16 research outputs found

    Plant growth promoting rhizobia: challenges and opportunities

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    Identyfikacja odorności genotypów fasoli z Turcji na zgorzel bakteryjną i zarazę

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    Bean diseases caused by different pathogens reduce important yield and quality of beans in different bean growing regions in both Turkey and the other bean producing countries. In the present study, bacterial pathogens in the species of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola (Burkholder) Garden et al. and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Phaseoli (Smith) Vauterin et al. causing economically important disease on bean plants growing in the commercial fields of Erzurum and Erzincan provinces located in the Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey has been isolated and identified. Totally thirty-six bean genotypes and two commercial cultivars commonly grown in the region have been screened for resistance to these pathogens both in greenhouse and field condition during 2001–2002. Disease severity in the field condition reduced seed quality and quantity of bean. Among the thirty-eight genotypes tested, only 36K was found to be resistant to both of the pathogens. Bean diseases caused by different pathogens reduce important yield and quality of beans in different bean growing regions in both Turkey and the other bean producing countries. In the present study, bacterial pathogens in the species of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola (Burkholder) Garden et al. and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Phaseoli (Smith) Vauterin et al. causing economically important disease on bean plants growing in the commercial fields of Erzurum and Erzincan provinces located in the Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey has been isolated and identified. Totally thirty-six bean genotypes and two commercial cultivars commonly grown in the region have been screened for resistance to these pathogens both in greenhouse and field condition during 2001–2002. Disease severity in the field condition reduced seed quality and quantity of bean. Among the thirty-eight genotypes tested, only 36K was found to be resistant to both of the pathogens.Choroby fasoli spowodowane różnymi patogenami zmniejszają plon i jakość fasoli w różnych regionach, gdzie uprawia się tą roślinę, zarówno w Turcji, jak i innych krajach produkujących fasolę. W niniejszym badaniu wyizolowano i zidentyfikowano patogeny bakteryjne u gatunku Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola (Burkholder) Garden et al. and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Phaseoli (Smith) Vauterin et al. powodującego ekonomicznie ważną chorobę roślin fasoli rosnących na polach komercyjnych w prowincjach Erzurum i Erzincan znajdujących się w regionie Wschodniej Anatolii w Turcji. Przebadano ogółem trzydzieści sześć genotypów fasoli oraz dwie odmiany powszechnie uprawiane w tym regionie w latach 2002–2002 pod kątem ich odporności na te patogeny, zarówno w warunkach szklarniowych, jak i polowych. Nasilenie choroby w warunkach polowych zmniejszyło jakość i ilość nasion fasoli. Pośród trzydziestu ośmiu zbadanych genotypów, stwierdzono, że tylko 36K jest odporny na obydwa patogeny

    Identification of bean genotypes from turkey resistance to common bacterial blight and halo blight diseases [Identyfikacja odornosci genotypów fasoli z turcji na zgorzel bakterynja¸ i zaraz?]

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    Bean diseases caused by different pathogens reduce important yield and quality of beans in different bean growing regions in both Turkey and the other bean producing countries. In the present study, bacterial pathogens in the species of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola (Burkholder) Garden et al. and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Phaseoli (Smith) Vauterin et al. causing economically important disease on bean plants growing in the commercial fields of Erzurum and Erzincan provinces located in the Eastern Anatolia region of Turkey has been isolated and identified. Totally thirty-six bean genotypes and two commercial cultivars commonly grown in the region have been screened for resistance to these pathogens both in greenhouse and field condition during 2001-2002. Disease severity in the field condition reduced seed quality and quantity of bean. Among the thirty-eight genotypes tested, only 36K was found to be resistant to both of the pathogens