22,370 research outputs found

    Virtual QCD corrections to Higgs boson plus four parton processes

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    We report on the calculation of virtual processes contributing to the production of a Higgs boson and two jets in hadron-hadron collisions. The coupling of the Higgs boson to gluons, via a virtual loop of top quarks, is treated using an effective theory, valid in the large top quark mass limit. The calculation is performed by evaluating one-loop diagrams in the effective theory. The primary method of calculation is a numerical evaluation of the virtual amplitudes as a Laurent series in D4D-4, where DD is the dimensionality of space-time. For the cases HqqˉqqˉH \to q\bar{q}q\bar{q} and HqqˉqqˉH \to q\bar{q}q'\bar{q}' we confirm the numerical results by an explicit analytic calculation.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures. v2 modifies the text to agree with published version and corrects typos in the analytical expressions for the four quark amplitude

    Irrotational dust with Div H=0

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    For irrotational dust the shear tensor is consistently diagonalizable with its covariant time derivative: σab=0=σ˙ab,  ab\sigma_{ab}=0=\dot{\sigma}_{ab},\; a\neq b, if and only if the divergence of the magnetic part of the Weyl tensor vanishes: div H=0div~H = 0. We show here that in that case, the consistency of the Ricci constraints requires that the magnetic part of the Weyl tensor itself vanishes: Hab=0H_{ab}=0.Comment: 19 pages. Latex. Also avaliable at http://shiva.mth.uct.ac.za/preprints/text/lesame2.te

    Jet Investigations Using the Radial Moment

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    We define the radial moment, , for jets produced in hadron-hadron collisions. It can be used as a tool for studying, as a function of the jet transverse energy and pseudorapidity, radiation within the jet and the quality of a perturbative description of the jet shape. We also discuss how non-perturbative corrections to the jet transverse energy affect .Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 6 figure

    Resummation Effects in Vector-Boson and Higgs Associated Production

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    Fixed-order QCD radiative corrections to the vector-boson and Higgs associated production channels, pp -> VH (V=W, Z), at hadron colliders are well understood. We combine higher order perturbative QCD calculations with soft-gluon resummation of both threshold logarithms and logarithms which are important at low transverse momentum of the VH pair. We study the effects of both types of logarithms on the scale dependence of the total cross section and on various kinematic distributions. The next-to-next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNNLL) resummed total cross sections at the LHC are almost identical to the fixed-order perturbative next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) rates, indicating the excellent convergence of the perturbative QCD series. Resummation of the VH transverse momentum (p_T) spectrum provides reliable results for small values of p_T and suggests that implementing a jet-veto will significantly decrease the cross sections.Comment: 25 pages, references update

    Cosmological Models with Shear and Rotation

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    Cosmological models involving shear and rotation are considered, first in the General Relat ivistic and then in the Newtonian framework with the aim of investigating singularities in them by using numerical and analytical techniques. The dynamics of these rotating models ar e studied. It is shown that singularities are unavoidable in such models and that the centr ifugal force arising due to rotation can never overcome the gravitational and shearing forc e over a length of time.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures Journal Ref: J. Astrophys. Astr. (1999) 20, 79-8

    Impact of bosonic decays on the search for stau_2 and tau-sneutrino

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    We perform a detailed study of the decays of the heavier tau slepton (stau_2) and tau-sneutrino (snu_tau) in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We show that the decays into Higgs or gauge bosons, i.e. stau_2 -> stau_1 + (h^0, H^0, A^0 or Z^0), stau_2 -> snu_tau + (H^- or W^-), and snu_tau -> stau_1 + (H^+ or W^+), can be very important due to the sizable tau Yukawa coupling and large mixing parameters of stau. Compared to the decays into fermions, such as stau_2 -> tau + neutralino_i and stau_2 -> nu_tau + chargino_j^-, these bosonic decay modes can have significantly different decay distributions. This could have an important influence on the search for stau_2 and snu_tau and the determination of the MSSM parameters at future colliders.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX2

