7 research outputs found

    Learning to perform research in the degree of medicine: analysis and evaluation of the student ratings of the final degree dissertation.

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    The Bologna Plan applied to the Medicine Degree in Spain has included a final degree dissertation into the coursework. In this manuscript, we analyzed the validity of a rubric and the grading criteria used to assess the students skills in research and their critical thinking.A total of 62 final degree dissertations were evaluated. Each student was supervised by a clinical or epidemiologist researcher. Each dissertation was rated by three academic assistants using a 10-item rubric. The validity of the scores and the differences in the severity of the examiners were analyzed with a multi-faceted Rasch model, which allowed examining severity within evaluators, ability of the students and difficulty of items. 62 final dissertation were evaluated with a total of 186 rubrics. 58% of the students had higher ability than the severity of the evaluators and the difficulty of the items of the evaluation rubric. No significant differences were observed within the severity of the professors, neither within the final scores. The most difficult item for students was selection of epidemiological design. This study showed that the methodology proposed to evaluate the final degree dissertation is effective to assess the skills of conducting research and critical thinking in medicine students

    Aprendizaje de las competencias de investigación en el Grado de Medicina: análisis y evaluación de las calificaciones de los estudiantes en el Trabajo de Final de Grado

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    The Bologna Plan applied to the Medicine Degree in Spain has included a final degree dissertation into the coursework. In this manuscript, we analyzed the validity of a rubric and the grading criteria used to assess the students skills in research and their critical thinking. A total of 62 final degree dissertations were evaluated. Each student was supervised by a clinical or epidemiologist researcher. Each dissertation was rated by three academic assistants using a 10-item rubric. The validity of the scores and the differences in the severity of the examiners were analyzed with a multi-faceted Rasch model, which allowed examining severity within evaluators, ability of the students and difficulty of items. 62 final dissertation were evaluated with a total of 186 rubrics. 58% of the students had higher ability than the severity of the evaluators and the difficulty of the items of the evaluation rubric. No significant differences were observed within the severity of the professors, neither within the final scores. The most difficult item for students was selection of epidemiological design. This study showed that the methodology proposed to evaluate the final degree dissertation is effective to assess the skills of conducting research and critical thinking in medicine students

    La relación médico-paciente en el grado en medicina. Una necesidad vista por los protagonistas.

