37 research outputs found

    Tunjuk Ajar dalam Naskah Si Jangkang (Negara yang Hilang) Karya Fedli Azis

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    This is a research of moral values in the text of Si Jangkang (negara yang hilang) written by Fedli Aziz. This text contains some moral value that teach about the relation human and God, the relation between humans, and the relation of humans to themself. This research uses qualitative approach and descriptive method to describe the moral values in the text of Si Jangkang (ngara yang hilang) written by Fedli Aziz. The data are collected by applying the data colleting technique, and then, are classified based on categories of (1) Relation of human and God which involves devotion to God, simple life, and feeling of grateful to God. (2) relation between hummans which involves conformity to the parents, to theleaders, to the unity, sense of justice and righteousness, sense of planting mind and returning favor, deliberation, positive thinking, oppennes, sense of bashfulness, affectionate, and sense of forgiving and generousity. (3) Relation of human to themself which involves the virtue of oneself, sincerity and sense of willingness to sacrifice, hardworking deligence, independence and confidence, responsibility, sense of bashfulness, right and ownership, courage, honesty, thirfty and through, sense of sulking, self awareness, timewise, life simply, and visionary

    Referensi Endofora dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Karpet Mereh Wakil Presiden Karya Abdul Kadir Ibrahim

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    This study discussed the endofora reference in short stories collections of Karpet Merah Wakil Presiden of Abdul Kadifr Ibrahim work. In general, the problem studied in this study is about the type of endofora reference based on the direction and type of object in short stories collections of Karpet Merah Wakil Presiden of Abdul Kadir Ibrahim work. The method used in this study was descriptive method with qualitative approach, which is the data in the form of a series of text that get realization of endofora reference. The techniques used in this study were documentation and record techniques. The data source of this study was obtained directly from the book short stories collections of Karpet Merah Wakil Presiden of Abdul Kadir Ibrahim works. The result of this study indicate there are 417 endofora references data. The overall data consists of 284 personal reference data of anaphora category, 67 personal reference data of kataphora category, 5 demonstrative reference data of anaphora category, 7 demonstrative reference data of the kataphora category, 4 comparative reference data of anaphora category, and 4 comparative reference data of kataphora category

    Alang dan Dedap Durhaka: Kajian Intertekstual

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    S: Intertextual study as a search effort meaning continuously. So, this study aims to see how the structure of the Alang Story Story and Dedap Ungodly Story, as well as on how the intertextual transformation of these two points. This study is a qualitative study with descriptive form, done with a) reduction, b) classification, c) display, and d) performing interpretations and taking conclusions. The results of the study were conducted through structural text transformation analysis with cultural and historical approach. The analysis of the study showed that TCA as a TCDD hypogram. The equations found in the plot, characterization, background, theme and point of view of both stories indicate an intertextual relationship. The implications of this study are for the creation of new literary works for writers and researchers in analyzing intertext relationships

    Tindak Tutur Ilokusi Comica Roni Immanuel ”Mongol Stres” dalam Acara Stand Up Comedy Show dan Implikasinya

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya tindak tutur ilokusi yang digunakan para komika dalam sebuah acara Stand Up Show. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik simak dan catat. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah mentranskripkan audio pada video dalam bentuk tulisan, mengidentifikasi data berdasarkan bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi dan bentuk strategi bertutur, mengklasifikasikan data berdasarkan bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi dan bentuk strategi bertutur, menganalisis data yang telah diklasifikasikan, dan terakhir penulis membuat suatu simpulan mengenai tindak tutur ilokusi Roni Immanuel ”Mongol Stress” dalam acara Stand Up Comedy Show. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian data yang diambil berupa 5 video yang diunduh dari media youtube, ditemukan sebanyak 82 data dengan klasifikasi tuturan deklaratif berjumlah 43 data, tuturan ekspresif berjumlah 16 data, tuturan direktif berjumlah 15 data, tuturan komisif berjumlah 5 data, serta ditemukan 3 data strategi bertutur yaitu secara langsung 2 data, secara tidak langsung 1 data

    Kecemasan Tokoh Icih Prihatini dalam Naskah Drama Monolog Wanci Karya Imas Sobariah: Analisis Psikologi Sastra

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    Abstrack : This study discusses the anxiety of Icih Prihatini figures in the script of monologue Wanci works Imas Sobariah based on the approach to psychology literature analyzed. In this study examines the problem formulation what the anxiety experienced by Icih Prihatini figures in the script monologue drama Wanci works from Imas Sobariah. The data source is the goal of this study is the monologue drama script Wanci Imas Sobariah work. The research data I look in form of sentences and dialogue excerpts relating to anxiety figure consists of realistic anxiety, neurotic anxiety and moral anxiety. The research method used is a qualitative method which describes the description data. Technique of collecting data in this research is documentation techniques. Data analysis technique is used, the data reduction, data representation and conclusions must be terminated. The data of this study amounted to 38 data that consists of 12 data realistic anxiety, neurotic anxiety data 12 and 14, the data of the moral by the signs experienced fear in the script monologue Prihatini Icih Wanci Sobariah Imas work

    Dimensi Sejarah dalam Novel Megat Karya Rida K Liamsi : Kajian Intertekstual

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    Abstrack : Background to this study was to differ from the expression that no text was born without the emptiness of history and culture. The problem that arises is how the historical dimension of the novel Megat Rida K Liamsi works. The purpose of this document on the dimensions of the historical novel Rida K Liamsi Megat works by joining the historical literary lineage Tufat Al Nafis and Al Salatin used to learn textual study. The benefits of this research are divided into three theoretical, practical and educational. The operational definition of the dimensions of the motifs of history is the history that was born in the last lineage. Al Salatin and Tufat Al Nafis with literary texts are born in this time the Megat novel. The data source of this research is the novel Megat, Tufat Al Nafis and Al Salatin family tree. The research data is the text you do not have about the motives of history, which are grouped into categories of intertextual denial, confirmation and inovasi. Methodology is a qualitative method that illustrates the descriptive data. The collection of data used techniques is literature. Validity of data involving triangulation techniques using two validators. Based on the data analysis that is done, it is given that 132 historical motifs of the Megat novel, consisting of 3 types of intertextual denial, as much as six of the data, as much as 50 data confirmation and innovation as much as 76 data