509 research outputs found

    Does She Want You to Open the Door? New Realities for Traditional Gendered Sexuality

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    In contemporary United States culture, young people may face contradictory gender-related pressures. Changing gender norms resulting from social movements in the latter half of the twentieth century (e.g., sexual revolution, feminism) collide with traditional expectations, such as female virginity until marriage. This study used cross-gender focus groups to examine young people’s gendered experiences in the wake of social change. Data were collected with 35 millennials (ages 18-27) in Pennsylvania who self-identified as having traditional views about relationships and sexuality. Participants articulated current traditional expectations, which included educational and career responsibilities for women as well as behavioral expectations that participants associated with hyper-masculinity. Such expectations were often paradoxical and frequently contrasted with lived experiences. Participants coped with conflicting pressures by keeping secrets and leading double lives. These findings may help educators and clinicians recognize the complex social reality millennials face and assist them in balancing conflicting pressures

    A qualidade do programa escola campeã: avaliação externa de gestão e eficiência

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    O artigo tem por objetivo apresentar a síntese dos principais resultados da avaliação externa, realizada pela Fundação Cesgranrio em 2004 e em 2005, do Programa Escola Campeã, no que se refere à gestão e à eficiência das Secretarias Municipais de Educação e escolas parceiras desse Programa. A análise dos resultados obtidos no período de 2001 a 2004, pelos 42 municípios avaliados, indica um crescimento em praticamente todos os indicadores de gestão que o Programa abordou. Constata-se restarem ainda poucos desafios, que demandam a reformulação de políticas e ações da gestão municipal, em especial no caso dos indicadores nomeados Plano de Carreiras, Plano Municipal de Educação e Articulação Municipal. Com relação à eficiência, verificou-se que ainda há problemas recorrentes e, portanto, um caminho a ser percorrido, na medida em que a evolução em grande parte dos indicadores dessa dimensão avaliada nas escolas ainda se mostrou acanhada quando confrontada com os critérios estabelecidos pelo Programa. Pode-se afirmar que os indicadores não atendidos representam falhas no tratamento estatístico de dados relacionados à eficiência da escola. A metodologia de avaliação aplicada ao Programa pode ser replicada todas as vezes que programas com perfil semelhante necessitarem ser avaliados. O modelo desenvolvido atendeu plenamente às especificidades do Programa iluminando suas qualidades, assim como aspectos relacionados à gestão e eficiência que ainda requerem especial atenção

    Mechanisms of motivational interviewing in health promotion: a Bayesian mediation analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Counselor behaviors that mediate the efficacy of motivational interviewing (MI) are not well understood, especially when applied to health behavior promotion. We hypothesized that client change talk mediates the relationship between counselor variables and subsequent client behavior change. METHODS: Purposeful sampling identified individuals from a prospective randomized worksite trial using an MI intervention to promote firefighters’ healthy diet and regular exercise that increased dietary intake of fruits and vegetables (n = 21) or did not increase intake of fruits and vegetables (n = 22). MI interactions were coded using the Motivational Interviewing Skill Code (MISC 2.1) to categorize counselor and firefighter verbal utterances. Both Bayesian and frequentist mediation analyses were used to investigate whether client change talk mediated the relationship between counselor skills and behavior change. RESULTS: Counselors’ global spirit, empathy, and direction and MI-consistent behavioral counts (e.g., reflections, open questions, affirmations, emphasize control) significantly correlated with firefighters’ total client change talk utterances (rs = 0.42, 0.40, 0.30, and 0.61, respectively), which correlated significantly with their fruit and vegetable intake increase (r = 0.33). Both Bayesian and frequentist mediation analyses demonstrated that findings were consistent with hypotheses, such that total client change talk mediated the relationship between counselor’s skills—MI-consistent behaviors [Bayesian mediated effect: αβ = .06 (.03), 95% CI = .02, .12] and MI spirit [Bayesian mediated effect: αβ = .06 (.03), 95% CI = .01, .13]—and increased fruit and vegetable consumption. CONCLUSION: Motivational interviewing is a resource- and time-intensive intervention, and is currently being applied in many arenas. Previous research has identified the importance of counselor behaviors and client change talk in the treatment of substance use disorders. Our results indicate that similar mechanisms may underlie the effects of MI for dietary change. These results inform MI training and application by identifying those processes critical for MI success in health promotion domains

