248 research outputs found
On the 70th birthday of Prof. G.A. Anufriev
Vita and scientific career of Prof. Georgy Aleksandrovich Anufriev on occasion of his 70th birhtday with a list of his publications
Comparative cytogenetics of Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera, Homoptera): a review
A comprehensive review of cytogenetic features is provided for the large hemipteran suborder Auche norrhyncha, which currently contains approximately 42,000 valid species. This review is based on the
analysis of 819 species, 483 genera, and 31 families representing all presently recognized Auchenorrhyn cha superfamilies, e.i. Cicadoidea (cicadas), Cercopoidea (spittle bugs), Membracoidea (leafhoppers and
treehoppers), Myerslopioidea (ground-dwelling leafhoppers), and Fulgoroidea (planthoppers). History
and present status of chromosome studies are described, as well as the structure of chromosomes, chro mosome counts, trends and mechanisms of evolution of karyotypes and sex determining systems, their
variation at different taxonomic levels and most characteristic (modal) states, occurrence of partheno genesis, polyploidy, B-chromosomes and chromosome rearrangements, and methods used for cytoge netic analysis of Auchenorrhyncha.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
The analysis of risks of industrial production of biofuel is presented. Various classifica-tions of risks are described, definition of innovative risk is made. The technique of an estimation of risks of placing of manufacture of biofuel is resulted and calculation on Open Society example “Cheremnovsky sugar factory” in Altay territory is made.Представлен анализ рисков промышленного производства биотоплива. Описаны различные классификации рисков, дается определение инновационного риска. Приведена методика оценки рисков размещения производства биотоплива и сделан расчет на примере ОАО «Черемновский сахарный завод» в Алтайском крае
Реокинетические исследования формирования сетчатых структур в полимерах
Methods of networks formation in different polymers or olygomers are considered. The possibility of rheokinetic description for chemical network formation in elastomers and their binary blends evaluation was shown. These elastomers differ from each other by polarity, reactivity and crosslinking mechanisms. Rheokinetic method represents the new approach for vulcanization regimes, structure and properties of such materials optimizationРассмотрены методы изучения про- цесса образования сетчатых струк- тур в различных полимерах и олиго- мерах. Показана возможность применения реокинетического подхода для оценки процесса формирования химической сетки в бинарных смесях полимеров, различаю- щихся полярностью, реакционной способ- ностью и механизмом сшивания. Реоки- нетический метод представляет собой новый подход к составлению режимов вулканизации эластомеров и оптимиза- ции структуры и свойств материалов на их основе
Noise diodes as a source of entropy for hardware random number generators
The purpose of this article is to describe the use of digital noise generators based on semiconductor noise diodes as part of systems for generating key numerical sequences used in cryptographic security methods. The classification of modern methods of cryptographic protection and the algorithms underlying them are considered. It is shown that ensuring high information entropy in systems for generating encryption keys is possible by using generators of truly random number sequences and cryptographically secure generators of pseudo-random number sequences. A number of disadvantages inherent in widely used sources of physical noise are described, namely: low spectral density of broadband noise, limited frequency range, nonlinearity of the noise spectrum, difficulties in technical implementation when using some methods, especially under conditions of extreme temperatures and exposure to special factors. It has been confirmed that the noise properties of semiconductor noise diodes depend on the composition and constancy of the defect-impurity structure, and defect engineering makes it possible to control their electrical parameters. The study of inhomogeneities and defects in noise diodes and the development on this basis of methods for controlling the level of structural defects made it possible to create technologies for their generation and annealing, and to improve a number of electrical and statistical properties of noise diodes
The Complete Mitochondrial Genome Sequence of the Planthopper, Sivaloka damnosus
The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) sequence was determined from the plant hopper, Sivaloka damnosus Chow and Lu (Hemiptera: Issidae), a representative of the insect family Issidae. The genome is a circular molecule of 15,287 bp with a total A+T content of 76.5%. The gene content, order, and structure are identical to that in Drosophila melanogaster, which is considered ancestral for insects. All 13 protein-coding genes of the S. damnosus mitogenome have a putative inframe ATR methionine or ATT isoleucine codons as start signals. The usual termination codons (TAA and TAG) were found in 11 protein-coding genes. However, atp6, and nad4 have incomplete termination codons. All tRNAs show stable canonical clover-leaf structures similar to other insect mitochondrial tRNAs, except for tRNASer(AGN), which has a reduced DHU arm. The A+T-rich region or putative control region includes two extensive repeat regions. The first repeat region is composed of two sets of complicated repeat units, and these repetitive sequences are arranged alternately; the second contains ten 20 bp tandemly repetitive sequences. In the phylogenetic analyses based on protein-coding genes, Cicadomorpha is a sister to Fulgoromorpha+Sternorrhyncha, and Heteroptera is a sister to all other Hemiptera
