14 research outputs found

    Archaeological register of tell settlements in Hungary

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    This paper presents the results of a research project, which was launched in 1999 by the Institute of Archaeological Sciences of the ELTE. Our main goal was to create a register of Hungarian tell settlements. First we collected all available information on tell settlements from the archaeological literature and various museum archives. Following this preliminary data filtering, fifty of the initial 161 Neolithic sites and 116 of the 224 Bronze Age sites were classified as genuine tells or tell-like settlements. After that we determined the accurate location and co-ordinates of the sites using aerial photography called for the construction of a GIS database. The destruction (by erosion, by flood, etc.) of the tell settlements can be monitored virtually from one day to the other. In addition to a precise site condition assessment, the project yielded fresh information about settlement layouts, such as the presence of enclosures. At some sites, aerial photography was followed by a magnetometer survey. | A KĂĄrpĂĄt-medence Ƒskori kĂ©pĂ©t több mint mĂĄsfĂ©l Ă©vezreden ĂĄt a többrĂ©tegƱ telepĂŒlĂ©si halmok, azaz a tellek hatĂĄroztĂĄk meg. ElƑször a kĂ©sƑ neolitikumban, Kr. e. 5100/5000-tĂłl 4500/4400-ig a Tisza–HerpĂĄly–CsƑszhalom kultĂșrĂĄk idejĂ©n, majd mintegy kĂ©tezer Ă©vvel kĂ©sƑbb, a korai Ă©s a közĂ©psƑ bronzkor idƑszakĂĄban, Kr. e. 2500–1500 között a nagyrĂ©vi, hatvani, ottomĂĄnyi Ă©s perjĂĄmosi kultĂșrĂĄk korĂĄban. Ez a dĂ©li eredetƱ telepĂŒlĂ©si forma kĂ©t Ă­zben is itt Ă©rte el elterjedĂ©si terĂŒletĂ©nek Ă©szaki hatĂĄrĂĄt: a neolitikumban az alföldi folyĂłvidĂ©keken, a Tisza, Körös, BerettyĂł Ă©s Maros mentĂ©n talĂĄlhatĂłk a tellek, mĂ­g a bronzkorban mĂĄr a Duna közĂ©psƑ szakaszĂĄnak partjĂĄt is benĂ©pesĂ­tik (1. kĂ©p). A magyarorszĂĄgi tellek – kĂŒlönösen a bronzkoriak – kutatĂĄsĂĄnak törtĂ©nete szinte egyidƑs a magyar ƑsrĂ©gĂ©szetĂ©vel; a XIX. szĂĄzad elsƑ Ă©vei Ăłta ismertek leleteik. ElsƑ bemutatĂĄsukra 1876-ban, a Budapesten megrendezett VIII. Nemzetközi ƐsrĂ©gĂ©szeti Ă©s AntropolĂłgiai Kongresszuson kerĂŒlt sor: a rĂ©sztvevƑk ellĂĄtogattak a tĂłszeg-laposhalmi tellhez, ahol bemutatĂł ĂĄsatĂĄson vehettek rĂ©szt. Az 1876-os konferenciĂĄt követƑen a kĂ©t kĂŒlönbözƑ korszak azonos telepĂŒlĂ©stĂ­pusĂĄnak kutatĂĄsĂĄban az 1980-as Ă©s 1990-es Ă©vek elejĂ©n megrendezett nemzetközi kiĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsok Ă©s a hozzĂĄjuk kapcsolĂłdĂł katalĂłgusok (The Late Neolithic of the Tisza region; Bronzezeit in Ungarn. Forschungen in Tell-Siedlungen an Donau und Theiß) hoztak döntƑ vĂĄltozĂĄst. Mindezen