375 research outputs found

    The life of the urban conifer tree : from seed to establishment

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    Sedan 70-talet, dĂ„ barrvĂ€xter var den stora trenden i mĂ„nga trĂ€dgĂ„rdar, har anvĂ€ndningen av dessa vintergröna trĂ€d avtagit betydligt. De allra senaste Ă„ren har dock en vĂ€ndning skett, dĂ„ barrtrĂ€dens hĂ€rdighet och ekosystemtjĂ€nster i staden har uppmĂ€rksammats allt mer. De egenskaper som de vuxna, etablerade barrtrĂ€den kan bidra med Ă€r förstĂ„s en betydande anledning att vĂ€lja in dem i stadens planteringar. Detta arbete fokuserar dock pĂ„ de faktorer som sĂ€kerstĂ€ller att trĂ€det har möjlighet att planteras i staden överhuvudtaget, det vill sĂ€ga uppdrivningen av barrtrĂ€d pĂ„ plantskolan, samt etablering, skötsel och artdiversitet av barrtrĂ€d. Faktorer inom förökning, skötsel, produktion, etablering och artdiversitet har tagits i beaktning och undersökts utifrĂ„n litteratur samt plantskolornas information. Resultaten visar att de mest betydelsefulla faktorerna för en framgĂ„ngsrik och effektiv produktion innefattar förökning, beskĂ€rning, vĂ€xtskydd, och etablering. Förökningen Ă€r mer komplicerad Ă€n vid lövtrĂ€d, eftersom odlingen av barrtrĂ€d Ă€nnu inte Ă€r sĂ„ pass utbredd och det dĂ€rför inte finns tillrĂ€ckligt med dokumenterade frökĂ€llor av kĂ€nd proveniens. BeskĂ€rningen Ă€r en mindre tidskrĂ€vande process Ă€n hos lövtrĂ€d, eftersom det naturliga vĂ€xtsĂ€ttet inte krĂ€ver lika mĂ„nga eller stora insatser. VĂ€xtskydd Ă€r mindre problematiskt hos barrtrĂ€d dĂ„ de i lĂ€gre utstrĂ€ckning utsĂ€tts för angrepp jĂ€mfört med lövtrĂ€d. Etableringen Ă€r svĂ„rare hos barrtrĂ€d, pĂ„ grund av deras svĂ„righeter att bilda förankrande rötter.Since the 70’s, when conifers were the great trend within a lot of Swedish gardens, the use of these evergreen trees have decreased considerably. The last few years has been a turning point though since the hardiness and ecosystem services of the conifers in the city are being increasingly noticed. The traits that the adult, established conifers contribute with is of course a meaningful reason to choose them for the city plantations. This work is focused on the factors that enables the tree to be planted in the city at all, that is the cultivation of conifers in the nursery production and establishment, maintenance, and species diversity of conifers. Factors such as propagation, maintenance, production, establishment, and species diversity have been considered and been researched based on literature and information from nursery production. The results show that the most meaningful factors for a successful and effective production of conifers are propagation, pruning, plant protection, and establishment. The propagation is more complicated than with broad leaf because of today’s moderate conifer production that limits the amount of documented seed sources of known provenance. Pruning is a less time-consuming process compared to broad leaf since the natural growth habit does not demand as much maintenance. Plant protection of conifers is less problematic than of broad leaf trees since they to a lesser extent are a subject to pathogens. The establishment of conifers is of greater difficulty because of its difficulty to induce anchoring roots

