399 research outputs found

    Summer Quarter Commencement

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    Commencement address given by Ed Hagenlocker, Vice Chairman of Ford Motor Company, to the Summer 1997 graduating class of The Ohio State University, St. John Arena, Columbus, Ohio, August 29, 1997

    Home Mortgage Lending in St. Louis City: An Analysis of 1992 and 1994 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data

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    This report examines home mortgage lending data in St. Louis City in 1992 and 1994. Our primary purpose is to determine how race, income level and neighborhood location relate to home mortgage loan application denial rates. Overall, it is demonstrated that race, income level and negative neighborhood conditions are predictive of loan denial in St. Louis City. The study begins with an overview of related literature. The second section describes our study, and provides information regarding the data set, our variables and research procedures. Part three is a report of our findings. The final section draws conclusions and suggests implications for social policy

    Letter from Edward Waldo Emerson, Concord, Massachusetts, to Anne Whitney, Boston, Massachusetts, 1909 April 3

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    Senator James O. Eastland, Bill Brock; Thomas J. McIntyre; Edward M. Kennedy; Richard S. Schweiker; Edmund S. Muskie; Thomas F. Eagleton; Charles McC. Mathias, Jr.; Howard Baker; J. Glenn Beall; Lowell Weicker, Jr.; William D. Hathaway; Dale Bumpers; John A. Durkin; Stuart Symington; Clairborne Pell; Hugh Scott; Edward W. Brooke; Birch Bayh; Henry M. Jackson; John L. McClellan; Gaylord Nelson; Ted Stevens; Ernest F. Hollings; Robert Morgan; Jesse Helms; Dick Stone; & Jennings Randolph to President Gerald R. Ford, 27 Februray 1976

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    Copy typed letter signed dated 27 February 1976 from Eastland; Bill Brock; Thomas J. McIntyre; Edward M. Kennedy; Richard S. Schweiker; Edmund S. Muskie; Thomas F. Eagleton; Charles McC. Mathias, Jr.; Howard Baker; J. Glenn Beall; Lowell Weicker, Jr.; William D. Hathaway; Dale Bumpers; John A. Durkin; Stuart Symington; Clairborne Pell; Hugh Scott; Edward W. Brooke; Birch Bayh; Henry M. Jackson; John L. McClellan; Gaylord Nelson; Ted Stevens; Ernest F. Hollings; Robert Morgan; Jesse Helms; Dick Stone; & Jennings Randolph to Ford, re: International Trade Commission, non-rubber footwear; 3 pages.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/joecorr_g/1064/thumbnail.jp

    Home-Based, Square-Stepping Exercise Program Among Older Adults with Multiple Sclerosis: Results of A Feasibility Randomized Controlled Study

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    There is very little known about exercise rehabilitation approaches for older adults with multiple sclerosis (MS), yet this growing segment of the MS population experiences declines in cognition and mobility associated with disease progression and aging. We conducted a RCT examining the feasibility of a 12-week, home-based Square-Stepping Exercise (SSE) program in older adults with MS. Older adults with MS (N = 26) with mild-to-moderate levels of disability were recruited and randomized into the intervention (i.e., SSE) or a minimal activity, attention-control conditions. Participants in the SSE condition received a mat for home-based practice of the step patterns, an instruction manual, and a logbook along with a pedometer for monitoring compliance. Both conditions received weekly Skype™ calls and had biweekly meetings with an exercise trainer. Feasibility was assessed based on process, resource, management and scientific outcomes. Regarding scientific outcomes, participants in both conditions completed in-lab assessments before and after the 12-week period. Twenty-five participants completed the study (96%) and the total cost of the study was $13,387.00 USD. Pedometer data demonstrated good compliance with the SSE intervention condition. Effect sizes calculated for all treatment outcomes ranged from small-to-moderate for both mobility and cognitive variables between the intervention and attention-control conditions, thereby providing preliminary evidence that participation in the SSE program may improve cognition and mobility function. The results support the feasibility, acceptability, and possible efficacy of a home-based SSE intervention for older adults with MS

    IDA evaluation handbook: A practical guide and tools for evaluation of pioneering IDA projects

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    This IDA Evaluation Handbook is designed as a practical guide with tools for emergent, pioneering IDA (Individual Development Accounts) projects. The goal of this Handbook is to promote early evaluations of IDAs and learn as much as possible from each project

    Diagnóstico operativo empresarial de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito San Cristóbal de Huamanga