    Calculating Kaon Fragmentation Functions from NJL-Jet Model

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    The Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) - Jet model provides a sound framework for calculating the fragmentation functions in an effective chiral quark theory, where the momentum and isospin sum rules are satisfied without the introduction of ad hoc parameters. Earlier studies of the pion fragmentation functions using the NJL model within this framework showed qualitative agreement with the empirical parameterizations. Here we extend the NJL-Jet model by including the strange quark. The corrections to the pion fragmentation functions and corresponding kaon fragmentation functions are calculated using the elementary quark to quark-meson fragmentation functions from NJL. The results for the kaon fragmentation functions exhibit a qualitative agreement with the empirical parameterizations, while the unfavored strange quark fragmentation to pions is shown to be of the same order of magnitude as the unfavored light quark's. The results of these studies are expected to provide important guidance for the analysis of a large variety of semi-inclusive data.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figure

    Dynamical Formation of Horizons in Recoiling D Branes

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    A toy calculation of string/D-particle interactions within a world-sheet approach indicates that quantum recoil effects - reflecting the gravitational back-reaction on space-time foam due to the propagation of energetic particles - induces the appearance of a microscopic event horizon, or `bubble', inside which stable matter can exist. The scattering event causes this horizon to expand, but we expect quantum effects to cause it to contract again, in a `bounce' solution. Within such `bubbles', massless matter propagates with an effective velocity that is less than the velocity of light in vacuo, which may lead to observable violations of Lorentz symmetry that may be tested experimentally. The conformal invariance conditions in the interior geometry of the bubbles select preferentially three for the number of the spatial dimensions, corresponding to a consistent formulation of the interaction of D3 branes with recoiling D particles, which are allowed to fluctuate independently only on the D3-brane hypersurface.Comment: 25 pages LaTeX, 4 eps figures include

    Production of two ccˉc \bar c pairs in gluon-gluon scattering in high energy proton-proton collisions

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    We calculate cross sections for ggQQˉQQˉg g \to Q \bar Q Q \bar Q in the high-energy approximation in the mixed (longitudinal momentum fraction, impact parameter) and momentum space representations. Besides the total cross section as a function of subsystem energy also differential distributions (in quark rapidity, transverse momentum, QQQ Q, QQˉQ \bar Q invariant mass) are presented. The elementary cross section is used to calculate production of (ccˉ)(ccˉ)(c \bar c) (c \bar c) in single-parton scattering (SPS) in proton-proton collisions. We present integrated cross section as a function of proton-proton center of mass energy as well as differential distribution in M(ccˉ)(ccˉ)M_{(c \bar c)(c \bar c)}. The results are compared with corresponding results for double-parton scattering (DPS) discussed recently in the literature. We find that the considered SPS contribution to (ccˉ)(ccˉ)(c \bar c)(c \bar c) production is at high energy (s>\sqrt{s} > 5 TeV) much smaller than that for DPS contribution.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure

    Astrophysical Probes of the Constancy of the Velocity of Light

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    We discuss possible tests of the constancy of the velocity of light using distant astrophysical sources such as gamma-ray bursters (GRBs), Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) and pulsars. This speculative quest may be motivated by some models of quantum fluctuations in the space-time background, and we discuss explicitly how an energy-dependent variation in photon velocity \delta c/ c \sim - E / M arises in one particular quantum-gravitational model. We then discuss how data on GRBs may be used to set limits on variations in the velocity of light, which we illustrate using BATSE and OSSE observations of the GRBs that have recently been identified optically and for which precise redshifts are available. We show how a regression analysis can be performed to look for an energy-dependent effect that should correlate with redshift. The present data yield a limit M \gsim 10^{15} GeV for the quantum gravity scale. We discuss the prospects for improving this analysis using future data, and how one might hope to distinguish any positive signal from astrophysical effects associated with the sources.Comment: 37 pages LaTeX, 9 eps figures included, uses aasms4.st