kutatĂĄstörtĂ©neti elƑzmĂ©nyek ellenĂ©re mĂ©gsem ĂĄllt rendelkezĂ©sre olyan munka, amely a magyarorszĂĄgi tellek akĂĄrcsak rĂ©szleges, katalĂłgusszerƱ közlĂ©sĂ©t tartalmazta volna, jĂłllehet a telleket a MagyarorszĂĄgon hatĂĄlyos öröksĂ©gvĂ©delmi Ă©s termĂ©szetvĂ©delmi törvĂ©nyek kiemelten vĂ©dendƑ terĂŒletkĂ©nt hatĂĄrozzĂĄk meg. KutatĂĄsi programunk ennek a hiĂĄnynak a megszĂŒntetĂ©se Ă©rdekĂ©ben indult 1999-ben, az ELTE BTK RĂ©gĂ©szettudomĂĄnyi IntĂ©zetĂ©nek kezdemĂ©nyezĂ©sĂ©re. CĂ©lunk a magyarorszĂĄgi tellek lehetƑ legteljesebb adatbĂĄzisĂĄnak lĂ©trehozĂĄsa volt. A kataszter felĂ©pĂ­tĂ©sĂ©nek elsƑ lĂ©pĂ©sekĂ©nt a szakirodalombĂłl Ă©s a mĂșzeumi adattĂĄrakbĂłl felgyƱjtöttĂŒk a tellekre vonatkozĂł – akĂĄr csak csekĂ©ly forrĂĄsĂ©rtĂ©kkel is bĂ­rĂł – összes adatot. El kellett döntenĂŒnk, hogy mit tekintĂŒnk tellnek. A tell meghatĂĄrozĂĄsunk szerint legalĂĄbb kĂ©t rĂ©tegsorral rendelkezik, amelyek vastagsĂĄga valĂłdi tell esetĂ©ben 2,5–4 m (a bronzkori telleknĂ©l alacsonyabb Ă©rtĂ©kek is elƑfordulnak), mĂ­g a tellszerƱeknĂ©l 1–2,5 m. Az adatfelvĂ©tel Ʊrlapok segĂ­tsĂ©gĂ©vel törtĂ©nt, elƑre egyeztetett szempontok alapjĂĄn. Az adatgyƱjtĂ©s ezen elsƑ szakasza utĂĄn kiĂ©rtĂ©keltĂŒk eredmĂ©nyeinket. MĂĄr ekkor kiderĂŒlt, hogy egy adott lelƑhely sokszor tĂ©vesen szerepel tellkĂ©nt, vagy egy adott tell több nĂ©ven is ismert. E szƱrĂ©s utĂĄn az eredeti 161 neolit lelƑhely közĂŒl ötvenrƑl bizonyosodott be, hogy tell vagy tellszerƱ, mĂ­g a 224 bronzkori lelƑhely közĂŒl 116-rĂłl tudtuk ugyanezt igazolni. VilĂĄgosan kirajzolĂłdott az ĂșjkƑkori telepĂŒlĂ©si struktĂșra hĂĄromszintƱ szervezƑdĂ©se: makroregionĂĄlis szinten a Tisza–HerpĂĄly–CsƑszhalom kultĂșrĂĄk elterjedĂ©si terĂŒletĂ©nek Ă©szaki rĂ©szĂ©n csak egyrĂ©tegƱ telepek fordulnak elƑ (kivĂ©ve PolgĂĄr-CsƑszhalom telljĂ©t), mĂ­g dĂ©len telleket Ă©s egyrĂ©tegƱ telepeket egyarĂĄnt ismerĂŒnk. MikroregionĂĄlis szinten a DĂ©l-Alföldön figyelhetƑ meg az a jelensĂ©g, hogy egy-egy központi szerepƱ, nagyobb tellt kisebb, horizontĂĄlis telepek sora vesz körĂŒl. VĂ©gĂŒl egy adott lelƑhely szintjĂ©n a tell Ă©s a horizontĂĄlis telepĂŒlĂ©srĂ©sz egyĂŒttesen alkotja a lelƑhelyet, a kĂ©t struktĂșrĂĄt gyakran ĂĄrok is elkĂŒlönĂ­ti egymĂĄstĂłl. A bronzkori ottomĂĄnyi Ă©s hatvani kultĂșrĂĄk esetĂ©ben hasonlĂł hĂĄrmas telepĂŒlĂ©si szerkezet figyelhetƑ meg. Mindegyik kultĂșra esetĂ©ben talĂĄltunk adatot földvĂĄr vagy nyĂ­lt, egyrĂ©tegƱ telep meglĂ©tĂ©re is. Ezek arĂĄnya a tellekhez kĂ©pest vĂĄltozĂł; a vatyai kultĂșrĂĄban pĂ©ldĂĄul magasnak tƱnik, a nagyrĂ©vi Ă©s hatvani kultĂșrĂĄkban viszont rendkĂ­vĂŒl alacsonynak. HelyszĂ­ni szemlĂ©re a magas költsĂ©gek Ă©s a tellek nagy szĂĄma miatt sajnos nem kerĂŒlhetett sor, ezĂ©rt ĂĄllapotuk felmĂ©rĂ©sĂ©re a ferde