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    El principal objetivo del presente es realizar un diagnóstico operativo empresarial con la finalidad de que a partir de dicho diagnóstico, se identifiquen aspectos de mejora y se propongan acciones o estrategias que beneficien a la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito San Cristóbal de Huamanga. La presente tesis se divide en quince capítulos en donde se abarca la descripción de los procesos estratégicos y operativos, el análisis de dichos procesos, y se contempla las propuestas de mejoras de acuerdo a la situación actual. Los capítulos de la tesis abarcan aspectos como descripción y funcionalidad de la CACSCH, el planeamiento y diseño de ubicación, dimensionamiento de planta, planeamiento y diseño de productos, procesos, planta, trabajo y planeamiento agregado, así como describir la gestión de proceso productivo y programación, gestión de costos, gestión de logística, gestión de calidad, gestión de mantenimiento y gestión de la cadena de suministro. A partir de la descripción de los aspectos mencionados se propone en cada capítulos mejoras en función a las herramientas que se utilizan para mejorar y optimizar tiempos y costos todo ello con el fin último de generar rentabilidad en la CACSCH. La implementación de las propuestas establecidas dependerá de la alta gerencia, cabe recalcar que las propuestas están establecidas en función a costo-beneficio. La implementación de las diferentes propuestas de mejora CACSCH, tal como se presenta en cada capítulo del presente DOE, tendrán una inversión de S/ 758,213.98, generando beneficios de S/ 1´038,847.90 en soles y ahorro en tiempo de 5h 37min en el proceso de otorgamiento de crédito, y 40 horas de ahorro en traslado de analistas y socios, así como se ahorrará tiempo de 1 día con 1hora y 30 min para créditos hipotecarios, así como se reforzará el aseguramiento de calidad de carteraThe main objective of this thesis is to perform a business operational diagnosis (DOE) in order to identify aspects for improvement and to propose actions or strategies that benefit the San Cristobal de Huamanga Savings and Credit Cooperative (CACSCH). This thesis is divided into fifteen chapters that include the description of strategic and operational processes, the analysis of strategic processes, and the proposals for improvements according to the current situation. The thesis chapters include aspects such as the description and functionality of the CACSCH, the planning and design of the location, the sizing of the plant, the planning and design of its products, processes, plant, work and aggregate planning, as well as the description of the management of the productive process and its programming, the cost management, the logistics management, the quality management, the maintenance management and the supply chain management. Based on the description of the mentioned aspects, in each chapter, it is proposed improvements according to the tools used to improve and to optimize times and costs with the purpose of generation of profits in the CACSCH. The implementation of the established proposals is in charge of senior management. It should be emphasized that the proposals are established based on cost-benefit. The implementation of the different improvement proposals in CACSCH, as presented in each chapter of this DOE, would have a capital investment of S/ 758,213.98, generating profits of S/ 1'038,847.90 and reductions in time of 5h 37min in the process of granting credit, and the reduction of 40 hours in transfers of analysts and partners, as well as a reduction of 1 day with 1 hour and 30 minutes for mortgage loans, as well as the reinforcement of the portfolio quality assuranceTesi

    Typical lesions in the fetal nervous system: correlations between fetal magnetic resonance imaging and obstetric ultrasonography findings

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    Central nervous system (CNS) malformations play a role in all fetal malformations. Ultrasonography (US) is the best screening method for identifying fetal CNS malformations. A good echographic study depends on several factors, such as positioning, fetal mobility and growth, the volume of amniotic fluid, the position of the placenta, the maternal wall, the quality of the apparatus, and the sonographer’s experience. Although US is the modality of choice for routine prenatal follow-up because of its low cost, wide availability, safety, good sensitivity, and real-time capability, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is promising for the morphological evaluation of fetuses that otherwise would not be appropriately evaluated using US. The aim of this article is to present correlations of fetal MRI findings with US findings for the major CNS malformations

    Síntesis mediante algoritmos genéticos de mecanismos articulados de seis barras rígidas para prótesis de rodilla

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    Using the method of genetic algorithms, the synthesis process of a Watt I type six-bar flat mechanism is developed and applied to the design of a polycentric knee prosthesis to guarantee stability in the extension and total flexion phase of the knee during the knee. gait cycle of a person. Six precision points of the trajectory of the instantaneous center of rotation of the coupling link were selected, with a population of one thousand individuals formed with the lengths of links and angles of movement of the mechanism. The fitness function was obtained with the Freudenstein equation applied to two four-bar mechanisms that make up the prosthesis and the design restrictions were: minimum and maximum bar dimensions, Grashof criterion, angular relationships for ternary elements, transmission angle and instantaneous inactive joints.Usando el método de algoritmos genéticos se desarrolla el proceso de síntesis de un mecanismo plano de seis barras tipo Watt I y se aplica al diseño de una prótesis policéntrica de rodilla para garantizar la estabilidad en la fase de extensión y flexión total de la rodilla durante el ciclo de marcha de una persona. Se seleccionaron seis puntos de precisión de la trayectoria del centro instantáneo de rotación del eslabón acoplador, con una población de mil individuos formados con las longitudes de eslabones y ángulos de movimiento del meca-nismo. La función de aptitud se obtuvo con la ecuación de Freudenstein aplicada a dos mecanismos de cuatro barras que conforman la prótesis y las restricciones de diseño fueron: dimensiones mínimas y máximas de las barras, criterio de Grashof, relaciones angulares para elementos ternarios, ángulo de transmisión y juntas instantáneas inactivas
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