    Veterinary nursing of thrombocytopenia in dogs

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    Trombocytopeni Ă€r ett sjukdomstillstĂ„nd som orsakar koagulationsrubbningar vilket kan leda till allvarliga och ibland livshotande konsekvenser. Dödligheten hos hundar med trombocytopeni varierar mellan olika studier och prognosen kan pĂ„verkas av bakomliggande orsak och svar pĂ„ vald behandling. Vid allvarlig trombocytopeni finns speciella omvĂ„rdnadsĂ„tgĂ€rder som kan minska risken för uppkomst av nya blödningar hos patienten. Kunskap om sjukdomen Ă€r viktig för djursjukskötaren för att kunna notera viktiga kliniska sjukdomstecken och kunna ge anpassad omvĂ„rdnad till hundar med trombocytopeni. Djursjukskötarens kunskap kan ocksĂ„ bidra till utbildningen av djurĂ€garen angĂ„ende sjukdomstillstĂ„ndet och fortsatt behandling i hemmet. Syftet med detta kandidatarbete inom djuromvĂ„rdnad var att genom en litteraturgenomgĂ„ng och en intervjustudie undersöka olika omvĂ„rdnadsĂ„tgĂ€rder och behandlingar vid vĂ„rd av hundar med trombocytopeni. Under litteraturgenomgĂ„ngen inhĂ€mtades information frĂ„n human- och veterinĂ€rmedicinsk litteratur. Litteratur om omvĂ„rdnad som berörde hundar med trombocytopeni fanns enbart i liten mĂ€ngd. DĂ€remot fanns en studie om blödningsutvĂ€rderingsverktyg pĂ„ hund som visade lovande resultat för framtida anvĂ€ndning vid monitorering och utvĂ€rdering av behandling av hundar med trombocytopeni. Fler studier behövs dock för validering av blödningsutvĂ€rderingsverktyget. Vid intervjustudien utfördes intervjuer med tre olika legitimerade djursjukskötare som arbetade pĂ„ tre olika svenska djursjukhus. Intervjurespondenternas svar visade pĂ„ olika grad av anpassad omvĂ„rdnad för hundar med trombocytopeni. De omvĂ„rdnadsaspekter som beskrevs under intervjuerna stĂ€mde dock till stor del överens med litteraturen. Exempelvis var noggrann monitorering av patienten och undvikandet av injektioner och venpunktion omvĂ„rdnadsĂ„tgĂ€rder som togs upp bĂ„de i litteraturen och intervjustudien. GĂ€llande eftervĂ„rd uppgavs det under intervjuerna att bland annat information om biverkningar av behandling och eventuella restriktioner förmedlades till djurĂ€garna vid hemgĂ„ng. Sammanfattningsvis bör omvĂ„rdnaden av hundar med trombocytopeni anpassas efter sjukdomstillstĂ„ndets allvarlighetsgrad vilket krĂ€ver adekvat kunskap hos djursjukskötaren. Specifika rutiner för omvĂ„rdnaden av dessa patienter och en ökad förstĂ„else för sjukdomen skulle kunna bidra till en förbĂ€ttrad patientsĂ€kerhet. För att fĂ„ fram specifika riktlinjer för omvĂ„rdnaden av hundar med trombocytopeni krĂ€vs studier som undersöker den eventuella effekten omvĂ„rdnaden har för tillfrisknande och prognos hos patienten.Thrombocytopenia is a condition that causes disturbance in the coagulation process which can lead to serious and sometimes life-threatening consequences. Mortality in dogs with thrombocytopenia varies between studies and the prognosis may be affected by the underlying cause and response to the chosen treatment. If the thrombocytopenia is severe, there are special nursing interventions that may reduce the patient’s risk of further bleeding. Knowledge of the disease is important for the veterinary nurse to be able to note important clinical signs and to provide adapted care to dogs with thrombocytopenia. The veterinary nurse can also contribute to the education of the dog owner regarding the condition and how to treat the dog at home. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis in veterinary nursing was to examine various nursing interventions and treatments in the care of dogs with thrombocytopenia through a literature review and an interview study. During the literature review, information was obtained from literature in human medicine and veterinary medicine. Nursing literature involving dogs with thrombocytopenia was found only in small quantities. However, there was a study on a bleeding assessment tool on dogs that showed promising results for future use in monitoring and evaluating treatment of dogs with thrombocytopenia. Nevertheless, more studies are needed to validate the bleeding assessment tool. In the interview study, the interviews were conducted with three different licensed veterinary nurses who worked at three different Swedish animal hospitals. The interview respondents described different extent of adapted nursing of dogs with thrombocytopenia. The nursing aspects described during the interviews were largely consistent