839 research outputs found

    A Search for 6.7 GHz Methanol Masers in M33

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    We report the negative results from a search for 6.7 GHz methanol masers in the nearby spiral galaxy M33. We observed 14 GMCs in the central 4 kpc of the Galaxy, and found 3 sigma upper limits to the flux density of ~9 mJy in spectral channels having a velocity width of 0.069 km/s. By velocity shifting and combining the spectra from the positions observed, we obtain an effective 3sigma upper limit on the average emission of ~1mJy in a 0.25 km/s channel. These limits lie significantly below what we would expect based on our estimates of the methanol maser luminosity function in the Milky Way. The most likely explanation for the absence of detectable methanol masers appears to be the metallicity of M33, which is modestly less than that of the Milky Way

    Casimir-Polder interaction of fullerene molecules with surfaces

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    We calculate the thermal Casimir--Polder potential of C60 and C70 fullerene molecules near gold and silicon nitride surfaces, motivated by their relevance for molecular matter wave interference experiments. We obtain the coefficients governing the asymptotic power laws of the interaction in the thermal, retarded and nonretarded distance regimes and evaluate the full potential numerically. The interaction is found to be dominated by electronic transitions, and hence independent of the internal temperature of the molecules. The contributions from phonon transitions, which are affected by the molecular temperature, give rise to only a small correction. Moreover, we find that the sizeable molecular line widths of thermal fullerenes may modify the nonretarded interaction, depending on the model used. Detailed measurements of the nonretarded potential of fullerene thus allow one to distinguish between different theories of incorporating damping.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, 9 table

    Scintillation in the Circinus Galaxy water megamasers

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    We present observations of the 22 GHz water vapor megamasers in the Circinus galaxy made with the Tidbinbilla 70m telescope. These observations confirm the rapid variability seen earlier by Greenhill et al (1997). We show that this rapid variability can be explained by interstellar scintillation, based on what is now known of the interstellar scintillation seen in a significant number of flat spectrum AGN. The observed variability cannot be fully described by a simple model of either weak or diffractive scintillation.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. AJ accepte

    A bilateral shear layer between two parallel Couette flows

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    We consider a shear layer of a kind not previously studied to our knowledge. Contrary to the classical free shear layer, the width of the shear zone does not vary in the streamwise direction but rather exhibits a lateral variation. Based on some simplifying assumptions, an analytic solution has been derived for the new shear layer. These assumptions have been justified by a comparison with numerical solutions of the full Navier-Stokes equations, which accord with the analytical solution to better than 1% in the entire domain. An explicit formula is found for the width of the shear zone as a function of wall-normal coordinate. This width is independent of wall velocities in the laminar regime. Preliminary results for a co-current laminar-turbulent shear layer in the same geometry are also presented. Shear-layer instabilities were then developed and resulted in an unsteady mixing zone at the interface between the two co-current streams.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The Arecibo Methanol Maser Galactic Plane Survey - III: Distances and Luminosities

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    We derive kinematic distances to the 86 6.7 GHz methanol masers discovered in the Arecibo Methanol Maser Galactic Plane Survey. The systemic velocities of the sources were derived from 13CO (J=2-1), CS (J=5-4), and NH3 observations made with the ARO Submillimeter Telescope, the APEX telescope, and the Effelsberg 100 m telescope, respectively. Kinematic distance ambiguities were resolved using HI self-absorption with HI data from the VLA Galactic Plane Survey. We observe roughly three times as many sources at the far distance compared to the near distance. The vertical distribution of the sources has a scale height of ~ 30 pc, and is much lower than that of the Galactic thin disk. We use the distances derived in this work to determine the luminosity function of 6.7 GHz maser emission. The luminosity function has a peak at approximately 10^{-6} L_sun. Assuming that this luminosity function applies, the methanol maser population in the Large Magellanic Cloud and M33 is at least 4 and 14 times smaller, respectively, than in our Galaxy.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    Weak and Compact Radio Emission in Early High-Mass Star Forming Regions: I. VLA Observations

