203 research outputs found

    Efecto coadyuvante de la apitoxina natural en los niveles de Ig G, Ig M en el tratamiento del moquillo canino

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    The present investigation, adjuvant effect of the natural apitoxin in the levels of IgG, IgM in the treatment of canine distemper, was carried out in consultation dogs of the urban and rural neighborhoods of the city of Latacunga in the Province of Cotopaxi, with the objective to evaluate the immunomodulatory effect of natural apitoxin, through bee sting as an adjuvant to the treatment of canine distemper, under the experimental method, with 60 dogs of different breeds, ages and sex. The anamnesis, clinical and physical examination of the canines with suspicion of the disease were carried out, and the Rapid Test for distemper was applied, using nasal or ocular secretion; Blood samples were taken in tubes without additive for laboratory analysis by chemiluminescence to determine IgG and IgM; the information of each patient was recorded in an individual clinical file and the data analysis was performed using inferential statistics with completely randomized blocks, based on the Anova test with P value, experimental error with a probability of 5% significance and a confidence level of 95%. Where the probability of significance in the control group, experimental 1 every 24 and experimental 2 every 48 hours on day 1 for IgG registered the P value of (0.86) > 0.05; but on day 21 in experimental group 2 for IgG every 48 hours, an increase in its average was determined (9.3b ±) with a P value of (0.01) 0.05 respectively.La presente investigación, efecto coadyuvante de la apitoxina natural en los niveles de IgG, IgM en el tratamiento del moquillo canino, se realizó en perros de consulta de los Barrios urbanos y rurales de la ciudad de Latacunga en la Provincia de Cotopaxi, con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto inmunomodulador de la apitoxina natural, mediante picadura de abejas como coadyuvante al tratamiento de distemper canino, bajo el método experimental, con 60 perros de diferente raza, edad y sexo. Se realizó la anamnesis, exploración clínica y física de los caninos con sospecha de la enfermedad, y se aplicó el Rapid Test para distemper, utilizando secreción nasal u ocular; se tomó muestras de sangre en tubos sin aditivo para análisis de laboratorio mediante quimioluminiscencia para determinar IgG e IgM; la información de cada paciente se registró en una ficha clínica individual y el análisis de los datos se realizó utilizando la estadística inferencial con bloques completamente al azar, basada en la prueba Anova con P valor, error experimental con una probabilidad de 5% de significancia y un nivel de confianza del 95 %. Donde la probabilidad de significancia en el grupo testigo, experimental 1 cada 24 y experimental 2 cada 48 horas en el día 1 para IgG registraron el P valor de (0,86) > al 0,05; pero al día 21 en el grupo experimental 2 para IgG cada 48 horas, se determinó un incremento en su promedio (9,3b ±) con P valor de (0,01) al 0,05 respectivamente

    An investigation into the relationships between novel Y chromosome-linked long non-coding RNAs and coronary artery disease