with the literature. For example, careful monitoring of the patient and avoidance of injections and venipuncture were nursing interventions that were addressed in both the literature and the interview study. Regarding aftercare, the interviews stated that information about side effects of treatment and any restrictions was passed on to the dog owners at discharge. In summary, the care of dogs with thrombocytopenia should be adapted to the severity of the disease, which requires the veterinary nurse to have adequate knowledge. Specific routines regarding care of these patients and an increased understanding of the condition could contribute to improved patient safety. Studies that examine nursing and the possible effect it might have on the patient's recovery and prognosis are required to obtain specific guidelines for the care of dogs with thrombocytopenia

    Local infrastructures for CCS clusters: A case study of two CHP plants in Gothenburg

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    Climate change is a global problem and measures to reduce CO2 emissions are required. One acknowledged measure, both in Sweden and globally, is carbon capture and storage (CCS). This thesis investigates economic benefits for infrastructure cooperation in CCS implementation including solvent regeneration, liquefaction and transport to an intermediate storage. Two combined heat and power (CHP) plants in SĂ€venĂ€s owned by Renova and Göteborg Energi were investigated as a case study. The capture plants were modelled in Aspen Plus as post-combustion processes with monoethanolamine as a solvent. Heat demand and other utilities were quantified to decide the impact on the heat and electricity production at each plant. Based on the utility demand and equipment need, an economic analysis was performed. The cost for CO2 liquefaction and transport were estimated. Four scenarios for the operation of the CHP plants including maintained fuel usage, maintained district heat delivery, collaboration to maintain district heat delivery and reduced capture rate, were compared. The work concludes that, depending on scenario, the capture cost for separate plants at Renova and Göteborg Energi is 39-46 and 80-82 €/ton CO2, respectively. For a capture plant with a shared infrastructure, the capture cost is 45-52 €/ton CO2. The result shows a possible district heat recovery of 70% from the capture plant, which is important to decrease the cost of the heat demand. The heat integration with the steam cycle is important for the capture cost. Use of primary steam leads to higher variable OPEX, due to higher reductions in electricity generation, but lower impact on district heating generation, than the use of an extracted stream from the turbine. The plant utilisation is more important for the specific capture cost than the size of the CHP plant. Depending on the allocation of the cost between the companies, the possible savings are between 0.2-1.0 M€/yr corresponding to 2-5% of the total cost. Therefore, there are small economic benefits with a shared process where shared liquefaction has the most potential

    "SÀllskapsdamer" eller "ambassadörer"? : Sjukhuskuratorns syn pÄ sin profession i tvÀrprofessionell samverkan

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    Social workers within health care approach to their own profession in multi professional teamwork The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine and illuminate how social workers perceive their own professional role, the professions legitimacy and hierarchical position in interdisciplinary collaboration of multi professional teamwork within the hospital. The empirical research is based on five interviews with medical social workers and the research was analyzed through a theoretical professional perspective. The results showed that the social workers had experiences of their professional role and their social work was an important organization within the multi professional teamwork. But the social workers had to work hard to maintain the legitimacy and many social workers describe the importance of theirs professional role, otherwise they risk to get run over by other professions. The social workers work actively to improve their profession’s legitimacy towards medical professions. This is necessary because the professions minority can have a negative effect in the social workers professional role, their profession legitimacy and hierarchical position in the multi professional teams

