145 research outputs found

    Vibrational corrections to hyperpolarizabilities of the O3, SO2, N2O and CO2 molecules: A comparison between variational and perturbation methods

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    AbstractIn this work we reported results of vibrational corrections to the first and second hyperpolarizabilities of the O3, SO2, N2O and CO2 molecules at the CCSD level through the BKPT method of Bishop and Kirtman and also using a variational approximation proposed in a previous work. Comparison between results obtained by both methods shows that the performance of BKPT is different for the systems studied here. Practically the same results are obtained for sulfur dioxide while ozone is the system for which there is greater discrepancy between the results obtained by the two procedures

    Comparison of three sources of inocula for predicting apparent digestibility of ruminant feedstuffs

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    Copyright © INRA, EDP Sciences 2001.In the present study, gas production of three sources of inocula rumen liquor from fistulated sheep, rumen liquor from slaughtered cattle, and a suspension of sheep faeces, were evaluated to predict the apparent digestibility of ruminant feedstuffs. The highest gas production was obtained with rumen liquor from slaughtered cattle, and the lowest (P 0.05)

    Novel and classic myoepithelial/stem cell markers in metaplastic carcinomas of the breast

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    Metaplastic carcinomas of the breast (MCBs) are unusual neoplasms characterized by an admixture of glandular epithelial components, which frequently exhibit features of squamous differentiation, and mesenchymal malignant components. Regardless of the presence of myoepithelial features in MCB, no consensus concerning their putative histogenesis has yet been achieved. Recently, novel putative myoepithelial markers have been developed, including p63, maspin, and P-cadherin. We assessed the expression of these myoepithelial markers in MCBs and compared their expression with classic myoepithelial markers. Immunohistochemistry using the streptavidin– biotin–peroxidase complex technique with antibodies raised against p63, maspin, P-cadherin, actin (clones CGA7, 1A4 and HHF35), cytokeratin 14 (Ck14), and vimentin was performed on 16 MCBs (7 matrix-producing MCBs, 6 adenosquamous MCBs, and 3 MCBs with heterologous elements). In healthy breast lobules and ducts adjacent to the tumors, myoepithelial cells showed distinctive and consistent immunoreactivity for p63, maspin, P-cadherin, actin, S-100 protein, and Ck14. Matrix- producing MCBs were positive for maspin in all cases, for p63 in 4 of 7 cases, and for P-cadherin in 4 of 7 cases. Adenosquamous MCB showed immunoreactivity for p63, maspin, and P-cadherin in 5 of 6 cases. All novel myoepithelial markers and Ck14 decorated squamous cell islands. MCBs with heterologous elements were positive for p63 in 1 case, for maspin in all 3 cases, and for P-cadherin in 2 cases. All cases showed at least one of the novel myoepithelial markers. Eleven of 16 cases were positive for actin. Eleven of 14 cases reacted with Ck14, and all cases that stained for S-100 protein (9 of 9) and vimentin (13 of 13) were also positive. Based on our findings, the balance of probabilities favors that MCBs may have a basal or myoepithelial cell histogenesis and differentiation.Fundacão para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT) - SFRH/BD/5386/2001


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    O presente estudo objetivou analisar os factores da motivação para a prática do desporto emadolescentes da cidade de Quelimane. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo quantitativo com umdelineamento transversal donde fizeram parte do estudo 421 adolescentes com idadecompreendida entre 12 à 19 anos pertencentes a Escolas Secundárias da cidade de Quelimane,dos quais 214 foram do sexo feminino e 207 masculino. Para a pesquisa foram utilizados doisinstrumentos dos quais o questionário de motivação para as actividades desportivas (QMAD)validado para Moçambique por TEMBE (2006) e um instrumento de diagnóstico de adesão aprática da natação (IDAPRAN), de Alves et al (2007). Como principais resultados, verificou-seque os factores de motivação para a prática desportiva demostraram alfa de cronbach (a=0,79),referente ao valor da prova no contexto sexo, foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamentesignificativas (p> 0.05) no factor Forma Física/Competência, Sucesso Estatuto eColectivo/Sucesso Equipa. Conclui-se que a hierarquia para os factores para a prática deactividades desportivas manifesta se da seguinte forma: Forma Física/Competência, SucessoColectivo/Sucesso Equipa, Sucesso/Estatuto, Recompensas Externas, Libertar Tensão eAmizad

