52 research outputs found

    Djelotvornost komercijalne biljne mješavine u liječenju i kontroli kokcidioze peradi

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    Coccidiosis, a protozoal disease caused by a species of the Eimeria genus, causes tremendous economic damage to the poultry industry. Numerous natural remedies have been developed to combat emerging drug-resistant Eimeria species and mitigate public concerns about anticoccidial drug residues in poultry products. In the current study, the anticoccidial efficacy was evaluated of a commercial mixed botanical product, administered in two concentrations, in the treatment and control of a mixed coccidian infection. In this respect, 120 newly hatched broiler chickens were randomly allocated into five equal groups: Cox500, Cox1000, Positive control (PC), Negative control (NC), and Control (C). The first three groups were exposed to oocysts of several Eimeria species, Cox500 and Cox1000, and then received the two concentrations of a botanical blend (500 and 1,000 ml of formula per 1,000 L of drinking water, respectively) for five consecutive days. The positive control also received toltrazuril (7 mg/kg of live weight) through drinking water for two consecutive days. The negative control and control were the challenged-unmedicated and unchallenged-unmedicated groups, respectively. The chicks were monitored for clinical signs, intestinal lesions, performance indices, and oocyst shedding. The results indicated that the tested botanical formula in both concentrations improved the growth performance of the birds. However, the higher concentration prompted lower oocyst shedding and, likewise, toltrazuril in the positive control, healed cecal lesions more rapidly. In summary, the blended botanical formula, particularly in the higher concentration (1,000 ml per 1,000 L of drinking water), could successfully be incorporated into therapeutic strategies against coccidiosis in broiler flocks.Kokcidioza, protozoarna bolest uzrokovana vrstom parazita iz roda Eimeria, uzrokuje veliku gospodarsku štetu u peradarskoj industriji. Razvijen je niz prirodnih pripravaka za borbu protiv novih vrsta Eimeria otpornih na lijekove i ublažavanje zabrinutosti javnosti u pogledu rezidua antikokcidijskih lijekova u proizvodima od peradi. U ovom istraživanju procijenjena je antikokcidijska djelotvornost komercijalne biljne mješavine, primijenjene u dvije koncentracije, za liječenje i kontrolu miješane infekcije kokcidijama. S tom svrhom, 120 novoizvaljenih brojlera nasumično je raspoređeno u pet jednakih skupina: Cox500, Cox1000, pozitivna kontrola (PC), negativna kontrola (NC) i kontrola (C). Prve dvije skupine, Cox500 i Cox1000, bile su izložene oocistima nekoliko vrsta Eimeria, a zatim su primile dvije koncentracije biljne mješavine (500 odnosno 1000 ml formule na 1000 L vode za piće) tijekom pet uzastopnih dana. PC skupina također je dobivala toltrazuril (7 mg/kg žive tjelesne mase) putem vode za piće, dva uzastopna dana. NC skupina je poslužila kao skupina s izazvanom-neliječenom kokcidiozom a C skupina kao skupina s neizazvanom-neliječenom kokcidiozom. Kod pilića su nadzirani klinički znakovi, crijevne lezije, pokazatelji proizvodnosti i izlučivanje oocista. Rezultati su pokazali da je testirana biljna formula u obje koncentracije poboljšala pokazatelje rasta pilića. Veća koncentracija potaknula je manje izlučivanje oocista, dok je toltrazuril u PC skupini ubrzao cijeljenje lezija crijeva. Istražena biljna mješavina mogla bi se, posebno u višoj koncentraciji (1000 ml na 1000 L vode za piće), uspješno ugraditi u terapijske strategije protiv kokcidioze u jatima brojlera

    Einflüsse des Landmanagements auf der Boden-Bildung und Boden-Degradierung während der Mitte und spät Holocene in Schleswig-Holstein (Deutschland)