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    Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common type of cardiovascular disease and is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality globally. However, the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis which leads to CAD and results in heart attacks, heart failure and death is not well understood. In this context, studies have demonstrated a positive correlation between increased hepatic free fatty acids (FFAs) in atherosclerosis and CAD. Although CAD has welldefined environmental risk factors, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have demonstrated a genetic influence on CAD. Previous studies have shown that genetic variation within the human Y chromosome is associated with an increased risk of developing CAD independent of traditional cardiovascular risk factors; possibly through a modulating effect of an adaptive immunity and inflammatory response by macrophages in men. However, no Y chromosome-linked gene has been investigated in this disease so far. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have recently gained focused attention as a new class of regulatory RNA molecules involved in cardiovascular function and associated disease, particularly long intergenic noncoding RNAs (lincRNAs), the largest class within the lncRNA group so far. To date, Y chromosome-linked lincRNAs are poorly characterised and the potential link between these non-coding RNA molecules and CAD in men has not been investigated. In this context, I hypothesised that Y chromosome-linked lncRNAs may regulate pathways involved in lipid metabolism and trigger an over accumulation of FFAs in coronary arteries contributing to atherosclerosis, the underlying cause of CAD. The main objective of this thesis was to therefore further investigate the relationship between the Y chromosome, lncRNAs and CAD in light of the deficiencies within the literature to better understand the causative molecular mechanisms of CAD pathophysiology in men. In my first study (Chapter 2), I identified for the first time through gene expression analysis (real-time PCR) the expression of the following (unannotated in PubMed) Y chromosomelinked lincRNA transcripts: lnc-KDM5D-4:1, lnc-ZFY-1:1, lnc-ZFY-1:3, lnc-ZFY-2:1, lnc- RBMY1B-1:1, lnc-RBMY1B-1:4, lnc-RBMY1J-1:1, lnc-RBMY1J-1:2, and lnc-RBMY1J- 1:3, across 21 different normal, human tissues such as adipose, bladder, brain, cervix, colon, esophagus, heart, kidney, liver, lung, ovary, placenta, prostate, skeletal muscle, small intestine, spleen, testes, thymus, thyroid, trachea, and white blood cells (WBCs) (leukocytes). I found that Y-linked lincRNAs were expressed at low levels (with the lowest CT number equal at 24.5) with a high tissue-specificity for some. Also, the Y-linked RNA gene lnc-KDM5D-4 was widely expressed across male tissues while the Y-linked RNA gene lnc-RBMY1J-1 was specific to the testes. Furthermore, this study presents the first evidence through gene expression analysis that the Y chromosome-linked lincRNA transcripts, lnc-KDM5D-4:1, lnc- ZFY-1:1, lnc-ZFY-1:3, lnc-ZFY-2:1, lnc-RBMY1B-1:1, lnc-RBMY1B-1:4, and lnc- RBMY1J-1:3 are expressed in male leukocytes. Hence, these lincRNAs could be potential non-protein coding gene candidates for CAD research. Knowing that the Y chromosome contributes to lipid levels in humans, to further explore the potential function of these Y-linked lincRNAs in CAD in men, I then studied their expression in a fatty liver context (steatosis-associated atherosclerosis) (Chapter 3). This was performed using the human hepatocellular liver carcinoma cell line, HepG2; the human model of liver cells in CAD research. This study showed for the first time that the Y-linked lincRNA transcripts lnc-KDM5D-4:1, lnc-ZFY-1:1, lnc-ZFY-2:1, lnc-RBMY1B-1:1, and lncxix RBMY1B-1:4 were expressed in HepG2 cells, hence in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Furthermore, this study demonstrated that lnc-KDM5D-4 is a nuclear-retained lincRNA using RNA fluorescence in situ hybridisation (RNA FISH), and is upregulated in palmitate-induced steatosis within hepatocytes (Fold Change = 2.16; p-value = 0.00216). The human Atherosclerosis RT2 Profiler™ PCR Array determined that the silencing of lnc-KDM5D-4 in HepG2 cells was triggering the upregulation of the inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) gene baculoviral IAP repeat containing 3 (BIRC3) (Fold Change = 12.45, p-value = 0.000025), a well-described protein-coding gene expressed by vascular smooth muscle cells and macrophage foam cells of the inflamed vascular wall of atherosclerotic arteries. Furthermore, perilipin 2 (PLIN2), a gene known to be implicated in lipid metabolism, was also found upregulated. Therefore, this study provides the first evidence for the involvement of a Ychromosome- linked lincRNA, lnc-KDM5D-4, in steatosis-associated atherosclerosis and its retained-nuclear cellular localisation in human hepatocytes, suggesting a function which takes place in the cell nucleus and may play a role in regulating metabolic processes in the liver that are implicated in atherosclerosis. Having shown that a Y chromosome-linked lincRNA could be involved in the determination of lipid level and hence atherosclerosis in men, and to further explore the role of lnc-KDM5D- 4, the expression of this Y-linked lincRNA was studied in human coronary artery smooth muscle cells, especially in atherosclerotic coronary artery cells (Chapter 4). The expression of other non-coding RNAs were also studied such as the protein kinase, Y-linked, pseudogene (PRKY) - previously considered as a new functional candidate for the development of CAD. By analysing the transcriptome of human atherosclerotic and non-atherosclerotic coronary artery smooth muscle cells, I established evidence for the implication of the human Y chromosome in atherosclerosis and CAD. This study exposed the general underexpression of the transcripts from the Y chromosome in atherosclerotic cells implicating a loss or a repression of this chromosome in relation to CAD. Furthermore, this research determined by RNA sequencing a significant downregulation of seven transcripts from Y chromosome genes, including RPS4Y1, USP9Y, DDX3Y, TXLNGY, NLGN4Y and PRKY. RNA FISH determined the subcellular localisation of PRKY in smooth muscle cells by showing a nuclear and a cytoplasmic expression. Furthermore, qPCR gene expression analysis demonstrated that lnc- KDM5D-4 is significantly downregulated in atherosclerotic cells in comparison to the nonatherosclerotic cells. Together, these results showed that lnc-KDM5D-4 is a potential regulator of PLIN2 and BIRC3 genes. Therefore, the downregulation of lnc-KDM5D-4 in atherosclerotic coronary artery smooth muscle cells suggests that this downregulation could be linked to the inflammation of the vascular smooth muscle cells in pathophysiology of CAD via the inhibition of apoptosis of the vascular smooth muscle cells triggered by the upregulation of BIRC3 in these cells. Overall, this study is the first to emphasise a potential involvement of a Y-specific lincRNA, called lnc-KDM5D-4, as a potential contributor to physiology in males. Lnc-KDM5D-4 knockdown resulted in an upregulation of anti-apoptosis and lipid metabolism-related genes. Collectively, our data suggest that the male–specific lnc-KDM5D-4 may regulate key processes in cellular inflammation that trigger atherosclerosis and CAD in men. Accordingly, this data suggests that lnc-KDM5D-4 may provide a novel molecular biomarker for atherosclerotic arteries, and could potentially lead to revolutionary treatment modalities on Y-linked lincRNA as therapeutic agents to manipulate CAD-causing genes in men.Doctor of Philosoph