    Bacillary Prostatitis after Intravesical Immunotherapy: A Rare Adverse Effect

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    Nowadays, the most efficient form of intravesical immunotherapy for superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder is the instillation of bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG), proceeding from an attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis. In up to 40% of cases, its instillation is associated with significantly elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. In these cases, prostate biopsy should be withheld for 3 months and PSA should be monitored. Bacillary prostatitis is a rare occurrence in patients treated with intravesical BCG immunotherapy. Although symptomatic bacillary prostatitis is even rarer, it is the worst type of this condition. The aims of this study are to report a case of bacillary prostatitis as a rare adverse effect of intravesical BCG immunotherapy and to make a theoretical review about how to manage this complication. A 58-year-old man, former smoker, underwent a transurethral resection of the bladder in February 2004 because of a papillary transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder (pT1G2N0M0). After surgery, BCG instillation therapy was given in a total of 15 instillations, the last one in March 2007. In the last 3 months of therapy, until May 2007, a progressive increase in his PSA level was registered, and he underwent a prostate biopsy revealing granulomatous prostatitis of bacillary etiology. The semen culture was positive for M. bovis. After 3 months of a two-drug (isoniazid and rifampin) antituberculous regimen, the semen culture became negative and the PSA level decreased. The early identification of intravesical BCG immunotherapy complications allows their effective treatment. However, when a histological diagnosis of asymptomatic granulomatous prostatitis is made, the execution and type of treatment are controversial

    Effects of grass silage and soybean meal supplementation on milk production and milk fatty acid profiles of grazing dairy cows

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    Copyright © American Dairy Science Association, 2008.The effects of supplementation with grass silage and replacement of some corn in the concentrate with soybean meal (SBM) on milk production, and milk fatty acid (FA) profiles were evaluated in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square study using 16 dairy cows grazing pasture composed of ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and white clover. Each experimental period lasted for 3 wk. The 4 dietary treatments were PC, 20 h of access to grazing pasture, supplemented with 6 kg/d of corn-based concentrate mixture (96% corn; C); PCSB, 20 h of access to grazing pasture, supplemented with 6 kg/d of corn- and SBM-based concentrate mixture (78% corn and 18% SBM; CSB); SC, 7 h of access to grazing pasture during the day and 13 h of ad libitum access to grass silage at night, supplemented with 6 kg/d of C concentrate; and SCSB, 7 h of access to grazing pasture during the day and 13 h of ad libitum access to grass silage at night, supplemented with 6 kg/d of CSB concentrate. The concentrate mixtures were offered twice each day in the milking parlor and were consumed completely. Grass silage supplementation reduced dietary crude protein and concentration of total sugars, and dietary SBM inclusion increased dietary crude protein concentration and decreased dietary starch concentration. Milk yield and energy-corrected milk were increased by SBM supplementation of cows with access to grass silage. Milk protein concentration was lower in cows offered grass silage, regardless of whether SBM was fed. Dietary SBM inclusion tended to increase milk fat concentration. Plasma urea N was reduced by silage feeding and increased by SBM supplementation. Supplementation with grass silage overnight could represent a useful strategy for periods of lower pasture availability. Dietary inclusion of SBM in solely grazing cows had no effects on milk production and composition, exacerbated the inefficient capture of dietary N, and increased diet cost. Grass silage supplementation affected milk FA profiles, increasing both the FA derived from de novo synthesis and those derived from rumen microbial biomass, and decreasing the sum of C18 FA (mostly derived from diet or from mobilization of adipose tissue reserves). Milk fat concentrations of conjugated linoleic acid cis-9, trans-11, vaccenic acid (18:1 trans-11), and linolenic acid (18:3n-3) were unaffected by grass silage supplementation, suggesting that partial replacement of pasture by unwilted grass silage does not compromise the dietary quality of milk fat for humans