63 research outputs found

    A Simulation Method to Measure the Tax Burden on Highly Skilled Manpower

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    A model is presented for simulating the tax burden on highly skilled manpower. The effective average tax rate, defined as the relative wedge between total remuneration and disposable income, is computed. Income and payroll taxes and social security contributions not yielding an equivalent benefit are taken into account. The compensation package consists of cash payments and old-age provision. To integrate retirement benefits and their tax treatment, an inter-temporal approach is used. The results indicate that Germany and France have higher tax burdens than the UK and the USA, that Germany grants the strongest tax relief for families, and that occupational pension plans are favourable in all countries. --personal income tax,highly skilled employees,effective tax burden,pensions

    The Impact of R&D Tax Incentives on R&D Costs and Income Tax Burden

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    We analyse R&D tax incentives in a detailed way considering a multi-period setting and economic assumptions which reflect a realistic economic environment. We measure the incentive's impact on the firm's total tax payments and the R&D cost by means of the simulation model European Tax Analyzer. Using different economic settings and model firms, we run sensitivity analyses and get by that a more detailed view on the effects from R&D tax incentives against the background of the framing tax system. We find that not so much the kind but rather the specific design of R&D tax incentives, the interplay with the framing tax system and the firm's profitability relative to the level of R&D expenditures heavily influence the amount of tax subsidy for R&D. --R&D,Tax incentives,Corporate Tax Burden,EU

    Corporate Effective Tax Rates in an Enlarged European Union

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    This paper offers an assessment of European corporate tax regimes using forward-looking indicators for corporate investment based on the Devereux-Griffith methodology. It draws on time series of average effective tax rates (EATR) using a detailed set of tax parameters for 27 EU Member States as well as some important non-EU countries. The analysis shows that over time the reduction in the corporate effective average tax rates (EATR) was lower than for the corporate statutory rates and the figures suggest that simple corporate tax base broadening by means of less generous capital allowances is not a sufficient explanation for this phenomenon. Finally, it is shown that the tax gap between the old and new EU Member States has grown over time and even accelerated after accession.European Union, effective tax rate, effective tax burden, corporate taxation, company taxation.

    A Simulation Method to Measure the Tax Burden on Highly Skilled Manpower

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    A model is presented for simulating the tax burden on highly skilled manpower. The effective average tax rate, defined as the relative wedge between total remuneration and disposable income, is computed. Income and payroll taxes and social security contributions not yielding an equivalent benefit are taken into account. The compensation package consists of cash payments and old-age provision. To integrate retirement benefits and their tax treatment, an inter-temporal approach is used. The results indicate that Germany and France have higher tax burdens than the UK and the USA, that Germany grants the strongest tax relief for families, and that occupational pension plans are favourable in all countries

    The impact of R&D tax incentives on R&D costs and income tax burden

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    We analyse R&D tax incentives in a detailed way considering a multi-period setting and economic assumptions which reflect a realistic economic environment. We measure the incentive's impact on the firm's total tax payments and the R&D cost by means of the simulation model European Tax Analyzer. Using different economic settings and model firms, we run sensitivity analyses and get by that a more detailed view on the effects from R&D tax incentives against the background of the framing tax system. We find that not so much the kind but rather the specific design of R&D tax incentives, the interplay with the framing tax system and the firm's profitability relative to the level of R&D expenditures heavily influence the amount of tax subsidy for R&D

    The Effective Tax Burden of Companies and on Highly Skilled Manpower: Tax Policy Strategies in a Globalized Economy

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    Company taxes and taxes on highly skilled labour both influence the attractiveness of a particular region as a location for investment. We measure the effective tax burden on capital investment and on highly qualified labour in 33 locations across Europe and the United States. We then correlate both types of tax burden in order to study the different tax policy strategies applied in different countries. We identify three causes for different strategies: political institutions, preferences for redistribution and equality, and the position in globalisation and growth. Small countries, high growth rates, and federal structure with high tax autonomy stand for countries with lower tax burdens, especially on companies. Large countries, representative democracies with coalitions, and a high preference for redistribution are likely to induce higher tax burdens. --effective tax burden,tax policy,company taxation,personal income tax

    Besteuerungsprinzipien und effektive Unternehmenssteuerbelastungen in der EuropÀischen Union

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    Dieser Beitrag untersucht umfassend die Unternehmensbesteuerung in der EuropĂ€ischen Union im Zeitraum von 1998 bis 2007. Das innereuropĂ€ische SteuergefĂ€lle wird unter RĂŒckgriff auf zwei zentrale MaßgrĂ¶ĂŸen - die Kapitalkosten und die effektive Durchschnittssteuerbelastung - abgebildet. Die Berechnungen auf Grundlage der Methodik nach Devereux und Griffith erlauben dabei die Messung der Steuerbelastung auf rein inlĂ€ndische als auch auf grenzĂŒberschreitende (Direkt-)Investitionen. Die eingehende Analyse der auf diese Weise detailliert quantifizierten Besteuerungsregime zeigt unter anderem, dass in der EU das Prinzip der KapitalimportneutralitĂ€t gegenĂŒber einer Verwirklichung von KapitalexportneutralitĂ€t klar dominiert. Die nicht realisierte Harmonisierung der Unternehmensbesteuerung impliziert Produktionsineffizienzen aufgrund steuerlich verzerrter Investitions- und Standortentscheidungen sowie Wettbewerbsverzerrungen

