3,026 research outputs found

    Chern-Simons action for zero-mode supporting gauge fields in three dimensions

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    Recent results on zero modes of the Abelian Dirac operator in three dimensions support to some degree the conjecture that the Chern-Simons action admits only certain quantized values for gauge fields that lead to zero modes of the corresponding Dirac operator. Here we show that this conjecture is wrong by constructing an explicit counter-example.Comment: version as published in PRD, minor change

    The effects of the pre-pulse on capillary discharge extreme ultraviolet laser

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    In the past few years collisionally pumped extreme ultraviolet (XUV) lasers utilizing a capillary discharge were demonstrated. An intense current pulse is applied to a gas filled capillary, inducing magnetic collapse (Z-pinch) and formation of a highly ionized plasma column. Usually, a small current pulse (pre-pulse) is applied to the gas in order to pre-ionize it prior to the onset of the main current pulse. In this paper we investigate the effects of the pre-pulse on a capillary discharge Ne-like Ar XUV laser (46.9nm). The importance of the pre-pulse in achieving suitable initial conditions of the gas column and preventing instabilities during the collapse is demonstrated. Furthermore, measurements of the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) properties (intensity, duration) in different pre-pulse currents revealed unexpected sensitivity. Increasing the pre-pulse current by a factor of two caused the ASE intensity to decrease by an order of magnitude - and to nearly disappear. This effect is accompanied by a slight increase in the lasing duration. We attribute this effect to axial flow in the gas during the pre-pulse.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Ground-state energies, densities and momentum distributions in closed-shell nuclei calculated within a cluster expansion approach and realistic interactions

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    A linked cluster expansion suitable for the treatment of ground-state properties of complex nuclei, as well as of various particle-nucleus scattering processes, has been used to calculate the ground-state energy, density and momentum distribution of 16-O and 40-Ca using realistic interactions. First of all, a benchmark calculation for the ground-state energy has been performed using the truncated V8' potential, and consisting in the comparison of our results with the ones obtained by the Fermi Hypernetted Chain approach, adopting in both cases the same mean field wave functions and the same correlation functions. The results exhibited a nice agreement between the two methods. Therefore, the approach has been applied to the calculation of the ground-state energy, density and momentum distributions of 16-O and 40-Ca using the full V8' potential, finding again a satisfactory agreement with the results based on more advanced approaches where higher order cluster contributions are taken into account. It appears therefore that the cluster expansion approach can provide accurate approximations for various diagonal and non diagonal density matrices, so that it could be used for a reliable evaluation of nuclear effects in various medium and high energy scattering processes off nuclear targets. The developed approach can be readily generalized to the treatment of Glauber type final state interaction effects in inclusive, semi-inclusive and exclusive processes off nuclei at medium and high energies.Comment: 42 pages, 18 figure

    The asymptotic limits of zero modes of massless Dirac operators

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    Asymptotic behaviors of zero modes of the massless Dirac operator H=αD+Q(x)H=\alpha\cdot D + Q(x) are discussed, where α=(α1,α2,α3)\alpha= (\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \alpha_3) is the triple of 4×44 \times 4 Dirac matrices, D=1ix D=\frac{1}{i} \nabla_x, and Q(x)=(qjk(x))Q(x)=\big(q_{jk} (x) \big) is a 4×44\times 4 Hermitian matrix-valued function with qjk(x)Cρ| q_{jk}(x) | \le C ^{-\rho} , ρ>1\rho >1. We shall show that for every zero mode ff, the asymptotic limit of x2f(x)|x|^2f(x) as x+|x| \to +\infty exists. The limit is expressed in terms of an integral of Q(x)f(x)Q(x)f(x).Comment: 9 page

    Accurate estimation of third-order moments from turbulence measurements

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    Politano and Pouquet's law, a generalization of Kolmogorov's four-fifths law to incompressible MHD, makes it possible to measure the energy cascade rate in incompressible MHD turbulence by means of third-order moments. In hydrodynamics, accurate measurement of third-order moments requires large amounts of data because the probability distributions of velocity-differences are nearly symmetric and the third-order moments are relatively small. Measurements of the energy cascade rate in solar wind turbulence have recently been performed for the first time, but without careful consideration of the accuracy or statistical uncertainty of the required third-order moments. This paper investigates the statistical convergence of third-order moments as a function of the sample size N. It is shown that the accuracy of the third-moment depends on the number of correlation lengths spanned by the data set and a method of estimating the statistical uncertainty of the third-moment is developed. The technique is illustrated using both wind tunnel data and solar wind data.Comment: Submitted to: Nonlinear Processes in Geophysic

    Random Matrix Theory Analysis of Cross Correlations in Financial Markets

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    We confirm universal behaviors such as eigenvalue distribution and spacings predicted by Random Matrix Theory (RMT) for the cross correlation matrix of the daily stock prices of Tokyo Stock Exchange from 1993 to 2001, which have been reported for New York Stock Exchange in previous studies. It is shown that the random part of the eigenvalue distribution of the cross correlation matrix is stable even when deterministic correlations are present. Some deviations in the small eigenvalue statistics outside the bounds of the universality class of RMT are not completely explained with the deterministic correlations as proposed in previous studies. We study the effect of randomness on deterministic correlations and find that randomness causes a repulsion between deterministic eigenvalues and the random eigenvalues. This is interpreted as a reminiscent of ``level repulsion'' in RMT and explains some deviations from the previous studies observed in the market data. We also study correlated groups of issues in these markets and propose a refined method to identify correlated groups based on RMT. Some characteristic differences between properties of Tokyo Stock Exchange and New York Stock Exchange are found.Comment: RevTex, 17 pages, 8 figure