    Treatment in dogs with immune mediated hemolytic anemia : a retrospective medical records study

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    Immunmedierad hemolytisk anemi (IMHA) Àr en av de vanligaste immunmedierade sjukdomarna och en vanlig orsak till anemi hos hund. IMHA karaktÀriseras av en ökad destruktion av röda blodkroppar som ett resultat av immunglobulinbindning till glukoproteiner pÄ cellytan. Den kliniska sjukdomsbilden vid IMHA har typiskt ett akut insÀttande och orsakar kraftig anemi. Det Àr en sjukdom som har hög komplikationsrisk och dödlighet. Behandlingen bestÄr av att hantera en eventuell underliggande orsak till sjukdomen, behandla anemin med understödjande behandling samt att direkt behandla patientens IMHA med lÀkemedel som verkar immunsupprimerande. Förstahandspreparat i den immunosuppressiva behandlingen vid IMHA Àr sÄ gott som alltid glukokortikoider. Vid kraftig sjukdom anvÀnds glukokortikoider ofta tillsammans med bland annat preparatet azatioprin. MÄlet med kombinationsbehandlingen Àr att uppnÄ en kraftigare immunosuppressiv effekt och att kunna sÀnka doserna av bÄda lÀkemedlen. Om en kombinationsbehandling leder till ökad överlevnad hos hundar med IMHA Àr dock inte faststÀllt. I detta arbete utfördes en retrospektiv journalstudie med 21 fall frÄn Universitetsdjursjukhuset (UDS) i Uppsala med frÄgestÀllningen om nÄgon skillnad i överlevnad kunde ses efter ett Är mellan patienter som behandlats immunosuppressivt för IMHA med endast glukokortikoider (prednisolon) och de som behandlats med glukokortikoider i kombination med azatioprin. Doseringen för den immunosuppressiva behandlingen var inte standardiserad. Startdoserna för prednisolon lÄg mellan 2,0 och 4,2 mg/kg/dygn för de nio hundar som behandlades immunosuppressivt med endast prednisolon och mellan 1,6 och 4,0 mg/kg/dygn för de tolv som fick bÄde prednisolon och azatioprin. Doserna för den immunosuppressiva behandlingen för hela behandlingstiden (i den mÄn information om nedtrappning funnits tillgÀnglig) presenteras i diagram bÄde övergripande för respektive behandlingsgrupp samt för varje enskild patient. I den lÄngsiktiga överlevnadsstudien kunde ingen tydlig skillnad i överlevnad ses ett Är efter pÄbörjad behandling mellan de tvÄ olika behandlingsprotokollen, men fler fall hade behövts för att bedöma att ingen skillnad föreligger. VÀrdet av att anvÀnda azatioprin som del i den immunosuppressiva behandlingen vid IMHA hos hund kan dock inte avfÀrdas och frÄgan huruvida azatioprin kan ha en betydelse mer akut i sjukdomen diskuteras. I arbetet presenteras Àven ras, köns- och Äldersfördelning bÄde inom studien och för de 72 hundar som diagnosticerats med IMHA vid UDS i Uppsala mellan 2009 och 2017. Bland de 72 IMHA-diagnosticerade hundarna var cocker spaniel och blandras överrepresenterade. 62,5 % av hundarna var tikar och 56,9 % var mellan fem och Ätta Är gamla. I mindre utstrÀckning nÀmns Àven behandling med antitrombotika och immunosuppressiv behandling med ciklosporin. Det lÄga antalet patienter och bristen av standardisering i doseringar i respektive behandlingsgrupp gör det svÄrt att dra nÄgra slutsatser nÀr det gÀller val av immunosuppressivt behandlingsprotokoll vid IMHA hos hund. En studie med större urval med fokus pÄ preparat, dosering och överlevnad Àr önskvÀrt för att ge bÀttre information. Ett samarbete mellan flera djursjukhus skulle gÀrna ses för att öka antalet deltagande hundar.Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) is one of the most common immune-mediated diseases and a common cause of anemia in dogs. IMHA is characterized by an increase in the destruction of red blood cells as a result from immunoglobulin-binding to glucoproteins on the cell surface. The clinical signs typically have an acute onset and causes severe anemia. It is a disease with high risks for complication and high mortality. The IMHA treatment consists of treating a possible cause for the disease, managing the anemia with supportive treatment and directly treating the IMHA with immunosuppressive drugs. Glucocorticoids is the mainstay for the immunosuppressive treatment for IMHA. In the cases of severe IMHA the glucocorticoids are often combined with azathioprine. The purpose of the combination treatment is to achieve a greater immunosuppressive effect and to be able to lower the doses of both drugs. If a combination of these drugs leads to an increased survival in dogs with IMHA is yet to be decided. The results from a retrospective study with 21 cases from the University Animal Hospital (UDS) in Uppsala is included in this report. In this study, the question if any difference in survival can be seen between an immunosuppressive treatment with only glucocorticoids (prednisolone) and treatment with a combination of glucocorticoids and azathioprine tries to be answered. The doses for the immunosuppressive treatment was not standardized. The initial doses of prednisolone were between 2.0 and 4.2 mg/kg/day for the nine dogs that got immunosuppressive treatment with only prednisolone and between 1.6 and 4.0 mg/kg/day for the twelve that got both prednisolone and azathioprine. The doses for the immunosuppressive treatment for the whole treatment time (depending on the dose regimen information available) is presented in diagrams both in general for both treatment groups and for each patient. No apparent difference in survival one year after treatment initiation between the two protocols could be seen in the study, but to judge that no difference is present more cases would have had to been included in the study. However, the value of azathioprine as part of the immunosuppressive treatment in dogs with IMHA cannot be completely ruled out and the question is raised about whether azathioprine can have an effect more acutely in the disease. In addition, the division of breed, gender and age is presented for the 72 dogs that was diagnosed with IMHA at UDS in Uppsala between 2009 and 2017. Among the 72 IMHA diagnosed dogs cocker spaniel and crossbreed was overrepresented. 62.5% of the dogs were females and 56.9% in the ages between five and eight years. In lesser extent, treatment with antithrombotic drugs and immunosuppressive treatment with cyclosporine are mentioned. The low number of patients and the lack of dosage standardization in the treatment groups makes it difficult to draw any conclusions about choice of immunosuppressive treatment protocol in IMHA dogs. A study with a larger number of patients with focus on type of drug, dosage and survival is desirable to get better information. Tentatively a cooperation between multiple animal hospitals would help to increase the number of participant patients

