Rejection-Disidentification Model (RDIM) was refined, first, to account for willingness to confront injustice as a consequence of perceived rejection, and second, intergroup (dis)trust was examined as an additional mediating mechanism that can explain attitudinal and behavioural reactions to perceived rejection simultaneously with national disidentification. The model was tested in a comparative survey data of Russian-speaking minority in Estonia (N = 482), Finland (N = 254), and Norway (N = 219). In all three countries, the more Russian-speakers identified as Russians and the more they perceived ethnic discrimination, the more negative were their attitudes toward the national majority groups and the more willing they were to engage in action to confront group-based injustice. Whereas disidentification from and distrust of national majority group accounted for the discrimination-attitude link to a large extent, both factors had demobilizing effects on willingness to confront injustice, making Russian-speaking immigrants more passive but hostile. The findings are discussed in relation to the risks involved in politicization of immigrants struggling with perceived inequalities.Peer reviewe

    Context independent reductions in external processing during self-generated episodic social cognition

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    Ongoing cognition supports behavioral flexibility by facilitating behavior in the moment, and through the consideration of future actions. These different modes of cognition are hypothesized to vary with the correlation between brain activity and external input, since evoked responses are reduced when cognition switches to topics unrelated to the current task. This study examined whether these reduced evoked responses change as a conse-quence of the task environment in which the experience emerges. We combined electro-encephalography (EEG) recording with multidimensional experience sampling (MDES) to assess the electrophysiological correlates of ongoing thought in task contexts which vary on their need to maintain continuous representations of task information for satisfactory performance. We focused on an event-related potential (ERP) known as the parietal P3 that had a greater amplitude in our tasks relying on greater external attention. A principal component analysis (PCA) of the MDES data revealed four patterns of ongoing thought: off-task episodic social cognition, deliberate on-task thought, imagery, and emotion. Partici-pants reported more off-task episodic social cognition and mental imagery under low external demands and more deliberate on-task thought under high external task demands. Importantly, the occurrence of off-task episodic social cognition was linked to similar re-ductions in the amplitude of the P3 regardless of external task. These data suggest the amplitude of the P3 may often be a general feature of external task-related content and suggest attentional decoupling from sensory inputs are necessary for certain types of perceptually-decoupled, self-generated thoughts.Peer reviewe

    Transmission of an ICME Sheath Into the Earth's Magnetosheath and the Occurrence of Traveling Foreshocks

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    The transmission of a sheath region driven by an interplanetary coronal mass ejection into the Earth's magnetosheath is studied by investigating in situ magnetic field measurements upstream and downstream of the bow shock during an ICME sheath passage on 15 May 2005. We observe three distinct intervals in the immediate upstream region that included a southward magnetic field component and are traveling foreshocks. These traveling foreshocks were observed in the quasi-parallel bow shock that hosted backstreaming ions and magnetic fluctuations at ultralow frequencies. The intervals constituting traveling foreshocks in the upstream survive transmission to the Earth's magnetosheath, where their magnetic field, and particularly the southward component, was significantly amplified. Our results further suggest that the magnetic field fluctuations embedded in an ICME sheath may survive the transmission if their frequency is below similar to 0.01 Hz. Although one of the identified intervals was coherent, extending across the ICME sheath and being long-lived, predicting ICME sheath magnetic fields that may transmit to the Earth's magnetosheath from the upstream at L1 observations has ambiguity. This can result from the strong spatial variability of the ICME sheath fields in the longitudinal direction, or alternatively from the ICME sheath fields developing substantially within the short time it takes the plasma to propagate from L1 to the bow shock. This study demonstrates the complex interplay ICME sheaths have with the Earth's magnetosphere when passing by the planet.Peer reviewe

    Transmission of an ICME Sheath Into the Earth's Magnetosheath and the Occurrence of Traveling Foreshocks

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    The transmission of a sheath region driven by an interplanetary coronal mass ejection into the Earth's magnetosheath is studied by investigating in situ magnetic field measurements upstream and downstream of the bow shock during an ICME sheath passage on 15 May 2005. We observe three distinct intervals in the immediate upstream region that included a southward magnetic field component and are traveling foreshocks. These traveling foreshocks were observed in the quasi-parallel bow shock that hosted backstreaming ions and magnetic fluctuations at ultralow frequencies. The intervals constituting traveling foreshocks in the upstream survive transmission to the Earth's magnetosheath, where their magnetic field, and particularly the southward component, was significantly amplified. Our results further suggest that the magnetic field fluctuations embedded in an ICME sheath may survive the transmission if their frequency is below similar to 0.01 Hz. Although one of the identified intervals was coherent, extending across the ICME sheath and being long-lived, predicting ICME sheath magnetic fields that may transmit to the Earth's magnetosheath from the upstream at L1 observations has ambiguity. This can result from the strong spatial variability of the ICME sheath fields in the longitudinal direction, or alternatively from the ICME sheath fields developing substantially within the short time it takes the plasma to propagate from L1 to the bow shock. This study demonstrates the complex interplay ICME sheaths have with the Earth's magnetosphere when passing by the planet.Peer reviewe