119 research outputs found

    A whey protein supplement decreases post-prandial glycemia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Incidence of diabetes, obesity and insulin resistance are associated with high glycemic load diets. Identifying food components that decrease post-prandial glycemia may be beneficial for developing low glycemic foods and supplements. This study explores the glycemic impact of adding escalating doses of a glycemic index lowering peptide fraction (GILP) from whey to a glucose drink.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ten healthy subjects (3M, 7F, 44.4 ± 9.3 years, BMI 33.6 ± 4.8 kg/m<sup>2</sup>) participated in an acute randomised controlled study. Zero, 5, 10 and 20 g of protein from GILP were added to a 50 g glucose drink. The control (0 g of GILP) meal was repeated 2 times. Capillary blood samples were taken fasting (0 min) and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after the start of the meal and analyzed for blood glucose concentration.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Increasing doses of GILP decreased the incremental areas under the curve in a dose dependant manner (Pearson's r = 0.48, p = 0.002). The incremental areas (iAUC) under the glucose curve for the 0, 5, 10, and 20 g of protein from GILP were 231 ± 23, 212 ± 23, 196 ± 23, and 138 ± 13 mmol.min/L respectively. The iAUC of the 20 g GILP was significantly different from control, 5 g GILP and 10 g GILP (p < 0.001). Average reduction in the glucose iAUC was 4.6 ± 1.4 mmol.min/L per gram of ingested GILP.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Addition of GILP to a oral glucose bolus reduces blood glucose iAUC in a dose dependent manner and averages 4.6 ± 1.4 mmol.min/L per gram of GILP. These data are consistent with previous research on the effect of protein on the glycemic response of a meal.</p

    Test-retest reproducibility of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and estimated effects on disease risk in the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study (NOWAC)

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    BACKGROUND: The Norwegian Women and Cancer Study (NOWAC) is a national population-based cohort study with 102 443 women enrolled at age 30–70 y from 1991 to 1997. The present study was a methodological sub-study to assess the test-retest reproducibility of the NOWAC food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), and to study how measurement errors in the data can affect estimates of disease risk. METHODS: A random sample of 2000 women aged 46–75 y was drawn from the cohort in 2002. A self-instructive health and lifestyle questionnaire with a FFQ section was mailed to the same subjects twice (test-retest), about three months apart, with a response rate of 75%. The FFQ was designed to assess habitual diet over the past year. We assess the reproducibility of single questions, food groups, energy, and nutrients with several statistical measures. We also demonstrate the method of regression calibration to correct disease risk estimates for measurement error. Alcohol intake (g/day) and high blood pressure (yes/no) is used in the example. RESULTS: For single foods there were some indications of seasonal reporting bias. For food groups and nutrients the reliability coefficients ranged from 0.5–0.8, and Pearson's r, Spearman's r(s), and two intraclass correlation coefficients gave similar results. Although alcohol intake had relatively high reproducibility (r = 0.72), odds ratio estimates for the association with blood pressure were attenuated towards the null value compared to estimates corrected by regression calibration. CONCLUSION: The level of reproducibility observed for the FFQ used in the NOWAC study is within the range reported for similar instruments, but may attenuate estimates of disease risk

    Small-scale, homelike facilities versus regular psychogeriatric nursing home wards: a cross-sectional study into residents' characteristics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Nursing home care for people with dementia is increasingly organized in small-scale and homelike care settings, in which normal daily life is emphasized. Despite this increase, relatively little is known about residents' characteristics and whether these differ from residents in traditional nursing homes. This study explored and compared characteristics of residents with dementia living in small-scale, homelike facilities and regular psychogeriatric wards in nursing homes, focusing on functional status and cognition.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was conducted, including 769 residents with dementia requiring an intensive level of nursing home care: 586 from regular psychogeriatric wards and 183 residents from small-scale living facilities. Functional status and cognition were assessed using two subscales from the Resident Assessment Instrument Minimum Data Set (RAI-MDS): the Activities of Daily Living-Hierarchy scale (ADL-H) and the Cognitive Performance Scale (CPS). In addition, care dependency was measured using Dutch Care Severity Packages (DCSP). Finally, gender, age, living condition prior to admission and length of stay were recorded. Descriptive analyses, including independent samples t- tests and chi-square tests, were used. To analyze data in more detail, multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Residents living in small-scale, homelike facilities had a significantly higher functional status and cognitive performance compared with residents in regular psychogeriatric wards. In addition, they had a shorter length of stay, were less frequently admitted from home and were more often female than residents in regular wards. No differences were found in age and care dependency. While controlling for demographic variables, the association between dementia care setting and functional status and cognition remained.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although residents require a similar intensive level of nursing home care, their characteristics differ among small-scale living facilities and regular psychogeriatric wards. These differences may limit research into effects and feasibility of various types of dementia care settings. Therefore, these studies should take resident characteristics into account in their design, for example by using a matching procedure.</p