tengelyƱ lĂ©gi fĂ©nykĂ©pezĂ©s mĂłdszerĂ©t vĂĄlasztottuk. Ehhez a munkĂĄhoz szĂŒksĂ©g volt tĂ©rinformatikai azonosĂ­tĂĄsukra is. MostanĂĄig összesen ötven tell fölött sikerĂŒlt repĂŒlĂ©st vĂ©geznĂŒnk. PusztulĂĄsuk szinte naprĂłl-napra nyomon követhetƑ. Ebben talĂĄn a legnagyobb szerepet az egyre intenzĂ­vebb mezƑgazdasĂĄgi termelĂ©s okozta erĂłziĂł jĂĄtssza (pl. TĂĄpĂ©-LebƑ: 2. kĂ©p, MaklĂĄr-Baglyas: 3. kĂ©p). HasonlĂł kĂĄrokat okozhat az ĂĄrvizek partrombolĂł hatĂĄsa Ă©s az ezzel kapcsolatos ĂĄrvĂ­zi vĂ©dekezƑ munkĂĄlatok. TĂłszeg-Laposhalom esetĂ©ben a 2001-es nagy tiszai ĂĄrvĂ­z idejĂ©n pĂ©ldĂĄul gĂĄtat Ă©pĂ­tettek a halom testĂ©be, a falut megvĂ©dendƑ (4. kĂ©p). KorĂĄbban ugyanez törtĂ©nt BĂ©kĂ©s-PovĂĄd neolit telljĂ©vel is: itt a Körös-gĂĄtba Ă©pĂ­tettĂ©k bele a halmot. Az sem ritka, hogy a telleken falvak telepĂŒlnek meg, vagy kĂŒlönbözƑ lĂ©tesĂ­tmĂ©nyeket Ă©pĂ­tenek rajtuk – SzegvĂĄr-TƱzkövesen pĂ©ldĂĄul silĂł Ă©pĂŒlt (5. kĂ©p). Az ĂĄllapotfelmĂ©rĂ©sen tĂșl munkĂĄnknak tudomĂĄnyos jelentƑsĂ©ge is van. Neolit Ă©s bronzkori tellek esetĂ©ben egyarĂĄnt sikerĂŒlt igazolni a korĂĄbban csak nĂ©hĂĄny lelƑhelynĂ©l ismert körĂĄrkos struktĂșrĂĄkat – pĂ©ldĂĄul BerettyĂłszentmĂĄrton-KorhĂĄny, PolgĂĄr-CsƑszhalom (6. kĂ©p), JĂĄszdĂłzsa-KĂĄpolnahalom (7. kĂ©p), EsztĂĄr-Fenyvespart Ă©s TĂșrkeve-Terehalom esetĂ©ben. Érdekes összefĂŒggĂ©sre vilĂĄgĂ­tott rĂĄ az Alföld Ă©szaki peremvidĂ©kĂ©n talĂĄlhatĂł bronzkori földvĂĄrak pĂĄrhuzamosan folyĂł vizsgĂĄlata. Ezek egy rĂ©szĂ©nĂ©l (pl. EmƑd-Nagyhalom) a lĂ©gi fĂ©nykĂ©pezĂ©sek alapjĂĄn a földsĂĄnc lĂ©te nem igazolhatĂł, viszont impozĂĄns körĂĄrkuk rĂ©vĂ©n a tellek közĂ© is besorolhatĂłk. HasonlĂł megfigyelĂ©st tettĂŒnk a korĂĄbban földvĂĄrkĂ©nt meghatĂĄrozott BoconĂĄd esetĂ©ben (8. kĂ©p), amely valĂłjĂĄban szĂ©les ĂĄrokkal vagy ĂĄrkokkal övezett bronzkori tell. A tellek egy rĂ©sze ugyanakkor földvĂĄrnak is tekinthetƑ (BerettyĂłĂșjfalu-HerpĂĄly-FöldvĂĄr), vagyis a kĂ©t telepĂŒlĂ©si tĂ­pus az Alföldön Ă©s a csatlakozĂł terĂŒleteken nem vĂĄlaszthatĂł el egymĂĄstĂłl. NĂ©hĂĄny tell esetĂ©ben a lĂ©gi felvĂ©telezĂ©sek kiegĂ©szĂŒltek magnetomĂ©teres felmĂ©rĂ©sekkel – pĂ©ldĂĄul PolgĂĄr-CsƑszhalom, BerettyĂłĂșjfalu-HerpĂĄly (9. kĂ©p) Ă©s legĂșjabban PolgĂĄr-BosnyĂĄkdomb lelƑhelyeken. Az eddig elvĂ©gzett munka csak egy hosszĂș Ășt elsƑ nĂ©hĂĄny lĂ©pĂ©sekĂ©nt Ă©rtĂ©kelhetƑ. Minden esetben szĂŒksĂ©g lenne helyszĂ­ni szemlĂ©re, rĂ©tegtisztĂĄzĂł fĂșrĂĄsokra. BĂĄr illuzĂłrikus lenne minden tellen ĂĄsatĂĄst tervezni (a bronzkoriak közĂŒl 98 helyszĂ­nen kerĂŒlt sor kisebb-nagyobb feltĂĄrĂĄsra), nĂ©hĂĄny kĂŒlönösen indokolt esetben mĂ©gis szĂŒksĂ©ges lesz azt elvĂ©gezni. RemĂ©ljĂŒk, hogy mĂ©g a tellek vĂ©gleges eltƱnĂ©se elƑtt be tudjuk fejezni munkĂĄnkat