    Internetangebote zum Wissens- und Technologietransfer in Deutschland : Bestandsaufnahme, FunktionalitÀt und Alternativen

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    In der hier vorliegenden Expertise wird die QualitĂ€t der wichtigsten deutschen Angebote zum Wissens- und Technologietransfer (WTT) im Internet (Stand: Herbst 2000) erhoben und bewertet. Auf der Basis von Experten- und Nutzerinterviews werden Anforderungen an ein wĂŒnschenswertes Internetangebot zum Technologietransfer formuliert und die existierenden Angebot an diesen Kriterien gemessen. Zielrichtung ist vornehmlich der Transfer von Technologien und wissenschaftlichen Kompetenzen aus dem Bereich der öffentlichen Forschungseinrichtungen hin zu privaten Unternehmen. Die detaillierte Analyse von 29 WTT-Internetangeboten hat erhebliche Unterschiede in QualitĂ€t, Umfang, AktualitĂ€t und FunktionalitĂ€t dieser Angebote ergeben, insbesondere decken sie die öffentliche Forschungslandschaft in nur sehr geringem Maße ab. Insgesamt kann die gegenwĂ€rtige Situation hinsichtlich derartiger Angebote ganz und gar nicht zufrieden stellen. Sowohl potenzielle Anbieter von Kompetenzen und Technologien als auch suchende Unternehmen mĂŒssen spezifische Kenntnisse haben und sich kontinuierlich einen GesamtĂŒberblick ĂŒber die Angebote verschaffen, um die richtige „Adresse“ fĂŒr ihr Angebot oder ihre Suche zu finden. Diese Erfordernisse sind in hohem Maße ineffizient und dĂŒrften mindestens kleine Unternehmen zumindest zeitlich völlig ĂŒberfordern. Aus diesen GrĂŒnden wird erheblicher Änderungsbedarf in diesem Feld konstatiert, der eine politische Initiative nötig macht. Die wichtigsten Anforderungen an eine wĂŒnschenswerte Lösung sind in einer Einbeziehung der gesamten öffentlichen Forschungslandschaft, an einer Ausrichtung auf Verwertung und Kooperationen und in einer leichten und guten Auffindbarkeit der Angebote im Internet zu sehen. FĂŒr die Elemente einer solchen Lösung mĂŒssen strenge QualitĂ€tsanforderungen gelten, da andernfalls die Akzeptanz einer Internetlösung auf Seiten von nutzenden Unternehmen Schaden nimmt

    Besteuerungsprinzipien und effektive Unternehmenssteuerbelastungen in der EuropÀischen Union

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    Dieser Beitrag untersucht umfassend die Unternehmensbesteuerung in der EuropĂ€ischen Union im Zeitraum von 1998 bis 2007. Das innereuropĂ€ische SteuergefĂ€lle wird unter RĂŒckgriff auf zwei zentrale MaßgrĂ¶ĂŸen - die Kapitalkosten und die effektive Durchschnittssteuerbelastung - abgebildet. Die Berechnungen auf Grundlage der Methodik nach Devereux und Griffith erlauben dabei die Messung der Steuerbelastung auf rein inlĂ€ndische als auch auf grenzĂŒberschreitende (Direkt-)Investitionen. Die eingehende Analyse der auf diese Weise detailliert quantifizierten Besteuerungsregime zeigt unter anderem, dass in der EU das Prinzip der KapitalimportneutralitĂ€t gegenĂŒber einer Verwirklichung von KapitalexportneutralitĂ€t klar dominiert. Die nicht realisierte Harmonisierung der Unternehmensbesteuerung impliziert Produktionsineffizienzen aufgrund steuerlich verzerrter Investitions- und Standortentscheidungen sowie Wettbewerbsverzerrungen. --Effektive Steuerbelastung,EuropĂ€ische Union,Unternehmensbesteuerung

    A Polymer for Application as a Matrix Phase in a Concept of In Situ Curable Bioresorbable Bioactive Load-Bearing Continuous Fiber Reinforced Composite Fracture Fixation Plates

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    The use of bioresorbable fracture fixation plates made of aliphatic polyesters have good potential due to good biocompatibility, reduced risk of stress-shielding, and eliminated need for plate removal. However, polyesters are ductile, and their handling properties are limited. We suggested an alternative, PLAMA (PolyLActide functionalized with diMethAcrylate), for the use as the matrix phase for the novel concept of the in situ curable bioresorbable load-bearing composite plate to reduce the limitations of conventional polyesters. The purpose was to obtain a preliminary understanding of the chemical and physical properties and the biological safety of PLAMA from the prospective of the novel concept. Modifications with different molecular masses (PLAMA-500 and PLAMA-1000) were synthesized. The efficiency of curing was assessed by the degree of convergence (DC). The mechanical properties were obtained by tensile test and thermomechanical analysis. The bioresorbability was investigated by immersion in simulated body fluid. The biocompatibility was studied in cell morphology and viability tests. PLAMA-500 showed better DC and mechanical properties, and slower bioresorbability than PLAMA-1000. Both did not prevent proliferation and normal morphological development of cells. We concluded that PLAMA-500 has potential for the use as the matrix material for bioresorbable load-bearing composite fracture fixation plates