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    We present a high sensitivity radio continuum survey at 6 and 1.3 \,cm using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array towards a sample of 58 high-mass star forming regions. Our sample was chosen from dust clumps within infrared dark clouds with and without IR sources (CMC-IRs, CMCs, respectively), and hot molecular cores (HMCs), with no previous, or relatively weak radio continuum detection at the 1 1\,mJy level. Due to the improvement in the continuum sensitivity of the VLA, this survey achieved map rms levels of ∼\sim 3-10 μ\muJy beam−1^{-1} at sub-arcsecond angular resolution. We extracted 70 centimeter continuum sources associated with 1.2 \,mm dust clumps. Most sources are weak, compact, and are prime candidates for high-mass protostars. Detection rates of radio sources associated with the mm dust clumps for CMCs, CMC-IRs and HMCs are 6%\%, 53%\% and 100%\%, respectively. This result is consistent with increasing high-mass star formation activity from CMCs to HMCs. The radio sources located within HMCs and CMC-IRs occur close to the dust clump centers with a median offset from it of 12,000 \,AU and 4,000 \,AU, respectively. We calculated 5 - 25 \,GHz spectral indices using power law fits and obtain a median value of 0.5 (i.e., flux increasing with frequency), suggestive of thermal emission from ionized jets. In this paper we describe the sample, observations, and detections. The analysis and discussion will be presented in Paper II.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ

    Weak and Compact Radio Emission in Early High-Mass Star Forming Regions: II. The Nature of the Radio Sources

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    In this study we analyze 70 radio continuum sources associated with dust clumps and considered to be candidates for the earliest stages of high-mass star formation. The detection of these sources was reported by Rosero et al. (2016), who found most of them to show weak (<{\scriptstyle <}1 mJy) and compact (< {\scriptstyle <}\,0.6′′^{\prime \prime}) radio emission. Herein, we used the observed parameters of these sources to investigate the origin of the radio continuum emission. We found that at least ∼30%\sim 30\% of these radio detections are most likely ionized jets associated with high-mass protostars, but for the most compact sources we cannot discard the scenario that they represent pressure-confined HII regions. This result is highly relevant for recent theoretical models based on core accretion that predict the first stages of ionization from high-mass stars to be in the form of jets. Additionally, we found that properties such as the radio luminosity as a function of the bolometric luminosity of ionized jets from low and high-mass stars are extremely well-correlated. Our data improve upon previous studies by providing further evidence of a common origin for jets independently of luminosity.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Ap

    Ku, kalv og diing - Økobonden sine erfaringar.

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    Only poster shown, no paper in the proceedings. Tips ved separasjon • Separasjon med kontakt men ikkje diing • Gradvis nedtrapping av diing, gi surmjølk i tillegg • Nedtrapping av samvær • Gi kalven ei flaske mjølk før den får kome saman med kua. • Avvend fleire kalver samtidi

    Accurate OH maser positions II. the Galactic Center region

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    We present high spatial resolution observations of ground-state OH masers, achieved using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). These observations were conducted towards 171 pointing centres, where OH maser candidates were identified previously in the Southern Parkes Large-Area Survey in Hydroxyl (SPLASH) towards the Galactic Center region, between Galactic longitudes of 355∘355^{\circ} and 5∘5^{\circ} and Galactic latitudes of −2∘-2^{\circ} and +2∘+2^{\circ}. We detect maser emission towards 162 target fields and suggest that 6 out of 9 non-detections are due to intrinsic variability. Due to the superior spatial resolution of the follow-up ATCA observations, we have identified 356 OH maser sites in the 162 of the target fields with maser detections. Almost half (161 of 356) of these maser sites have been detected for the first time in these observations. After comparing the positions of these 356 maser sites to the literature, we find that 269 (76\%) sites are associated with evolved stars (two of which are planetary nebulae), 31 (9\%) are associated with star formation, four are associated with supernova remnants and we were unable to determine the origin of the remaining 52 (15\%) sites. Unlike the pilot region (\citealt{Qie2016a}), the infrared colors of evolved star sites with symmetric maser profiles in the 1612 MHz transition do not show obvious differences compared with those of evolved star sites with asymmetric maser profiles.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, accepted by ApJ
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