    5000 years of dietary variations of prehistoric farmers in the Great Hungarian Plain

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    <div><p>The development of farming was a catalyst for the evolution of the human diet from the varied subsistence practices of hunter-gatherers to the more globalised food economy we depend upon today. Although there has been considerable research into the dietary changes associated with the initial spread of farming, less attention has been given to how dietary choices continued to develop during subsequent millennia. A paleogenomic time transect for 5 millennia of human occupation in the Great Hungarian Plain spanning from the advent of the Neolithic to the Iron Age, showed major genomic turnovers. Here we assess where these genetic turnovers are associated with corresponding dietary shifts, by examining the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios of 52 individuals. Results provide evidence that early Neolithic individuals, which were genetically characterised as Mesolithic hunter-gatherers, relied on wild resources to a greater extent than those whose genomic attributes were of typical Neolithic European farmers. Other Neolithic individuals and those from the Copper Age to Bronze Age periods relied mostly on terrestrial C<sub>3</sub> plant resources. We also report a carbon isotopic ratio typical of C<sub>4</sub> plants, which may indicate millet consumption in the Late Bronze Age, despite suggestions of the crop’s earlier arrival in Europe during the Neolithic.</p></div

    Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope data of human and faunal bone collagen from the GHP.

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    <p>Both human and fauna isotopic data are represented by mean isotopic values (standard deviation ±1σ indicated by bars). Domesticated and wild fauna belongs to Early/Middle Neolithic and Copper Age periods, and combined with published data [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref022" target="_blank">22</a>,<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref025" target="_blank">25</a>,<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref042" target="_blank">42</a>,<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref076" target="_blank">76</a>]. Human results from this study were also combined with previous published data in the GHP [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref022" target="_blank">22</a>,<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref025" target="_blank">25</a>,<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref076" target="_blank">76</a>]. E. Neolithic* represent mean values of Körös TiszaszƑlƑs-DomahĂĄza site.</p

    5000 years of dietary variations of prehistoric farmers in the Great Hungarian Plain - Fig 3

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    <p><b>Boxplot showing the (A) ÎŽ</b><sup><b>13</b></sup><b>C and (B) ÎŽ</b><sup><b>15</b></sup><b>N values of human samples from Early Neolithic to Early Iron Age</b>. Human isotopic values were combined with previous published data on the GHP from Early [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref076" target="_blank">76</a>], Middle [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref022" target="_blank">22</a>,<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref025" target="_blank">25</a>] and Late Neolithic [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref025" target="_blank">25</a>], together with Early and Middle Copper Ages [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref025" target="_blank">25</a>]. Genetic affinities are based on [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref013" target="_blank">13</a>]. The dots within the boxes represent individual values of the samples; the horizontal line within the box represents the median value; the vertical lines represent the range of data.</p

    Map showing the location of sites analysed in the study.

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    <p>Generic Mapping Tools 4.5.13 [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref011" target="_blank">11</a>] and the topographic ETOPO data set [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref012" target="_blank">12</a>] was used to create this map.</p

    Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope data of human bone collagen from the GHP.

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    <p>Individual human results from this study (represented by highlighted symbols) were also combined with previously published data in the GHP [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref022" target="_blank">22</a>,<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref025" target="_blank">25</a>,<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0197214#pone.0197214.ref076" target="_blank">76</a>]. E. Neolithic* represent mean values of the Körös TiszaszƑlƑs-DomahĂĄza site.</p