    Bacterial growth in voided urine samples from dogs without clinical signs of urinary tract infection : how management of urine samples before culture affects the bacterial growth

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    UrinvÀgsinfektion (UVI) Àr en vanligt förekommande bakteriell infektion hos hund. Sjukdomen diagnosticeras utifrÄn kliniska tecken pÄ UVI och bakteriologisk undersökning av urinen. Ett urinprov kan tas pÄ olika sÀtt, bland annat som spontankastat. Att ta ett spontankastat prov Àr enkelt men medför en risk för kontamination. Generellt rekommenderas dÀrför inte spontankastad urin till bakteriologisk undersökning vid misstanke om UVI. Trots denna rekommendation tas det ofta i samband med veterinÀrbesök spontankastade prover vilka dessutom oftast mÄste transporteras till laboratoriet innan odling kan pÄbörjas. Tidigare studier har undersökt hur odling av urin frÄn hundar med UVI pÄverkas av att urinprovet förvaras innan odling och skillnader i resultat dÄ odling sker pÄ olika odlingsmedier. Motsvarande studier som undersöker hur odling av spontankastad urin frÄn hundar utan UVI pÄverkas saknas. Att undersöka normalflora och bakteriell kontamination i urinprov frÄn hundar utan UVI skulle kunna bidra till information som gör att feltolkningar av bakteriell vÀxt i spontankastade urinprover minskar. MÄlet med denna studie var att öka kunskapen om bakteriell vÀxt i spontankastad urin frÄn hundar utan UVI. Studien undersökte om förvaring av urinen innan odling i rums- och/eller kylskÄpstemperatur under en bestÀmd tid pÄverkade odlingsresultatet. I studien jÀmfördes Àven odling pÄ UricultŸ Trio mot traditionell odling pÄ blod- och CLED-agar samt om rumstempererad förvaring av UricultŸ Trio efter odling pÄverkar odlingsresultatet. Ytterligare en aspekt som undersöktes var om fynd vid fullstÀndig urinanalys (refraktometer, urinsticka, sedimentundersökning) kunde associeras med fynd vid bakteriologisk undersökning. Totalt insamlades 44 spontankastade urinprover frÄn hundar utan kliniska tecken pÄ UVI. Samtliga prover odlades och förvarades för att simulera olika verklighetsscenarier som till exempel postgÄng till laboratorium. Sparsam vÀxt (100 000 CFU/ml) av potentiellt patogen bakterie förekom dock i tre urinprover. Dessa hundar hade sannolikt kunnat fÄ en UVI-diagnos om de istÀllet presenterats med nÄgon form av sjukdomsproblematik till en klinik. Av de urinprover som förvarades innan odling hade 30 till 68 %, beroende pÄ förvaringssÀtt, ett avvikande resultat gÀllande mÀngden bakterier gentemot om odling utfördes vid provtagningen. Urinprover som förvarades i kylskÄpstemperatur innan odling stÀmde bÀst överens med de urinprov som odlades vid provtagningen. Vid avvikande resultat sÄgs frÀmst en minskad mÀngd bakterier efter förvaring. Odling pÄ UricultŸ Trio genererade i majoriteten av urinproverna samma mÀngd bakterier som odling pÄ traditionellt sÀtt. UricultŸ Trio kan förvaras i rumstemperatur 48 timmar efter odling, jÀmförbart med postgÄng, med avseende pÄ mÀngden bakterier. Inga uppenbara associationer detekterades mellan fynd frÄn urinanalys (proteinuri, erytrocyter, leukocyter och bakterier) och fynd frÄn bakteriologisk undersökning. Studiens resultat tyder pÄ att det finns en risk att överdiagnosticera UVI vid anvÀndandet av spontankastad urin, och att det Àr olÀmpligt att anvÀnda ett förvarat spontankastat urinprov till bakteriologisk undersökning.Bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs commonly in dogs. The diagnosis is based on clinical signs and bacterial culture of urine, which requires collection of a urine sample. A voided urine sample is easily obtained but this method has the highest risk of contamination compared to other methods for collection of urine. Thus, it is not recommended to culture a voided urine sample. Despite this, voided urine samples are commonly used in veterinary practices and many of these are also stored before culture. Previous studies have examined to what extent bacterial growth in urine from dogs with UTI is affected by different storage conditions and culture on dip slides. There are no studies investigating these aspects in dogs without UTI. By studying microbiome and contaminating bacteria from skin and genitals in dogs without UTI, the risk of misinterpretation regarding bacterial growth may be decreased in voided urine samples. The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge about bacterial growth in voided samples from dogs without clinical signs of UTI. The effect of different urine storage conditions (time and temperature) before culture on bacterial growth was investigated. The study also aimed to compare bacterial growth between UricultŸ Trio and traditional culture on blood- and CLEDagar, and if storage of UricultŸ Trio in ambient temperature after culture affects bacterial growth. Furthermore, this study investigated if results of urine analysis (refractometer, dipstick and sediment examination) was related to the presence of bacteria in the urine. A total of 44 urine samples were collected from dogs without clinical signs of UTI. Urine samples were cultured immediately and after storage in different conditions to simulate common events in veterinary practice (such as sending a urine sample by mail). Most urine samples contained less than 25 000 colony forming units/ml (CFU/ml) when culture was accomplished within 20 minutes from collection, but three samples contained more than 100 000 CFU/ml of potentially pathogenic bacteria. These dogs could have been falsely diagnosed with UTI if presented at a clinic. Among urine samples stored before culture, 30 to 68 % (depending on storage conditions) had deviant results regarding bacterial growth compared to urine samples that were cultured immediately. Storage of urine in the refrigerator for 24 hours before culture resulted in the least difference in bacterial growth compared to immediate culture. When dissimilarity occurred, loss of bacterial growth was most common. Bacterial growth on UricultŸ Trio was, in most cases, similar to results from traditional culture. If dissimilarity occurred, increased bacterial growth on UricultŸ Trio was most common. UricultŸ Trio may be stored in ambient temperature for 48 hours after initial culture without interfering with the bacterial result. No apparent associations were found between results of urine analysis (proteinuria, erythrocytes, leukocytes and/or bacteria) and the results of bacterial culture in samples. The results in this study suggests that there is a risk of a false positive UTI diagnosis when using a voided urine sample. Thus, it is inappropriate to use a stored urine sample for culture

