253 research outputs found

    Impact of \u3ci\u3eMecinus Janthinus\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on the Growth and Reproduction of \u3ci\u3eLinaria Dalmatica\u3c/i\u3e (Scrophulariaceae)

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    Dalmatian toadflax, Linaria dalmatica (L.) Mill. (Scrophulariaceae), a native to the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea regions of Europe and Asia, has invaded over one million hectares in the western United States and Canada, in habitats similar to its native range. Once established, the aggressive vegetative growth of the plant allows it to invade undisturbed habitats where it can out-compete most other vegetation, placing native plant communities at risk. Biological control of L. dalmatica with Mecinus janthinus Thomson (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) has shown promise in the field. In both studies reported in this paper, the presence of insect attack reduced L. dalmatica plant growth and reduced plant reproductive potential. In a field sleeve cage study, insect- attacked stems were significantly shorter (18 cm) and had 50-70% fewer fruits and flowers than the control stems at the end of the study period. M. janthinus attacked stems showed little apical growth, fewer fruits and flowers, and lower stem biomass relative to control stems. Similar results were observed in the potted plant study where the influence of the extensive root system of the plant was eliminated. This negative impact by the insect is caused both by adult feeding in the apical portion of the plant and the physical destruction of the plant stem from larvae feeding. The decrease in the insect-attacked stem heights may also have an impact on seed dispersal from the mature reproductive structures. A combination of decreased seed production through M. janthinus biological control and poor seedling competition in the moisture limited sites common to north-central Washington State and other similarly dry habitats may negatively influence L. dalmatica populations more than general models predict

    A Lightweight Intelligent Virtual Cinematography System for Machinima Production

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    Machinima is a low-cost alternative to full production filmmaking. However, creating quality cinematic visualizations with existing machinima techniques still requires a high degree of talent and effort. We introduce a lightweight artificial intelligence system, Cambot, that can be used to assist in machinima production. Cambot takes a script as input and produces a cinematic visualization. Unlike other virtual cinematography systems, Cambot favors an offline algorithm coupled with an extensible library of specific modular and reusable facets of cinematic knowledge. One of the advantages of this approach to virtual cinematography is a tight coordination between the positions and movements of the camera and the actors

    Toward Intelligent Support of Authoring Machinima Media Content: Story and Visualization

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    The Internet and the availability of authoring tools have enabled a greater community of media content creators, including nonexperts. However, while media authoring tools often make it technically feasible to generate, edit and share digital media artifacts, they do not guarantee that the works will be valuable or meaningful to the community at large. Therefore intelligent tools that support the authoring and creative processes are especially valuable. In this paper, we describe two intelligent support tools for the authoring and production of machinima. Machinima is a technique for producing computer-animated movies through the manipulation of computer game technologies. The first system we describe, ReQUEST, is an intelligent support tool for the authoring of plots. The second system, Cambot, produces machinima from a pre-authored script by manipulating virtual avatars and a virtual camera in a 3D graphical environment

    Developing a program for residents to support training in research

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    Physicians are expected to be life-long learners and to assimilate and evaluate new knowledge gained from research. Many residencies also require completion of a scholarly project during their residency. However, the majority of residency training is dedicated to enhancing clinical knowledge base and skills. Because residents are quite busy clinically in residency, the research curriculum is designed to help divide the projects into manageable pieces to be accomplished each year. Research-centered education sessions and frequent feedback about their scholarly project progress help to bolster their research training. Overall, we find that a structured research curriculum results in generally positive perceptions of research and increases the ability of residents to successfully complete projects that are worthy of presentation at conferences as well as of publication

    Trajectory Mapping and Applications to Data from the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite

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    The problem of creating synoptic maps from asynoptically gathered trace gas data has prompted the development of a number of schemes. Most notable among these schemes are the Kalman filter, the Salby-Fourier technique, and constituent reconstruction. This paper explores a new technique called trajectory mapping. Trajectory mapping creates synoptic maps from asynoptically gathered data by advecting measurements backward or forward in time using analyzed wind fields. A significant portion of this work is devoted to an analysis of errors in synoptic trajectory maps associated with the calculation of individual parcel trajectories. In particular, we have considered (1) calculational errors; (2) uncertainties in the values and locations of constituent measurements, (3) errors incurred by neglecting diabatic effects, and (4) sensitivity to differences in wind field analyses. These studies reveal that the global fields derived from the advection of large numbers of measurements are relatively insensitive to the errors in the individual trajectories. The trajectory mapping technique has been successfully applied to a variety of problems. In this paper, the following two applications demonstrate the usefulness of the technique: an analysis of dynamical wave-breaking events and an examination of Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite data accuracy

    Disparities in COVID-19 mortality amongst the immunosuppressed: a systematic review and meta-analysis for enhanced disease surveillance

