362 research outputs found

    The Sweet Smell of Subsidies Revisited

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    Agricultural and Food Policy,

    An Innovative Approach for Modeling Crop Yield Response to Fertilizer Nutrients

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    Fertilizer recommendations seldom account for agro-climatic conditions, which are important factors that determine the response to fertilizer and the optimal rate of fertilizer. The nitrogen fertilizer response to open pollinated and hybrid canola types will also impact optimal nitrogen rates. This study used quantile regression to model canola yield response to nitrogen fertilizer. Quantile regression can apply different weights to the residuals, facilitating a response estimation where the agro-climatic conditions are not limiting and the yield response is due to the variable of interest. The economically optimal levels of fertilizers were calculated using the proposed and the conventional least squares procedures of the two canola types in western Canada. Results showed that the effects of nitrogen fertilizer on yield depended on the canola type and on the estimation procedure. Optimal levels of nitrogen for open-pollinated canola were estimated as 91, 115, and 134 kg ha-1 for severe, moderate and low levels of agro-climatic constraints. Hybrid had a higher yield potential, and also required more nitrogen fertilizer (137, 142, and 158 kg ha-1). Unlike conventional approach, proposed approach could benefit producer by recommending less (more) fertilizer when the crop response to fertilizer is expected to be low (high) due to agro-climatic conditions.Crop Production/Industries,

    Multi-locus analysis of human infective Cryptosporidium species and subtypes using ten novel genetic loci

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    Background: Cryptosporidium is a protozoan parasite that causes diarrheal illness in a wide range of hosts including humans. Two species, C. parvum and C. hominis are of primary public health relevance. Genome sequences of these two species are available and show only 3-5% sequence divergence. We investigated this sequence variability, which could correspond either to sequence gaps in the published genome sequences or to the presence of species-specific genes. Comparative genomic tools were used to identify putative species-specific genes and a subset of these genes was tested by PCR in a collection of Cryptosporidium clinical isolates and reference strains. Results: The majority of the putative species-specific genes examined were in fact common to C. parvum and C. hominis. PCR product sequence analysis revealed interesting SNPs, the majority of which were species-specific. These genetic loci allowed us to construct a robust and multi-locus analysis. The Neighbour-Joining phylogenetic tree constructed clearly discriminated the previously described lineages of Cryptosporidium species and subtypes. Conclusions: Most of the genes identified as being species specific during bioinformatics in Cryptosporidium sp. are in fact present in multiple species and only appear species specific because of gaps in published genome sequences. Nevertheless SNPs may offer a promising approach to studying the taxonomy of closely related species of Cryptosporidia

    Unusual Cryptosporidium Genotypes in Human Cases of Diarrhea

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    Several Cryptosporidium spp. are known to infect humans, but most cases of illness are caused by Cryptosporidium hominis or C. parvum. During a long-term genotyping in the United Kingdom, we identified 3 unusual Cryptosporidium genotypes (skunk, horse, and rabbit) in human patients with diarrhea

    Integrated Lithographic Molding for Microneedle-Based Devices

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    This paper presents a new fabrication method consisting of lithographically defining multiple layers of high aspect-ratio photoresist onto preprocessed silicon substrates and release of the polymer by the lost mold or sacrificial layer technique, coined by us as lithographic molding. The process methodology was demonstrated fabricating out-of-plane polymeric hollow microneedles. First, the fabrication of needle tips was demonstrated for polymeric microneedles with an outer diameter of 250 mum, through-hole capillaries of 75-mum diameter and a needle shaft length of 430 mum by lithographic processing of SU-8 onto simple v-grooves. Second, the technique was extended to gain more freedom in tip shape design, needle shaft length and use of filling materials. A novel combination of silicon dry and wet etching is introduced that allows highly accurate and repetitive lithographic molding of a complex shape. Both techniques consent to the lithographic integration of microfluidic back plates forming a patch-type device. These microneedle-integrated patches offer a feasible solution for medical applications that demand an easy to use point-of-care sample collector, for example, in blood diagnostics for lithium therapy. Although microchip capillary electrophoresis glass devices were addressed earlier, here, we show for the first time the complete diagnostic method based on microneedles made from SU-8