    SmÀrtbedömning av hÀst utifrÄn ansiktsuttryck

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    Denna litteraturstudie undersöker veterinĂ€rers och djurĂ€gares möjlighet att, i en klinisk respektive familjĂ€r miljö för hĂ€sten, bedöma smĂ€rta utifrĂ„n hĂ€stens beteende med fokus pĂ„ ansiktsuttryck samt vĂ€rdera hur vĂ€l ansiktsuttryck kan verka som smĂ€rtindikator i förhĂ„llande till redan befintliga smĂ€rtbedömningsmetoder. SmĂ€rta har en vĂ€sentlig roll i veterinĂ€rens praktiska vardag och detta komplexa fenomen försvĂ„ras dĂ„ bedömning, behandling och utvĂ€rdering sker pĂ„ patienter utan talförmĂ„ga. Vid smĂ€rtbedömning av hĂ€st kompliceras situationen ytterligare. HĂ€star har evolutionĂ€rt utvecklat en överlevnadsstrategi som innebĂ€r att dess smĂ€rtuttryck döljs vid nĂ€rvaro av predatorer. Till följd av detta samt bristen pĂ„ vĂ€l fungerande smĂ€rtbedömningsmetoder klassificerar en del av dagens veterinĂ€rer endast sin förmĂ„ga att bedöma smĂ€rta hos hĂ€st som mĂ„ttlig. Det Ă€r viktigt att ha i Ă„tanke att smĂ€rta Ă€r bĂ„de en sensorisk och en emotionell upplevelse som Ă€r unik för varje individ. SmĂ€rta har definierats för humant bruk men definitionen brister vid tillĂ€mpning pĂ„ djur. Det finns Ă€ven definitioner formulerade för djursmĂ€rta men dessa saknar vetenskaplig acceptans. Ur ett historiskt perspektiv har smĂ€rta beskrivits pĂ„ otaliga sĂ€tt varav smĂ€rta hos djur inte alltid har varit sjĂ€lvklart. Idag Ă€r det dock allmĂ€nt vedertaget att bĂ„de djur och mĂ€nniskor, unga som gamla, upplever smĂ€rta. LĂ„ngvarig smĂ€rta har övervĂ€gande negativa effekter pĂ„ individens vĂ€lfĂ€rd. Det Ă€r dĂ€rför ytterst vĂ€sentligt att bedöma och behandla en individs smĂ€rtupplevelse. För att bedöma smĂ€rta idag kan generella kroppsfunktioner undersökas, fysiologiska parametrar mĂ€tas eller beteende granskas. Vid beteendegranskning kan följande fem metoder anvĂ€ndas Visual Analoge Scale, Composite Pain Scale, Numerical Rating Scale, Simple Descriptive Scale och Time Budget Analysis. I detta arbete undersöks smĂ€rtbedömningsmetodernas förmĂ„ga att uppfylla följande kriterier: korrekt smĂ€rtidentifiering oberoende av smĂ€rttyp och smĂ€rtgrad, validitet, reliabilitet, sensitivitet, specificitet, objektivitet, subjektivitet och anvĂ€ndbarhet. Dessutom granskas metoderna gĂ€llande hur vĂ€l observatören kan nyttja den genom att undersöka vilka förkunskaper metoden krĂ€ver. Detta ger Ă€ven insikt om huruvida metoden kan tillĂ€mpas av djurĂ€gare. Resultat ifrĂ„n flertalet studier visar dock att bland nuvarande smĂ€rtbedömningsmetoder saknas en metod som Ă€r funktionell till alla situationer vid smĂ€rtbedömning av djur. Denna studie granskar dĂ€rför tvĂ„ aktuella studier, Horse Grimace Scale och An Equine Pain Face, vilka undersöker möjligheten att anvĂ€nda ansiktsuttryck som smĂ€rtindikator för hĂ€st. Metodiken utnyttjar mĂ€nniskans förmĂ„ga att tolka kĂ€nslor utifrĂ„n ansiktsuttryck och har kapacitet att Ă„tgĂ€rda en del av de nuvarande metodernas brister. Ansiktsuttrycksbedömning kan upptĂ€cka mild smĂ€rta och subtila förĂ€ndringar i smĂ€rttillstĂ„ndet. Dessutom kan denna form av bedömning bidra med ökad anvĂ€ndbarhet samt lĂ€gre utbildningskrav och risktagande för observatören. Slutligen, utifrĂ„n aktuellt forskningsmaterial har metodiken lovande potential att komplettera nuvarande metoder vid smĂ€rtbedömning av hĂ€st.This review examines the possibility to assess pain based on the horse’s behavior, particularly with an interest in facial expressions. The aim of this study is to investigate how facial expressions can be used as indicators of pain in comparison to the current pain assessing methods. Pain is an important component in a veterinarian’s every-day-life at the clinic. Pain is a complex phenomenon and for a veterinarian, who shall assess, treat and evaluate pain, the complexity increases due to animals’ inability to speak for themselves. A horse, or more correctly a prey species, increases the difficulty even further due to prey species’ essential survival instincts which results in restrained emotions in the presence of predators. At the present time, due to this fact, veterinarians only classify their ability to assess pain as moderate. It’s of huge importance to know that pain is both a sensory and an emotional experience, unique to every individual. The existing definition of pain is unfortunately only feasible to describe human pain while the definitions for animals are not scientifically approved. The concept of pain has been widely spoken of for decades but finally it is generally accepted that both humans and animals, regardless of age, can experience pain. It is of great significance to assess and treat pain due to the fact that long-lasting pain can negatively affect the individual’s welfare. The current pain assessment methods are based on three parameters – general body functions, physiologic parameters and behavioral components. The behavioral parameter includes methods as Visual Analoge Scale, Composite Pain Scale, Numerical Rating Scale, Simple Descriptive Scale and Time Budget Analysis. The three parameters have been evaluated due to several demands which includes the method’s association with pain, how it defines the type of pain, what it requires from the observer and its validity, reliability, specificity, sensitivity, objectivity, subjectivity and practicality. Furthermore, it is of interest to evaluate if the animal’s owner can adapt the method at home. These demands are set to make sure the methods can be applied in a clinical setting to assess pain. Unfortunately, among these methods, no one is an ideal pain assessment tool for animals in various clinical situations. A new method for pain assessment in horses has therefore been evaluated in two studies Horse Grimace Scale and An Equine Pain Face. These studies use the altering of facial expressions, which is seen in individuals with pain, to assess pain in a more advanced way. The method’s result seems promising and, among other benefits, it can discover both low levels of pain and subtle changes in prey species. It also lowers the observation time and the demands on the observer. It may even improve the veterinarians’ classification of their ability to assess pain due to the fact that this method uses humans’ inherent talent to discover emotions through facial expressions. The method has a promising future and, before more research is established, it is a potential complement to current methods