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    Este estudio recoge la perspectiva de pacientes y estudiantes de medicina sobre la comunicación médico-paciente, con la intención de mejorar la formación en comunicación «centrada en el paciente- persona» en el grado en medicina. Metodología: Se aborda de forma iterativa la visión de los pacientes mediante metodología cualitativa fenomenológica, recogiendo las característica comunicativas de los médico que son más o menos valoradas y la visión de los estudiantes de medicina mediante el análisis de las respuestas propuestas en un cuestionario. La aportación de ambas visiones contrastada con la de los referentes de la formación en comunicación en el grado en medicina, da respuesta a “qué”, “cuándo” y “cómo” se debe formar en comunicación para tener una auténtica “comunicación centrada en el paciente-persona”. Resultados: Se identifican 17 características comunicativas a potenciar y 13 a evitar. Esta valoración varía en función de la gravedad y vulnerabilidad de cada caso. El paciente quiere sentirse partícipe y que se considere a la familia y su entorno social como elementos claves de su atención. Estudiantes y pacientes valoran ser formados en comunicación aunque difieren en lo que debe priorizarse. Los estudiantes hablan de aspectos genéricos mientras que los pacientes se centran en detalles específicos. Se proponen métodos formativos efectivos que perduren en el tiempo, adecuándose a la madurez y situación de los estudiantes en cada curso. Conclusiones: Los pacientes identifican características concretas de la comunicación que esperan encontrar en los médicos recién graduados. Se identifican específicamente: competencias, objetivos educativos, resultados de aprendizaje y habilidades para mejorar la comunicación, susceptibles de incorporarse en todos los cursos del grado, con los métodos formativos adecuados a cada nivel, teniendo en cuenta también las preferencias de los estudiantes.Aquest estudi recull la perspectiva de pacients i estudiants de medicina sobre la comunicació metge-pacient, amb la intenció de millorar la formació en comunicació «centrada en el pacient-persona» en el grau en medicina. Metodologia: S’estudia de forma iterativa la visió dels pacients mitjançant metodologia qualitativa fenomenològica, recollint les característiques comunicatives dels metge que són més o menys valorades pels pacients i la visió dels estudiants de medicina mitjançant l'anàlisi de les respostes proposades en un qüestionari. L'aportació de les dues visions contrastada amb la dels referents de la formació en comunicació en el grau en medicina, dóna resposta a "què", "quan" i "com" s'ha de formar en comunicació per tenir una autèntica "comunicació centrada en el pacient-persona ". Resultats: S'identifiquen 17 característiques comunicatives a potenciar i 13 a evitar. Aquesta valoració varia en funció de la gravetat i vulnerabilitat de cada cas. El pacient vol sentir-se partícip i que es consideri a la família i el seu entorn social com a elements claus de la seva atenció. Estudiants i pacients valoren ser formats en comunicació encara que difereixen en el que s'ha de prioritzar. Els estudiants parlen d'aspectes genèrics mentre que els pacients se centren en detalls específics. Es proposen mètodes formatius efectius que perdurin en el temps, adequant-se a la maduresa i situació dels estudiants en cada curs. Conclusions: Els pacients identifiquen característiques concretes de la comunicació que esperen trobar en els metges acabats de graduar. S'identifiquen específicament: competències, objectius educatius, resultats d'aprenentatge i habilitats per a millorar la comunicació, susceptibles d'incorporar en tots els cursos del grau, amb els mètodes formatius adequats a cada nivell, tenint en compte també les preferències dels estudiants

    Learning to perform research in the degree of medicine: analysis and evaluation of the student ratings of the final degree dissertation.

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    The Bologna Plan applied to the Medicine Degree in Spain has included a final degree dissertation into the coursework. In this manuscript, we analyzed the validity of a rubric and the grading criteria used to assess the students skills in research and their critical thinking.A total of 62 final degree dissertations were evaluated. Each student was supervised by a clinical or epidemiologist researcher. Each dissertation was rated by three academic assistants using a 10-item rubric. The validity of the scores and the differences in the severity of the examiners were analyzed with a multi-faceted Rasch model, which allowed examining severity within evaluators, ability of the students and difficulty of items. 62 final dissertation were evaluated with a total of 186 rubrics. 58% of the students had higher ability than the severity of the evaluators and the difficulty of the items of the evaluation rubric. No significant differences were observed within the severity of the professors, neither within the final scores. The most difficult item for students was selection of epidemiological design. This study showed that the methodology proposed to evaluate the final degree dissertation is effective to assess the skills of conducting research and critical thinking in medicine students

    Aprendizaje de las competencias de investigación en el Grado de Medicina: análisis y evaluación de las calificaciones de los estudiantes en el Trabajo de Final de Grado

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    The Bologna Plan applied to the Medicine Degree in Spain has included a final degree dissertation into the coursework. In this manuscript, we analyzed the validity of a rubric and the grading criteria used to assess the students skills in research and their critical thinking. A total of 62 final degree dissertations were evaluated. Each student was supervised by a clinical or epidemiologist researcher. Each dissertation was rated by three academic assistants using a 10-item rubric. The validity of the scores and the differences in the severity of the examiners were analyzed with a multi-faceted Rasch model, which allowed examining severity within evaluators, ability of the students and difficulty of items. 62 final dissertation were evaluated with a total of 186 rubrics. 58% of the students had higher ability than the severity of the evaluators and the difficulty of the items of the evaluation rubric. No significant differences were observed within the severity of the professors, neither within the final scores. The most difficult item for students was selection of epidemiological design. This study showed that the methodology proposed to evaluate the final degree dissertation is effective to assess the skills of conducting research and critical thinking in medicine students