    The Grizzly, November 21, 1986

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    LCB: A Factor Not Counted On • Garton Lecture Stirs Debate • Letters: Grizzly\u27s Summary was False; Hey Wismer, Who\u27s Getting Ripped Off Here?; Lobby Loses Labyrinth • Bear Matmen Turn Marauders at LaSalle • Football Preview: Repetti Goes for Recordhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1176/thumbnail.jp

    Chronic cigarette smoking is linked with structural alterations in brain regions showing acute nicotinic drug-induced functional modulations

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    Background Whereas acute nicotine administration alters brain function which may, in turn, contribute to enhanced attention and performance, chronic cigarette smoking is linked with regional brain atrophy and poorer cognition. However, results from structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies comparing smokers versus nonsmokers have been inconsistent and measures of gray matter possess limited ability to inform functional relations or behavioral implications. The purpose of this study was to address these interpretational challenges through meta-analytic techniques in the service of clarifying the impact of chronic smoking on gray matter integrity and more fully contextualizing such structural alterations. Methods We first conducted a coordinate-based meta-analysis of structural MRI studies to identify consistent structural alterations associated with chronic smoking. Subsequently, we conducted two additional meta-analytic assessments to enhance insight into potential functional and behavioral relations. Specifically, we performed a multimodal meta-analytic assessment to test the structural?functional hypothesis that smoking-related structural alterations overlapped those same regions showing acute nicotinic drug-induced functional modulations. Finally, we employed database driven tools to identify pairs of structurally impacted regions that were also functionally related via meta-analytic connectivity modeling, and then delineated behavioral phenomena associated with such functional interactions via behavioral decoding. Results Across studies, smoking was associated with convergent structural decreases in the left insula, right cerebellum, parahippocampus, multiple prefrontal cortex (PFC) regions, and the thalamus. Indicating a structural?functional relation, we observed that smoking-related gray matter decreases overlapped with the acute functional effects of nicotinic agonist administration in the left insula, ventromedial PFC, and mediodorsal thalamus. Suggesting structural-behavioral implications, we observed that the left insula?s task-based, functional interactions with multiple other structurally impacted regions were linked with pain perception, the right cerebellum?s interactions with other regions were associated with overt body movements, interactions between the parahippocampus and thalamus were linked with memory processes, and interactions between medial PFC regions were associated with face processing. Conclusions Collectively, these findings emphasize brain regions (e.g., ventromedial PFC, insula, thalamus) critically linked with cigarette smoking, suggest neuroimaging paradigms warranting additional consideration among smokers (e.g., pain processing), and highlight regions in need of further elucidation in addiction (e.g., cerebellum). Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12993-016-0100-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Methane Emission in a Specific Riparian-Zone Sediment Decreased with Bioelectrochemical Manipulation and Corresponded to the Microbial Community Dynamics

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    Dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria are widespread in terrestrial ecosystems, especially in anaerobic soils and sediments. Thermodynamically, dissimilatory metal reduction is more favorable than sulfate reduction and methanogenesis but less favorable than denitrification and aerobic respiration. It is critical to understand the complex relationships, including the absence or presence of terminal electron acceptors, that govern microbial competition and coexistence in anaerobic soils and sediments, because subsurface microbial processes can effect greenhouse gas emissions from soils, possibly resulting in impacts at the global scale. Here, we elucidated the effect of an inexhaustible, ferrous-iron and humic-substance mimicking terminal electron acceptor by deploying potentiostatically poised electrodes in the sediment of a very specific stream riparian zone in Upstate New York state. At two sites within the same stream riparian zone during the course of six weeks in the spring of 2013, we measured CH4 and N2/N2O emissions from soil chambers containing either poised or unpoised electrodes, and we harvested biofilms from the electrodes to quantify microbial community dynamics. At the upstream site, which had a lower vegetation cover and highest soil temperatures, the poised electrodes inhibited CH4 emissions by ~45% (when normalized to remove temporal effects). CH4 emissions were not significantly impacted at the downstream site. N2/N2O emissions were generally low at both sites and were not impacted by poised electrodes. We did not find a direct link between bioelectrochemical treatment and microbial community membership; however, we did find a correspondence between environment/function and microbial community dynamics

