1,072 research outputs found

    Joinings of W*-dynamical systems

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    We study the notion of joinings of W*-dynamical systems, building on ideas from measure theoretic ergodic theory. In particular we prove sufficient and necessary conditions for ergodicity in terms of joinings, and also briefly look at conditional expectation operators associated with joinings.Comment: 11 page

    Introdução à Educação Ambiental

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    Material em formato .pdf -- Parte do material do curso de Aperfeiçoamento “A Gestão do Desenvolvimento Inclusivo da Escola” – COMFOR – SEB – SECADI – MINISTÉRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO- Coordenação pedagógica do curso: Coordenadora: Edna Martins / Vice-Coordenadora: Renata Marcílio Candido- Equipe de Produção - SEAD – UNIFESP -- Felipe Vieira Pacheco - Coordenador de Produção / Sandro Takeshi Munakata da Silva - Designer Instrucional / Margeci Leal de Freitas Alves - Designer Instrucional / Fabrício Sawczen - Designer Gráfico• Módulo 6 - Introdução à Educação Ambiental -- Neste módulo serão abordados conceitos de educação ambiental presentes nos documentos oficiais e os princípios que nortearam a construção desse campo do saber, bem como as diferentes abordagens possíveis para o tema, as diversas possibilidades conceituais refletem um campo de conhecimento em construção e que vem evoluindo ao longo das últimas décadas, o histórico da Educação Ambiental, a Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental (PNEA) e o Programa Nacional de Educação Ambiental (PRONEA).Outr

    Patologías del pavimento rígido e índice de condición del pavimento en la av. arenales, distrito de Mariscal Andrés Avelino Cáceres, Provincia de Huamanga, Departamento de Ayacucho.

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    En la siguiente tesis se utilizó el diseño de investigación descriptivo correlacional, para determinar la relación que existe entre las variables de tipos de patologías e índice de condición del pavimento rígido en la Av. Arenales distrito de Mariscal Andrés Avelino Cáceres, provincia de Huamanga y departamento de Ayacucho. La muestra está establecida por 250 paños del distrito de Mariscal Andrés Avelino Cáceres. Se empleó como recolección de dato las fichas técnicas como elaboración propia, validado por el asesor y todos los profesionales que establecen en la UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE TRUJILLO BENEDICTO XVI, que contienen preguntas de las variables. Los resultados nos indican que existen relación entre el variable de tipos de patologías e índice de condición del pavimento rígido. La variable de tipos de patologías se abrió en tres dimensiones; Grieta de esquina, Grietas lineales y Pulimiento de agregados se establecieron los indicadores para la medición. Se determina que si existe un porcentaje de dependencia entre tipos de patología e índice de condición del pavimento rígido con las dimensiones y según los resultados se procesaron los gráficos y tablas que se realizaron en el Excel para poder calcular y analizar los resultados de dicha investigación, llegando a un resultado general si existe relación significativa entre los tipos de patología e índice de condición del pavimento rígido, cuyo resultado de la investigación se concluye con un PCI igual a 31.3%, y se determina en un estado Malo.Tesi

    Sequentializing Parameterized Programs

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    We exhibit assertion-preserving (reachability preserving) transformations from parameterized concurrent shared-memory programs, under a k-round scheduling of processes, to sequential programs. The salient feature of the sequential program is that it tracks the local variables of only one thread at any point, and uses only O(k) copies of shared variables (it does not use extra counters, not even one counter to keep track of the number of threads). Sequentialization is achieved using the concept of a linear interface that captures the effect an unbounded block of processes have on the shared state in a k-round schedule. Our transformation utilizes linear interfaces to sequentialize the program, and to ensure the sequential program explores only reachable states and preserves local invariants.Comment: In Proceedings FIT 2012, arXiv:1207.348

    Separation of Test-Free Propositional Dynamic Logics over Context-Free Languages

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    For a class L of languages let PDL[L] be an extension of Propositional Dynamic Logic which allows programs to be in a language of L rather than just to be regular. If L contains a non-regular language, PDL[L] can express non-regular properties, in contrast to pure PDL. For regular, visibly pushdown and deterministic context-free languages, the separation of the respective PDLs can be proven by automata-theoretic techniques. However, these techniques introduce non-determinism on the automata side. As non-determinism is also the difference between DCFL and CFL, these techniques seem to be inappropriate to separate PDL[DCFL] from PDL[CFL]. Nevertheless, this separation is shown but for programs without test operators.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2011, arXiv:1106.081

