11 research outputs found

    Amélioration de l'analgésie aprés sternotomie pour chirurgie cardiaque, par des stratégies postopératoires adaptées au patient : perfusion bi-latéro-sternale d'anesthésiques locaux, anti-inflammatoires non-stéroïdiens à dose réduite

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    The treatment of pain after cardiac surgery with sternotomy remains to this day a challenge for the clinician. In these frail patients, non-appropriated pain treatment can alter the postoperative rehabilitation and increase metabolic, immunologic, cardiovascular, respiratory, and psychological postoperative complications. The goal of this clinical research was to evaluate:-the analgesic effects of bi-latero-sternal (BLS) block by a continuous infusion of ropivacaine, -the effect of the BLS block on the length of stay in intensive care and postoperative morbidity in patients with increased respiratory risk,-evaluate the analgesic effect of ketoprofen, the standard non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), at a conventional and reduced dosages.The two techniques were applied during the 48 hours following cardiac surgery.Tested (against placebo) on a standard population, the BLS continuous block decreased pain at mobilisation (dynamic pain) by 41%, decreased pain at rest, and morphine consumption (by 40%). It allowed an earlier postoperative first dietary and oral medication intake, earlier mobilisation and a greater patients’ satisfaction. On the other hand, it did not show any significant improvement of respiratory parameters (spirometry and arterial blood gases).Tested against a standard treatment in patients with increased respiratory risk, the BLS block did not reduce the length of stay in intensive care and in hospital, but it had beneficial effects on dynamic pain, patients’ satisfaction, the incidence of nausea/vomiting and of postoperative delirium. A benefit in economics terms is suggested by a secondary analysis.Tested against placebo in a low-risk population, the use of ketoprofen in full dose regimen, reduced pain at mobilisation and at rest, without increasing renal adverse effects or bleeding (as it could be feared with NSAIDs). We missed to demonstrate the ketoprofen efficacy at reduced doses. Ketoprofen may be recommended on a low-risk population, while it is insufficiently prescribed so far. The study of protocols using a reduced dosage potentiated by a loading dose is suggested.Le traitement de la douleur aprĂšs chirurgie cardiaque avec sternotomie reste Ă  ce jour un dĂ©fi pour le clinicien. Chez ces patients Ă  risque, une prise en charge non adaptĂ©e de la douleur peut altĂ©rer la rĂ©habilitation postopĂ©ratoire et majorer les complications mĂ©taboliques, immunologiques, cardiovasculaires, respiratoires, ou psychiques de la chirurgie. L’objectif de ce travail de recherche clinique en chirurgie cardiaque Ă©tait : 1) d’évaluer les effets analgĂ©siques d’une anesthĂ©sie locorĂ©gionale continue par un bloc bi-latĂ©ro-sternal (bloc BLS) par perfusion continue de ropivacaĂŻne,2) d’évaluer l’effet du bloc BLS sur la durĂ©e de sĂ©jour en rĂ©animation et morbiditĂ© postopĂ©ratoire, chez les patients prĂ©sentant un risque respiratoire accru, 3) d’évaluer l’effet analgĂ©sique d’un antiinflammatoire non stĂ©roĂŻdien (AINS) de rĂ©fĂ©rence, le kĂ©toprofĂšne, Ă  une posologie conventionnelle et des posologies rĂ©duites. Les deux techniques Ă©taient appliquĂ©es pendant les 48 heures suivant la chirurgie cardiaque.TestĂ© (contre placebo) sur une population standard, le bloc BLS continu diminue de 41% la douleur Ă  la mobilisation (dynamique), diminue la douleur au repos et la consommation de morphine (d’environ 40%). Il permet une reprise plus prĂ©coce de l’alimentation et du traitement per os, une mobilisation plus prĂ©coce et une plus grande satisfaction des patients. En revanche, il ne permet pas une amĂ©lioration des paramĂštres respiratoires (spiromĂ©trie et gaz du sang artĂ©riel). TestĂ© (contre une prise en charge standard) sur une population Ă  risque respiratoire accru, contrairement aux attentes, il ne rĂ©duit pas la durĂ©e de sĂ©jour en rĂ©animation et Ă  l’hĂŽpital, mais il a des effets bĂ©nĂ©fiques sur la douleur dynamique, la satisfaction des patients, l’incidence de nausĂ©es/vomissements et de troubles neurologiques de type confusionnel. Un bĂ©nĂ©fice en termes mĂ©dico-Ă©conomique est suggĂ©rĂ© par une analyse secondaire. TestĂ© (contre placebo) sur une population Ă  faible risque, l’utilisation du kĂ©toprofĂšne en plein dose permet de rĂ©duire la douleur dynamique et au repos, sans augmentation des effets indĂ©sirables rĂ©naux et hĂ©morragiques, habituellement craints avec les AINS. Bien que les arguments manquent pour pouvoir utiliser des posologies rĂ©duites, le kĂ©toprofĂšne peut nĂ©anmoins ĂȘtre conseillĂ© chez ce type de patients, alors qu’il est Ă  ce jour insuffisamment prescrit. L’étude de protocoles d’administration utilisant des posologies rĂ©duites potentialisĂ©es par une dose de charge est suggĂ©rĂ©e

