23 research outputs found

    Long-term oral L-arginine administration improves peripheral and hepatic insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetic patients

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    WST臉P. Celem badania by艂a ocena wp艂ywu przewlek艂ego doustnego stosowania L-argininy, dzia艂aj膮cej przez normalizacj臋 szlaku NO/cykliczny 3’,5’-guanozyno monofosforan (cGMP), na popraw臋 insulinowra偶liwo艣ci obwodowej i w膮trobowej u 12 szczup艂ych os贸b chorych na cukrzyc臋 typu 2. MATERIA艁 I METODY. Badanie, przeprowadzone metod膮 podw贸jnie 艣lepej pr贸by, trwa艂o 3 miesi膮ce. W pierwszym miesi膮cu chorych leczono typow膮 diet膮 cukrzycow膮. Nast臋pnie losowo przydzielono ich do dw贸ch grup. W grupie 1 przez 2 miesi膮ce stosowano typow膮 diet臋 i placebo (doustnie 3 脳 d.). W grupie 2 pacjent贸w leczono przez miesi膮c diet膮 i placebo (doustnie 3 脳 d.) i nast臋pnie przez miesi膮c diet膮 i L-arginin膮 (3 g 3 脳 d.). Po pierwszymi i drugim miesi膮cu wykonano badanie za pomoc膮 klamry euglikemiczno-hiperinsulinemicznej z jednoczesnym wlewem do偶ylnym znakowanej izotopowo glukozy (glukoza 6,6- 2H2). Grup膮 kontroln膮 stanowi艂o 10 zdrowych os贸b, u kt贸rych r贸wnie偶 wykonano badanie za pomoc膮 klamry. WYNIKI. W grupie 1 w czasie badania nie zaobserwowano zmian podstawowego st臋偶enia cGMP, skurczowego ci艣nienia t臋tniczego, przep艂ywu krwi w przedramieniu, wykorzystania glukozy i endogennej produkcji glukozy. W grupie 2 przyjmowanie L-argininy spowodowa艂o normalizacj臋 podstawowego st臋偶enia cGMP, popraw臋 przep艂ywu w przedramieniu o 36%, oraz wykorzystania glukozy w badaniu metod膮 klamry metabolicznej o 34%, jak r贸wnie偶 obni偶enie skurczowego ci艣nienia t臋tniczego i endogennej produkcji glukozy odpowiednio o 14 i 29%. Pomimo tego w por贸wnaniu z grup膮 kontroln膮 podawanie L-argininy nie normalizuje ca艂kowicie metabolizmu glukozy. WNIOSKI. Podawanie L-argininy u chorych na cukrzyc臋 typu 2 znacznie poprawia insulinowra偶liwo艣膰 obwodow膮 i w膮trobow膮, lecz nie normalizuje jej ca艂kowicie.INTRODUCTION. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether long-term administration of L-arginine acting through a normalization of NO/cyclic-guanosine- 3’,5’-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) pathway was able to ameliorate peripheral and hepatic insulin sensitivity in 12 lean type 2 diabetic patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS. A double-blind study was performed for 3 months. In the first month, patients were treated with their usual diet. Then they were randomly allocated into two groups. In group 1, patients were treated with diet plus placebo (orally three times per day) for 2 months. In group 2 patients were treated for 1 month with diet plus placebo (orally, three times per day) and then for 1 month with diet plus L-arginine (3 g three times per day). At the end of the first and the second month of therapy, patients underwent a euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp combined with [6,6-2H2] glucose infusion. A total of 10 normal subjects underwent the same test as control subjects. RESULTS. In group 1, no changes in basal cGMP levels, systolic blood pressure, forearm blood flow, glucose disposal, and endogenous glucose production were observed throughout. In group 2, L-arginine normalized basal cGMP levels and significantly increased forearm blood flow by 36% and glucose disposal during the clamp by 34%, whereas it decreased systolic blood pressure, and endogenous glucose production by 14 and 29%, respectively. However, compared with normal subjects, L-arginine treatment was not able to completely overcome the defect in glucose disposal. CONCLUSIONS. L-arginine treatment significantly improves but does not completely normalize peripheral and hepatic insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetic patients

    Endothelial nitric oxide synthase polymorphisms are associated with type 2 diabetes and the insulin resistance syndrome

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    Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) variants were previously demonstrated in cardiovascular disease. To evaluate whether eNOS gene variants are associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, we evaluated polymorphisms in Exon7 (E298D), intron 18 (IVS18 + 27A-->C), and intron 23 (IVS23 + 10G-->T) in 159 type 2 diabetic patients without macrovascular complications and in 207 healthy control subjects. Samples for all hormonal and metabolic variables were obtained after an overnight fast. The D298 and IVS18 + 27C alleles, but not the IVS23 + 10G-->T variant, were significantly more frequent in type 2 diabetic patients than in control subjects. The two- and three-loci haplotype analysis showed that there is a statistically significant association between the eNOS variants and type 2 diabetes. No significant differences were observed in the clinical characteristics of type 2 diabetic patients according to genotypes (except for visceral obesity [waist-to-hip ratio], which was significantly more present in D298 homozygotes). Healthy control subjects homozygous for both D298 and IVS18 + 27C presented higher insulin, C-peptide, and nitric oxide levels, as well as higher HOMA (homeostasis model assessment) values than the double wild-type homozygotes, with values superimposable on those found in type 2 diabetic patients. In conclusion, we described a significant association between eNOS gene polymorphisms and type 2 diabetes, suggesting a new genetic susceptibility factor for hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes

    High Dose Ifosfamide in Relapsed and Unresectable High-Grade Osteosarcoma Patients: A Retrospective Series

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    Background: The evidence on high-dose ifosfamide (HD-IFO) use in patients with relapsed osteosarcoma is limited. We performed a retrospective study to analyze HD-IFO activity. Methods: Patients with osteosarcoma relapsed after standard treatment [methotrexate, doxorubicin, cisplatin +/- ifosfamide (MAP+/-I)] with measurable disease according to RECIST1.1 were eligible to ifosfamide (3 g/m2/day) continuous infusion (c.i.) days 1-5 q21d. RECIST1.1 overall response rate (ORR) (complete response (CR) + partial response (PR)), progression-free survival at 6-month (6m-PFS), duration of response (DOR), and 2-year overall survival (2y-OS) were assessed. PARP1 expression and gene mutations were tested by immunohistochemistry and next-generation sequencing. Results: 51 patients were included. ORR was 20% (1 CR + 9 PR). Median DOR was 5 months (95%CI 2-7). Median PFS, 6m-PFS, OS, and 2y-OS were 6 months (95%CI 4-9), 51%, 15 months (10-19), and 30%, respectively. A second surgical complete remission (CR2) was achieved in 26 (51%) patients. After multivariate analysis, previous use of ifosfamide (HR 2.007, p = 0.034) and CR2 (HR 0.126, p < 0.001) showed a significant correlation with PFS and OS, respectively. No significant correlation was found between outcomes and PARP1 or gene mutations. Conclusions: HD-IFO should be considered as the standard first-line treatment option in relapsed osteosarcoma and control arm of future trial in this setting