    Gestión del talento humano y desempeño laboral de los colaboradores de la empresa Panafoods Sac, Santa 2019

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    La gestión del talento humano es un proceso necesario en las organizaciones para poder generar un buen desempeño laboral entre sus colaboradores y alcanzar los objetivos trazados. Por ello el presente trabajo tuvo como propósito, determinar la relación de la gestión del talento humano con el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores d de la empresa Panafoods Sac, Santa 2019. La investigación se basó en un estudio de diseño no experimental, de tipo descriptivo correlacional transversal. La población lo conformó todos los colaboradores de la empresa Panafoods Sac, Santa 2019. El estudio utilizó como instrumentos de recolección de datos un “Cuestionario sobre Gestión del talento humano” y un cuestionario de “Desempeño laboral”, siendo ambos cuestionarios validados a juicio de expertos. Los datos fueron procesados haciendo uso del análisis descriptivo. Como resultados, la investigación da cuenta que la gestión del talento humano tiene relación significativa con el desempeño laboral de los colaboradores de la empresa Panafoods Sac, Santa 2019, detalle obtenido con un valor r=0.911 detectado por la prueba Tau-b de Kendall. Esto nos indica que una mejor gestión del talento huao genera un mejor desempeño laboral tanto por los colaboradores como por los responsables de los recursos humanos

    Estudio de plan de ajustes razonables (PIAR) y el diseño universal para el aprendizaje (DUA): grandes herramientas que permiten la reflexión en la educación superior

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    Ficha de recolección de información.El proceso de investigación propuesto contextualiza el estudio de los Planes individualizados de ajuste razonables (PIAR) y el diseño universal para el aprendizaje (DUA) como dos grandes herramientas que permiten la reflexión en la educación superior en Colombia, como una parte fundamental e importante en el proceso transformador e innovador de la inclusión educativa. el eje central de la presente monografía es brindar mediante un análisis local y profundo sobre los paradigmas que existen en aspecto asistencial de la población con discapacidad en la educación superior en Colombia, que desencadene un proceso de reflexión que enriquezca los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje en la vida universitaria y finalmente propiciar un espacio de debate en relación a la inclusión.The proposed research process contextualises the study of Reasonable Individualized Adjustment Plans (RIA) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as two great tools that enable reflection on higher education in Colombia, as a fundamental and important part of the transformative and innovative process of academic inclusion. The central axis of this monograph is to provide through a local and in-depth analysis of the paradigms that exist in the asistential aspect of the population with disabilities in higher education in Colombia, which triggers a process of reflection that enriches the learning-teaching processes in university life and finally foster a space for debate about inclusion

    Two Variable vs. Linear Temporal Logic in Model Checking and Games

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    Model checking linear-time properties expressed in first-order logic has non-elementary complexity, and thus various restricted logical languages are employed. In this paper we consider two such restricted specification logics, linear temporal logic (LTL) and two-variable first-order logic (FO2). LTL is more expressive but FO2 can be more succinct, and hence it is not clear which should be easier to verify. We take a comprehensive look at the issue, giving a comparison of verification problems for FO2, LTL, and various sublogics thereof across a wide range of models. In particular, we look at unary temporal logic (UTL), a subset of LTL that is expressively equivalent to FO2; we also consider the stutter-free fragment of FO2, obtained by omitting the successor relation, and the expressively equivalent fragment of UTL, obtained by omitting the next and previous connectives. We give three logic-to-automata translations which can be used to give upper bounds for FO2 and UTL and various sublogics. We apply these to get new bounds for both non-deterministic systems (hierarchical and recursive state machines, games) and for probabilistic systems (Markov chains, recursive Markov chains, and Markov decision processes). We couple these with matching lower-bound arguments. Next, we look at combining FO2 verification techniques with those for LTL. We present here a language that subsumes both FO2 and LTL, and inherits the model checking properties of both languages. Our results give both a unified approach to understanding the behaviour of FO2 and LTL, along with a nearly comprehensive picture of the complexity of verification for these logics and their sublogics.Comment: 37 pages, to be published in Logical Methods in Computer Science journal, includes material presented in Concur 2011 and QEST 2012 extended abstract

    Efecto hepatoprotector del extracto hidroalcohólico de las hojas de myriopteris aurea (cuti-cuti) en daño hepático agudo inducido con paracetamol en ratas