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    The investigation of natural and human-induced soil degradation are important subjects in terrestrial ecosystem research. They involve several branches of the science. In order to study natural and human-induced soil degradation, it is necessary to use inter- and multidisciplinary approaches with respect to temporal and spatial landscape changes. Soils and sediments are geoindicators which preserve important information about the long-term human impact on the environment. Colluvial sediments are indirect human-made parent materials. They reflect internal and external aspects of long-term soil degradation. Land-use systems determine long-term human-induced soil degradation and soil formation since the beginning of agriculture. In order to answer several questions such as when intensive human-induced soil degradation started in Schleswig-Holstein, how soil degradation developed and what the responses of soils and sediments were to land-use changes, It was hypothesized that intensive human activities during middle and late Holocene were responsible for the modification of soils and sediments and also for the acceleration of soil degradation. An integrative assessment method was thus developed and testified. The results of the investigation of colluvial sediments and soils in three research areas in Schleswig-Holstein (Germany) with a high resolution in space and time can be summarized as follows: Properties of soils and sediments vary intensively from Mesolithic until Modern times. Intensive soil formation took place in the colluvial layers during periods of geomorphodynamic stability in a dense woodland. Transport of clay minerals and leaching of soluble material as important soil formation processes were identified in the investigation areas. Inappropriate land-use management caused the podsolization of Cambisols and Luvisols which had developed in colluvial layers before. Man-induced soil formation (degradation e.g. due to podsolization), soil erosion and sedimentation (removal of the nutrients in the topsoil by erosion) modified soil fertility and soil quality often strongly. Land-use systems have usually accelerated, changed or prevented the specific natural processes of soil formation. Soil age information together with geomorphological data, physical, chemical and biological soil properties provide the database which is necessary to study the types and rates of soil formation in colluvial layers. Recent soil conditions are the result e.g. of the decision-making of farmers in the past. The decision-making modified soil formation processes and increased chemical, physical and biological soil degradation. In conclusion, it could be emphasized that the impact of human activities on soils is unavoidable; in many cases negative effects will be multiplied by land mismanagement. The study of the effects of the past and current land-use changes enable the identification of the best solution to control soil degradation. A good knowledge from the past and about current soil degradation helps to identify a successful strategy against unwanted soil changes in order to achieve a sustainable management of the soils in the future.Die Untersuchung der natürlichen und der von Menschen ermöglichten Bodendegradierung sind wichtige Elemente der Ökosystemforschung. Sie betreffen zahlreiche Disziplinen. Das Studium natürlicher und von Menschen ermöglichter Bodendegradation erfordert den Einsatz inter- und multidisziplinärer Ansätze, die räumliche und zeitliche Dynamik von Landschaften beschreiben. Böden und kolluviale Sedimente sind Geoindikatoren, die wichtige Informationen über den Einfluss von Menschen in der Vergangenheit enthalten. Sie stehen im Fokus dieser Arbeit. Kolluvien sind Ausgangsgesteine der Bodenbildung, deren Entstehung von Menschen indirekt ermöglicht wurde. Sie beinhalten interne und externe Aspekte der langfristigen Bodendegradierung. Die agrarische Landnutzung bestimmt seit dem Neolithikum wesentlich die Art und das Ausmaß der langfristigen, von Menschen ermöglichten Bodendegradierung. Wann begann die von Menschen verursachte Bodendegradation in Schleswig-Holstein? Wie entwickelte sich die Bodendegradation seitdem? Wie reagierten Böden und Sedimente auf Landnutzungsänderungen? Als These wird formuliert, dass die intensiven Aktivitäten von Menschen während des mittleren und des jüngeren Holozäns verantwortlich sind für die Veränderung der Böden und Sedimente sowie auch für die Zunahme der Bodendegradation in Schleswig-Holstein. Zur Prüfung wurde eine integrative Untersuchungsmethode entwickelt und getestet. Die Resultate der Untersuchungen von Kolluvien und Böden in drei schleswig-holsteinischen Untersuchungsgebieten in hoher räumlicher und zeitlicher Auflösung können wiefolgt zusammengefaßt werden: Die Eigenschaften von Böden und Sedimenten haben sich vom Mesolithikum bis heute stark verändert. Intensive Bodenentwicklung vollzog sich in Kolluvien im Verlauf von Phasen mit geomorphodynamischer Stabilität unter dichtem Wald. Der Transport von Tonmineralen und die Auswaschung von wasserlöslichen Stoffen sind wichtige Bodenbildungsprozesse, die in den Untersuchungsgebieten nachgewiesen werden konnten. Ein nicht angepaßtes Landnutzungsmanagement verursachte die Podsolierung von Cambisolen und Luvisolen, die sich zuvor in Kolluvien entwickelt hatten. Die von Menschen beeinflußte Bodenbildung (Degradierung, u.a. durch Podsolierung), die Bodenerosion und Sedimentation (Abtransport von Nährstoffen im Oberboden durch Bodenerosion) veränderten die Bodenfruchtbarkeit und die Bodenqualität oftmals stark. Der Einsatz von Landnutzungssystemen hat zumeist die spezifischen natürlichen Bodenbildungsprozesse verstärkt, verändert oder gar verhindert. Informationen zum Alter von Böden zusammen mit geomorphologischen Daten, physikalischen, chemischen und biologischen Bodendaten bilden die Basis für ein Studium der Typen und Raten der Bodenbildung in Kolluvien. Der heutige Bodenzustand ist das Ergebnis u.a. der Entscheidungen von Landnutzern in der Vergangenheit. Diese Entscheidungen haben oft die Art und Intensität der Bodenbildungsprozesse verändert und die chemische, physikalische und biotische Bodendegradation erhöht. Schlußfolgernd ist zunächst festzustellen, dass die Wirkungen menschlichen Handelns auf die Böden unvermeidbar ist. Oft wurden die negativen Effekte verstärkt durch ein Mismanagement des Landes. Die Untersuchung der Wirkungen von Landnutzungssystemen und Landnutzungswandel ermöglichen eine Identifizierung der geeigneten Maßnahmen, um die Bodendegradation zu kontrollieren. Gute Kenntnisse über die Bodendegradation in der Vergangenheit und heute helfen wesentlich, erfolgreiche Strategien gegen unerwünschte Bodenveränderungen und für ein nachhaltiges Management der Böden in der Zukunft zu identifizieren