    Improvement of postoperative analgesia after heart surgery with sternotomy by patient-adapted strategies : bi-latero-sternal perfusion of local anaesthetics and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs at low doses

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    Le traitement de la douleur aprĂšs chirurgie cardiaque avec sternotomie reste Ă  ce jour un dĂ©fi pour le clinicien. Chez ces patients Ă  risque, une prise en charge non adaptĂ©e de la douleur peut altĂ©rer la rĂ©habilitation postopĂ©ratoire et majorer les complications mĂ©taboliques, immunologiques, cardiovasculaires, respiratoires, ou psychiques de la chirurgie. L’objectif de ce travail de recherche clinique en chirurgie cardiaque Ă©tait : 1) d’évaluer les effets analgĂ©siques d’une anesthĂ©sie locorĂ©gionale continue par un bloc bi-latĂ©ro-sternal (bloc BLS) par perfusion continue de ropivacaĂŻne,2) d’évaluer l’effet du bloc BLS sur la durĂ©e de sĂ©jour en rĂ©animation et morbiditĂ© postopĂ©ratoire, chez les patients prĂ©sentant un risque respiratoire accru, 3) d’évaluer l’effet analgĂ©sique d’un antiinflammatoire non stĂ©roĂŻdien (AINS) de rĂ©fĂ©rence, le kĂ©toprofĂšne, Ă  une posologie conventionnelle et des posologies rĂ©duites. Les deux techniques Ă©taient appliquĂ©es pendant les 48 heures suivant la chirurgie cardiaque.TestĂ© (contre placebo) sur une population standard, le bloc BLS continu diminue de 41% la douleur Ă  la mobilisation (dynamique), diminue la douleur au repos et la consommation de morphine (d’environ 40%). Il permet une reprise plus prĂ©coce de l’alimentation et du traitement per os, une mobilisation plus prĂ©coce et une plus grande satisfaction des patients. En revanche, il ne permet pas une amĂ©lioration des paramĂštres respiratoires (spiromĂ©trie et gaz du sang artĂ©riel). TestĂ© (contre une prise en charge standard) sur une population Ă  risque respiratoire accru, contrairement aux attentes, il ne rĂ©duit pas la durĂ©e de sĂ©jour en rĂ©animation et Ă  l’hĂŽpital, mais il a des effets bĂ©nĂ©fiques sur la douleur dynamique, la satisfaction des patients, l’incidence de nausĂ©es/vomissements et de troubles neurologiques de type confusionnel. Un bĂ©nĂ©fice en termes mĂ©dico-Ă©conomique est suggĂ©rĂ© par une analyse secondaire. TestĂ© (contre placebo) sur une population Ă  faible risque, l’utilisation du kĂ©toprofĂšne en plein dose permet de rĂ©duire la douleur dynamique et au repos, sans augmentation des effets indĂ©sirables rĂ©naux et hĂ©morragiques, habituellement craints avec les AINS. Bien que les arguments manquent pour pouvoir utiliser des posologies rĂ©duites, le kĂ©toprofĂšne peut nĂ©anmoins ĂȘtre conseillĂ© chez ce type de patients, alors qu’il est Ă  ce jour insuffisamment prescrit. L’étude de protocoles d’administration utilisant des posologies rĂ©duites potentialisĂ©es par une dose de charge est suggĂ©rĂ©e.The treatment of pain after cardiac surgery with sternotomy remains to this day a challenge for the clinician. In these frail patients, non-appropriated pain treatment can alter the postoperative rehabilitation and increase metabolic, immunologic, cardiovascular, respiratory, and psychological postoperative complications. The goal of this clinical research was to evaluate:- the analgesic effects of bi-latero-sternal (BLS) block by a continuous infusion of ropivacaine, - the effect of the BLS block on the length of stay in intensive care and postoperative morbidity in patients with increased respiratory risk,- evaluate the analgesic effect of ketoprofen, the standard non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), at a conventional and reduced dosages.The two techniques were applied during the 48 hours following cardiac surgery.Tested (against placebo) on a standard population, the BLS continuous block decreased pain at mobilisation (dynamic pain) by 41%, decreased pain at rest, and morphine consumption (by 40%). It allowed an earlier postoperative first dietary and oral medication intake, earlier mobilisation and a greater patients’ satisfaction. On the other hand, it did not show any significant improvement of respiratory parameters (spirometry and arterial blood gases).Tested against a standard treatment in patients with increased respiratory risk, the BLS block did not reduce the length of stay in intensive care and in hospital, but it had beneficial effects on dynamic pain, patients’ satisfaction, the incidence of nausea/vomiting and of postoperative delirium. A benefit in economics terms is suggested by a secondary analysis.Tested against placebo in a low-risk population, the use of ketoprofen in full dose regimen, reduced pain at mobilisation and at rest, without increasing renal adverse effects or bleeding (as it could be feared with NSAIDs). We missed to demonstrate the ketoprofen efficacy at reduced doses. Ketoprofen may be recommended on a low-risk population, while it is insufficiently prescribed so far. The study of protocols using a reduced dosage potentiated by a loading dose is suggested