    Burden and modifications in life from the perspective of caregivers for patients after stroke

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    OBJECTIVE: to analyze the impact that caring has on a member of the family caring for a patient after a cerebrovascular accident, correlating life modifications and mental suffering with the perceived burden. METHOD: a cross-sectional, quantitative study, undertaken in January-April 2010 in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. RESULT: 61 individuals were investigated, monitored by three hospitals' Home Care Program. Data collection was through interviews for identifying life changes, and through the application of three scales for investigating perceived burden, mental state and mental suffering. Respectively these were the Caregiver Burden Scale (CBS), the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Self Reported Questionnaire (SRQ). The majority of the carers were female, married, and the children of the stroke patients. The average age was 48.2 years (±12.4). The most-cited life modifications referred to the daily routine, to leisure activities, and to exhaustion or tiredness. Regarding burden, the dimensions of General tension, Isolation and Disappointment stood out. It was ascertained that overload was more severe when the carer presented more symptoms of psychological distress, in the absence of a secondary carer, and when the principal carers reported perceiving changes in their bodies and health. CONCLUSION: an association between burden and the carer's mental state was not observed. Understanding the care, through analysis of the burden and of the knowledge of the biopsychosocial situation will provide support for the nurse's work in reducing the overload for family caregivers.OBJETIVO: analizar el impacto del cuidar para el cuidador familiar de paciente después de accidente vascular cerebral, correlacionando modificaciones de vida y sufrimiento psíquico con la sobrecarga percibida. MÉTODO: estudio transversal, cuantitativo, realizado de enero a abril de 2010, en Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. RESULTADO: se investigaron 61 individuos, acompañados por el Programa de Servicio Domiciliar de tres hospitales. La colecta de los datos ocurrió mediante entrevista para identificar modificaciones de vida, y con la aplicación de tres escalas para investigar la sobrecarga percibida, estado mental y sufrimiento psíquico. Son ellas, respectivamente: Caregiver Burden Scale (CBS), Mini Examen del Estado Mental (MEEM) y Self Reported Questionnaire (SRQ). Los cuidadores, en su mayoría, eran del sexo femenino, casados (as) e hijo (as) de los pacientes después del AVC. Edad Media de 48,2 años (±12,4). Las modificaciones de vida más citadas fueron referentes a la rutina diaria, a las actividades de ocio y agotamiento o cansancio. En cuanto a la sobrecarga, se destacaron las dimensiones Tensión general, Aislamiento y Decepción. Se verificó mayor sobrecarga cuanto más síntomas de sufrimiento psíquico el cuidador presentase, en la ausencia de cuidador secundario y cuando los cuidadores principales relataron percibir modificación en el cuerpo y en la salud. CONCLUSIÓN: no fue observada asociación de la sobrecarga con el estado mental del cuidador. Entender la coyuntura del cuidado, mediante análisis del recargo de trabajo, y del conocimiento de la situación biopsicosocial, suministrará subsidios para la actuación del enfermero para reducir la carga generada para los cuidadores familiares.OBJETIVO: analisar o impacto do cuidar para o cuidador familiar de paciente após acidente vascular cerebral (AVC), correlacionando modificações de vida e sofrimento psíquico com a sobrecarga percebida. MÉTODO: estudo transversal, quantitativo, realizado de janeiro a abril de 2010, em Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. RESULTADO: investigaram-se 61 indivíduos, acompanhados pelo Programa de Atendimento Domiciliar (PAD), de três hospitais. A coleta dos dados ocorreu mediante entrevista para identificar modificações de vida, e com a aplicação de três escalas para investigar sobrecarga percebida, estado mental e sofrimento psíquico. São elas, respectivamente: Caregiver Burden Scale (CBS), Miniexame do Estado Mental (MEEM) e Self Reported Questionnaire (SRQ). Os cuidadores, na sua maioria, eram do sexo feminino, casados(as) e filho(as) dos pacientes após AVC. A média de idade era de 48,2 anos (±12,4). As modificações de vida mais citadas foram referentes à rotina diária, às atividades de lazer e esgotamento ou cansaço. Quanto à sobrecarga, destacaram-se as dimensões tensão geral, isolamento e decepção. Verificou-se maior sobrecarga quanto mais sintomas de sofrimento psíquico o cuidador apresentasse, na ausência de cuidador secundário e quando os cuidadores principais relataram perceber modificação no corpo e na saúde. CONCLUSÃO: não foi observada associação da sobrecarga com o estado mental do cuidador. Entender a conjuntura do cuidado, mediante análise da sobrecarga de trabalho, e do conhecimento da situação biopsicossocial fornecerá subsídios para a atuação do enfermeiro para reduzir a carga gerada para os cuidadores familiares