    Canine immune-mediated thrombocytopenia

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    Immunmedierad trombocytopeni (IMT) Ă€r en vanlig rubbning i primĂ€ra hemostasen och uppstĂ„r som en konsekvens av för tidig destruktion av trombocyter (blodplĂ€ttar). Denna destruktion beror pĂ„ en ökad produktion av trombocytbundna antikroppar (platelet-bound antibodies, PBA) som binder in till antigen i trombocytvĂ€ggen. Antikroppsproduktionen, som Ă€r en immunologisk process, kan dels uppstĂ„ spontant genom en autoimmun reaktion (primĂ€r IMT), eller triggas av infektioner eller neoplasier (sekundĂ€r IMT). Diagnosticering av IMT, och dĂ„ syftas framför allt pĂ„ primĂ€r IMT, sker frĂ€mst utifrĂ„n uteslutande av andra bakomliggande orsaker, dĂ„ en specifik diagnostisk metod inte finns tillgĂ€nglig. Tester för att pĂ„visa PBA finns, men deras betydelse för bĂ„de diagnostik och prognos har lĂ€nge varit oklar. Denna uppsats syftar till att sammanfatta forskning som finns tillgĂ€nglig om betydelsen av pĂ„visande av PBA vid IMT, men Ă€ven forskning kring den immunologiska bakgrunden till sjukdomen. En stor del av kunskapen kring primĂ€r IMT hos hund Ă€r hĂ€mtad frĂ„n humanstudier, dĂ„ den kroniska formen hos mĂ€nniska (idiopatisk trombocytopen purpura, ITP) liknar sjukdomsförloppet vid IMT hos hund. Denna uppsats behandlar Ă€ven antinukleĂ€ra antikroppar (ANA), som frĂ€mst kopplas till systemisk lupus erythematosus (SLE), men dĂ€r kopplingar till primĂ€r IMT hos hund samt ITP hos mĂ€nniska Ă€ven har studerats. MĂ„nga studier har undersökt bĂ„de betydelsen av PBA och betydelsen av ANA för sjukdomen. Resultaten Ă€r dock inte överensstĂ€mmande. Att det finns koppling mellan pĂ„visande av PBA och primĂ€r IMT Ă€r tydligt, men dĂ€remot finns inte tillrĂ€ckligt specifika tester tillgĂ€ngliga för att dessa ska kunna anvĂ€ndas vid diagnostik. Detsamma gĂ€ller tester för pĂ„visning av ANA. NĂ€r det gĂ€ller ANA Ă€r Ă€ven kopplingen till sjĂ€lva sjukdomen mer oklar. DĂ„ trombocytopeni Ă€r ett symptom vid SLE har det undersökts om trombocytopeni i samband med detekterbara ANA innebĂ€r en ökad risk för utveckling av SLE i framtiden. Även i dessa studier gĂ„r resultaten isĂ€r. I studier som undersökt huruvida pĂ„visande av antikroppar, bĂ„de PBA och ANA, Ă€r kopplat till ett sĂ€mre behandlingssvar Ă€r resultaten dock mer överensstĂ€mmande att sĂ„ Ă€r fallet. HĂ€r Ă€r författarna eniga om att kopplingar till primĂ€r IMT/ITP mellan bĂ„de PBA och ANA Ă€r starkt misstĂ€nkta, men att mer forskning Ă€r nödvĂ€ndig och att framtagande av mer specifika testningsmetoder Ă€r att önska för att kunna utvĂ€rdera kopplingarna bĂ€ttre.Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (IMT) is a common malfunction in the primary hemostasis and is developed as a consequence of a premature destruction of platelets. This destruction is caused by an excessive production of platelet-bound antibodies (PBA) that bind to antigens in the wall of the platelet. The antibody production, which is an immunologic process, can develop spontaneous by an autoimmune reaction (primary IMT) or it can be triggered by infections or neoplasias (secondary IMT). Detection of IMT, and first and foremost primary IMT, is mainly based on exclusion of other underlying causes, since a specific diagnostic method is not available. Tests to detect PBA are available, but their significance in both diagnostic and prognostic purposes has been unclear for a long time. The purpose of this paper is to summarize available research on the significance of PBA in IMT, and research on the immunologic background of the disease. A large part of the knowledge around canine primary IMT is collected from human studies, because the chronic form of the disease in humans (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, ITP) is similar to the course of the disease in canine IMT. This paper also discusses antinuclear antibodies (ANA), that first and foremost are associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), but their connections to canine primary IMT and human ITP have also been studied. Many studies have been investigating both the significance of PBA and the significance of ANA for the disease, but with diverging results. It is clear that a connection between detecting PBA and primary IMT is present, but on the other hand there is not enough specific tests available for these to be used for a diagnostic purpose. The same goes for tests available for detecting ANA. When it comes to ANA the connection to the disease is even more unclear. Since thrombocytopenia is a symptom for SLE, it has been investigated if thrombocytopenia together with detectable ANA means an increased risk for developing SLE in the future. The results in these studies do not agree either. Studies investigating whether detection of antibodies, both PBA and ANA, is related to a worse response to treatment conclusively show that so is the case. The authors are in these studies in agreement that the connections to primary IMT/ITP between both PBA and ANA are strongly suspected, but that more research is necessary and that development of more specific test methods is wanted for being able to evaluate these connections more thoroughly

    Att lÀsa mellan hyllorna : en rumslig studie av ett internationellt bibliotek

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    The aim of this master's thesis is to examine how the architecture and interior design of The International Library in Stockholm affects the library use and the identification of the library as a multi-lingual place. The International Library is a library that is specialized in multi-lingual library services and collections. As a theoretical outset of the study serves the assumption that the information society and globalization is changing the role of the public library, turning it into an important public space and meeting place. Using theoretical framework from cultural geography and space theories from Henri Lefebvre, we are able to analyse how the spatial dimensions and organisation of, in and through space creates meaning to the library as a place in a multi-lingual context. By using observations as main method, activities and movements in the room could be recorded. This material, together with interviews and document analyse, serves as the base for the analysis. The results of the analysis show that the library through its spatial configuration is perceived and thereby used as a traditional library and how the spatial configuration both enables and inhibits social interaction. We also discuss how the library becomes as a place for identity formation, concluding that The International Library holds an international identity including both the collection and the cultural competense held by the employees, and how the library is understood as both a high and low intensive meeting place; based on the result that people with different backgrounds and with different intentions come together in the library room and are exposed to each other and to the linguistic and cultural range that is represented in The International Library