    Local Anesthetic Diffusion of Bilateral Sternal Block After Cardiac Surgery

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    Analgésie post-opératoire en chirurgie cardiaque (effet de l'administration continue de ropivacaïne par cathéter multiperforé bi-latérosternal aprÚs sternotomie)

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    La douleur post-opĂ©ratoire aprĂšs sternotomie en chirurgie cardiaque est surtout prĂ©sente Ă  la mobilisation du patient, lors d'effort de toux ou pendant les soins. Elle peut ĂȘtre source d'inconfort, et responsable d'une morbiditĂ© non nĂ©gligeable, surtout au niveau respiratoire. Le but de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d'Ă©valuer l'efficacitĂ© sur la douleur Ă  la mobilisation d'une technique d'analgĂ©sie loco-rĂ©gionale, par cathĂ©ter multiperforĂ© bi-latĂ©rosternal, placĂ© au niveau de l'Ă©mergence antĂ©rieur des nerfs intercostaux, avec perfusion continue de ropivacaĂŻne. Il s'agit d'une Ă©tude prospective, randomisĂ©e, contrĂŽlĂ©e, monocentrique, en double aveugle. Deux groupes de 20 patients comparant la perfusion continue de ropivacaĂŻne 2mg/ml Ă  la vitesse de 4ml/heure par cathĂ©ter multiperforĂ© bi-latĂ©rosternal, pendant 48 heures, contre placebo. Le critĂšre principal d'Ă©valuation est la mesure de l'EVA Ă  la 24Ăšme heure postopĂ©ratoire, lors de la prise de PVC. On note une efficacitĂ© globale sur la douleur Ă  la mobilisation, avec une diminution significative du nombre d'Ă©vĂšnements douloureux sĂ©vĂšres, une diminution de la consommation totale de morphine, une amĂ©lioration de la satisfaction et du confort des patients. Il existe une tendance nette mais non significative Ă  une diminution de l'EVA Ă  la mobilisation Ă  la 24Ăšme heure. En revanche, aucun effet retrouvĂ© sur la fonction respiratoire. Notre travail montre une efficacitĂ© de cette nouvelle technique d'analgĂ©sie loco-rĂ©gionale sur la douleur Ă  la mobilisation, et pourrait ĂȘtre proposĂ©e aux patients de chirurgie cardiaque dans le cadre d'une prise en charge multi-modale de la douleur postopĂ©ratoire.CLERMONT FD-BCIU-SantĂ© (631132104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Transcultural adaptation and French validation of the Pain Sensitivity Questionnaire.