    Urbanization dynamics of Tehran city (1975–2015) using artificial neural networks

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    Land-use dynamic is a major challenge for town and country planners especially in developing countries such as Iran. Iran has been under rapid urban expansion and population growth for past three decades which led to lack of resources, environmental deterioration and haphazard landscape development. In this paper, an attempt has been made to map the urbanization dynamics of Tehran in 40 years based on remote sensing imagery and by means of artificial neural networks. The presented scheme could be taken into consideration when planning initiatives aimed at surveying, monitoring, managing and sustainable development of the territory. Moreover, it can serve the experts in the fields of geography, urban studies and planning as a background for number of geographical analyses

    Assessing the Potential of Jellyfish as an Organic Soil Amendment to Enhance Seed Germination and Seedling Establishment in Sand Dune Restoration

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    Worldwide, sandy coastlines are affected by extensive wind and water erosion. Both soil quality and periodic drought present major problems for sand dune restoration projects. Hence, soil amendments are needed to improve soil quality and enhance soil restoration efficiency. The jellyfish population has increased in some aquatic ecosystems and is often considered as a nuisance because of their negative impacts on marine ecosystem productivity as well as coastal attractiveness. Thus, development of new products derived from jellyfish biomass has received attention from researchers although utilization is still at a preliminary stage. Herein, our main objective was to test seed germination, seedling establishment, and seedling vitality of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) when supplied with organic soil amendment from two different jellyfish species (Aurelia aurita and Cyanea capillata) in comparison with an unfertilized control and mineral fertilizer treatment. We hypothesized that jellyfish dry matter as an organic soil amendment would improve seed germination and seedling establishment in sand dune environments. Germination and seedling growth experiments were conducted in the laboratory and greenhouse. The results indicate that jellyfish enhanced seedling growth and establishment in sand dune soil significantly (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01) under water scarcity conditions. Therefore, jellyfish may have potential for an auxiliary role in sand dune restoration projects in coastal areas in the future