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    Background: Effective disease surveillance, including that for COVID-19, is compromised without a standardised method for categorising the immunosuppressed as a clinical risk group. Methods: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate whether excess COVID-associated mortality compared to the immunocompetent could meaningfully subdivide the immunosuppressed. Our study adhered to UK Immunisation against infectious disease (Green Book) criteria for defining and categorising immunosuppression. Using OVID (EMBASE, MEDLINE, Transplant Library, and Global Health), PubMed, and Google Scholar, we examined relevant literature between the entirety of 2020 and 2022. We selected for cohort studies that provided mortality data for immunosuppressed subgroups and immunocompetent controls. Meta-analyses, grey literature and any original works that failed to provide comparator data or reported all-cause or paediatric outcomes were excluded. Odds Ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of COVID-19 mortality were meta-analysed by immunosuppressed category and subcategory. Subgroup analyses differentiated estimates by effect measure, country income, study setting, level of adjustment, use of matching and publication year. Study screening, extraction and bias assessment were performed blinded and independently by two researchers; conflicts were resolved with the oversight of a third researcher. PROSPERO registration number is CRD42022360755. Findings: We identified 99 unique studies, incorporating data from 1,542,097 and 56,248,181 unique immunosuppressed and immunocompetent patients with COVID-19 infection, respectively. Compared to immunocompetent people (pooled OR, 95%CI), solid organ transplants (2.12, 1.50-2.99) and malignancy (2.02, 1.69-2.42) patients had a very high risk of COVID-19 mortality. Patients with rheumatological conditions (1.28, 1.13-1.45) and HIV (1.20, 1.05-1.36) had just slightly higher risks than the immunocompetent baseline. Case type, setting income and mortality data matching and adjustment were significant modifiers of excess immunosuppressed mortality for some immunosuppressed subgroups. Interpretation: Excess COVID-associated mortality among the immunosuppressed compared to immunocompetent was seen to vary significantly across subgroups. This novel means of subdivision has prospective benefit for targeting patient triage, shielding and vaccination policies during periods of high disease transmission. Funding: Supported by EMIS Health and the UK Medical Research Council. Grant number: MR/R015708/1

    Critical Analytic Thinking Skills: Do They Predict Job-Related Task Performance Above and Beyond General Intelligence?

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    Employers and government leaders have called attention to the need for critical thinking skills in the workforce, while business trends toward evidence-based decision making also highlight the increasing importance of the critical thinking skill set. Although studies have examined the relationship of critical thinking to behaviors or job performance, many have missed a key component: incremental predictive validity of critical thinking beyond cognitive ability. The current study defines critical thinking, presents results from a test development effort in which the conceptual definition was operationalized as a measure of critical analytical thinking skills for government analysts, and presents results of a criterion validity study examining whether critical thinking skills predict technical performance generally and incrementally, beyond cognitive ability and other characteristics

    Mass loss rates and the mass evolution of star clusters

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    We describe the interplay between stellar evolution and dynamical mass loss of evolving star clusters, based on the principles of stellar evolution and cluster dynamics and on a grid of N-body simulations of cluster models. The cluster models have different initial masses, different orbits, including elliptical ones, and different initial density profiles. We use two sets of cluster models: initially Roche-lobe filling and Roche-lobe underfilling. We identify four distinct mass loss effects: (1) mass loss by stellar evolution, (2) loss of stars induced by stellar evolution and (3) relaxation-driven mass loss before and (4) after core collapse. Both the evolution-induced loss of stars and the relaxation-driven mass loss need time to build up. This is described by a delay-function of a few crossing times for Roche-lobe filling clusters and a few half mass relaxation times for Roche-lobe underfilling clusters. The relaxation-driven mass loss can be described by a simple power law dependence of the mass dM/dt =-M^{1-gamma}/t0, (with M in Msun) where t0 depends on the orbit and environment of the cluster. Gamma is 0.65 for clusters with a King-parameter W0=5 and 0.80 for more concentrated clusters with W0=7. For initially Roche-lobe underfilling clusters the dissolution is described by the same gamma=0.80. The values of the constant t0 are described by simple formulae that depend on the orbit of the cluster. The mass loss rate increases by about a factor two at core collapse and the mass dependence of the relaxation-driven mass loss changes to gamma=0.70 after core collapse. We also present a simple recipe for predicting the mass evolution of individual star clusters with various metallicities and in different environments, with an accuracy of a few percent in most cases. This can be used to predict the mass evolution of cluster systems.Comment: 25 pages, 17 figures, 4 tables, 2 appendices; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Outer density profiles of 19 Galactic globular clusters from deep and wide-field imaging

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    Using deep photometric data from WFC@INT and [email protected] we measure the outer number density profiles of 19 stellar clusters located in the inner region of the Milky Way halo (within a Galactocentric distance range of 10-30 kpc) in order to assess the impact of internal and external dynamical processes on the spatial distribution of stars. Adopting power-law fitting templates, with index γ-\gamma in the outer region, we find that the clusters in our sample can be divided in two groups: a group of massive clusters (105 \ge 10^5 M_sun) that has relatively flat profiles with 2.5<γ<42.5 < \gamma < 4 and a group of low-mass clusters (105 \le 10^5 M_sun), with steep profiles (γ>4\gamma > 4) and clear signatures of interaction with the Galactic tidal field. We refer to these two groups as 'tidally unaffected' and 'tidally affected', respectively. Our results also show a clear trend between the slope of the outer parts and the half-mass density of these systems, which suggests that the outer density profiles may retain key information on the dominant processes driving the dynamical evolution of Globular Clusters.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in MNRA