    Equiband – does it affect movement symmetry in horses? : a cross-over study

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    Hos hĂ€st Ă€r hĂ€lta och ryggsmĂ€rta en stor anledning till försĂ€mrad prestation. Även hos mĂ€nniska Ă€r ryggsmĂ€rta och speciellt smĂ€rta i lĂ€ndrygg ett stort problem. Studier pĂ„ mĂ€nniska tyder pĂ„ att bĂ„lstabilitet Ă€r av betydelse för dynamisk stabilitet av rygg och bĂ€cken, samt prestation och hĂ„llbarhet. TrĂ€ningsprogram som syftar till att aktivera bĂ„lmuskulatur och pĂ„ sĂ„ vis lindra smĂ€rta och förbĂ€ttra stabilitet och dynamisk rörelse av ryggraden utövas i stor utstrĂ€ckning av personer med lĂ€ndryggssmĂ€rta. Övningar med elastiska trĂ€ningsband har visat sig öka muskelaktiviteten i lĂ€ndrygg och bĂ€cken hos personer med svag bĂ„lmuskulatur. För hĂ€st har ett bĂ„ltrĂ€ningssystem utvecklats som bestĂ„r av tvĂ„ breda elastiska band med ett tillhörande schabrak i vilket banden fĂ€sts. Systemet har fĂ„tt namnet Equiband och anses enligt tillverkarna öka bakbenens rörelsesymmetri och aktivitet samt bidra till förbĂ€ttrad proprioception samt ökad bĂ„lstabilitet genom aktivering av bĂ„lmuskulatur. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka om det var nĂ„gon skillnad i hĂ€stars grad av rörelsesymmetri under anvĂ€ndning av Equibandet jĂ€mfört med utan band. Hypotesen var att hĂ€starna skulle röra sig mer symmetriskt med Equibandet. Graden av rörelsesymmetri har registrerats med hjĂ€lp av en sensorteknik, IMU:s (inertial measurement units). Sju hĂ€star ingick i en randomiserad cross-over studie. HĂ€starna vĂ€rmdes upp innan insamling av data pĂ„börjades. MĂ€tningar gjordes i trav i fyra delar pĂ„ rakt spĂ„r samt i vĂ€nster och höger varv under longering och har dĂ€refter analyserats. För att fĂ€sta schabraket anvĂ€ndes en tömkörningsgjord. MĂ€tvĂ€rden har jĂ€mförts med hjĂ€lp av parade t-test mellan hĂ€starnas rörelsesymmetri utan utrustning och med Equiband samt mellan rörelsesymmetrin utan utrustning och med tömkörningsgjord samt med Equiband och med gjord. Att hĂ€starna mĂ€ttes utan utrustning innebar att de var utrustade med trĂ€ns och IMU sensorer. Vid jĂ€mförelse mellan rörelsesymmetri utan utrustning och med Equiband kunde en signifikant skillnad i symmetri pĂ„visas mellan de olika mĂ€tningarnas medelvĂ€rde av den vertikala höjdskillnaden mellan de bĂ„da steghalvorna gĂ€llande bĂ€ckenets högsta (p=0,049) och lĂ€gsta (p=0,009) position pĂ„ rakt spĂ„r. Sex av sju hĂ€star fick en minskad grad av symmetri med Equiband jĂ€mfört med utan utrustning. En signifikant skillnad mellan rörelsesymmetri utan utrustning och med Equiband kunde Ă€ven pĂ„visas vad gĂ€ller huvudets lĂ€gsta (p=0,011) position pĂ„ volt i höger varv. Samtliga deltagande hĂ€star fick en minskad grad av symmetri med Equiband jĂ€mfört med utan utrustning. Vid jĂ€mförelse mellan rörelsesymmetri utan utrustning och med gjord kunde en signifikant skillnad i symmetri pĂ„visas vad gĂ€ller bĂ€ckenets högsta (p=0,003) position pĂ„ volt i vĂ€nster varv. Samtliga hĂ€star fick en ökad grad av symmetri med gjord jĂ€mfört med utan utrustning. Vid jĂ€mförelse mellan rörelsesymmetri med Equiband och med gjord kunde inga signifikanta skillnader pĂ„visas. Resultatet frĂ„n denna studie tyder inte pĂ„ en ökad grad av rörelsesymmetri hos hĂ€star under anvĂ€ndning av Equiband. En svaghet med studien Ă€r det lĂ„ga antal deltagande hĂ€star, vilket kan ha en pĂ„verkan pĂ„ resultatet. Vidare studier behövs för att undersöka om Equibandet bidrar till en ökad grad av rörelsesymmetri eller inte. Det skulle Ă€ven vara relevant att undersöka muskelaktivitet under anvĂ€ndningen av Equibandet.In horses, back pain and lameness are common reasons for reduced performance. In humans, back pain and particularly low back pain (LBP) is a big problem. Human studies suggest that core stability is important for dynamic stability of the spine and pelvis, performance and soundness. Exercise programs which aims to activate the core musculature are widely used by people with LBP. These programs aim to alle-viate pain and improve stability and dynamic movement of the spine and pelvis. Elas-tic resistance band training has been shown to increase muscle activity in the low back and pelvis in humans with weak core musculature. Recently a core training system has been developed for horses. The system is called Equiband and consists of two elastic resistance bands with a specially designed sad-dle pad in which the bands are attached. The manufacturers claim that the system will increase the activity and movement symmetry of the hind limbs and contribute to enhanced proprioception and increased core stability by activating the core muscula-ture. The aim with this study was to investigate if horses moved more symmetrical when using the Equiband compared to without. Our hypothesis was that the horses would move more symmetrical with the Equiband. The grade of movement symmetry has been registered with IMUs (inertial measurement units). The study was a randomized cross-over study in which seven horses participated. The saddle pad was attached using a girth. Every horse did a warmup before registrations in trot were made in four conditions. In every condition registration were made on a straight line and on a circle in left and right rein. The conditions which were compared was without and with Equiband, without and with girth and with Equiband and girth. Without means that the horses were equipped with a bridle and the IMU sensors. Mean difference be-tween the two halves of the stride in minimal and maximal vertical position for the poll, withers and pelvis were compared using Students t-test. Movement symmetry without compared to with Equiband showed a significant difference for the maximal (p=0,049) and minimal (p=0,009) position of the pelvis on a straight line. Six of the seven horses showed reduced movement symmetry of both the maximal and minimal position. There was also a significant difference for the minimal (p=0,011) position of the head in the right rein. All the horses showed decreased movement symmetry of the minimal position. Movement symmetry without compared to with girth showed a significant difference for the maximal (p=0,003) position of the pelvis in the left rein. All the horses showed an increased movement symmetry with girth com-pared to without. When comparing movement symmetry with Equiband and with girth there were no significant differences. The result from this study did not indicate that the use of the Equiband makes horses move more symmetrical. It is possible that the result was affected by the low sample size, since the study only included seven horses. Further studies with larger sample sizes are needed to determine whether the Equiband makes horses move more symmetrical or not. It would also be interesting and relevant if further studies could evaluate muscle activity when using the Equiband