    Enfermedades autoinflamatorias monogénicas: estudio descriptivo de la prevalencia, clínica y tratamiento en un servicio de reumatología de un hospital terciario

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    Las enfermedades autoinflamatorias (EAIF) monogénicas, tienen una prevalencia muy baja y un retraso en el diagnóstico de años. La terapia biológica se ha convertido en pieza fundamental de su arsenal terapéutico. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la prevalencia, el tiempo de retraso diagnóstico y las características demográficas, clínicas y terapéuticas en una muestra de pacientes con EAIF monogénicas en un Servicio de Reumatología de un hospital terciario.Monogenic autoinflammatory diseases (AIDs) have an exceptionally low prevalence and a diagnostic delay of years. Biological therapy has become an essential part of the therapeutic arsenal for these pathologies. The aim of this study is to describe the prevalence, diagnostic delay time, and demographic, clinical, and therapeutic characteristics in a sample of patients of a Rheumatology Department of a tertiary hospital.Medicin

    Elaboración de sustituto de queso con chocho para la aplicación en repostería

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    Elaborar un sustituto de queso con chocho para la aplicación en la repostería.La siguiente investigación es un proyecto que se ha desarrollado para dar a conocer un producto nutritivo, al encontrar una oportunidad para introducir un alimento innovador de origen vegetal que es el queso de chocho, con el cual se elaboraron postres como ingrediente principal el “chocho” también conocido como tarwi, leguminosa andina de alto valor nutricional que se distingue por su contenido de proteínas, aceites y nutrientes que lo coloca en un plano comparable al de la soya. Además es un alimento que está dirigido para el consumo de todas las personas, principalmente para niños , personas intolerantes a la lactosa y mujeres embarazadas, es un producto que puede contribuir a mejorar la alimentación de las personas y que mejor forma que elaborando postres a base de queso de chocho que además de ser una nueva alternativa de consumo es un producto muy saludable y recomendado, logrando de esa manera, que las personas no solo busquen satisfacer el hambre , sino también mejorar la calidad de vida familiar con productos que aporten los nutrientes necesarios que requiere nuestro organismo. También este alimento puede competir ampliamente en el mercado por su alto nivel de demanda y al ser un producto económico, atrae mucho a la población

    Parametric Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems

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    Modelo administrativo contable para la comunidad San Clemente, parroquia La Esperanza, cantón Ibarra, provincia de Imbabura

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    Realizar un diagnóstico técnico situacional de la Comuna San Clemente, para identificar fortalezas debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas, que debe enfrentar el proyecto propuesto.La finalidad del presente proyecto, es realizar un sistema administrativo contable para la Comuna San Clemente, perteneciente a la parroquia la Esperanza, ciudad de Ibarra en la Provincia de Imbabura, para lo que se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de la situación actual de la Comuna, tanto en el ambiente interno como externo, en que desarrollan sus actividades y proponer un sistema administrativo contable, que oriente el desarrollo de sus actividades, el que consta de cuatro capítulos; En el primer capítulo, se procedió a realizar el diagnóstico situacional mediante la aplicación de los instrumentos de investigación, para conocer la situación actual de la Comuna San Clemente y tener una visión clara de las actividad que se desarrolla en ella, para luego construir la matriz FODA, misma que fue analizada con el fin de determinar la factibilidad de la elaboración e implementación de ésta propuesta. Nuestro segundo capítulo, muestra el sustento teórico, resultado de una amplia recopilación de información bibliográfica, imprescindible para la compresión total de nuestra propuesta. En el tercer capítulo, se muestra la propuesta administrativa-contable, para el desarrollo óptimo de actividades de la Comuna San Clemente, el mismo que muestra; filosofías Comunitaria, un organigrama estructural, un manual de funciones detallado para cada cargo necesario en la Comuna, el proceso de gestión de talento humano que se debe seguir, en cuanto a lo contable se presenta un plan de cuentas específico para la comuna, documentos de soporte que deben realizar, políticas contables a aplicar con su debido proceso, el mismo que proporcionará información eficiente y suficiente, para la oportuna toma de decisiones por parte de sus directivos. Finalmente se presenta un análisis de los impactos resultantes del proyecto, tanto en lo empresarial, social, educativo y cultural, dando un impacto medio positivo de aceptación. Se llegó a la conclusión, que la Comuna no cuenta con bases administrativas y contables, que ayuden al desarrollo de sus actividades, por lo que se recomienda aplicar la estructuración administrativa-contable detallada en la presente propuesta