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación fue determinar en qué medida el extracto hidroalcohólico de las hojas de Myriopteris aurea (Cuti-Cuti) tiene efecto hepatoprotector en daño hepático agudo inducido en ratas. El tipo de estudio fue experimental, prospectivo, longitudinal. El estudio del efecto hepatoprotector se realizó según el método de Ochoa, se evaluó en ratas inducido a toxicidad hepática aguda con paracetamol a dosis de 200 mg/Kg de peso corporal administrado por vía intraperitoneal una vez al día durante 5 días, la dosis del extracto fue de 150, 300 y 500 mg/kg administrado por vía per oral durante 5 días. Los resultados indicaron que la toxicidad inducida con paracetamol aumentaron los niveles séricos de TGO, TGP y fosfatasa alcalina; disminuyó los niveles de proteínas totales, luego de los tratamientos con el extracto hidroalcohólico de las hojas de Cuti Cuti disminuyó los niveles significativamente (p<0,05) de TGO, TGP y fosfatasa alcalina, mientras que aumentó los niveles de proteínas totales, no hubo variación significativa de los valores de albúmina, colesterol total y triglicéridos, mientras que si disminuyó los valores de glucosa sérica (p<0,05), el peso corporal aumentó ligeramente durante el tiempo de tratamiento, el mejor efecto hepatoprotector del extracto de Cuti Cuti fue con la dosis de 500 mg/kgThe objective of the present research was to determine the extent to which the hydroalcoholic extract from the leaves of Myriopteris aurea (Cuti-Cuti) will have a hepatoprotective effect on acute liver damage induced in rats. The type of study was experimental, prospective, and longitudinal. Study of the hepatoprotective effect was performed according to the Ochoa method, was evaluated in rats induced acute hepatic toxicity with paracetamol at doses of 200 mg / kg of body weight administered intraperitoneally once daily for 5 days, the dose of extract Were 150, 300 and 500 mg / kg administered orally for 5 days. The results indicated that toxicity induced with paracetamol increased serum levels of SGOT, TGP and alkaline phosphatase; Decreased total protein levels, after treatments with the hydroalcoholic extract of Cuti Cuti leaves decreased significantly (p <0.05) levels of TGO, TGP and alkaline phosphatase, while increasing total protein levels, not There was a significant variation in the values of albumin, total cholesterol and triglycerides, whereas if serum glucose values (p <0.05) were decreased, body weight increased slightly during treatment time, the best hepatoprotective effect of Cuti extract Cuti was at the dose of 500 mg / kg

    The Parkes Galactic Meridian Survey (PGMS): observations and CMB polarization foreground analysis

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    We present observations and CMB foreground analysis of the Parkes Galactic Meridian Survey (PGMS), an investigation of the Galactic latitude behaviour of the polarized synchrotron emission at 2.3 GHz with the Parkes Radio Telescope. The survey consists of a 5-deg wide strip along the Galactic meridian l=254-deg extending from Galactic plane to South Galactic pole. We identify three zones distinguished by polarized emission properties: the disc, the halo, and a transition region connecting them. The halo section lies at latitudes |b| > 40-deg and has weak and smooth polarized emission mostly at large scale with steep angular power spectra of median slope βmed2.6\beta_{\rm med} \sim -2.6. The disc region covers the latitudes |b|<20-deg and has a brighter, more complex emission dominated by the small scales with flatter spectra of median slope βmed=1.8\beta_{\rm med} = -1.8. The transition region has steep spectra as in the halo, but the emission increases toward the Galactic plane from halo to disc levels. The change of slope and emission structure at b \sim -20\degr is sudden, indicating a sharp disc-halo transition. The whole halo section is just one environment extended over 50-deg with very low emission which, once scaled to 70GHz, is equivalent to the CMB B-Mode emission for a tensor-to-scalar perturbation power ratio r_halo = 3.3 +/- 0.4 x 10^{-3}. Applying a conservative cleaning procedure, we estimate an r detection limit of δr2×103\delta r \sim 2\times 10^{-3} at 70~GHz (3-sigma C.L.) and, assuming a dust polariztion fraction <12%, δr1×102\delta r \sim 1\times 10^{-2} at 150~GHz. The 150-GHz limit matches the goals of planned sub-orbital experiments, which can therefore be conducted at this high frequency. The 70-GHz limit is close to the goal of proposed next generation space missions, which thus might not strictly require space-based platforms.Comment: 23 pages, 22 Figures. Accepted for publication on MNRAS. Some figures have been reduced in resolution. Replaced with the accepted version, 3 figures, more details on instrument performances, and map of polarization spectral index adde