    Climate Change Effects on Temperate Grassland and Its Implication for Forage Production: A Case Study from Northern Germany

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    The effects of climate change on agricultural ecosystems are increasing, and droughts affect many regions. Drought has substantial ecological, social, and economic consequences for the sustainability of agricultural land. Many regions of the northern hemisphere have not experienced a high frequency of meteorological droughts in the past. For understanding the implications of climate change on grassland, analysis of the long-term climate data provides key information relevant for improved grassland management strategies. Using weather data and grassland production data from a long-term permanent grassland site, our aims were (i) to detect the most important drought periods that affected the region and (ii) to assess whether climate changes and variability significantly affected forage production in the last decade. For this purpose, long-term daily weather data (1961–2019) and the standardized precipitation index (SPI), De Martonne index (IDM), water deficit (WD), dryness index (DI), yield anomaly index (YAI), and annual yield loss index (YL) were used to provide a scientific estimation. The results show that, despite a positive trend in DI and a negative trend in WD and precipitation, the time-series trends of precipitation, WD, and DI indices for 1961–2019 were not significant. Extreme dry conditions were also identified with SPI values less than −2. The measured annual forage yield (2007–2018) harvested in a four-cut silage system (with and without organic N-fertilization) showed a strong correlation with WD (R = 0.64; p < 0. 05). The main yield losses were indicated for the years 2008 and 2018. The results of this study could provide a perspective for drought monitoring, as well as drought warning, in grassland in northwest Europe

    A Preliminary Study on the Therapeutic Effects of Hydroxychloroquine on Generalized Vitiligo

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    Vitiligo is a recalcitrant depigmentary autoimmune skin disorder. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is an effective immunomodulatory drug which is widely used in treatment of autoimmune disorders. HCQ-induced pigmenta- tion has been previously found in patients taking HCQ due to other auto- immune diseases. The present study aimed to determine whether HCQ im- proves re-pigmentation of generalized vitiligo. HCQ was orally administered 400 mg daily (6.5 mg/Kg of body weight) by 15 patients with generalized vitiligo (more than 10% involvement of body surface area) for three months. Patients were evaluated monthly and skin re-pigmentation was assessed us- ing the Vitiligo Area Scoring Index (VASI). Laboratory data were obtained and repeated monthly. Fifteen patients (12 women and 3 men) with a mean age of 30.13±12.75 years were studied. After 3 months, the extent of re-pigmen- tation on all the body regions, including the upper extremities, hands, trunk, lower extremities, feet, and head and neck was significantly higher than the baseline (P value <0.001, 0.016, 0.029, <0.001, 0.006, 0.006, respectively). Patients with concomitant autoimmune diseases had significantly more re- pigmentation compared with others (P=0.020). No irregular laboratory data were observed during the study. HCQ could be an effective treatment for generalized vitiligo. The benefits are likely to be more evident in case of con- comitant autoimmune disease. The authors recommend additional large- scale controlled studies to draw further conclusions

    Assessment the Gully Erosion Risk in Quyjoq watershed

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    Prediction of occurrence of gully erosion through the use of models and output them to the hazard mapping of gully erosion, most appropriate strategy for land management planning in watersheds prevent the occurrence of erosion. in this research, the zoning of gully erosion in the Quyjoq watershed Golestan province of Multilayer Perception neural network structure and the use of variables the selected suitable factors are: slope, aspect, elevation, land unit, land use, distance to river, lithology, distance to road.  SPSS modeler software and MLP method were used to perform the neural network. The method of using layers in MLP method was 1-8-9. It includes 9 input layers, 8 hidden layers and 1 output or target layer. Results of the study show that 20, 30, 24, 16 and 10 percent of the region form the areas with very high, high, medium, low and very low risk of erosion. This finding is primarily related to streams, roads and geology. The produced gully erosion susceptibility maps can be helpful to make decisions for soil and water planning and management and finally sustainable development in the Quyjoq watershed