    El acceso al financiamiento bancario de las pequeñas y medianas empresas de la provincia de Mendoza y sus condicionantes. : las garantías requeridas y el rol de las sociedades de garantía recíproca

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo general analizar el grado de acceso al financiamiento bancario de las Pymes. Ademas se plantearon los siguientes objetivos específicos: Relevar las alternativas crediticias existentes en la actualidad en el mercado financiero, en particular las destinadas a proyectos de inversión y a potenciar la capacidad exportadora. Elaborar un diagnóstico de la situación de las Pymes frente a dichas fuentes de financiamiento, para evaluar en qué medida aprovechan las mismas. Identificar las causas que obstaculizan o impiden el acceso a los créditos de las Pymes. Precisar el rol de las Sociedades de Garantía Recíproca y su inserción real y potencial. Estudiar las alternativas para subsanar las barreras que dificultan o imposibilitan el acceso al crédito y diseñar mecanismos y herramientas eficientes para subsanarlos.Fil: Molina, Raúl A..Fil: Martinez, Elsa O.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias EconómicasFil: Sansone, Jorge. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias EconómicasFil: Vinassa, Federico

    Estudo das interações professor-aluno na alfabetização da geografia

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    In this research article we describe the interactions of teachers in geo-literacy in a municipal school in Viña del Mar (Chile). For that purpose, and from a qualitative approach and through an instrumental case study, two curricular units of the third and sixth grade are analyzed, segmenting the interaction in different units of analysis (Sánchez, García & Rosales, 2010). The findings show that communicative exchanges are not related to the literacy of the discipline, in terms of the development of content, skills and attitudes specific to each area of knowledge according to what is sought to favor the courses and school levels studied.En este artículo de investigación se describen las interacciones de los docentes en la alfabetización de geografía en una escuela municipal de Viña del Mar (Chile). Para ello y desde un enfoque cualitativo y mediante un estudio de caso instrumental, se analizan dos unidades curriculares de tercero y sexto básico, segmentando la interacción en diferentes unidades de análisis (Sánchez, García y Rosales, 2010). Los hallazgos dan cuenta de que los intercambios comunicativos no se condicen con las formas de alfabetizar de la disciplina, en cuanto al desarrollo de contenidos, habilidades y actitudes específicas de cada área del saber según lo que se busca favorecer en los cursos y niveles escolares estudiados.Neste artigo de pesquisa descrevem-se as interações dos professores no ensino da Geografia em uma escola municipal de Viña del Mar (Chile). Para isso e desde uma abordagem qualitativa, por meio do estudo de caso instrumental, analisam-se duas unidades curriculares de terceiro e sexto ano do ensino fundamental, segmentando a interação em diversas unidades de análise (Sánchez, García e Rosales, 2010). As descobertas evidenciam que os intercâmbios comunicativos não concordam com as formas de ministrar a disciplina, em relação com o desenvolvimento de conteúdos, habilidades e atitudes específicas de cada área do conhecimento segundo os objetivos dos cursos e níveis escolares estudados.

    Taking a critical stance towards mixed methods research: A cross-disciplinary qualitative secondary analysis of researchers’ views

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    Recent growth and institutionalization in the field of mixed methods research has provided fertile ground for a wide range of thoughtful criticism of how this research approach has been developed and conceptualized by some members of the mixed methods community. This criticism reflects the increasing maturity of the field as well as the different theoretical perspectives and methodological practices of researchers in different disciplines. While debates addressing these criticisms are likely to lead to valuable insights, no empirical studies have been carried out to date that have investigated researchers’ critical views on the development and conceptualization of mixed methods research. This study examines the criticisms of the mixed methods field raised by a cross-national sample of researchers in education, nursing, psychology, and sociology. We carried out a secondary analysis of semi-structured interviews with 42 researchers and identified 11 different criticisms, which we classified in four domains: essence of mixed methods, philosophy, procedures, and politics. The criticisms related to the procedures domain were equally distributed among the four disciplines, while those related to the essence, philosophy and politics domains were more common among sociologists. Based on our findings, we argue that the divergence of views on foundational issues in this field reflects researchers’ affiliation to different communities of practice, each having its own principles, values, and interests. We suggest that a greater awareness of this divergence of perspectives could help researchers establish effective collaboration and anticipate potential challenges when working with researchers having different methodological approaches