    Bottom-Up Control of Parasites

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    Parasitism is a fundamental ecological interaction. Yet we understand relatively little about the ecological role of parasites compared to the role of free-living organisms. Bottom-up theory predicts that resource enhancement will increase the abundance and biomass of free-living organisms. Similarly, parasite abundance and biomass should increase in an ecosystem with resource enhancement. We tested this hypothesis in a landscape-level experiment in which salt marshes (60,000 m2 each) received elevated nutrient concentrations via flooding tidal waters for 11 yr to mimic eutrophication. Nutrient enrichment elevated the densities of the talitrid amphipod, Orchestia grillus, and the density and biomass of its trematode parasite, Levinseniella byrdi. Strikingly, L. byrdiprevalence increased over time, up to 13 times higher in nutrient-enriched marshes (30%) relative to the mean prevalence in reference marshes (2.4%). The biomass density of infected amphipods was, on average, 11 times higher in nutrient-enriched marshes (1.1 kg/ha) than in reference marshes (0.1 kg/ha), when pooling across all years. Orchestia grillus biomass comprises 67% of the arthropod community biomass; thus, nutrient enrichment elicits a substantial surge in parasitized biomass in the arthropod community. If our results are typical, they suggest that eutrophication can increase parasite abundance and biomass with chronic resource enhancement. Therefore, minimizing aquatic nutrient pollution may prevent outbreaks of parasites with aquatic hosts

    A Natural Plasmid Uniquely Encodes Two Biosynthetic Pathways Creating a Potent Anti-MRSA Antibiotic

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    Background Understanding how complex antibiotics are synthesised by their producer bacteria is essential for creation of new families of bioactive compounds. Thiomarinols, produced by marine bacteria belonging to the genus Pseudoalteromonas, are hybrids of two independently active species: the pseudomonic acid mixture, mupirocin, which is used clinically against MRSA, and the pyrrothine core of holomycin. Methodology/Principal Findings High throughput DNA sequencing of the complete genome of the producer bacterium revealed a novel 97 kb plasmid, pTML1, consisting almost entirely of two distinct gene clusters. Targeted gene knockouts confirmed the role of these clusters in biosynthesis of the two separate components, pseudomonic acid and the pyrrothine, and identified a putative amide synthetase that joins them together. Feeding mupirocin to a mutant unable to make the endogenous pseudomonic acid created a novel hybrid with the pyrrothine via “mutasynthesis” that allows inhibition of mupirocin-resistant isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase, the mupirocin target. A mutant defective in pyrrothine biosynthesis was also able to incorporate alternative amine substrates. Conclusions/Significance Plasmid pTML1 provides a paradigm for combining independent antibiotic biosynthetic pathways or using mutasynthesis to develop a new family of hybrid derivatives that may extend the effective use of mupirocin against MRSA

    The specialty choices of graduates from Brighton and Sussex Medical School: a longitudinal cohort study

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    BACKGROUND Since 2007 junior doctors in the UK have had to make major career decisions at a point when previously many had not yet chosen a specialty. This study examined when doctors in this new system make specialty choices, which factors influence choices, and whether doctors who choose a specialty they were interested in at medical school are more confident in their choice than those doctors whose interests change post-graduation. METHODS Two cohorts of students in their penultimate year at one medical school (n = 227/239) were asked which specialty interested them as a career. Two years later, 210/227 were sent a questionnaire measuring actual specialty chosen, confidence, influence of perceptions of the specialty and experiences on choice, satisfaction with medicine, personality, self-efficacy, and demographics. Medical school and post-graduation choices in the same category were deemed 'stable'. Predictors of stability, and of not having chosen a specialty, were calculated using bootstrapped logistic regression. Differences between specialties on questionnaire factors were analysed. RESULTS 50% responded (n = 105/277; 44% of the 239 Year 4 students). 65% specialty choices were 'stable'. Factors univariately associated with stability were specialty chosen, having enjoyed the specialty at medical school or since starting work, having first considered the specialty earlier. A regression found doctors who chose psychiatry were more likely to have changed choice than those who chose general practice. Confidence in the choice was not associated with stability. Those who chose general practice valued lifestyle factors. A psychiatry choice was associated with needing a job and using one's intellect to help others. The decision to choose surgical training tended to be made early. Not having applied for specialty training was associated with being lower on agreeableness and conscientiousness. CONCLUSION Medical school experiences are important in specialty choice but experiences post-graduation remain significant, particularly in some specialties (psychiatry in our sample). Career guidance is important at medical school and should be continued post-graduation, with senior clinicians supported in advising juniors. Careers advice in the first year post-graduation may be particularly important, especially for specialties which have difficulty recruiting or are poorly represented at medical school