    Nitrogen availability determines the long-term impact of land use change on soil carbon stocks in grasslands of southern Ghana

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    Enhancing the capacity of agricultural soils to resist soil degradation and to mitigate climate change requires long-term assessments of land use systems. Such long-term evaluations, particularly regarding low-input livestock systems, are limited. In the absence of suitable long-term experiments, this study assessed the outcome of C inputs and outputs across an array of plant functional groups in arable and permanent systems of a tropical savannah after more than 50 years of consistent land use. Soil samples were taken (0–30 cm depth) from arable crop fields, grazed–seeded grassland, cut–use permanent crops and native grassland. Soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks ranged from 17 to 64 Mg SOC ha−1 (mean ± sd = 32.9 ± 10.2 Mg ha−1). SOC stocks were lower for grazed–seeded grassland relative to cut–use grass, legume trees and shrubs. Accordingly, while the conversion of the native grassland to grazed pastures caused an estimated loss of 44 % of SOC over the period, the conversion to woody legumes resulted in slight (5 %), incremental gains. Within sown systems, nitrogen (N) availability seemed to be the most critical factor in determining the fate of the SOC stocks, with the soil N concentration and SOC being highly correlated (r – 0.86; p < 0.001). In total N, P and K were significant predictors of SOC density in the soils. Moreover, secondary plant metabolites in legumes, namely tannins, were identified as having an impact on SOC. The results from this study provide the theoretical basis for testing the hypothesis that improved soil fertility management and the use of tannin-rich plants have the potential to promote long-term SOC storage in the savannah ecological region

    A Spaceborne Multisensory, Multitemporal Approach to Monitor Water Level and Storage Variations of Lakes

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    Lake Urmia, the second largest saline Lake on earth and a highly endangered ecosystem, is on the brink of a serious environmental disaster similar to the catastrophic death of the Aral Sea. Progressive drying has been observed during the last decade, causing dramatic changes to Lake Urmia’s surface and its regional water supplies. The present study aims to improve monitoring of spatiotemporal changes of Lake Urmia in the period 1975–2015 using the multi-temporal satellite altimetry and Landsat (5-TM, 7-ETM+ and 8-OLI) images. In order to demonstrate the impacts of climate change and human pressure on the variations in surface extent and water level, Lake Sevan and Van Lake with different characteristics were studied along with the Urmia Lake. Normalized Difference Water Index-Principal Components Index (NDWI-PCs), Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), Modified NDWI (MNDWI), Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI), Water Ratio Index (WRI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Automated Water Extraction Index (AWEI), and MultiLayer Perceptron Neural Networks (MLP NNs) classifier were investigated for the extraction of surface water from Landsat data. The presented results revealed that MLP NNs has a better performance in the cases where the other models generate poor accuracy. The results show that the area of Lake Sevan and Van Lake have increased while the area of Lake Urmia has decreased by ~65.23% in the past decades, far more than previously reported (~25% to 50%). Urmia Lake’s shoreline has been receding severely between 2010 and 2015 with no sign of recovery, which has been partly blamed on prolonged droughts, aggressive regional water resources development plans, intensive agricultural activities, and anthropogenic changes to the system. The results also indicated that (among the proposed factors) changes in inflows due to overuse of surface water resources and constructing dams (mostly during 1995–2005) are the main reasons for Urmia Lake’s shoreline receding. The model presented in this manuscript can be used by managers as a decision support system to find the effects of building new dams or other infrastructure