    An intervention to support stroke survivors and their carers in the longer term (LoTS2Care): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled feasibility trial

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    Background Despite the evidence that many stroke survivors report longer term unmet needs, the provision of longer term care is limited. To address this, we are conducting a programme of research to develop an evidence-based and replicable longer term care strategy. The developed complex intervention (named New Start), which includes needs identification, exploration of social networks and components of problem solving and self-management, was designed to improve quality of life by addressing unmet needs and increasing participation. Methods/Design A multicentre, cluster randomised controlled feasibility trial designed to inform the design of a possible future definitive cluster randomised controlled trial (cRCT) and explore the potential clinical and cost-effectiveness of New Start. Ten stroke services across the UK will be randomised on a 1:1 basis either to implement New Start or continue with usual care only. New Start will be delivered by trained facilitators and will be offered to all stroke survivors within the services allocated to the intervention arm. Stroke survivors will be eligible for the trial if they are 4–6 months post-stroke and residing in the community. Carers (if available) will also be invited to take part. Invitation to participate will be initiated by post and outcome measures will be collected via postal questionnaires at 3, 6 and 9 months after recruitment. Outcome data relating to perceived health and disability, wellbeing and quality of life as well as unmet needs will be collected. A ‘study within a trial’ (SWAT) is planned to determine the most acceptable format in which to provide the postal questionnaires. Details of health and social care service usage will also be collected to inform the economic evaluation. The feasibility of recruiting services and stroke survivors to the trial and of collecting postal outcomes will be assessed and the potential for effectiveness will be investigated. An embedded process evaluation (reported separately) will assess implementation fidelity and explore and clarify causal assumptions regarding implementation. Discussion This feasibility trial with embedded process evaluation will allow us to gather important and detailed data regarding methodological and implementation issues to inform the design of a possible future definitive cRCT of this complex intervention. Trial Registration ISRCTN38920246. Registered 22 June 2016

    Клинически значимые варианты анатомии ветвления чревного ствола и прилежащих к нему лимфоузлов

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    The trans-ancestral genomic architecture of glycemic traits

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    Glycemic traits are used to diagnose and monitor type 2 diabetes and cardiometabolic health. To date, most genetic studies of glycemic traits have focused on individuals of European ancestry. Here we aggregated genome-wide association studies comprising up to 281,416 individuals without diabetes (30% non-European ancestry) for whom fasting glucose, 2-h glucose after an oral glucose challenge, glycated hemoglobin and fasting insulin data were available. Trans-ancestry and single-ancestry meta-analyses identified 242 loci (99 novel; P < 5 × 10−8), 80% of which had no significant evidence of between-ancestry heterogeneity. Analyses restricted to individuals of European ancestry with equivalent sample size would have led to 24 fewer new loci. Compared with single-ancestry analyses, equivalent-sized trans-ancestry fine-mapping reduced the number of estimated variants in 99% credible sets by a median of 37.5%. Genomic-feature, gene-expression and gene-set analyses revealed distinct biological signatures for each trait, highlighting different underlying biological pathways. Our results increase our understanding of diabetes pathophysiology by using trans-ancestry studies for improved power and resolution