47 research outputs found

    Dissecting heterogeneous cell populations across drug and disease conditions with PopAlign

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    Single-cell measurement techniques can now probe gene expression in heterogeneous cell populations from the human body across a range of environmental and physiological conditions. However, new mathematical and computational methods are required to represent and analyze gene expression changes that occur in complex mixtures of single cells as they respond to signals, drugs, or disease states. Here, we introduce a mathematical modeling platform, PopAlign, that automatically identifies subpopulations of cells within a heterogeneous mixture, and tracks gene expression and cell abundance changes across subpopulations by constructing and comparing probabilistic models. We apply PopAlign to analyze the impact of 42 different immunomodulatory compounds on a heterogeneous population of donor-derived human immune cells as well as patient-specific disease signatures in multiple myeloma. PopAlign scales to comparisons involving tens to hundreds of samples, enabling large-scale studies of natural and engineered cell populations as they respond to drugs, signals or physiological change

    Star Formation at 4<z<64 < z < 6 From the Spitzer Large Area Survey with Hyper-Suprime-Cam (SPLASH)

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    Using the first 50% of data collected for the Spitzer Large Area Survey with Hyper-Suprime-Cam (SPLASH) observations on the 1.8 deg2^2 Cosmological Evolution Survey (COSMOS) we estimate the masses and star formation rates of 3398 M∗>1010M⊙M_*>10^{10}M_\odot star-forming galaxies at 4<z<64 < z < 6 with a substantial population up to M∗≳1011.5M⊙M_* \gtrsim 10^{11.5} M_\odot. We find that the strong correlation between stellar mass and star formation rate seen at lower redshift (the "main sequence" of star-forming galaxies) extends to z∌6z\sim6. The observed relation and scatter is consistent with a continued increase in star formation rate at fixed mass in line with extrapolations from lower-redshift observations. It is difficult to explain this continued correlation, especially for the most massive systems, unless the most massive galaxies are forming stars near their Eddington-limited rate from their first collapse. Furthermore, we find no evidence for moderate quenching at higher masses, indicating quenching either has not occurred prior to z∌6z \sim 6 or else occurs rapidly, so that few galaxies are visible in transition between star-forming and quenched.Comment: ApJL, accepte

    Reduction Algorithms for the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer

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    We describe the data reduction algorithms for the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) instrument. These algorithms were based on extensive preflight testing and modeling of the Si:As (24 micron) and Ge:Ga (70 and 160 micron) arrays in MIPS and have been refined based on initial flight data. The behaviors we describe are typical of state-of-the-art infrared focal planes operated in the low backgrounds of space. The Ge arrays are bulk photoconductors and therefore show a variety of artifacts that must be removed to calibrate the data. The Si array, while better behaved than the Ge arrays, does show a handful of artifacts that also must be removed to calibrate the data. The data reduction to remove these effects is divided into three parts. The first part converts the non-destructively read data ramps into slopes while removing artifacts with time constants of the order of the exposure time. The second part calibrates the slope measurements while removing artifacts with time constants longer than the exposure time. The third part uses the redundancy inherit in the MIPS observing modes to improve the artifact removal iteratively. For each of these steps, we illustrate the relevant laboratory experiments or theoretical arguments along with the mathematical approaches taken to calibrate the data. Finally, we describe how these preflight algorithms have performed on actual flight data.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, PASP accepted (May 2005 issue), version of paper with full resolution images is available at http://dirty.as.arizona.edu/~kgordon/papers/PS_files/mips_dra.pd

    On-orbit performance of the MIPS instrument

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    The Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) provides long wavelength capability for the mission, in imaging bands at 24, 70, and 160 microns and measurements of spectral energy distributions between 52 and 100 microns at a spectral resolution of about 7%. By using true detector arrays in each band, it provides both critical sampling of the Spitzer point spread function and relatively large imaging fields of view, allowing for substantial advances in sensitivity, angular resolution, and efficiency of areal coverage compared with previous space far-infrared capabilities. The Si:As BIB 24 micron array has excellent photometric properties, and measurements with rms relative errors of 1% or better can be obtained. The two longer wavelength arrays use Ge:Ga detectors with poor photometric stability. However, the use of 1.) a scan mirror to modulate the signals rapidly on these arrays, 2.) a system of on-board stimulators used for a relative calibration approximately every two minutes, and 3.) specialized reduction software result in good photometry with these arrays also, with rms relative errors of less than 10%

    Mechanisms and applications of Cas13 mediated RNA targeting

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    Mechanisms and applications of Cas13 mediated RNA targeting

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    Voting and contributing when the group is watching

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    Abstract Members of groups and organizations often have to decide on rules that regulate their contributions to common tasks. They typically differ in their propensity to contribute and often care about the image they project, in particular want to be perceived by other group members as being high contributors. In such environments we study the interaction between the way members vote on rules and their subsequent contribution decisions. We show that multiple norms can emerge. We draw surprising policy implications, on the effect of group size, of supermajority rules and of the observability of actions