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    International audienceTo validate a French translation of the Pain Sensitivity Questionnaire (PSQ), which is a valuable tool to predict an individual's natural disposition to feel pain that could be used after surgery

    Clinical outcomes of tricuspid valve repair accompanying left-sided heart disease

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    International audienceClinical outcomes of tricuspid valve repair accompanying left-sided heart diseas

    Additional file 1 of Prevention of post-operative delirium using an overnight infusion of dexmedetomidine in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a pragmatic, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

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    Additional file 1. Table S1. Minimum and maximum dose of dexmedetomidine and its corresponding placebo administered every night (from 8 pm to 8 am) from Day 0 to Day 7. Table S2. All concomitant treatments administered from inclusion to Day 7 in both groups. Table S3. Main reason why CAM-ICU assessment and sleep quality evaluation were not performed or missing from Day 1 to Day 7. Table S4. Comparison of dexmedetomidine versus placebo on secondary outcomes: daily evaluation of sleep quality. Data are expressed as median and IQR. Table S5. Comparison of dexmedetomidine versus placebo on secondary outcomes: detailed sections of LSEQ during the 7 days of observation. Data are expressed as median and IQR. Table S6. Baseline creatinine level and daily renal component of the SOFA (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment) score. Table S7. Preplanned sub-group analysis for the primary outcome. Occurrence of PoD within the 7 days after surgery are expressed as number (%). Appendix 1. The cognitive failures questionnaire. Appendix 2. The PCL-5 standard form checklist. Appendix 3. The Leeds Sleep Evaluation Questionnaire (LSEQ). Each item is rated from -5 to +5. Negative score corresponded to negative effects on sleep quality

    Multicentre, open-label, randomised, controlled clinical trial comparing 2% chlorhexidine-70% isopropanol and 5% povidone iodine-69% ethanol for skin antisepsis in reducing surgical-site infection after cardiac surgery: the CLEAN 2 study protocol.

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    International audienceSurgical-site infection (SSI) is the second most frequent cause of healthcare-associated infection worldwide and is associated with increased morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs. Cardiac surgery is clean surgery with low incidence of SSI, ranging from 2% to 5%, but with potentially severe consequences.Perioperative skin antisepsis with an alcohol-based antiseptic solution is recommended to prevent SSI, but the superiority of chlorhexidine (CHG)-alcohol over povidone iodine (PVI)-alcohol, the two most common alcohol-based antiseptic solutions used worldwide, is controversial. We aim to evaluate whether 2% CHG-70% isopropanol is more effective than 5% PVI-69% ethanol in reducing the incidence of reoperation after cardiac surgery

    Prevention of post-operative delirium using an overnight infusion of dexmedetomidine in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a pragmatic, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

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    International audienceBackground: After cardiac surgery, post-operative delirium (PoD) is acknowledged to have a significant negative impact on patient outcome. To date, there is no valuable and specific treatment for PoD. Critically ill patients often suffer from poor sleep condition. There is an association between delirium and sleep quality after cardiac surgery. This study aimed to establish whether promoting sleep using an overnight infusion of dexmedetomidine reduces the incidence of delirium after cardiac surgery.Methods: Randomized, pragmatic, multicentre, double-blind, placebo controlled trial from January 2019 to July 2021. All adult patients aged 65 years or older requiring elective cardiac surgery were randomly assigned 1:1 either to the dexmedetomidine group or the placebo group on the day of surgery. Dexmedetomidine or matched placebo infusion was started the night after surgery from 8 pm to 8 am and administered every night while the patient remained in ICU, or for a maximum of 7 days. Primary outcome was the occurrence of postoperative delirium (PoD) within the 7 days after surgery.Results: A total of 348 patients provided informed consent, of whom 333 were randomized: 331 patients underwent surgery and were analysed (165 assigned to dexmedetomidine and 166 assigned to placebo). The incidence of PoD was not significantly different between the two groups (12.6% vs. 12.4%, p = 0.97). Patients treated with dexmedetomidine had significantly more hypotensive events (7.3% vs 0.6%; p < 0.01). At 3 months, functional outcomes (Short-form 36, Cognitive failure questionnaire, PCL-5) were comparable between the two groups.Conclusion: In patients recovering from an elective cardiac surgery, an overnight infusion of dexmedetomidine did not decrease postoperative delirium. Trial registration This trial was registered on ClinicalTrials.gov (number: NCT03477344; date: 26th March 2018)