3 research outputs found

    High-efficiency and low-loss gallium nitride dielectric metasurfaces for nanophotonics at visible wavelengths

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    The dielectric nanophotonics research community is currently exploring transparent material platforms (e.g., TiO2, Si3N4, and GaP) to realize compact high efficiency optical devices at visible wavelengths. Efficient visible-light operation is key to integrating atomic quantum systems for future quantum computing. Gallium nitride (GaN), a III-V semiconductor which is highly transparent at visible wavelengths, is a promising material choice for active, nonlinear, and quantum nanophotonic applications. Here, we present the design and experimental realization of high efficiency beam deflecting and polarization beam splitting metasurfaces consisting of GaN nanostructures etched on the GaN epitaxial substrate itself. We demonstrate a polarization insensitive beam deflecting metasurface with 64% and 90% absolute and relative efficiencies. Further, a polarization beam splitter with an extinction ratio of 8.6/1 (6.2/1) and a transmission of 73% (67%) for p-polarization (s-polarization) is implemented to demonstrate the broad functionality that can be realized on this platform. The metasurfaces in our work exhibit a broadband response in the blue wavelength range of 430-470 nm. This nanophotonic platform of GaN shows the way to off- and on-chip nonlinear and quantum photonic devices working efficiently at blue emission wavelengths common to many atomic quantum emitters such as Ca+ and Sr+ ions. © 2017 Author(s)

    Dynamically tunable asymmetric transmission in PT-symmetric metasurfaces

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    The concept of parity-time (PT) symmetry has recently expanded the toolbox to achieve active tunability in metasurfaces by modulating the imaginary part of the refractive index. In this work, we propose a hybridized static-active platform to dynamically tune the intensity and angular response of light by varying the non- Hermiticity factor in an all-dielectric metasurface. We numerically demonstrate tunable asymmetric transmission with respect to gain or loss side incidence in a vertically stacked Mie-resonant GaInP phased-array metasurface. It should be noted that the proposed system is reciprocal despite asymmetric transmission as the materials considered are in a linear regime. The primary building block consists of four PT-symmetric nanopillars of varying radii to achieve sufficient phase sampling. The overall design parameters are optimized for operation at a wavelength of 655 \textitnm (typical PL emission peak of GaInP). For loss side normal incidence, the transmission is predominantly in the 0\textrmth diffraction order (\textitη\textrml\textrm0~ 0:80, \textitη\textrml\textrm1~ 0:18), while for gain side normal incidence, an amplified transmission is in the 1\textrmst order (\textitη\textrmg \textrm0~ 0:02, \textitη\textrmg \textrm1~0:78). The observed asymmetric transmission is due to the near-field coupling between different Mie multipoles, broken in-plane mirror symmetry (meta-atoms with increasing radii along the x-axis), and the broken PT-phase along the propagation direction. An asymmetry factor, ~0:9, is observed at λ = 655 \textitnm. The symmetry in transmission can be restored by reducing the gain-loss contrast. We believe an optimal arrangement of gain-loss resonators combined with tunable pumping (either optically or electrically) could pave the way towards practical reconfigurable metasurfaces