    Popularizing the Existance of Malang and Batu with Kirana Tour and Travel

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    The globalization era and the next decades are a crucial time for the relationship between tour and travel and sustainable development. The need to preserve the world's inherent assets for future generations is becoming an imperative goal not only for tour and travel, but also for all other industries that use the earth's natural resources. The scale of tour and travel's contribution to the global economy and its potential for enabling sustainable development are becoming more real for governments, entrepreneurs, and others who involved in tour and travel industry. Nowadays, Tour and travel's are tourism industries that become one of the largest industries in the world. Economically, it creates jobs and contributes to increase Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as well as brings in capital investment and exports. Socially and culturally, tour and traveloffers the opportunity of providing jobs for minority and disadvantaged groups, creating adequate training in management skills, education and technology to local people and increasing incomes in rural and local economies, thereby contributing to the alleviation of poverty in developing countries. Environmentally, it is essential for tour and travel to maintain an optimal balance of its natural resources to ensure the ongoing arrival of tourists to destinations. In Kirana Tour and Travels, marketing strategy will be based mainly on make sure customers know about the existence of Kirana and the services that Kirana's give. Because the purpose is to make the right information available to the right target customers. This will be done through implementing a market penetration strategy that will make sure that Kirana's tour and travel is well known and respected in the tourism industry. Kirana make sure that the prices take into consideration customers budgets, know that it exists, and how to contact Kirana. The marketing always communicate the sense of quality in every picture, every promotion, and every publication. Kirana's promotional strategy will involve integrating advertising, events, personal selling, public relations, direct marketing and the Internet (specially in media social), details of which are provided in the marketing section of this plan

    Human-Multirobot Collaborative Mobile Manipulation: the Omnid Mocobots

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    The Omnid human-collaborative mobile manipulators are an experimental platform for testing control architectures for autonomous and human-collaborative multirobot mobile manipulation. An Omnid consists of a mecanum-wheel omnidirectional mobile base and a series-elastic Delta-type parallel manipulator, and it is a specific implementation of a broader class of mobile collaborative robots ("mocobots") suitable for safe human co-manipulation of delicate, flexible, and articulated payloads. Key features of mocobots include passive compliance, for the safety of the human and the payload, and high-fidelity end-effector force control independent of the potentially imprecise motions of the mobile base. We describe general considerations for the design of teams of mocobots; the design of the Omnids in light of these considerations; manipulator and mobile base controllers to achieve useful multirobot collaborative behaviors; and initial experiments in human-multirobot collaborative mobile manipulation of large, unwieldy payloads. For these experiments, the only communication among the humans and Omnids is mechanical, through the payload.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures. Videos available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEuFfONryL0. Submitted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L

    Exhaled nitric oxide in ethnically diverse highâ altitude native populations: A comparative study

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    ObjectivesAndean and Tibetan highâ altitude natives exhibit a high concentration of nitric oxide (NO) in the lungs, suggesting that NO plays an adaptive role in offsetting hypobaric hypoxia. We examined the exhaled NO concentration as well as partial pressure of several additional highâ altitude native populations in order to examine the possibility that this putative adaptive trait, that is, high exhaled NO, is universal.MethodsWe recruited two geographically diverse highland native populations, Tawang Monpa (TM), a Tibetan derived population in Northâ Eastern India (n = 95, sampled at an altitude of ~3,200â m), and Peruvian Quechua from the highland Andes (n = 412). The latter included three distinct subgroups defined as those residing at altitude (Qâ HAR, n = 110, sampled at 4,338â m), those born and residing at seaâ level (Qâ BSL, n = 152), and those born at altitude but migrant to seaâ level (Qâ M, n = 150). In addition, we recruited a referent sample of lowland natives of European ancestry from Syracuse, New York. Fraction of exhaled NO concentrations were measured using a NIOX NIMO following the protocol of the manufacturer.ResultsPartial pressure of exhaled nitric oxide (PENO) was significantly lower (pâ <â .05) in both highâ altitude resident groups (TM = 6.2â ±â 0.5 nmHg and Qâ HAR = 5.8â ±â 0.5 nmHg), as compared to the groups measured at sea level (USA = 14.6â ±â 0.7 nmHg, Qâ BSL = 18.9â ±â 1.6 nmHg, and Qâ M = 19.2â ±â 1.7 nmHg). PENO was not significantly different between TM and Qâ HAR (pâ <â .05).ConclusionIn contrast to previous work, we found lower PENO in populations at altitude (compared to seaâ level) and no difference in PENO between Tibetan and Andean highland native populations. These results do not support the hypothesis that high nitric oxide in human lungs is a universal adaptive mechanism of highland native populations to offset hypobaric hypoxia.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151909/1/ajpa23915.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151909/2/ajpa23915_am.pd