    The Grizzly, September 13, 1985

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    Freshmen Enter on High Note • U.C. Athletes are Scholars Too • New Look Campus • Letter: Enthusiastic USGA Says Be Prepared • Appointed Staff Members • Lentz Discusses Following the Leader • Grants Awarded • R.E.M. Returns With More Confidence • Squeeze Back In • Women\u27s Field Hockey Looking Strong • The Westhead is Dead • Soccer Adds Much Depth • McCloskey: Geared to do a Rambo • Welcome Back Coach • Shorts: Book Sale; Write You Are; Blanche Allen in Communications; Ursinus M.B.A. Gears up for Fall; Special Sirens; Ursinus Professor Attends Marketing Seminar; Chair of Physics Endowed; Ursinus College Receives Wellness Grant • Tannenbaum Wins Writing Honors For Second Yearhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1143/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, February 21, 1986

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    It\u27s Bid Day!: Three Weeks of Frat Pledging get Underway • Suite Living in Reimert • Unique Paper Sculptures get Positive Reactions • Intra-Mural Season Opens • Demerits, Profanity, Attack on Deans Mark Alcohol Policing in the Past • Disease, Dissent, Dissemblance: Mills of Bureaucracy Grind Exceeding Slow, But Grind Old Folks Exceeding Fine • U.C. Hosts MAC Wrestling Tourney • Men\u27s Track: Strong MAC Lineup • Gym Women get Trimmed • Missing Refs, Fan Riot: The Best Game Ever ? • SAC Funds Available • Women\u27s Studies Surveyhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1158/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, March 6, 1987

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    The Bermans: From Pennsburg to Vatican in Search of Beauty • Letters: I\u27ve Been Teaching Creative Writing for Thirty-Five Years, says Dolman; Ashman After Fire Dies Down; Forum Committee Clears Confusion; $10,000 Plus Without Copy Machines; Swimming\u27s Sieracki Steps Out • Pro Theatre to Present Our Town • Sue Ashman Says so Long • Bears Take Third at MAC Championships Best Finish in 38 Years • Women\u27s B-Ball Team Holds Heads High • Men\u27s Indoor Track Goes to Maine • Men Hoopsters Suffer Tough Loss to Washington to End \u2786-\u2787 • Runner Mike Griffin Rises Early to Set Records • Danville\u27s Donahoe Takes Bid to Nationals and Athlete of the Week • McDevitt Leads Swimmers with Performance and Dedication • Athletics and Academics: Far From the Odd Couple at U.C. • Rabble-Rousing Remembrances • College Work Study Vacancies • Ursinus Alumnus Publishes Cat Guide • Montco Science Research Competition at U.C.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1184/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, May 2, 1986

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    Student Health Center • Musser Renovation Hatches U.C. Experiment in International Living • Maintenance Men Injured in Electrical Accident • Letters: Toilet Paper Article Belongs in the Toilet, not the Paper; Theatres Filthy • Schultz and Fletcher Retire After Long Ursinus Careers • Farewell Seniors • The Salinger Myth • Women\u27s Lacrosse Awaits NCAA Bid • Cornbone\u27s Curtain Call • U.C. Hosts MAC\u27s • Men\u27s Lax Ends at .500 • Ursinus Athletic Complex Reigns Supreme in Division III • Profile: Abe Rowson • Goodwin: A Bright Light in the Future of Ursinus Basketball • Costs and Past Vandalism Thwart U.C.\u27s Hosting Big Rock Bands • Briefs: Bear Pit; Happy Hour; Evening School; Radio; Education; Randolphhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1165/thumbnail.jp
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