Влияние молекулярно-массового распределения на поверхностное натяжение расплавов олигомеров
Effect of molecular mass (MM) and molecular-mass distribution (MMD) on surface tension of oligomers has been investigated. Narrow fraction of polyethyleneglycols (from 300 to 40000) and their double and triple mixtures of different composition was used as model. Obtained results prove possibility of regulation surface tension of oligomers and polymers by changing MM and MMD and indicated that stability system’s behaviour increases with enlargement of MMD of oligomer mixtures.Исследовано влияние молекулярной массы (ММ) и молекулярно-массового распределения (ММР) на поверхностное натяжение олигомеров. В качестве модельных систем использовали узкие фракции полиэтиленгликолей в интервале молекулярных масс от 300 до 40000 и их двойные и тройные смеси разного состава. Полученные данные доказывают возможность регулирования поверхностного натяжения олигомеров и полимеров путем варьирования ММ и ММР Показано, что стабильность поверхностного натяжения и поведения системы возрастают с расширением ММР олигомеров
Влияние молекулярной массы на адсорбцию и строение граничных слоев эпоксидных олигомеров на жидкой и твердой границах раздела фаз
The effect of molecular mass on adsorption of epoxy oligomers on water-toluene solution interfaces and a glass dispersed filler surface was investigated. Comparison of results (experimental and calculated on the basis of the theoretical adsorption model of) indicated that adsorption on the water-toluene interface was monomolecular. On the contrary, adsorption on the glass dispersed filler surface was polymolecular.Изучено влияние молекулярной массы (ММ) на адсорбцию эпоксидных олигомеров (ЭО) на границе раздела раствор эпоксидного олигомера в толуоле-вода и на поверхности дисперсного наполнителя (стекла). Проведено сравнение полученных экспериментальных результатов с расчетными параметрами адсорбционного слоя на основе теоретической модели адсорбции. Анализ полученных результатов свидетельствует о том, что адсорбция на поверхности раздела раствор эпоксидного олигомера в толуоле - вода является мономолекулярной, а коэффициент заполнения поверхности меньше, чем при наиболее плотной упаковке, также как и для предельно насыщенного адсорбционнго слоя на поверхности стекла. При этом адсорбция на границе раздела со стеклом была полимолекулярной и с ростом ММ уменьшалась с 6 до 2 монослоев
Comparative morphology of the forewing base articulationin Sternorrhyncha compared with a representative of Fulgoromorpha (Insecta, Hemiptera)
The forewing articulation of single species
from each of the four subgroups of Sternorrhyncha
(Aleyrodomorpha, Aphidomorpha, Coccomorpha, Psyllomorpha)
was examined by optical and scanning electron
microscopy. The species were compared with a species of
Cixiidae (Fulgoromorpha), as an outgroup of Sternorrhyncha.
We present the results of a comparative analysis
of the forewing articulation in these five groups, propose a
standardized terminology and compare our findings with
those previously reported. The wing base of all examined
species is composed of the following structures: anterior
and posterior notal wing process, first, second, and third
axillary sclerites, tegula, and axillary cord. The number of
elements included in the wing base and the surrounding
area is the greatest in Cacopsylla mali, the most complicated
species from Sternorrhyncha. Based on the shape of
axillary sclerites and the number of elements forming the
wing base environment, Orthezia urticae (Coccomorpha)
and Cixius nervosus (Fulgoromorpha) are the most similar.
Among Sternorrhyncha, the most similar axillaries are
those of Aphis fabae and Orthezia urticae, which is congruent
with existing classifications. In this paper we show
that the four groups from Sternorrhyncha exhibit their own
distinct wing base morphology
Study of e+,e− production in elementary and nuclear collisions near the production threshold with HADES
HADES is a second generation experiment designed to study dielectron production in proton, pion, and heavy ion induced reactions at the GSI accelerator facility in Darmstadt. The physics programme of HADES is focused on in-medium properties of the light vector mesons. In this contribution we present status of the HADES experiment, demonstrate its capability to identify rare dielectron signal, show first experimental results obtained from C+C reactions at 2 A GeV and shortly discuss physics programme of up-coming experimental runs. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 53 1 49 58 Cited By :1
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